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2012高考英语复习资料之难点讲解大全难点26斤斤计较的数字计算题(可编辑)2012高考英语复习资料之难点讲解大全难点26斤斤计较的数字计算题(可编辑) 专题26 斤斤计较的数字计算题 数字计算题往往涉及多处信息,这就要求学生要处处留心、斤斤 计较,方能解答正确。 ?难点磁场 A The Grange 15 Lamb’s Mews London SW19 1PF 19th January Dear Ms Hawthorne I am writing to express my disappointment with the evening my wife and I spent ...
2012高考英语复习资料之难点讲解大全难点26斤斤计较的数字计算(可编辑) 专题26 斤斤计较的数字 数字计算题往往涉及多处信息,这就要求学生要处处留心、斤斤 计较,方能解答正确。 ?难点磁场 A The Grange 15 Lamb’s Mews London SW19 1PF 19th January Dear Ms Hawthorne I am writing to express my disappointment with the evening my wife and I spent at your restaurant two nights ago.While the food was,as usual,very good,I regret to inform you that the service from our waiter,,was most unsatisfactory. First of all,when we arrived,we discovered our table overlooking the garden had been given away to some other customers.The new table we finally received was by the door and when I complained, just laughed. Furthermore,as we were sitting down,he was extremely familiar with my wife,which deeply made her uncomfortable.When our meal came,he served the food casually and at the end cleared the plates in a most rude fashion. Regarding the payment of service,I noticed your menu which says that the matter of rewarding service is at the willingness of the guest.In addition,I should point out that on other occasions I have left at least 12 percent.This time,I felt right in leaving nothing. I regret having to write this letter,but as a regular customer I am extremely displeased and did not expect to be treated in this manner.I look forward to hearing from you with a satisfactory reply,or,if you prefer,we could meet in person to resolve this matter. Yours sincerely, Rupert Metcalf 1.????Mr Metcalf had dinner in the restaurant on ________. A.16th January B.17th January C.18th January D.19th January 2.How many complaints does Mr Metcalf have in his letter? //0>..C.Four D.Six. B Have you ever noticed,when looking at a map of the world ,that the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa look as though they might fit together?If you have,you are not alone,In 1965 the English scientist Sir Edward Bullard used a computer to test the fit of the two continents and found that at an ocean depth of 2000 metres the match was very close indeed. It seems too remarkable to be possible,but there is a lot of evidence证据 to suggest that Africa was once joined to South America.For example,there is a belt of ancient rocks along the east coast of Brazil which is similar to the rocks across the South Atlantic in West Africa. There is further evidence that existing land masses were once linked.The remains of a 400-to-500-million-year-old mountain chain has been found running down the eastern part of Greenland,western Scandinavia,and through north-west Scotland and Ireland,into western Canada, eventually finding their way to north-west Africa. Then there is the evidence from life itself.In various parts of the world today the same animals and plants can be found on land masses separated by,in some cases,thousands of miles of oceans.Did they develop at the same time in two different places?It seems unlikely.Biologists believe that there must have been land bridges which have now sunk beneath the sea.Also fossils化石 found in sedimentary rocks fossils are the preserved remains of life forms have allowed geologists to trace the same plants from South America,and Antarctica北极 in rocks perhaps 300 million years old. The ice that is now confined to限制 the polar regions(北 极或南极地区has not always been so limited in extent.Indeed,during a period of the Earth’s history known as the permocarboniferous age二叠石炭纪 about 250~350 million years ago there is evidence from the rocks that there were glaciers covering South America,parts of Africa,India,Australia,as well as Antarctica.On the other hand,in the northern hemisphere北半球,there were deserts.If the continents sparead out as they are today,it is hard to understand how this could be. So there is considerable evidence to show whole continents moved apart,and naturally many people have tried to discover how and why whole land masses moved. 3.?????How many proofs does the author give in the passage? A.3B.6. C.4 D.7. C The outburst of joy at the success of China’s national football team in reaching the World Cup finals easily matched the scenes of celebration which attended Beijing’s Olympic bid win. It’s little surprise:football fans had waited 44 years for that moment?three times longer than the seemingly endless World Trade Organization negotiations谈判! The 53-year-old Serb coach教练 Bora Milutinovic is regarded now as nothing less than a saviour by football fans used to years of broken dreams and bitter setbacks. Best known to fans as Milu,he has been believed by many with playing a major role in helping the Chinese team win its tickets to the 2002 World Cup being co-hosted by South Korea and Japan. Having already guided Mexico,Costa Rica,Nigeria and the United States to the World Cup finals,Bora Milutinovic managed to continue his winning streak in China.He made it clear however last Friday in Shenyang Wulihe Stadium that he preferred not to be seen as a miracle worker. Before guiding the Chinese team to the finals,Milu was one of only two coaches in the world to take four national sides to the final stages.The other one is Carlos Alberto Parreir.Milu however is the only man to take all for teams to the second round of the finals.And now he was gone on better taking the fifth team to the finals. 4.????The negotiation of China’s entering the WTO has lasted about ________ years. A.44.B.15.C.22. D.10 ?案例探究 1. JULY MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ms. Rossi owns the Roadside Motel汽车游客旅馆,which has 50 units.She wishes to keep a handy record of the number of units occupied住房,占有.To do this she uses a calendar and writes the number of units occupied in a small box in the upper right-hand comer of each date.The following questions are based on the occupancy rate for July. 1.The total number of units occupied during the week of July 14 through July 20 was ______. A.240B.239 C.244D.234 2.The average occupancy rate for Thursday was ________. A.27 B.31C.29 D.28 3.Ms. Rossi regards a 90% occupancy rate as excellent.On how many days during the month did the Roadside Motel have a 90% or better rate of occupancy? A.5. B.4.C.6. D.1. 命题意图:考查学生的观察能力、综合运用多条信息进行数据处 理的能力。属五星级题目。 错解分析:(1)读图不仔细;(2)对文章和题干中的关键词汇把握 不准确。 解题方法与技巧:(1)仔细阅读本文的文字说明部分,准确把握图 表内容;(2)仔细分析题干,抓牢关键词。(3)根据“She uses a calendar and writes the number of units occupied in a small box in the upper right-hand corner of each date”,可知第1题 做法为:将7月14日~20日之间的数量相加;第2题做法是:将星期四 的总数相加再取平均;根据“Which has 50 units”,和题干的第一句 话,可知第3题的做法为:50×90%45,从表中选取大于或等于45的数 目,可推出。 答案:1.D 2.A3.B 2.“Let’s go down one more,push your enter key…”says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web session on the Internet. David Lansdale has found a way to light up the lives of the elderly.He gets them wired to the Internet.“If you hit your enter key,it will bring up this particular e-mail…” Pauline Allen is one of those who has started using the Internet.“I thought I was through with life,I was ready for a rocking chair,because I was 86 years old.And I haven’t found the rocking chair yet.”“You found the keyboard?”asks the reporter.“That’s right,I found the keyboard.” The average age of Lansdale’s students is around 68.All are in nursing or assisted care homes.He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web. David Lansdale says,“Here they are in California,the family was back in New York,the opportunity to connect,to cross the time and space,was incredibly precious opportunity to them.” “I hear you are so beautiful.” Lillian Sher writes an e-mail to a newborn greatgranddaughter. Working with one another,the senior learn as a group.They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized:loneliness,helplessness,boredom, and loss of memory. Mary Harvey says,“Bingo just doesn’t interest me.But this does,believe me,this does.” Ninety-four year old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor.She says,“When I send a letter to my grandchildren,and great grandchildren,they hang it up in their offices,just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator.Ha,ha.” David Lansdale says,“There’s a collective benefit.There is an element of treatment.Remember we started as a support group.” Dixon Moorehouse says,“I just wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this.”The senior call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live.And many say the meetings have given them new life. Ruth Hyman says,“Three years ago,they told me I wasn’t going to live.But I showed them,and got work,and I’ve worked ever since.” 4.How many examples does the writer give to prove that the senior enjoy the Internet? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. 命题意图:考查学生阅读理解和推理判断的能力。属四星级题目。 错解分析:此题错答C项的学生很多。错误原因主要在于太过粗 心而造成的重复计数。 解题方法与技巧:(1)通读全文,理解文章大意,弄清文中众多的 人物及其语言。(2)文章主要讲述老年人学习上网的情况,其中David Lansdale是这一活动的举办者,不应算在本题所要求的数目之内,末 段的Ruth Hyman前文已经出现,不应重复计数,故文章中所列实例分 别是:Pauline Allen、Lillian Sher、Mary Harvey、Ruth Hyman和 Dixon Moorehouse共五人。 答案:B ?锦囊妙计 1.上下文统筹又兼顾,阅读仔细又周到。 2.题干研读需细心,关键词汇要抓牢。 3.图表不放过,文字更重要。 4.切忌重复计数或丢三落四。 ?歼灭难点训练 A China recorded fewer traffic accidents in 2001 than in 2000 and a lower going continued in January this year. The traffic accidents in 2001 totaled 270 000 fewer by 20 000 than in 2000. But the number of the dead for 2001 was 54 000, an increase of 1 000 from the year before. The increase was not as slow as that in recent years. A government official said in Beijing yesterday that 3 821 persons were killed in highway traffic accidents last month, a drop of 12.8 percent from January 2001. He also said there were 21 201 traffic accidents in the first month of the year, 10.1 percent fewer than January last year, and 11 700 people injured. The traffic accidents last year caused a loss worth 27.32 million ?yuan,? about 2.9 million US dollars. Economic Daily also said 170 000 persons were injured in the traffic accidents in 2001, fewer by 10 000 than in 2000From China Daily, February 16, 2002 1.????In 2000 the total number of the traffic accidents was ________. A.20 000B.250 000 C.290 000 D.310 000 2.????In 2000 ________ persons were killed in the traffic accidents. A.1 000B.53 000C.54 000D.55 000 3.????Which is true according to the news report? A.The traffic accidents in 2002 will go up continuously. B.Economic Daily said the traffic accidents caused a loss worth 2.9 million US dollars in 2000. C.In January 2002, there were 3 821 highway traffic accidents. D.There were more traffic accidents in January 2001 than in January 2002. B Microwaves that transmit television signals always travel in straight lines. Because the earth is round, it is impossible to send live television over a long distance. For example, if we tried to send television signals directly from Europe to America, the microwaves carrying the signals would shoot into space over the Atlantic and would never reach America. If we want to send television signals around the surface of the earth, we must send them from point to point by the relay system. On land we can set up relay stations转播站) for this purpose, and we can pass signals from station to station in a series of straight lines. However, we cannot do this so easily over water. In order to send pictures directly across the Atlantic, for example, we would need to build a chain of relay stations across the ocean, which is about 3 000 miles wide. One choice would be to build one great tower in the middle of the ocean. But the tower would have to be 500 miles high! Both of these ideas are impossible. So we use the communication satellite thousands of miles in outer space to relay the television signals across the Atlantic. A satellite receives the picture signals in a straight line from the ground station on one side of the Atlantic, from England, for example. Then it sends signals down again. Also in a straight line, to the ground station on the other side of the Atlantic in the United States. The communication satellite must be within the view of both ground stations at the same time. 4.?????According to the passage, if we want to receive the TV programme all over the world freely, how many satellites shall we have at least? A.//.//.r. D.Five. C A breakthrough in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Union EU could be brought forward by up to two decades,if a modest increase could be provided in the EU’s research effort in this field,according to the senior EU scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EU’s scientific laboratories at Ispra,near Milan. The senior West German scientist in charge of the EU’s solar energy programme,Mr. Joachim Gretz,told reporters that at present levels of research spending,it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as three per cent of the EU’s energy requirements even after the year 2010.But they said that with a modest increase in the present sums,devoted by the EU to this work it was possible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade. Mr. Gretz figures out that if solar energy only provided three percent of the EU’s needs,this could still produce a saving of about a billion dollars in the present bill for imported energy each year.And he believes that with the possibility of using more advanced technology in this field it might be possible to satisfy a much bigger share of the EU’s future energy needs. At present the EU spends about $2.6 million a year on solar research at Ispra,one of the EU’s official joint research centres,and another $3 million a year in indirect research with universities and other independent bodies. 5.????According to Mr. Gretz,the present sum of money will enable the scientists to provide ________. A.more than 3% of th EU needs after the year 2010 B.only 3% of the EU needs before the year 2010 C.less than 3% of the EU needs before the year 2010 D.only 3% of the EU needs even after the year 2010 D Do you love holidays, but hate the increase in weight that follows? You are not alone. Holidays are times for splendid meals and celebrating, especially with the cultural foods of our heritage. With proper planning, though, it is possible to maintain 保持 normal weight during the holidays. The idea is to enjoy the holidays and think in terms of moderation 节制. Whether it is celebrating at the office party or sitting down for the traditional family dinner, approach 看待 eating as a time for tasting or sampling a variety of foods. Here are some tips to carry you through the round of celebrations and your social calendar without feeling having done wrong. Set realistic goals. Unless you have special dietary needs, there are no forbidden foods. Don’t turn down the foods you enjoy, but be sensible. Don’t skip meals. Before you leave home, have a small, low-fat meal or snack. This can help you to avoid excessive eating or drinking. Control portions 食量. Use a small luncheon-size plate and avoid the large platters that may encourage you to “load up”. You should be most comfortable eating an amount of food about the size of your fist. Once you have had your “tasting” serving, move away from the buffet. Doing so will make it less tempting to be eating constantly as your appetite is stimulated by the sight of food. Eat slowly and savor. Approach eating as a time for lasting or sampling a range of foods. Savor the flavors. Eat at a leisurely pace. Fill up before hand with clear soup and raw fruit or vegetables and fruit in a yogurt dressing rather than cream and cheese sauces. Drink a large glass of water before you eat to help you feel full. If you have a sweet tooth, try mints, hard candies, and fruits. These don’t have the fat content of creamy desserts and chocolate. Maintain physical activity. Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidaysA 20-minute brisk walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories. Avoid high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a generous amount of fat. Choose lean meats. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. 6.????How many pieces of advice does the writer offer in the passage? A.10.B.9.C.8.D.7. E They are among the 250 000 people under the age of 25 who are out of work in the Newtherlands,a group that explains the cause of 40 percent of the nation’s unemployed.A storm of anger boils up at the government-sponsored政府资助的 youth center,event among those who are continuing their studies. “We study for jobs that don’t exist,”Nicollete Steggerda,23,said. After thirty years of prosperity,unemployment among 10 member nations of the European Community has reached as much as 11 percent,affecting a total of 12.3 million people,and the number is climbing. The bitter disappointment long expressed by British youths is spreading across the Continent.The title of a rock song “No Future” can now be seen written on the brick walls of closed factories in Belgium and France. Recent surveys have found that the increasing argument in the last few years over the deployment部署 in Europe of North Atlantic Treaty Organization missiles and the possibility of nuclear war have clouded European youths’ confidence信心 in the future. One form of protestan action that shows disagreement tends to put the responsibility for a country’s economic troubles on the large numbers of “guest workers” from Third World nations,people welcomed in Western Europe in the years of prosperity. Young Europeans,brought up in an extended period of economic success and general stability,seem to be similar to Americans more than they do their own parents.Material enjoyment has given them a sense of expectation,even the right,to a standard of living that they see around them. “And so we pass the days at the discos,or meet people at the cafe,and sit and stare,”said Isabella Cault.“There is usually not much conversation.You look for happiness.Sometimes you even find it.” 7.?????Unemployment in the Netherlands has affected ________. A.about 0.6 million people B.250 000 people C.less than half of the population D.one million people F The Princeville Country Market was held six days a w
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