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现代简约装修设计说明1现代简约装修设计说明1 设计说明 1项目概况 1.1工程名称 本案教职工宿舍,坐落于某区,东临国家级自然风景名胜区,环境优美,风景宜人,附近就有新建成的体育馆,地理位置相当优越,周边的交通便利。放眼望去连绵山脉,宛若置身于一片净土之中。周边都是大学,学习氛围很浓,为孩子提供一个好的教育和锻炼的环境。周边有村庄,乡土气息也很浓,空气清新,很符合现代人对家居环境的要求。 1.2 项目规模 本案是B1户型,一套四室两厅两卫的居室,套型建筑面积140多平方米,使用面积约116平方米。 1.3 业主要求 根据虚拟业主的要...
现代简约装修设计1 设计说明 1项目概况 1.1工程名称 本案教职工宿舍,坐落于某区,东临国家级自然风景名胜区,环境优美,风景宜人,附近就有新建成的体育馆,地理位置相当优越,周边的交通便利。放眼望去连绵山脉,宛若置身于一片净土之中。周边都是大学,学习氛围很浓,为孩子提供一个好的教育和锻炼的环境。周边有村庄,乡土气息也很浓,空气清新,很符合现代人对家居环境的要求。 1.2 项目规模 本案是B1户型,一套四室两厅两卫的居室,套型建筑面积140多平方米,使用面积约116平方米。 1.3 业主要求 根据虚拟业主的要求,设计风格以现代简约风格的表现形式为主。业主是一对年轻夫妇,有一个上小学的孩子,户主是大学教师,妻子是美容化妆师。根据与业主的沟通交流,决定将本案定为现代简约风格,要稳重大气,同时还要现代时尚,经济实用和装饰效果同样关注。他们也给孩子的房间单独做一个设计。以孩子喜欢的颜色为主色调设计,同时要满足孩子的学习和创造性思想发挥。 特别要求是本案中的客房是主要是为主人的父母准备的,父母年纪较大,因此客房的设计比较温馨,简单,素雅。装饰材料主要以乳胶漆和壁纸为主。 1.4 经济投入 男主人是大学教师,女主人是化妆师,都有固定的经济来源,收入比较高,对于此次装修准备在十五万左右,现代人对家居环境要求日益提高,要求绿色家居,低碳生活, 节能,环保。 2设计说明 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 2.1 户型分析 优点: 1. 本户型的流线较为简单、实用。餐厅、客厅、过道空间形成独立却又完整空间,空间功能分布合理。 2 各个房间动静分区较为合理。 3 主卧、客厅、儿童房的采光比较好,客厅有个大阳台,相当惬意。 缺点: 1. 次卫门洞位置不合理,一定程度上影响了餐厅的功能,其位置与流线方向不是很附和,一定程度妨碍流线顺畅。 2. 厨房间敲掉部分墙面,扩大门洞,更有利于采光。 3. 书房空间过大,缺少储藏间存放反季节的衣物以及各种藏品等。 4. 主卫门洞位置设计不合理,使用面积较小。 改造: 1. 卫生间将门洞设在进门口处,使卫生间与客厅的流线顺畅;同时将里面的半墙敲掉,利于采光。 2. 书房部分作为储藏间,扩大主卫空间;更好的保护隐私,也改变客卧的开门位置。 3. 主卫的马桶、洗手台位置要进行管道的改造。 2.2设计定位 2.2.1 设计理念提炼 任何设计风格的定位,首先就是要满足的是业主的生活需要,即“实用”,其次才是展现品位及满足审美要求。现代简约风格是化繁为简、型随机能,简单中求艺术,使设计变得简约而不简单。 现代化的生活步伐,是人身心具疲,渴望在家找到温馨、自由,不受束缚的感觉,现代简约是不错的选择:简约家居、低碳生活。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 2.2.2 设计的主要着力点 简洁和实用是现代简约风格的两个基本特点。简约装修是比较实用的装修,它不仅可以缓解现代生活所带来的生活压力,用较少的钱获得自己满意的装修方案。此外,现代人对家居节能环保要求日益提高,要绿色家居,低碳生活。另外简约风格方便日后的再装修。 2.2.3 设计风格 现代简约风格设计定位:家是心灵的港湾。随着人们在旅游中感受到简约的魅力,“简约但并不简单的装饰风格”。当疲惫的身心对家的依恋越发强烈,人们想要的是轻松、自由的环境,“现代简约风格”自然就成为家居设计的一种风尚。注重大小色块间的组合,地域性的后期配饰融入设计风格之中。 简约,不简单走进现代简约风格家居。现代人面临着城市的喧嚣和污染,激烈的竞争压力,还有忙碌的工作和紧张的生活。因而,更加向往清新自然、随意的居室环境。越来越多的都市人开始摒弃繁缛豪华的装修,力求拥有一种自然简约的居室空间。 此居室整体采用中性色调,稳重,大气,却又不失品位,有令人眼前一亮的感觉。最重要的是强调功能性设计,线条简约流畅,色彩对比强烈,这是现代风格家具的特点。此外,大量使用茶镜、条纹壁纸等材料作为辅材,也是现代风格家居风格的主要装修材料,能给人带来现代、时尚,大气的感觉。由于装饰元素少,以软装去营造家居空间,要给居室留下变换的空间,与现代风格的硬装进行完美的配合,才能显示出美感。例如沙发需要靠枕、茶几需要地毯、餐桌需要餐布、床需要窗帘和床单陪衬等,软装搭配是现代风格家具装饰的重点。 2.3 空间及功能 2.3.1 门厅 入口门厅玄关是一个缓冲过渡地段。虽然是居室空间中狭小的一角,却对整个居室的风格起着至关重要的作用。玄关是反映主任文化气质的脸面,是给客人第一印象的关键所在,必须精心设计。玄关因地制宜,可大可小,可繁可简,但绝不能可有可无。此处的灯光也应该有足够的照度。本案根据要求就在玄关处简A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 单的放了一个鞋柜。 2.3.2 客厅 客厅作为家庭生活活动区域之一,它既是全家活动、娱乐、休闲、团聚、就餐等活动场所,又是接待客人对外联系交往的社会活动空间,是家居生活的核心区域,又是接待客人的社交场所,是住宅空间的中心首脑和对外的一个窗口。因此,客厅装修是整个家庭装修的重点。 由于有了重点的电视背景墙,所以其他地方的装饰可以简单点。但会客区的沙发作用很重要,他的造型和颜色会直接影响到客厅的风格。 本案电视背景墙的设计是整个住宅空间的亮点,运用了茶镜、石膏板、乳胶漆、条纹壁纸装饰材料,简单的装饰材料,营造出现代化空间。另一个亮点就是客厅,餐厅过道的吊顶,相互呼应,又运用了茶镜作为装饰吊顶的一种手段。 色彩作为装饰手段,墙面色彩因能改变居室的外观与格调而受到重视。色彩不占用居室空间,不受空间结构的限制,运用方便灵活,最能体现居住者的个性风格。本案色彩的运用(除儿童房)以黑白灰咖啡色为主,稳重大气、品位高雅、对比平衡、对称呼应,主色调与整体空间环境和谐统一。正确运用色彩,可以改善居住条件色彩是表达情感的一种语言,它所表达的是一种人类内心中的某些极为复杂的感受。色彩被称作是室内设计的“灵魂”。它是室内设计中最为生动、最为活跃的因素,具有举足轻重的地位。成功的色彩设计是既能满足大家的审美要求又是居住者的个性表达。 2.3.3 餐厅 餐厅的环境设计重要的就是就餐环境的营造,实际风格要与整个居室风格一致协调。就餐环境的色彩设置,对人们的就餐心理影响很大。一是食物的色彩能影响人的食欲,二是餐厅环境的色彩也能影响人的食欲。餐厅的色彩因个人爱好和性格不同而有较大的差异。其他的软装饰品入挂画,可灵活安排但不可喧宾夺主,以免显得杂乱无章。本案的餐厅设计亮点便是喷花茶镜,以及吊顶。与客厅的设计合二为一,相互呼应。还运用两幅现代挂画,更符合现代人的审美品位。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 2.3.4 厨房 现代化的厨房是家庭装修的重要组成部分,是制作食品的场所。光线充足、通风良好、环境洁净和使用方便是现代化厨房的装修基本要求。颜色的选择以清洁、卫生为主。本案设计的厨房,为了更加合理,采光更好,敲掉了部分墙面,扩大门洞面积。顶面采用铝扣板集成吊顶,橱柜选用樱花整体橱柜,更好的打造了一个现代化的厨房空间。 2.3.5 卫生间 卫生间是家庭成员进行个人卫生的重要场所,是具有便溺和清洗双重功能的特定环境,实用性强,利用率高,应该合理巧妙的利用每一寸面积。卫生间虽小,但也应讲究协调、规整。洁具“三大件”色彩必须选择一致。本案设计的两个卫生间,都做了些改动。次卫生间改变了门洞位置,敲掉了内部半墙,主卫扩大了卫生间面积,改变门洞位置,从主卧室进入主卫空间。更加合理化了卫浴空间。我们主要选择了TOTO的卫浴品牌,因为口碑比较好,他是一条龙服务的还有很长一段时间的保修期。由于业主要求,主次卫生间都用了浴缸,二并未用淋浴房。 2.3.6 卧室 卧室是不仅是睡眠休息的地方,而且是最具隐私性的空间,特别是主卧。本案主卧的设计,将其与客厅、餐厅协调统一起来,床头背景都运用了茶镜,壁纸等材料。从而营造一个现代化的主卧空间。儿童房的设计主要是蓝调,简单,舒适。蓝色的沙发床,蓝色的壁纸和木质的书桌,给孩子创造了一个舒适的学习和休闲的空间。客卧的设计,主要以乳胶漆,壁纸,石膏线条为只要装饰材料。 2.3.7书房 书房作为人们阅读、书写及业余学习、研究工作的空间,他是作为个人而设的私人世界,是最能表现居住着习性,爱好和品位专长的场所。随着生活品味的A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 提高,书房已经是许多家庭居室中的重要组成部分。书房设计要以舒适宁静为原则。本案设计的书房亮点就是顶面的圆形石膏线条,白色的石膏线条和黑色的现代吸顶灯,黑色的条纹壁纸及斑马挂画,整体融为一体,创造了一个现代化的工作、阅读空间。 2.3.8 阳台 阳台是室内与室外之间的一个过渡空间,是用于通风、采光、纳凉、晒衣、晒物放植物等的地方。在阳台上,既可以坐在休闲椅上喝茶聊天,也可以晾晒衣物、养花种草,享受悠闲自然的生活情调。本案阳台装饰材料的选用应该与客厅不同的仿古砖,用来区分空间。部分墙面使用墙砖,剩余墙面和顶部一般使用内墙乳胶漆,乳胶漆品种和款式要与客厅、主卧相符。 近年来,随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断地提高,人们越来越注重家庭装修,但随之而来的装修污染问题也日益严峻。在室内摆放绿色植物则可以在很大程度上吸收室内污染物,净化空气污染,改善室内环境。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204
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