

2017-10-16 13页 doc 41KB 17阅读




买房应注意事项买房应注意事项 地段、价位、承受能力、合同细节 购房九段速成 交通 交通是买房要考虑的重要因素~四通八达、进出方便、有停车位~物业才算物尽其用。生活在人多车多的北京~买房的时候自然应该先把几个预选楼盘的交通状况拿来比较一下~具体如下: ?道路设施 道路通过能力、设计的运行速度、实际运行速度及运行安全状况。 ?公共交通 包括公共汽车、地铁等公共交通的线路数~与市内各主要区域及上班所在地联系的广泛程度~公共交通工具运行起止时间、运行速度、票价~从房子所在地到公共交通点的距离~使用出租车的方便程度。 ?交通便利度 包括经...
买房应注意事项 地段、价位、承受能力、细节 购房九段速成 交通 交通是买房要考虑的重要因素~四通八达、进出方便、有停车位~物业才算物尽其用。生活在人多车多的北京~买房的时候自然应该先把几个预选楼盘的交通状况拿来比较一下~具体如下: ?道路设施 道路通过能力、设计的运行速度、实际运行速度及运行安全状况。 ?公共交通 包括公共汽车、地铁等公共交通的线路数~与市内各主要区域及上班所在地联系的广泛程度~公共交通工具运行起止时间、运行速度、票价~从房子所在地到公共交通点的距离~使用出租车的方便程度。 ?交通便利度 包括经常经过的路段内路网通畅程度~是否经常堵车~到达市内主要地点是否便利等。 ?交通管制 包括行车路线、方向、时间、速度限制及车辆种类限制。此外~还要考虑有无固定停车场地~如没有~随时停车能否有保证也不能不考虑在内。 环境 一个小区的环境主要包括两个方面:周边的地理环境(地段)和社区内的环境~下面我们就从这两个角度来看看。 地段是所有购房者在购房时都很关注的~选择市区还是郊区要根据个人的需要而定。 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 查看小区内部环境要从以下几个方面入手:小区规模、布局、绿化、楼距、路况、车库、安全度等。 ?布局 在居住区规划中~应使住宅布局合理~为保证每房都能获得规定的日照时间和日照质量~要求条形住宅长轴外墙之间保持一定距离~即为日照间距~北京地区采用1.6-1.7H(H为前排住宅檐口和后排住宅底层窗台的高度差)。塔式住宅采用大于或等于1H的日照间距标准。如果住宅的日照间距不够~北面住宅的底层就不能获得有效日照。 ?绿化 绿化做得好坏要用绿地率来衡量~绿地率指的是居住区用地范围内各类绿地的点和占居住区总用地的百分比。值得注意的是~“绿地率”和“绿化覆盖率”是两个不同的概念~绿地不包括阳台和屋顶的绿化~有些开发商会故意混淆这两个概念由于居住区绿地在遮阳、防风防尘等方面起着重要的作用~所以有关规范规定:新建居住区绿地率应不低于30%~北京近郊居住区绿地率在35%以上为宜。 ?楼距 两栋楼之间的距离最好超过24米为宜~而窗户也不能面对面地整齐排列~否则家中的一举一动在对面都可以看得一清二楚~私密性太差。一般情况下~人与人之间距离24米内能辨别对方~12米内能看清对方容貌。为避免视线干扰~多层住宅居室与居室之间的距离以不小于24米为宜~高层住宅的侧向间距宜大于20米。此外~若设计考虑不周~塔式住宅侧面窗与正面窗往往形成“通视”现象~选择住宅时应予以注意。 察看小区外部大环境~包括交通道路及车站设臵~菜场及商业网点 week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate enviro-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed vingset the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy saminimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to me es tothe endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measur od care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoidis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, broproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and non3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh tors. ased on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other facnfluence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index brnal iving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to extenment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy sa2 设施~学校、医疗机构、体育场所~噪音及污染等。 配套设施 包括市政配套、生活配套两个方面。市政配套是指水、暖、气等。活动基础设施应包括: ?教育设施:托儿所、幼儿园、、中学等, ?医疗卫生设施:卫生站、居住区门诊、医院, ?文化体育设施:综合文化活动中心、体育场, ?商业服务设施:综合食品商场、综合百货商场、集贸市场、药店及其他第三产业设施, ?金融邮电设施:银行、邮局等, ?行政管理设施:街道办事处、派出所、居委会、房管机构等。 验证开发商资质 要购买一个好的房子~审查开发商的资质与实力很重要~这决定着你是否能居住在一个好的社区里~开发商的承诺能不能兑现。 开发商的“五证”是最重要的证明材料~它们分别是《国有土地使用证》、《建设用地规划许可证》、《建设工程规划许可证》、《建设工程施工许可证》、《商品房销售(预售)许可证》。其中最重要的是《国有土地使用证》与《商品房销售(预售)许可证》。 《国有土地使用证》是证明土地使用者(单位或个人)使用国有土地的法律凭证~受法律保护。 《商品房销售(预售)许可证》是市、县政府房地产行政管理部门允许房地产开发企业销售商品房的批准文件。房地产商在销售商品房时~如该房屋已建成~还应持有房屋所有权证书。 n house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influeeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the heweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -d, closed henhouse fouren-end and open-s (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedds of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings fundhe neemize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet tc or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to miniendemire in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the irt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood caproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and d-production areas and non-production and nonventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshh, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, on botnce. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based 3 我们在查验以上证明文件时~尽可能要求开发商提供文件的原件~并要检查用地单位、建设单位以及销售单位是否与售楼单位一致。 对于开发商资信的考察~目前另外一个突出问题是关于“乡产权”的。现在部分郊区县仍有一部土地属于集体所有~一些村委会就在这种性质的土地上开发项目~再拿出来当商品房卖~这种项目的产权根本就无从谈起。 目前要查验销售许可证的方法有向国土房管局咨询~再则可能通过“北京房地产”网进行网络查讯~只要输入正确的销售许可证的号码~就能得知房管局对这个证件的许可、销售范围以及销售的方式等等。 签订认购书 选好了房~开发商的资质也没有问题了~于是双方要确立买卖房屋的意向了。认购书是为了确定一个购房者的意向~约定在一定时间内购房者与开发商签订~而开发商在这段时间里必须为购房者保留房号。 从法律上来说~认购不是买房的法定前奏~合同也不是认购的必然结果。买方只能保证购买意愿的真实性~而不能保证无论何种情况都必须签订合同。为此~买方应该注意审查开发商所提供的认购书~看其中是否有不利于自己的条款比如“××天之内~买受人不能签订购房合同的~订金不予退还。”那么~究竟是什么原因导致购房合同无法签订~并没有说清楚~如果因为开发商方面的原因导致的~这个责任还是由购房者来承担~就叫合同显失公平~这个认购条款购房者应予以拒绝。 确定付款方式 ?一次性付款 -funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed vingset the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy saminimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to me es tothe endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measur od care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoidis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, broproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and non3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh tors. ased on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other facnfluence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index brnal iving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to extenment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate enviro-end, closed henhouse four-end and open4 即在与开发商签订购房合同后一定期限内(双方在合同中约定)~购房者一次付清房款。 利:通常一次性付款都有折扣。由于大笔购房款能一次性划入开发商的帐户~对资金的尽快回笼有很大的意义~因此开发商比较喜欢这种方式~往往也会给购房者一定的折扣。就目前市场行情而言~折扣多在九折至九七折之间~这么多的折扣对于资金不充裕的购房者来说~的确是个不小的诱惑。 弊:这种付款方式要求购房者有足够的资金做后盾~在短期内筹集到这么一大笔现金~对于大多数人而言都是比较困难的。而且一次性付款所需承担的风险也很大~当购房者把全部房款都交给开发商时~可以说主动权已经不在购房者手中了~一旦工程延期或者出现房屋质量问题~购房者就比较被动。 建议:一次性付款适用于购房者资金充足、开发商信誉良好、最好是现房的情况下。即便如此~也建议购房者一次性付清总房款的90%~余下10%的尾款在入住时付清~关于这一点~需要事先在合同中约定。 ?分期付款 一般在付清20%至30%的首付款后~再跟随项目的建设工程进度付款。通常分为3-4期~楼盘封顶时付清房款的70%左右~最后一期所付的房款一般较少~多在入住时交清所有的房款。有免息分期付款和低息分期付款两种方式。 利:有效地解决了一次性付款时所需承担的巨大风险。对于期房项目~购房者可以按工程形象进度分几次向开发商支付房款~直至商品房验收合格后才支付尾款。购房者可利用其余的分期未付款督促开发商~ -d, closed henhouse fouren-end and open-s (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedds of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings fundhe neemize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet tc or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to miniendemire in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the irt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood caproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and d-production areas and non-production and nonventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshh, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, on botnce. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based n house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influeeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the heweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and 5 保障房屋按时按质地交付使用。跟贷款相比~用不着多还利息~所需支付的仅是房款而已。 弊:虽然分几次付款~却仍然没有克服需要在短期内筹集大量资金的缺陷。正常情况下~一个项目在开盘销售到验收入住~不过一两年的时间~即使分三四期付款~每一期也得交十几万甚至更多~压力还是很大~而且分期付款通常没有折扣。 建议:月收入较高~不愿支付房款以外的费用~不认同“今天花明天的钱”的购房者~可以考虑选择这种付款方式。 ?其他方式 主要是指买卖双方协商的结果~只要不违反法律规定~买卖双方在协商一致的基础上达成任何一种付款方式及期限都是允许的。这一条在购房实践中主要涉及银行贷款问题。一般是开发商与提供贷款的银行之间签订~购房者以其所购房屋做抵押~由其所购买住房的房地产开发企业提供担保向银行申请贷款~在购房者付清全部房款的20%-30%后~余下部分由银行先付给开发商~以后购房者按月向银行支付利息及本金。 利:目前市场上一套商品房的售价着实不低~动辄几十万甚至上百万。贷款使那些没有足够积蓄的购房人梦想成真。即使对于有能力全部付清购房款的购房者来说~贷款也不失为一种好的选择。 弊:虽然资金压力要比前两种付款方式小得多~但是贷款购房的折扣非常小~甚至没有。而且贷款有严格的年龄限制~年龄不满18岁和超过60岁的购房者都不能申请银行贷款。再者~以按揭方式购房~还需支付房款以外的如律师费、抵押登记费等多项费用。 建议:在选择这种付款方式时~最好能让开发商列一个费用清单~ end and open-funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed vingset the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy saminimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to me es tothe endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measur od care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoidis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, broproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and non3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh tors. ased on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other facnfluence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index brnal iving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to extenment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate enviro-end, closed henhouse four-6 弄明白有多少“零碎钱”要交~此外~还要约定好万一银行拒绝贷款怎么办~接下来的首付款又该如何处理~购房合同是否继续有效等等。 物业收费标准 在物业管理纠纷中~物业收费占主要方面。有些购房者认为所有的物业收费国家都是有标准的~其实不然。有些物业管理收费实行的是市场价~如特约性服务费用、高档住宅物业费用等。随着市场经济体制的逐步建立~今后物业管理收费都会逐步放开~由双方协商确定。 目前~北京市规定了三种物业管理收费办法: 一是普通住宅小区管理办法。对15个物业管理服务项目规定了收费标准及与之相适用的服务标准。其中需使用人交费的项目为:装修房屋垃圾外运费、保洁费、保安费、各项费用统收服务费、车辆存车费、机动车存车费等。需产权人交费的项目为:管理费、小修费、中修费、绿化费、化粪池清掏费、小区化共设施维修费、电梯费、高压水泵费、共用电视天线费等。 二是高档住宅物业管理收费办法。办法规定~高档住宅物业管理收费实行市场价~由业主委员会和物业管理公司协商确定。在业主委员会成立之前~开发商应在卖房时向购房者明示。 三是经济适用房物业管理收费办法。目前收费标准为多层住宅每月每平米不超过0.52元~高层住宅每月每平米在1元左右。 -end and open-s (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedds of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings fundhe neemize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet tc or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to miniendemire in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the irt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood caproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and d-production areas and non-production and nonventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshh, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, on botnce. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based n house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influeeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the heweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -d, closed henhouse fouren7
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