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授权签字人授权签字人 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 机构名称:中国化工株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司乳胶 制品质量监督检验中心 注册号:L0518 地 址: A:湖南省株洲市荷塘区新华东路818号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 授权签字人(中文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 1 A 授权签字人(英文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 2 检测能力(中文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 3 A 检测能力(英文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10...
授权签字人 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 机构名称:中国化工株洲橡胶研究院有限公司乳胶 制品质量监督检验中心 注册号:L0518 地 址: A:湖南省株洲市荷塘区新华东路818号 获准认可能力索引 序号 地址 能力范围 评审类型 更新时间 授权签字人(中文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 1 A 授权签字人(英文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 2 检测能力(中文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 3 A 检测能力(英文) 复评+扩项 2015年8月10日 4 No. CNAS L0518 第 1 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 Name:Quality Supervision & Testing Center of Latex Products, ChemChina Zhuzhou Rubber Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. Registration No.:L0518 ADDRESS: A: No.818, Xinhua East Road, Hetang District, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China INDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES No. Address Range Type Update date Reassessment 1 Approved signatories (Chinese) +Extending 2015-8-10 assessment A Reassessment 2 Approved signatories (English) +Extending 2015-8-10 assessment Reassessment 3 Testing ability(Chinese) +Extending 2015-8-10 assessment A Reassessment 4 Testing ability(English) +Extending 2015-8-10 assessment No. CNAS L0518 第 2 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L0518) 名称: 中国化工株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司乳胶制品质量监督检验 中心 地址:湖南省株洲市荷塘区新华东路818号 签发日期:2015年08月10日 有效期至:2018年08月26日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓 名 授权签字领域 备 注 1 谭运华 全部检测项目 2 郑三阳 全部检测项目 3 李枚辉 全部检测项目 No. CNAS L0518 第 3 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L0518) NAME:Quality Supervision & Testing Center of Latex Products, ChemChina Zhuzhou Rubber Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:No.818, Xinhua East Road, Hetang District, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China Date of Issue:2015-08-10 Date of Expiry:2018-08-26 APPENDIX 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE ? Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note 1 Tanyunhua All Items 2 Zhengsanyang All Items 3 Limeihui All Items No. CNAS L0518 第 4 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L0518) 名称: 中国化工株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司乳胶制品质量监督检验 中心 地址:湖南省株洲市荷塘区新华东路818号 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2015年08月10日 有效期至:2018年08月26日 附件2 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 一、 参数 天然胶乳医用手套水抽提蛋 白质的测定 改进Lowry法 GB/T 21870-2008 水溶性蛋白1 质 用修正劳里法分析天然橡胶橡胶及其制1 及其制品中可抽提蛋白质的 品 标准试验ASTM D 5712-10 医用手套表面残余粉末的测 2 粉尘含量 定GB/T 21869-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 5 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 医用手套残余粉尘测试方法 2 粉尘含量 ASTM D 6124-06(2011) 医用手套漏水测试方法ASTM 3 针孔 D 5151-06(2011) 橡胶 尺寸测量ASTM D 4 尺寸 3767-03(2008) 橡胶鉴定 红外光谱法GB/T 5 材质分析 7764-2001 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭 氧龟裂静态拉伸试验GB/T 7762-2014 橡胶和塑料软管 静态条件 6 耐臭氧性能 下耐臭氧性能的评价GB/T 24134-2009 橡胶及其制 1 轮胎气门嘴试验方法 第3部只测耐品 分:卡扣式气门嘴试验方法臭氧试 GB/T 9766.3-2008 验 硫化橡胶和热塑弹性体,拉不测环 伸性能试验方法ASTM D 形试样 412-06a(2013) 硫化或热塑性橡胶 拉伸应 不测环 力应变特性的测定ISO 37:形试样 2011 7 拉伸性能 钢丝绳芯输送带纵向拉伸试 验第2部分:拉伸强度的测定 GB/T 5754.2-2005 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 拉不测环 伸应力应变性能的测定GB/T 形试样 528-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 6 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第3 7 拉伸性能 部分:薄膜和薄片的试验条 件GB/T 1040.3-2006 橡胶及其制硫化橡胶与金属粘接拉伸剪1 品 8 剪切强度 切强度测定方法 GB/T 13936-2014 软质复合塑料材料剥离试验 9 剥离力 方法GB/T 8808-1988 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂只测直 强度的测定(裤形、直角形和角形试 10 撕裂强度 新月形试样)GB/T 529-2008 样 塑料直角撕裂性能试验方法 QB/T 1130-1991 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织 物粘合强度的测定GB/T 532-2008 硫化橡胶与纤维帘线静态粘 合强度的测定-H抽出法GB/T 橡胶及其制2942-2009 1 钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层与带品 芯层粘合强度试验GB/T 11 粘合强度 17044-2013 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与硬 质板材粘合强度的测定90? 剥离法GB/T 7760-2003 硫化橡胶与金属粘接180? 剥离试验GB/T 15254-1994 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与金 属粘合强度的测定二板法 GB/T 11211-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 7 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测6 橡胶和塑料软管各层间粘合型、7型 强度的测定GB/T 14905-2009 和8型 试样 钢丝绳芯输送带 绳与包覆11 粘合强度 胶粘合试验 原始状态下和 热老化后试验GB/T 5755-2013 V带的层间粘合强度测定方 法HG/T 3864-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压 入硬度试验方法 第1部分:只测邵A 邵氏硬度计法(邵尔硬度)硬度 GB/T 531.1-2008 橡胶及其制12 硬度 1 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压品 入硬度试验方法 第2部分: 便携式橡胶国际硬度计法 GB/T 531.2-2009 硫化橡胶回弹性的测定GB/T 13 回弹性 1681-2009 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 14 低温脆性 单试样法GB/T 1682-2014 硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶常温、压缩永久变 15 高温和低温下压缩永久变形 形 测定GB/T 7759-1996 不测仅 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐液有一个16 耐液体试验 体试验方法GB/T 1690-2010 面与液 体接触 No. CNAS L0518 第 8 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空 气加速老化和耐热试验GB/T 3512-2014 胶乳制品蒸汽老化试验方法 GB/T 14831-2003 橡胶及其制 1 17 老化性能 橡胶和塑料软管 静态下耐品 紫外线性能测定GB/T 18950-2003 硫化橡胶人工气候老化(荧 光紫外灯)试验方法GB/T 16585-1996 橡胶 灰分的测定 第一部 18 灰分 分 马弗炉法GB/T 4498.1-2013 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 密 19 密度 度的测定GB/T 533-2008 未硫化橡胶 用圆盘剪切粘 度计进行测定第1部分:门尼 粘度的测定GB/T 橡胶及其制20 门尼粘度 1232.1-2000 1 品 未硫化橡胶初期硫化特性的 测定用圆盘剪切黏度计进行 测定GB/T 1233-2008 硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定 (用阿克隆磨耗机)GB/T 1689-1998 21 耐磨性 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐磨 性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨 耗机法)GB/T 9867-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 9 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 橡胶 溶剂橡胶 溶剂抽出物的测定 22 抽出物 GB/T 3516-2006 轿车轮胎性能室内试验方法 GB,T 4502-2009 23 强度试验 载重汽车轮胎性能室内试验 方法GB/T 4501-2008 只测亚 橡胶游离硫的测定GB/T 24 游离硫 硫酸钠15251-2008 法 生橡胶 挥发分含量的测定25 挥发份 GB/T 24131-2009 橡胶及其制输送带滚筒摩擦试验方法 1 26 滚筒摩擦 品 GB/T 7986-2013 只测方 橡胶燃烧性橡胶燃烧性能的测定法B 垂27 能 GB/T10707-2008 直燃烧 法 硫化橡胶工频击穿强度和耐 28 击穿强度 电压的测定方法GB/T 1695-2005 输送带 导电性 规范和试验29 导电性 方法GB/T 3684-2006 硫化橡胶 绝缘电阻率的测 30 电阻率 定GB/T 1692-2008 浓缩天然胶乳凝块含量(筛 1 凝块含量 余物)的测定GB/T 8291-2008 挥发酯肪酸浓缩天然胶乳挥发脂肪酸值2 胶乳 2 值 的测定GB/T 8292-2008 浓缩天然胶乳残渣含量的测 3 残渣含量 定GB/T 8293,2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 10 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 浓缩天然胶乳硼酸含量的测 4 硼酸含量 定GB/T8294,2008 天然橡胶和胶乳铜含量的测 5 铜含量 定 光度法GB/T 8295-2008 天然生胶和胶乳锰含量的测 6 锰含量 定 高碘酸钠光度法GB/T 2 胶乳 8296-2008 浓缩天然胶乳氢氧化钾 7 氢氧化钾值 (KOH)值的测定GB/T 8297, 2008 浓缩天然胶乳总固体含量的 8 总固体含量 测定GB/T 8298,2008 浓缩天然胶乳干胶含量的测 9 干胶含量 定GB/T 8299,2008 浓缩天然胶乳 碱度的测定10 碱度 GB/T 8300-2008 浓缩天然胶乳机械稳定度的 11 机械稳定度 测定GB/T 8301,2008 合成橡胶胶乳PH值的测定 12 pH值 SH/T 1150-2011 2 胶乳 高速机械稳合成胶乳高速机械稳定性的13 定性 测定SH/T 1151-1992(2005) 合成胶乳粘度的测定SH/T 14 粘度 1152-1992(2005) 合成橡胶胶乳凝固物含量 15 凝固物含量 (筛余物)的测定SH/T 1153-2011 总固体物含合成橡胶胶乳总固物含量的 16 量 测定SH/T 1154-2011 No. CNAS L0518 第 11 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 合成橡胶胶乳表面张力的测 17 表面张力 定SH/T 1156-1999 2 胶乳 GJB987A,1998 气象气球 18 全部参数 试验方法 1 软化点 2 加热减量 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂试3 橡胶助剂 3 筛余物 验方法GB/T 11409-2008 4 灰分 5 粘度 6 盐酸不溶物 色漆、清漆和色漆与清漆用 1 取样 原材料 取样GB/T 3186-2006 漆膜颜色及色漆和清漆色漆的目视比色 2 外观 GB/T 9761-2008 清漆、清油及稀释剂外观和原漆外观和 3 透明度测定法GB/T 透明度 1721-2008 清漆、清油及稀释剂颜色测 定法GB/T 1722-1992 4 涂料 4 颜色 透明液体 加氏颜色等级评 定颜色 第一部分:目视法 GB/T 9281.1-2008 涂料粘度测定法GB/T 1723-1993 5 粘度 色漆和清漆 用流出杯测定 流出时间GB/T 6753.4-1998 色漆和清漆密度的测定 比 6 密度 重瓶法GB/T 6750-2007 No. CNAS L0518 第 12 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 涂料细度测定法GB/T 1724-1979 7 细度 色漆、清漆和印刷油墨 研磨 细度的测定GB/T 6753.1-2007 涂料遮盖力测定法GB/T 8 遮盖力 4 涂料 1726-1979 漆膜柔韧性测定法GB/T 1731-1993 9 柔韧性 腻子膜柔韧性测定法GB/T 1748-1979 色漆和清漆 弯曲试验(圆柱 10 弯曲试验 轴)GB/T 6742-2007 漆膜附着力测定法GB/T 1720-1979 色漆和清漆 漆膜的划格试11 附着力 验GB/T 9286-1998 色漆和清漆 拉开法附着力 试验GB/T 5210-2006 色漆和清漆 摆杆阻尼试验 GB/T 1730-2007 4 涂料 12 硬度 色漆和清漆铅笔法测定漆膜 硬度GB/T 6739-2006 色漆、清漆和塑料 不挥发物 13 不挥发物 含量的测定GB/T 1725-2007 色漆和清漆 不含金属颜料 的色漆漆膜之20?、60?和 14 光泽 85?镜面光泽的测定GB/T 9754-2007 No. CNAS L0518 第 13 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 色漆和清漆 杯突试验GB/T 15 杯突试验 9753-2007 闪点的测定快速平衡闭杯法 16 闪点 GB/T 5208-2008 涂料贮存稳定性试验方法17 贮存稳定性 GB/T 6753.3-1986 漆膜耐冲击性测定法GB/T 18 耐冲击性 1732-1993 漆膜耐水性测定法 GB/T1733-1993 19 耐水性 色漆和清漆 耐水性的测定 浸水法GB/T 5209-1985 色漆和清漆 耐液体介质的 20 耐液体介质 测定GB/T 9274-1988 4 涂料 色漆和清漆 耐热性的测定 21 耐热性 GB/T 1735-2009 建筑涂料 涂层耐洗刷性的22 耐洗刷性 测定GB/T 9266-2009 色漆和清漆 耐磨性的测定 23 耐磨性 旋转橡胶砂轮法GB/T 1768-2006 涂膜、腻子膜打磨性测定法24 打磨性 GB/T 1770-2008 漆膜耐湿热测定法GB/T 25 耐湿热性 1740-2007 人造气氛腐蚀试验 盐雾试 验GB/T 10125-2012 26 耐盐雾 色漆和清漆 耐中性盐雾性 能的测定GB/T 1771-2007 No. CNAS L0518 第 14 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 厚漆、腻子稠度测定法GB/T 27 稠度 1749-1979 色漆和清漆 抗流挂性评定 28 流挂性 GB/T 9264-2012 色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测 29 颜料含量 定 第二部分:灰化法GB/T 4 涂料 1747.2-2008 只测千 分表法、 色漆和清漆 漆膜厚度的测30 厚度 重量分定GB/T 13452.2-2008 析法、磁 性法 色漆和清漆 划痕试验GB/T 31 划痕试验 9279-2007 塑料用聚酯树酯、色漆和清 32 酸值 漆用漆基 部分酸值和总酸 值的测定GB/T 6743-2008 漆膜、腻子膜干燥时间测定 法GB/T 1728-1979 涂料表面干燥试验 小玻璃33 干燥时间 球法GB/T 6753.2-1986 4 涂料 建筑防水涂料试验方法GB/T 16777-2008 漆膜回粘性测定法GB/T 34 回粘性 1762-1980 色漆和清漆用漆基 皂化值 35 漆基皂化值 的测定 滴定法GB/T 6744-2008 漆膜无印痕试验GB/T 36 无印痕试验 9273-1988 No. CNAS L0518 第 15 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 建筑涂料 涂层耐碱性的测 37 耐碱性 定GB/T 9265-2009 色漆和清漆“可溶性金属含 量的测定”第1部份:铅含 38 铅含量 量的测定 火焰原子吸收光 谱法和双硫腙分光光度法 GB/T 9758.1-1988 色漆和清漆“可溶性金属含 量的测定”第4部份:镉含 不测极39 镉含量 量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 谱法和极谱法GB/T 9758.4-1988 色漆和清漆 总铅含量的测 40 总铅含量 定火焰原子吸收光谱法GB 13452.1-1992 4 涂料 建筑涂料 涂层耐沾污性试 41 耐沾污性 验方法GB/T 9780-2013 耐溶剂擦拭涂料耐溶剂擦拭性测定法 42 性 GB/T 23989-2009 白色和浅色漆对比率的测定43 对比率 GB/T 23981-2009 绝缘漆漆膜击穿强度测定法 44 击穿强度 HG/T 3330-2012 绝缘漆漆膜体积电阻和表面体积电阻、 45 电阻系数测定法HG/T 3331- 表面电阻 2012 漆膜吸水率测定法HG/T 3344-2012 46 吸水率 绝缘漆漆膜吸水率测定法 HG/T 3856-2006 No. CNAS L0518 第 16 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 稀释剂、防潮剂白化性测定 47 白化性 法HG/T 3859-2006 稀释剂、防潮剂胶凝数测定 48 胶凝数 法HG/T 3861-2006 色漆和清漆 挥发性有机化4 涂料 49 VOC含量 合物(VOC)含量的测定 差 值法GB/T 23985-2009 苯、甲苯、涂料中苯、甲苯、乙苯和二 50 乙苯和二甲甲苯含量的测定 气相色谱 苯含量 法GB/T 23990-2009 只测Cd、 可溶性有害涂料中可溶性有害元素含量51 pb、Hg、元素含量 的测定GB/T 23991-2009 Cr 水性涂料中甲醛含量的测定 52 甲醛含量 乙酰丙酮分光光度法GB/T 4 涂料 23993-2009 色漆和清漆 快速变形(耐冲 击性)试验 第2部分:落锤试 53 耐冲击性 验(小面积冲头)GB/T 20624.2-2006 二 产品 天然胶乳橡胶避孕套 技术 1 全部参数 要求和试验方法GB 天然胶乳橡 5 7544-2009 胶避孕套 (男用)橡胶避孕套标准规2 全部参数 范ASTM D 3492-2014 一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手不测灭 1 部分参数 套GB 7543-2006 菌 6 橡胶手套 一次性使用医用手套 针孔 2 全部参数 测试要求EN 455-1:2000 No. CNAS L0518 第 17 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 一次性使用医用手套 物理 3 全部参数 性能测试要求EN455-2:2000 橡胶医用手套标准规范ASTM 不测卫 4 部分参数 D 3577-09e1 生性能 橡胶手套 医用手套表面残余粉末、水 5 全部参数 抽提蛋白质限量GB 24788-2009 6 一次性使用医用橡胶检查手不测灭 6 部分参数 套GB 10213-2006 菌 一次性使用非灭菌橡胶外科7 全部参数 手套GB 24787-2009 橡胶检查手套标准规范ASTM 不测灭橡胶手套 8 部分参数 D 3578-05(2010) 菌 医用丁腈检查手套标准规范不测灭 9 部分参数 ASTM D 6319-10 菌 一次性使用聚氯乙烯医用检不测灭1 部分参数 查手套GB 24786-2009 菌 一次性使用医用检查手套 聚氯乙烯手不测灭7 2 部分参数 第二部份:聚氯乙烯手套规套 菌 范ISO 11193-2:2006 医用聚氯乙烯手套标准规范不测灭3 部分参数 ASTM D 5250-06(2011) 菌 橡胶家用手橡胶家用手套HG/T 8 1 全部参数 套 2888-2010 橡胶工业手橡胶工业手套HG/T 9 1 全部参数 套 2584-2010 橡胶输血胶不测生10 1 部分参数 橡胶输血胶管GB 4491-2003 管 物性能 新系列气象新系列气象气球规范GJB 11 1 全部参数 气球 1961-1994 No. CNAS L0518 第 18 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测N, 亚硝基 胶乳彩色气胶乳彩色气球HG/T 胺、特定12 1 部分参数 球 2723-2012 元素的 最大迁 移限量 不测施 瓦茲值、13 胶乳胶丝 1 部分参数 胶乳胶丝HG/T 2889-2011 耐铜污 染性 14 胶乳指套 1 全部参数 胶乳指套HG/T 4664-2014 气象气球规气象气球规范GJB 15 1 全部参数 范 1961-1994 16 橡胶胶丝 1 全部参数 橡胶丝HG/T 2448-2009 17 橡胶热水袋 1 全部参数 橡胶热水袋HG/T 2011-2009 日用压力锅日用压力锅橡胶密封圈HG 不测卫18 1 部分参数 橡胶密封圈 2943-1984(1997) 生性能 不测残食品用橡胶食品用橡胶制品卫生标准GB 19 1 部分参数 留丙烯 制品 4806.1-1994 腈 橡胶奶嘴卫生标准GB 不测助20 橡胶奶嘴 1 部分参数 4806.2-1994 剂 不测助 剂、N- 亚硝基21 橡胶奶头 1 部分参数 橡胶奶头HG/T 2946-2011 胺、N- 可亚硝 基化物 22 橡胶球胆 1 全部参数 橡胶球胆HG/T 2010-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 19 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 高聚物多孔弹性材料 海绵 高聚物多孔23 1 全部参数 与多孔橡胶制品 第1部分 弹性材料 片材GB/T 18944.1-2003 浓缩天然胶乳氨保存离心或天然浓缩氨 24 1 全部参数 膏化胶乳规格GB/T 保存胶乳 8289-2008 合成胶乳 第1部分:羧基丁不测钙 25 丁苯胶乳 1 部分参数 苯胶乳(XSBRL)56C、55 BGB/T 离子稳 25260.1-2010 定性 CRL 50LK型阳离子氯丁胶乳 26 氯丁胶乳 1 全部参数 HG/T 3317-1988 采煤综合机械化设备橡胶密 1 全部参数 封件用胶料HG/T 3326-2007 燃气输送管及配件用橡胶密 2 全部参数 封圈材料HG/T 3092-1988 (1997) 橡胶密封件 给、排水管及污 3 全部参数 水管道用接口密封圈材料规 范GB/T 21873-2008 预应力与自应力钢筋混凝土 O形橡胶密4 全部参数 27 管用橡胶密封圈JC/T 封圈 748-2010 燃油用O形橡胶密封圈材料5 全部参数 HG/T 3089-2001 耐高温滑油O形橡胶密封圈 6 全部参数 材料HG 2021-2014 耐酸碱橡胶密封件材料HG 7 全部参数 2181-2009 普通液压系统用O形橡胶密8 全部参数 封圈材料HG/T 2579-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 20 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 O形橡胶密耐液压油和燃油丁腈橡胶胶 27 9 全部参数 封圈 料规范GJB 250A-1996 旋转轴唇形密封圈橡胶材料 1 全部参数 HG/T 2811-1996 旋转轴唇形 28 密封圈 旋转轴唇形密封圈外观质量 2 全部参数 GB/T 15326-1994 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 1 全部参数 第1部分:尺寸系列及公差 液压气动用GB/T 3452.1-2005 29 O形橡胶密 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 封圈 2 全部参数 第2部分:外观质量检验规 范GB/T 3452.2-2007 橡胶管道接口用密封圈制造橡胶管道接 30 1 全部参数 质量的建议,疵点的分类与 口用密封圈 类别GB/T 17604-1998 橡胶制品的公差 第1部分: 31 橡胶制品 1 全部参数 尺寸公差GB/T 3672.1-2002 密封元件为密封元件为弹性体材料的旋 弹性体材料转轴唇形密封圈 第1部分:32 1 全部参数 的旋转轴唇基本尺寸和公差GB/T 形密封圈 13871.1-2007 往复运动橡胶密封圈外观质1 全部参数 量GB/T 15325-1994 往复运动橡往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺33 胶密封圈 寸系列 第1部分 单向密封2 全部参数 橡胶密封圈GB/T 10708.1-2000 No. CNAS L0518 第 21 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺 寸系列 第2部分 双向密封3 全部参数 橡胶密封圈GB/T 10708.2-2000 往复运动橡33 往复运动橡胶密封圈结构尺胶密封圈 4 全部参数 寸系列 第3部分 橡胶防尘 密封圈GB/T 10708.3-2000 往复运动橡胶密封圈材料 5 全部参数 HG/T 2810-2008 不测 60?断 裂拉伸 强度、复 合强度、高分子防水材料第1部分: 1 部分参数 人工气 片材 GB 18173.1-2012 候老化、高分子防水持粘性、 34 材料 异型片 抗压强 度 高分子防水材料 第二部分 2 全部参数 止水带GB 18173.2-2014 高分子防水材料 第3部分 3 全部参数 遇水膨胀橡胶GB/T 18173.3-2014 不测屈通用输水织物增强橡胶软管 1 部分参数 挠性 、 HG/T 2184-2008 35 橡胶管 同心度 工程机械 高温低压输油胶不测净 2 部分参数 管JB/T 8406-2008 洁度 No. CNAS L0518 第 22 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 汽车用输水橡胶软管和纯胶 3 全部参数 管HG/T 2491-2009 岸上排吸油橡胶 软管 4 全部参数 HG/T3038-2008 船、码头输油橡胶软管5 全部参数 HG/T3039-2008 不测耐 真空试 验、燃烧 油槽车输油用橡胶软管性能试6 部分参数 35 橡胶管 HG/T3041-2009 验、软管 组合件 物理性 能 疏浚工程用钢丝或织物增强不测耐7 部分参数 的橡胶软管和软管组合件规真空试 范 HG/T2490-2011 验 矿用输送空气和水的织物增不测耐8 部分参数 强橡胶软管及软管组合件磨耗性 GB/T 19090-2003 能 No. CNAS L0518 第 23 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测氧 气软管 的不燃 烧性要 求.、耐 气体焊接设备 焊接、切割和烧热颗 9 部分参数 类似作业用橡胶软管GB/T 粒和热 2550-2007 表面性 能、气体 渗透性、 变形系 35 橡胶管 数 、同 心度 柴油机 低压输油胶管组件不测净 10 部分参数 技术条件JB/T 6015-2011 洁度 不测同 心度、弯饱和蒸汽用橡胶软管及软管 11 部分参数 曲试验、 组合件规范HG/T 3036-2009 蒸汽试 验 汽车空气制动软管和软管组不测挠12 部分参数 合件GB 7128-2008 曲试验 1 全部参数 汽车V带GB 12732-2008 36 汽车V带 2 全部参数 汽车多楔带GB 13552-2008 37 汽车同步带 1 全部参数 汽车同步带GB 12734-2003 一般传动用窄V带GB/T 不测疲 1 部分参数 12730-2008 劳寿命 38 橡胶V带 一般传动用普通V带GB 不测疲 2 部分参数 1171-2006 劳寿命 No. CNAS L0518 第 24 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 充气轮胎内胎 第2部分: 1 全部参数 摩托车轮胎内胎GB 7036.2-2007 39 内胎 充气轮胎内胎 第,部分: 2 全部参数 汽车轮胎内胎GB 7036.1-2009 不测耐 39 内胎 3 部分参数 力车内胎GB/T 1703-2008 久性试 验 不测成 压配式实心轮胎技术规范品耐久1 部分参数 GB/T16623-2008 性能试 验 只测物工程机械轮胎技术要求 2 部分参数 理机械 GB/T1190-2009 性能 不测牵 40 轮胎 引性能 农业轮胎技术条件和耐磨3 部分参数 GB/T1192-2008 耗性能 (双转 鼓法) 只测物工程机械翻新轮胎HG/T 4 部分参数 理机械 3979-2007 性能 煤矿用织物整芯阻燃输送带 1 全部参数 MT 914-2008 41 阻燃输送带 不测机 煤矿井下用织物芯阻燃输送2 部分参数 械接头 带HG 2805-2012 强度 No. CNAS L0518 第 25 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 一般用途织物芯阻燃输送带 3 全部参数 GB/T 10822-2014 矿井用钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带 4 全部参数 GB 21352-2008 不测动 41 阻燃输送带 煤矿用钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带态钢丝 5 部分参数 MT 668-2008 绳抗疲 劳性 不测接煤矿用织物叠层阻燃输送带 6 部分参数 头 运行 MT 830-2008 寿命 普通用途织物芯输送带GB/T 1 全部参数 7984,2013 42 输送带 不测高 帆布芯耐热输送带GB/T 温下的 2 部分参数 20021-2005 层间粘 合强度 只测橡 公路桥梁盆式橡胶支座JT/T 胶物理1 部分参数 391-2009 机械性 能 只测橡 公路桥梁板式橡胶支座JT/T 胶物理 43 橡胶支座 2 部分参数 4-2004 机械性 能 只测橡 橡胶支座 第4部分 普通橡胶物理3 部分参数 胶支座GB 20688.4-2007 机械性 能 No. CNAS L0518 第 26 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 工业用橡胶板GB/T 1 全部参数 5574-2008 不测蠕 变松弛 耐油石棉橡胶板GB/T 率、常温2 部分参数 539-2008 油密封 性、氮气 44 橡胶板 泄漏率 不测蠕 变松弛 率、氮气3 部分参数 石棉橡胶板GB/T 3985-2008 泄漏率、 耐热耐 压性 工业用导电和抗静电橡胶板 4 全部参数 HG 2793-1996 44 橡胶板 5 全部参数 硅橡胶板HG/T 4070-2008 铁道混凝土枕轨下用橡胶垫6 全部参数 板技术条件TB/T 2626-1995 混凝土泵用混凝土泵用聚氨酯活塞GB/T 45 1 全部参数 聚氨酯活塞 21539-2008 橡胶衬里面第2部份 磨机衬 46 磨机衬里 1 全部参数 里GB/T 18241.2-2000 只测物 理机械 性能(不47 胶鞋类 1 部分参数 旅游鞋GB/T 15107-2013 测低温 屈挠、色 牢度) No. CNAS L0518 第 27 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测静 2 部分参数 足球鞋GB/T 19706-2005 摩擦系 数 3 全部参数 普通运动鞋HG/T 2017-2011 不测耐 4 全部参数 轻便胶鞋HG/T 2018-2014 黄变性 能 不测耐彩色雨靴(鞋)HG/T 5 部分参数 渗水性 2020-2011 能 不测耐47 胶鞋类 黑色雨靴(鞋)HG/T 6 部分参数 渗水性2019-2011 能 7 全部参数 劳动鞋HG/T 2495-2007 不测阿 8 部分参数 注塑鞋HG/T 3084-2010 斯卡C 型硬度 不测阿 9 部分参数 橡塑凉、拖鞋HG/T 3086-2011 斯卡C 型硬度 10 全部参数 橡胶鞋底HG/T 3082-2010 不测有48 再生橡胶 1 部分参数 再生橡胶GB/T 13460-2008 害物质 天然生胶 烟胶片、白绉胶 49 天然生胶 1 全部参数 片和浅色绉胶片GB/T 8089-2007 氯丁二烯橡氯丁二烯橡胶CR121、 50 1 全部参数 胶 CR122GB/T 14647-2008 丁二烯橡胶(BR)9000GB/T 51 丁二烯橡胶 1 全部参数 8659-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 28 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测结 苯乙烯-丁二烯橡胶52 丁苯橡胶 1 部分参数 合苯乙(SBR)1502GB/T 12824-2002 烯含量 硫化促进剂硫化促进剂 2-巯基苯骈噻53 1 全部参数 MBT 唑(MBT)GB/T 11407-2013 硫化促进剂硫化促进剂NOBSGB/T 54 1 全部参数 NOBS 8829-2006 硫化促进剂硫化促进 二硫化二苯骈噻 55 1 全部参数 MBTS 唑(MBTS)GB/T 11408-2013 硫化促进剂硫化促进剂CBS HG/T 56 1 全部参数 CBS 2096-2006 硫化促进剂硫化促进剂TMTD HG/T 不测纯57 1 部分参数 TMTD 2334-2007 度 不测异 丙基二 橡胶防老剂TMQ GB/T 苯胺含58 防老剂TMQ 1 部分参数 8826-2011 量;二、 三、四聚 体总量 防老剂防老剂 4010NA GB/T 59 1 全部参数 4010NA 8828-2003 氧化锌(间接法)GB/T 60 氧化锌 1 全部参数 3185-1992 No. CNAS L0518 第 29 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测吸 附比表 面积、着 色强度、61 橡胶用炭黑 1 部分参数 橡胶用炭黑 GB 3778-2011 倾注密 度、外表 面积、总 表面积 沉淀水合二橡胶配合剂 沉淀水合二氧不测比62 1 部分参数 氧化硅 化硅技术 HG/T 3061-2009 表面积 工业沉淀碳普通工业沉淀碳酸钙 HG/T 不测白63 1 部分参数 酸钙 2226-2010 度 不测 白 工业活性沉工业活性沉淀碳酸钙 HG/T 64 1 部分参数 度 、活淀碳酸钙 2567-2006 化度 不测透 水性、抗 合成树脂乳合成树脂乳液外墙涂料 泛盐碱65 1 部分参数 液外墙涂料 GB/T 9755-2014 性、耐人 工气候 老化性 不测耐 溶剂型外墙溶剂型外墙涂料 GB/T 人工气66 1 部分参数 涂料 9757-2001 候老化 性 合成树脂乳合成树脂乳液内墙涂料 67 1 全部参数 液内墙涂料 GB/T 9756-2009 室内装饰装修材料 内墙涂室内装修材 68 1 全部参数 料中有害物质限量 GB 料内墙涂料 18582-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 30 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 室内装饰装室内装饰装修材料 溶剂型 69 1 全部参数 修材料溶剂木器涂料中有害物质限量 型木器涂料 GB 18581-2009 室内装饰装室内装饰装修材料 胶粘剂 70 修材料胶粘1 全部参数 中有害物质限量GB 剂 18583-2008 C06-1铁红铁红醇酸底漆 HG/T 71 1 全部参数 醇酸底漆 2009-1991 C06-1 72 环氧酯底漆 1 全部参数 环氧酯底漆 HG/T 2239-2012 氯化橡胶防氯化橡胶防腐涂料 GB/T 73 1 全部参数 腐涂料 25263-2010 氯磺化聚乙 氯磺化聚乙烯防腐涂料(双74 烯防腐涂料1 全部参数 组分) HG/T 2661-1995 (双组分) 不测加 速泛黄各色醇酸磁各色醇酸磁漆HG/T 75 1 部分参数 性、耐候 漆 2576-1994 性、耐光 性。 不测鲜 映性、耐各色汽车用各色汽车用面漆 GB/T 76 1 部分参数 候性、人 面漆 13492-1992 工加速 老化 汽车用底漆 GB/T 77 汽车用底漆 1 全部参数 13493-1992 No. CNAS L0518 第 31 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测苯、 甲苯、乙 苯、二甲 苯、苯 聚氨酯防水聚氨酯防水涂料 GB/T 78 1 部分参数 酚、萘、 涂料 19250-2013 蒽含量 及接缝 动态变 形能力。 79 电子元件漆 1 全部参数 电子元件漆 HG/T 2003-1991 水泥地板用水泥地板用漆 HG/T 80 1 全部参数 漆 2004-1991 热固性粉末热固性粉末涂料 HG/T 不测粒81 1 部分参数 涂料 2006-2006 径分布 A01-1、A01-1、A01-2氨基烘干清漆 82 A01-2氨基1 全部参数 HG/T 2237-1991 烘干清漆 F01-1酚醛F01-1酚醛清漆HG/T 83 1 全部参数 清漆 2238-1991 不测木S01-4聚氨潮(湿)气固化聚氨酯涂料 84 1 部分参数 器用涂 酯清漆 (单组分)HG/T 2240-2012 料 85 机床面漆 1 全部参数 机床面漆 HG/T 2243-1991 86 机床底漆 1 全部参数 机床底漆 HG/T 2244-1991 87 硝基铅笔漆 1 全部参数 硝基铅笔漆 HG/T 2245-2012 涂料用稀土涂料用稀土催干剂 HG/T 88 1 全部参数 催干剂 2247-2012 涂料用催干涂料用催干剂HG/T 89 1 全部参数 剂 2276-1996 No. CNAS L0518 第 32 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 各色硝基外各色硝基外用磁漆 HG/T 90 1 全部参数 用磁漆 2277-1992 涂料用铝颜料,第一部分: 91 铝粉浆 1 全部参数 铝粉浆HG/T 2456.1-2013 92 丙烯酸清漆 1 全部参数 丙烯酸清漆 HG/T 2593-1994 各色氨基烘各色氨基烘干磁漆 HG/T 93 1 全部参数 干磁漆 2594-1994 锌黄、铁红 锌黄、铁红过氯乙烯底漆 94 1 全部参数 过氯乙烯底HG/T 2595-1994 漆 各色过氯乙各色过氯乙烯磁漆 HG/T 95 1 全部参数 烯磁漆 2596-1994 乙烯磷化底乙烯磷化底漆(双组分)HG/T 96 1 全部参数 漆 3347-2013 各色酚醛磁各色酚醛磁漆 HG/T 97 1 全部参数 漆 3349-2003 各色醇酸腻各色醇酸腻子 HG/T 98 1 全部参数 子 3352-2003 A16-51各 A16-51各色氨基烘干锤纹漆99 1 全部参数 色氨基烘干HG/T 3353-1987 锤纹漆 各色环氧酯各色环氧酯腻子 HG/T 100 1 全部参数 腻子 3354-2003 各色硝基底各色硝基底漆 HG/T 101 1 全部参数 漆 3355-2003 各色硝基腻各色硝基腻子 HG/T 102 1 全部参数 子 3356-2003 各色过氯乙各色过氯乙烯腻子 HG/T 103 1 全部参数 烯腻子 3357-2003 No. CNAS L0518 第 33 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 G52-31各 G52-31各色过氯乙烯防腐漆 104 1 全部参数 色过氯乙烯HG/T 3358-1987 防腐漆 铝粉有机硅铝粉有机硅烘干耐热漆(双 105 烘干耐热漆1 全部参数 组份) HG/T 3362-2003 (双组分) 云铁酚醛防云铁酚醛防锈漆 HG/T 106 1 全部参数 锈漆 3369-2003 醇酸烘干绝醇酸烘干绝缘漆 HG/T 107 1 全部参数 缘漆 3372-2012 有机硅烘干有机硅烘干绝缘漆 HG/T 108 1 全部参数 绝缘漆 3375-2003 硝基漆稀释硝基漆稀释剂 HG/T 109 1 全部参数 剂 3378-2003 过氯乙烯漆过氯乙烯漆稀释剂 HG/T 110 1 全部参数 稀释剂 3379-2003 氨基漆稀释氨基漆稀释剂 HG/T 111 1 全部参数 剂 3380-2003 112 脱漆剂 1 全部参数 脱漆剂HG/T 3381-2003 硝基漆防潮硝基漆防潮剂 HG/T 113 1 全部参数 剂 3383-2003 硝基涂料防硝基涂料防潮剂 GB/T 114 1 全部参数 潮剂 25272-2010 过氯乙烯漆过氯乙烯漆防潮剂 HG/T 115 1 全部参数 防潮剂 3384-2003 不测人钢结构桥梁钢结构桥梁漆 HG/T 116 1 部分参数 工加速 漆 3656-1999 老化 117 富锌底漆 1 全部参数 富锌底漆HG/T 3668-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 34 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 不测溶 剂可溶交联型氟树交联型氟树脂涂料 HG/T 物氟含 118 1 部分参数 酯涂料 3792-2014 量、耐人 工气候 老化性 不测耐热熔型氟树 热熔型氟树脂(PVDF)涂料 人工气119 酯(PVDF)1 部分参数 HG/T 3793-2005 候老化涂料 性 不测紫 外线处 理后断聚氯乙烯弹聚氯乙烯弹性防水涂料 120 1 部分参数 裂伸长性防水涂料 JC/T 674-1997 率、低温 柔性、密 度 不测抗溶剂型橡胶 溶剂型橡胶沥青防水涂料 裂性、低121 沥青防水涂1 部分参数 JC/T 852-1999 温柔性、料 粘结性 不测紫建筑表面用 建筑表面用有机硅防水剂 外线处 122 有机硅防水1 部分参数 JC/T 902-2002 理渗透 剂 性 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用防锈底漆 123 辆用防锈底1 全部参数 TB/T 2260-2001 漆 铁路机车车铁路机车车辆用面漆 TB/T 124 1 全部参数 辆用面漆 2393-2001 No. CNAS L0518 第 35 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 铁路货车用 铁路货车用厚浆型醇酸漆技125 1 全部参数 厚浆型醇酸术条件 TB/T 2707-1996 漆 不测表 面粗糙 铁路钢桥保铁路钢桥保护涂装及涂料供度、氟含126 护涂装及涂1 部分参数 货技术条件 TB/T 1527-2011 量、金属料 元素、氙 灯老化 溶剂型聚氨溶剂型聚氨酯涂料(双组分)不测耐127 酯涂料(双1 部分参数 HG/T 2454-2014 黄变性 组分) 氨基烘干绝氨基烘干绝缘漆 HG/T 128 1 全部参数 缘漆 3371-2012 酚醛树脂涂酚醛树脂涂料 GB/T 129 1 全部参数 料 25253-2010 酚醛树脂防酚醛树脂防锈涂料 GB/T 130 1 全部参数 锈涂料 25252-2010 不测耐 醇酸树脂涂醇酸树脂涂料 GB/T 人工气131 1 部分参数 料 25251-2010 候老化 性 氨基醇酸树氨基醇酸树脂涂料 GB/T 132 1 全部参数 脂涂料 25249-2010 过氯乙烯树过氯乙烯树脂防腐涂料 133 1 全部参数 脂防腐涂料 GB/T 25258-2010 过氯乙烯树过氯乙烯树脂涂料GB/T 134 1 全部参数 脂涂料 25259-2010 溶剂型丙烯溶剂型丙烯酸树脂涂料 135 1 全部参数 酸树脂涂料 GB/T 25264-2010 No. CNAS L0518 第 36 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/4 项目/参数 序检测 检测标准(方法)名称限制 说明 号 对象 及编号(含年号) 范围 序号 名称 136 硝基涂料 1 全部参数 硝基涂料 GB/T 25271-2010 环氧沥青防环氧沥青防腐涂料 GB/T 137 1 全部参数 腐涂料 27806-2011 室内装饰装 室内装饰装修用溶剂型聚氨修用溶剂型 138 1 全部参数 酯木器涂料 GB/T 聚氨酯木器23997-2009 涂料 室内装饰装 修用溶剂型室内装饰装修用溶剂型硝基139 1 全部参数 硝基木器涂木器涂料 GB/T 23998-2009 料 No. CNAS L0518 第 37 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L0518) NAME:Quality Supervision & Testing Center of Latex Products, ChemChina Zhuzhou Rubber Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:No.818, Xinhua East Road, Hetang District, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2015-08-10 Date of Expiry:2018-08-26 APPENDIX 2 ACCREDITED TESTING Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter 一、 Parameter Medical gloves made from natural rubber latex-Determination rubber and rubber Water-solub1 1 of water-extractable products le protein protein using the modified Lowry method GB/T 21870-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 38 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Standard Test Method for Analysis of aqueous Extractable Protein Water-solub1 in Natural Rubber le protein and its Products Using the Modified Lowry Method ASTM D 5712-10 Medical gloves-Determinatio n of remintion of removable surface powder GB/T Dust 21869-2008 2 rubber and rubber content 1 Standard Test products Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves1 ASTM D 6124-06 (2011) Standard test method for detection of holes in medical 3 holes gloves ASTM D 5151-06 (2011) Standard practice for rubber-measurement of dimensions 4 dimensions ASTM D 3767- 03 (2008) No. CNAS L0518 第 39 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber--Identificati Material on-Infra-red 5 quality spectrometric analysis method GB/T 7764-2001 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic-Resist ance to ozone cracking--Static strain test GB/T 7762-2014 Rubber and plastics performanchoses-assessment of 6 e of ozone ozone reistance resistance rubber and rubber under static 1 products conditions GB/T 24134-2009 Accredited Test method for tyre valve-part3:snap-in only for: valves-test methods ozone GB/T 9766.3-2008 resistance Standard test methods for vulcanized rubber Except for:tensile and thermoplastic 7 performanc testing of ring elastomers-tension e test pieces ASTM D 412-06a (2013) No. CNAS L0518 第 40 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Exceptfor:Determination of testing of ring tensile stress-strain test pieces properties ISO 37: 2011 Steel cord conveyor belts-longitudinal traction test-part2:measurem ent of tensile tensile strength GB/T 7 performanc5754.2-2005 e Rubber,rubber and thermoplastic-deterExceptfor:mination of tensile rubber and rubber testing of ring 1 stress-strain products test pieces properties GB/T 528-2009 Plastics-determinati on of tensile properties-part3:test conditions for films and sheets GB/T 1040.3-2006 Rubber,vulcanized. determinatiMethod for on of determination of strenth strenth properties of 8 properties adhesive to metal in of adhesive shear by tension to metal loading GB/T 13936-2014 No. CNAS L0518 第 41 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Test method for peel force of flexible 9 peel force laminated plastics GB,T 8808-1988 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic--DeterAccredited mination of tear only for: right strength (Trouser, angle shaped angle and crescent sample test pieces) 10 tear strength GB/T529-2008 Test method of right-angle tearing rubber and rubber performance of 1 products plastic QB,T 1130-1991 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic--Deter mination of adhesion to textile fabric adhesion 11 GB/T532-2008 strength Rubber,vulcanized —Determination of static adhesion to textile cord—H-pull test GB/T 2942-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 42 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Steel cord conveyor belts-adhesion strength test of the cover to the core layer GB/T 17044-2013 rubber and rubber adhesion Rubber, vulcanized 1 11 products strength or thermoplastic-Deter mination of adhesion to a rigid substrate 90? peel method GB/T 7760-2003 Rubber,vulcanized-d etermination of adhesion to metal-180? peel test method GB/T 15254-1994 Rubber,vulcanized-d etermination of rubber and rubber adhesion 1 11 adhesion to products strength metal-tow-plate method GB/T 11211-2009 Rubber and plastics Exceptfor:6 hoses-determination type 、7 type of adhesion between and 8 type components GB/T sample 14905-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 43 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Steel cord conveyor belts-cord-to-coating bond test-Initial test and after thermal theatment GB/T adhesion 5755-2013 11 strength V-belts-adhesive strength between constitutive elements-test methods HG/T 3864-2008 Rubber,vulcanized or rubber and rubber thermoplastic-deterAccredited 1 products mination of only for: indentation Shore A hardness-part1:Durohardness merer method(Shore hardness) GB/T 531.1-2008 12 hardness Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-deter mination of indentation hardness-part2:IRH D pocket meter method GB/T 531.2-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 44 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber—Determina tion of rebound 13 Resilience resilience of vulcanizates GB/T 1681-2009 Rubber, vulcanized--Determi Low-tempernation of 14 ature low-temperature brittleness brittleness(single test piece method) GB/T 1682-2014 Rubber, Vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of Compressiorubber and rubber 15 compression set at 1 n set products ambient elevated or low temperatures GB/T 7759-1996 Rubber, Except for:vulcanized-DetermiEffect of 16 nation of the effect only one-face liquids of liquids GB/T contact liquid 1690-2010 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic--Acceageing lerated ageing and 17 performanc heat resistance e tests--Air-oven method GB/T 3512-2014 No. CNAS L0518 第 45 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Steam aging test method of Latex products GB/T 14831-2003 Rubber and plastics hoses-determination of ultra-violet ageing resistance under 17 performancstatic conditions e GB/T 18950-2003 Rubber,vulcanized-t est method of resistance to artificial weathering(Fluoresc rubber and rubber ent UV lamp) 1 products GB/T 16585-1996 Rubber-Determinati on of ash Part 18 ash 1:Muffle furnace method GB/T4498.1-2013 Rubber,vulcanized or 19 Density thermoplastic-deter mination of density GB/T 533-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 46 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber,unvulcanize d -Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer--part1:D etermination of mooney viscosity Mooney 20 GB/T1232.1-2000 viscosity Rubber,unvulcanize d -determinations of pre-vulcanization characteristic using a shearing disc viscometrer GB/T 1233-2008 Rubber rubber and rubber 1 vulcanized-Determiproducts nation of abrasion resistance(Akron machine) GB/T1689-1998 abrasion Rubber,vulcanized 21 resistance or thermoplastic-deter mination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device GB/T 9867-2008 Rubber-deteRubber-determinatiormination of 22 n of solvent extract solvent GB/T 3516-2006 extract No. CNAS L0518 第 47 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Laboratory test methods for passenger car tyres capabilities GB ,T 4502-2009 23 strength test Laboratory test rubber and rubber method for truck and 1 products bus tyres capabilities GB/T 4501-2008 Accredited Rubber-determinatioonly 24 free sulfur n of free sulfur for:sodium GB/T 15251-2008 sulfite method Rubber,raw-Determivolatile nation of volatile 25 matter matter content content GB/T 24131-2009 Conveyor belts-Drum Drum 26 friction-Method of friction rubber and rubber test GB/T 1 products 7986-2013 Accredited only Rubber-Determinatifor:method B 27 burning on of the burning vertical GB/T 10707-2008 burning method No. CNAS L0518 第 48 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber,vulcanized- Determination of electrical breakdown breakdown strength and voltage 28 strength resistant at commercial power frequency GB/T 1695-2005 Conveyor rubber and rubber belts-Electrical 1 Electrical products conductivety-Specifi29 conductivet cation and test y method GB/T 3684-2006 Vulcanized rubber-Determinatioinsulation 30 n of the insulation resistivity resistivity GB/T 1692-2008 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determi coagulum nation of coagulum 1 content content(sieve residue) GB/T 8291-2008 2 rubber latex Natural rubber latex volatile concentrate-Determi 2 fatty acid nation of volatile number fatty acid number GB/T 8292-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 49 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determisludge 3 nation of sludge content content GB/T 8293-2008 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determiboric acid 4 nation of boric acid content content GB/T 8294-2008 Natural rubber and latex-Determination copper of copper 5 content content-Photometric method GB/T 8295-2008 GB/T 8296-2008 2 rubber latex Raw natural rubber and rubber manganese latices-Determinatio6 content n of manganese content-Sodium periodate photometric method Natural rubber latex concentrate-DetermiKOH 7 nation of KOH number number GB/T 8297-2008 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determitotal solid 8 nation of total solid content content GB/T 8298-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 50 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determidry rubber 9 nation of dry rubber content content GB/T 8299-2008 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determi10 alkalinity nation of alkalinity GB/T 8300-2008 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determimechanical 11 nation of mechanical stability stability GB/T 8301-2008 Synthesize rubber 2 rubber latex latex--Determination 12 pH of PH SH/T 1150-2011 Synthesize rubber latex--Determination high of high-speed 13 mechanical mechanical stability stability SH/T 1151-1992(2005) SH/T 1152-1992 (2005)Synthesize 14 viscosity rubber latex--Determination of viscosity No. CNAS L0518 第 51 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Synthetic rubber latex — coagulum Determination of 15 content coagulum content (sieve residue) SH/T 1153-2011 SH/T 1154-2011 Synthetic rubber total solids 16 latex — content 2 rubber latex Determination of total solids content Synthesize rubber tensile force latex--determination 17 on surface of surface tension SH/T 1156-1999 Test method of meteorological Rubber 18 balloon GJB987Athreads ,1998 softening 1 point GB/T 11409-2008 2 heating loss Test methods rubber residue on 3 3 Rubber ingredients antiagers and sieve vulcanizing 4 ash content accelerators 5 viscosity Hydrochlori c acid 6 insoluble substance No. CNAS L0518 第 52 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Test methods rubber general antiagers and 1 analysis vulcanizing method accelerators GB/T 11409-2008 Paints ,varnishes and raw materials for 1 sampling paints and varnishes--sampling GB/T 3186-2006 Paints and appearance varnishes--Visual 2 and color of comparison of the film colour of paints GB/T 9761-2008 Determination of 4 Paint appearance appearance and and transparency of 3 transparencvarnishes, boiled y oils and thinners GB/T 1721-2008 Determination of colour of varnishes, oils and thinners GB/T 1722-1992 Clear 4 color liquids--Estimation of colour by the Gardner scale--Part:1Visual method GB/T 9281.1-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 53 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Determination of viscosity of coatings GB/T 1723-1993 Paints and 5 Viscosity varnishes-Determina tion of flow time by use of flow cups GB/T 6753.4- 1998 Paints and varnishes--Determin ation of 6 Density density--Pyknometer method GB/T 6750-2007 Determination of fineness of paints 4 Paint GB/T 1724-1979 Paints, varnishes and 7 Fineness printing inks--Determination of fineness of grind GB/T 6753.1-2007 Determination of Hiding hiding power of 8 power paints GB/T 1726-1979 Determination of flexibility of films GB/T 1731-1993 9 Flexibility Determination of flexibility of putty films GB/T 1748-1979 No. CNAS L0518 第 54 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes--Bend test 10 Bending test ( cylindrical mandrel) GB/T 6742-2007 Determination of Attachment force of films GB/T 1720-1979 Paint and varnishes--Cross cut 11 Adhesion test films GB/T 9286-1998 Paint and varnishes--Pull-off test for adhesion 4 Paint GB/T 5210-2006 Paints and varnishes--Pendulu m damping test GB/T 1730-2007 12 hardness Paints and varnishes--Determin ation of hardness by pencil test GB/T 6739-2006 Paints, varnishes and plastics-Determinatinon-volatile 13 on of non-volatile matter matter content GB/T 1725-2007 No. CNAS L0518 第 55 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes--Measure ment of specular Specular gloss of 14 gloss non-metallic paint films at 20?, 60?and 85? GB/T 9754-2007 Paints and Cupping varnishes- Cupping 15 test test GB/T 9753-2007 Determination of flash point--Rapid 16 Flash point equilibrium closed 4 Paint cup method GB/T 5208-2008 Method of test for Package package stability of 17 stability paints GB/T 6753.3-1986 Determination of Impact impact resistance of 18 resistance film GB/T 1732-1993 Determination of Resistance resistance to water 19 to water of films GB/T 1733-1993 No. CNAS L0518 第 56 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes--Determin Resistance ation of resistance to 19 to water water--Water immersion method GB/T 5209-1985 Paints and varnishes--DeterminResistance 20 ation of resistance to to liquids liquids GB/T 9274-1988 Paints and varnishes--DeterminHeat 21 ation of heat resistance resistance GB/T 1735-2009 4 Paint Determination of scrub resistance of Scrub 22 film of architectural resistance paints and coatings GB/T 9266-2009 Paint and varnishes--Determin ation of resistance to Resistance 23 abrasion--Rotating to abrasion abrasive rubber wheel method GB/T 1768-2006 Rubbing test of Rubbing coatings and putty 24 property films GB/T 1770-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 57 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Determination of Resistance resistance to heat 25 to heat and and humidity of humidity films GB/T 1740-2007 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres--Salt spray tests GB/T 10125-2012 Resistance 26 to neutral Paints and salt spray varnishes- Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray GB/T 1771-2007 4 Paint Determination of consistency of paste 27 Consistency and putty GB/T 1749-1979 Paints and varnishes. Evaluation of sag 28 Sagging resistance GB/T 9264-2012 Paints and varnishes--Determin pigment ation of pigment 29 content content--Part2:Ashin g method GB/T 1747.2-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 58 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited only for:dial Paints and test varnishes- Film method,Gravi30 Determination of thickness metric film thickness analysis and GB/T 13452.2-2008 magnetic method Paints and Resistance varnishes- Scratch 31 to scratch test GB/T 9279-2007 Plastics(polyester resins) and paints and varnishes(binders)--32 Acid value Determination of 4 Paint partial acid value and total acid value GB/T 6743- 2008 Determination of drying time of paint,putty films GB/T 1728-1979 Paints and varnishes--surface-d rying test--ballotini 33 drying time method GB/T 6753.2-1986 Test methods for building waterproofing coatings GB/T 16777-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 59 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Method of test for after after-tack of paint 34 tackiness films GB/T 1762-1980 Binders for paints and varnishes--Determin saponificatiation of 35 on value saponification value--Titrimetric method GB/T 6744-2008 Print-free test of print-free 36 film GB/T test 9273-2007 Determination for 4 Paint alkali resistance of alkali 37 film of architectural resistance paints and coatings GB/T 9265-2009 paints and varnishes-Determina tion of "soluble" metal content--part1:Deter mination of lead 38 lead content content-flame atomic absorption spetrometric method and dithizone spetrophotometric method GB/T 9758.1-1988 No. CNAS L0518 第 60 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes--Determin ation of "soluble" metal content--Part4:deter mination of cadmium cadmium Except for:39 content content--Flame polarography atomic absorption spectrometric method and polarographic method GB/T 9758.4-1988 paints and varnishes-determinat ion of total 4 Paint total lead lead--Flame atomic 40 content absorption spectrometric method GB 13452.1-1992 test method for dirt pickup resistance of dirt pickup 41 film of architectural resistance coatings and paints GB/T 9780-2013 Determination for the solvent solvent resistance of 42 resistance coatings by solvent rubs GB/T 23989-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 61 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Determination of contrast ratio of contrast 43 white and light ratio coloured paints GB/T 23981-2009 Determination of breakdown dielectric strength of 44 strength insullac film HG/T3330-2012 Determination of volume volume resistivity resistance,sand surface 45 urface resistivity of insullac resistance films HG/T 3331-2012 Determination of 4 Paint water absorption of paint film HG/T water 3344-2012 46 absorption Determination of rate water absorption rate of insullac films HG/T 3856-2006 Determination of blushing of thinners 47 blushing and retarders HG/T 3859-2006 Determination of nitrocellulosnitrocellulose cotton e cotton gelling number of 48 gelling thinners and number retarders HG/T 3861-2006 No. CNAS L0518 第 62 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes--Determin ation of volatile VOC organic 49 content compound(VOC)co ntent--Differece method GB/T 23985-2009 Determination of contents of contents of benzene,toluene,ethbenzene,tolylbenzene and 50 uene,ethylb xylene in coatings enzene and by gas xylene chromatography 4 Paint GB/T 23990-2009 Determination of soluble Accredited soluble harmful harmful only for:Cd、51 elements content of elements coatings GB/T pb、Cr、Hg content 23991-2009 determination of formaldehyde content of formaldehywaterborne 52 de content coatings-spetrophto metric method with acetylacetone GB/T 23993-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 63 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation(i mpact resistance) impact 4 Paint 53 tests - Part 2: resistance Falling-weight test small-area indenter GB/T 20624.2-2006 二 Products Nature latex rubber condoms-RequiremeAll 1 nts and test methods Parameters GB 7544-2009 4074:2002 Nature latex 5 Standard rubber condoms specification for All rubber 2 Parameters contraceptives(Male condoms) ASTM D 3492-2014 Single-use sterile Except Part of rubber surgical 1 for:sterilizatio Parameters gloves GB n 7543-2006 6 rubber gloves medical gloves for single use part 1: requirements and All 2 testing for freedom Parameters from holes EN 455-1:2000 No. CNAS L0518 第 64 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter medical gloves for single use part 2: requirements and All 3 testing for physical Parameters properties EN 455-2:2000 Standard specification for Except Part of 4 rubber surgical for:Hygienic Parameters gloves ASTM D property 3577-09e1 Limit the removable surface powaer and All water-extractable 5 Parameters proein of medical gloves GB 6 rubber gloves 24788-2009 Single-use medical Except Part of rubber examination 6 for:sterilizatio Parameters gloves GB n 10213-2006 Single-use All non-sterile rubber 7 Parameters surgical gloves GB 24787-2009 Standard specification for Except Part of Rubber Examination 8 for:sterilizatio Parameters Gloves ASTM D n 3578-05(2010) No. CNAS L0518 第 65 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Standard Specification for Except Part of Nitrile Examination 6 rubber gloves 9 for:sterilizatio Parameters Gloves for Medical n Application ASTM D 6319-10 Single-use medical Except poly(vinyl Part of poly (vinyl chloride) 7 1 for:sterilizatio chloride) gloves Parameters examination gloves n GB 24786-2009 Single-use medical examination gloves-Part2:SpencifExcept Part of 2 for:sterilizatio ication for gloves Parameters made from n poly(vinyl chloride) poly(vinyl ISO 11193-2:2006 7 chloride) gloves Standard specification for Except poly(vinyl chloride) Part of 3 for:sterilizatio gloves for medical Parameters n application ASTM D 5250-06(2011) Rubber household Rubber household All 8 1 gloves HG/T gloves Parameters 2888-2010 Rubber industry Rubber industry All 9 1 gloves HG/T gloves Parameters 2584-2010 Except for:Rubber transfusion Rubber transfusion Part of 10 1 tube GB biological tube Parameters 4491-2003 property No. CNAS L0518 第 66 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Specification for Specification for meteorological meteorological All 11 1 balloon of new balloon of new Parameters series GJB series 1961-1994 Except for: N-Nitrosamin es and Latex colorful N-NitrosatablLatex colorful Part of 12 1 balloons HG/T e balloons Parameters 2723-2012 substances,mi gration limited of given element Except for:Schwartz Part of Latex Thread 13 Latex Thread 1 value,copper Parameters HG/T 2889-1997 pollution resistance Latex finger cots All 14 Latex finger cots 1 Parameters HG,T 4664-2014 Specification for meteorological meteorological All 15 1 balloon of new balloon Parameters series GJB 1961-1994 meteorological All Rubber threads 16 1 balloon Parameters HG/T 2448-2009 Rubber hot water Rubber hot-water All 17 1 bottle HG bottle Parameters 2011-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 67 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber sealing ring Except for pressure cooker Rubber sealing for Part of 18 1 for:Hygienic HG 2943-1984pressure cooker Parameters property (1997) Hygienic standard Except for:foodstuff rubber Part of for foodstuff rubber 19 1 residual produtcts Parameters produtcts GB acrylonitrile 4806.1-1994 Hygienic standard Part of Except 20 rubber nipple 1 for rubber nipple Parameters for:additives GB 4806.2-1994 Except for:additives、 Part of HG/T 2946-2011 N-Nitrosamin21 Rubber nipple 1 Parameters Rubber nipple es and N-Nitrosatabl e substances All HG/T 2010-2009 22 Rubber laner tubes 1 Parameters Rubber laner tubes Flexible cellular polymeric materials--Sponge Flexible cellular All and expanded 23 polymeric 1 Parameters cellular rubber materials products--Part 1:Sheeting GB/T 18944-.1-2003 Natural rubber latex concentrate--Centrif Natural rubber All uged or creamed, 24 1 latex concentrate Parameters ammonia preserved types--Specification GB/T 8289-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 68 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Synthetic rubber latex-Part1:Carboxyl styrene-butadiene Except for: Carboxyl Part of rubber 25 styrene-butadiene 1 calcium ion Parameters latex(XSBRL)56C、rubber latex stability 55B GB,T 25260.1-2010 Chloroprene cationic Chloroprene All latex-Type CRL 50 26 1 cationic latex Parameters LK HG/T 3317-1988 Rubber compound for coal-digger parts All of comprehensive 1 Parameters mechanization equipment HG/T 3326-2007 Material of rubber All seals used for gas 2 Parameters supply pipes HG/T 3092-1988 Rubber mixture of Rubber seals-Joint 27 O-rings rings water supply, drainage and All 3 sewerage Parameters pipelines-Specificati on for materials GB/T 21873-2008 Rubber gasket ring of prestressed and All 4 self-stressing Parameters concrete pipe JC/T 748-2010 No. CNAS L0518 第 69 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber mixture of All 5 O-ring seals for fuel Parameters HG/T 3089-2001 Rubber mixture of high temperature Rubber mixture of All 27 6 and lubricant O-rings Parameters resistant HG/T 2021-2014 Rubber mixture of All O-ring seals for acid 7 Parameters and alkali resistant HG 2181-2009 Rubber Compounds of O-Rings used for All 8 Hydraulic fluid Parameters power System HG/T 2579-2008 Rubber mixture of 27 O-rings Specification for nitrile rubber, fuel All 9 and hydraulic fluid Parameters resistant GJB 250A-1996 Rubber compounds All for rotary shaft lap 1 Parameters seals HG/T 2811-1996 Rotary shaft lap 28 seals Appearance quality All for rotary shaft lip 2 Parameters seals GB/T 15326-1994 No. CNAS L0518 第 70 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Fluid power systems. O-rings. Part 1:Inside All diameters,cross-secti1 Parameters ons,tolerances and size identification Fluid power 29 code GB/T systems. O-rings 3452.1-2005 Fluid power systems. O-rings. All 2 Part 2:Quality Parameters acceptance criteria GB/T 3452.2-2007 Rubber--Recommen dations for the Rubber--Recommeworkmanship of ndations for the All pipe joint 30 1 workmanship of Parameters rings--Description pipe joint rings and classification of imperfections GB/T 17604-1998 Rubber-Tolerances of products--Part 1: All 31 Rubber products 1 Dimensional Parameters tolerances GB/T 3672.1-2002 Rotary shaft lip type seals incorporating Rotary shaft lip elastomeric sealing type seals All elements. Part 32 incorporating 1 Parameters 1:Nominal elastomeric sealing dimensions and elements tolerances GB/T 13871.1-2007 No. CNAS L0518 第 71 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Appearance quality All for reciprocating 1 Parameters rubber seals GB/T 15325-1994 Reciprocating rubber seals. Types,dimensions All 2 and tolerances Part 1 Parameters Rubber seals on one-way GB/T 10708.1-2000 Reciprocating rubber seals. Types,dimensions Rubber All 3 and tolerances Part 2 33 compounds for Parameters Rubber seals on sealing ring two-way GB/T 10708.2-2000 Reciprocating rubber seals. All Types,dimensions 4 Parameters and tolerances Part 3 Rubber dust seals GB/T 10708.3-2000 Compounds of All reciprocating rubber 5 Parameters seals HG/T 2810-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 72 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for: 60?tensile strength at break; Polymer water-proof combined Part of materials--Part1:Watstrength;1 Parameters er-proof sheet risistance to GB 18173.1-2012 weathering; compressive strength of special-shape Polymer d sheet 34 Water-proof materials Polymer Water-proof All 2 materials--Past2:Wat Parameters erstop GB 18173.2-2014 Polymer water-proof materials-Part All 3 3-Hydrophilic Parameters expasion rubber GB/T 18173.3-2014 Rubber hoses,textile-reinforExcept for:Part of ced,for general- 35 Rubber hoses 1 flexing; Parameters purpose water concentricity applications HG/T 2184-2008 No. CNAS L0518 第 73 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Construction machinery-High Part of temperature and low Except for:2 Parameters pressure oil-carrying cleanliness pipes JB/T 8406-2008 Rubber hoses and tubing for All 3 transferring water in Parameters automobiles HG/T 2491-2009 Rubber hoses-on-shore oil All 4 suction and 35 Rubber hoses Parameters discharge HG/T3038-2008 Rubber All hoses-ship/dockside 5 Parameters oil discharge HG/T3039-2008 Except for: vacuum,comb9 Rubber hoses and ustion hose assemblies for Part of performance, 6 bulk fuel by truck. Parameters physical Specification property of HG/T3041-200 the hose assembly No. CNAS L0518 第 74 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Rubber hoses and hose assemblies,wire or Part of textile reinforced for Except for:7 Parameters dredging vacuum, applications. Specification HG/T2490-2011 35 Rubber hoses Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for underground Except for:Part of mining-Textile-reinf8 abrasion Parameters orced air and water resistance type GB,T 19090-2003 Except for: inflammabilit y of oxygen hose; Gas welding Resistance to equipment-Rubber heat; particles hose for Part of 35 Rubber hoses 9 and hot welding,cutting and Parameters surface allied processes properties;inflGB,T 2550-2007 ammability; coefficient of deformation concentricity No. CNAS L0518 第 75 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Diesel engines--Requireme nts for low pressure Part of Except for:10 hydraulic hose Parameters cleanliness assemblies JB,T 6015-2011 Rubber hoses and Except for: 35 Rubber hoses hose assemblies for concentricity;Part of 11 saturated bend Parameters steam-Specification test ;steam HG/T 3036-2009 test Automotive air Except for:Part of brake hose and hose 12 Parameters assemblie GB flexure test 7128-2008 All Automotive V-belts 1 Parameters GB 12732-2008 Automotive 36 V-belts Automotive All 2 V-ribbed belts GB Parameters 13552-2008 Automotive Automotive All 37 1 synchronous belts synchronous belts Parameters GB 12734-2003 Narrow V-belt for Except Part of 1 general drive for:fatigue Parameters GB/T 12730-2008 life 38 rubber V-belt Classical V-belt for Except Part of 2 general drive GB for:fatigue Parameters 1171-2006 life No. CNAS L0518 第 76 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Inner tube of pneumatic All tyres-Part2:Inner 1 Parameters tube of motorcycle tyres GB7036.2-2007 Inner tube of pneumatic All tyres-Part1:Inner 39 Inner tube 2 Parameters tube of automobile tyres GB 7036.1-2009 Except Cycle inner tubes Part of 3 for:durability GB,T 1703-2008 Parameters test Technical Except specification of for:durability Part of 1 pressed-on solid test of Parameters tyres finish(ed) GB/T16623-2008 product 40 tyres Accredited Technical only Part of specification of for:rubber 2 Parameters earth-mover tyres physical GB/T1190-2009 mechanical performance No. CNAS L0518 第 77 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for: Traction performance Technical and abrasion Part of specification of resistance 3 Parameters agricultural tyres performance GB/T1192-2008 (Double 40 tyres spin drum method) Accredited only Retreaded tyre for Part of for:rubber 4 earth-mover HG, Parameters physical T 3979-2007 mechanical performance Solid woven fire resistant conveyor All 1 belting used in Parameters coalmineMT 914-2008 Solid woven fire Except for:resistant conveyor Frame retardant Part of strength 41 2 belts for conveyor Parameters mechanical underground mining splice HG 2805-2012 Flame retardant conveyor belts of All 3 textile construction Parameters for general use GB/T 10822-2014 No. CNAS L0518 第 78 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Steel cord flame retardant conveyor All 4 belts used in Parameters underground mines GB 21352-2008 Requirements for flame retardant conveyor belts of Except for: Frame retardant Part of 41 5 steel rope dynamical conveyor Parameters construction used in fatigue coalmine MT 668-2008 Textile laminated fire retardant Except for: Part of 6 conveyor belt used tie-in move Parameters in coal mine MT life 830-2008 Conveyor belts of textile construction All 1 for general use Parameters GB/T7984,2013 42 conveyor belts Except for: adhesive Heat resistant strength Part of conveyor belts of 2 between Parameters duck construction different layer GB/T 20021-2005 at high temperature No. CNAS L0518 第 79 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited only Pot bearings for Part of for:rubber 1 highway bridges Parameters physical JT /T391-2009 mechanical performance Accredited Plate type only elastomeric pad Part of for:rubber 43 Rubber bearings 2 bearings for Parameters physical highway bridges mechanical JT/T 4-2004 performance Accredited Rubber only Part of bearings--Part4:Norfor:rubber 3 Parameters mal rubber bearings physical GB 20688.4-2007 mechanical performance Industial rubber All sheet GB,T 1 Parameters 5574-2008 Except for: Creep 44 rubber sheet relaxation Oil-resisting rate;Normal Part of compressed asbestos 2 temperature Parameters fibre jointing oil GB/T 539-2008 sealing;Nitrog en gas leakage rate No. CNAS L0518 第 80 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for: Creep relaxation GBT 3985-2008 rate;Nitrogen Part of Compressed 3 gas leakage Parameters asbestos fibre rate;heat and jointing pressure resistance property conductive and All antistatic rubber 44 rubber sheet 4 Parameters sheet for Industrial use HG 2793-1996 Silicon rubber board All 5 HG,T 4070-2008 Parameters rubber sheet for the requirements of All 6 Railway concrete Parameters sleeper use TB/T 2626-1995 Cement-purpose PU Cement-purpose All 45 1 pistion GB/T PU pistion Parameters 21539-2008 Rubber lining-Part Lining for grinding All 2-Lining for 46 1 mills Parameters grinding mills GB/T 18241.2-2000 No. CNAS L0518 第 81 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Accredited only for: Physical and mechanical Athletic shoes Part of 1 properties,Ex GB,T 15107-2013 Parameters cept for low temperature flexibility and colorfastness Except for:Football shoes GBPart of 2 static friction ,T 19706-2005 Parameters coefficient All Sport shoes HG,3 Parameters T 2017-2011 Except for Casual shoes HGPart of 4 yellow rubber boots Parameters ,T 2018-2014 47 changing (shoes) Except for:1 Color rain rubber Part of Resistance to boots (shoes) HG5 Parameters permeable ,T 2020-201 performance Except for:Black rain boots Part of Resistance to (shoes) HG,T 6 Parameters permeable 2019-2011 performance Labor shoes HG,All 7 Parameters T 2495-2007 Except for:Injection molding Part of Aska 8 shoes HG,T Parameters hardness C 3084-2010 type No. CNAS L0518 第 82 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for:Rubber-plastics Part of Aska sandals and slippers 9 Parameters rubber boots hardness C HG,T 3086-2011 47 (shoes) type Rubber Soles HGAll 10 Parameters ,T 3082-2010 Except for:Part of Reclaimed rubbers 48 Reclaimed rubbers 1 harmful Parameters GB/T 13460-2008 substance (Raw natural rubber-Smoked All 49 Raw natural rubber 1 sheets,white crepes Parameters and pale crepes) GB/T 8089-2007 Chloroprene rubber Chloroprene All 50 1 CR121、CR122 rubber Parameters GB/T 14647-2008 Rubber,butadieneAll 51 Rubber,butadiene 1 (BR)9000 Parameters GB/T 8659-2008 Except for:Rubber,styrene-butarubber,styrene-butPart of Combined 52 1 diene(SBR)1502 adiene Parameters with styrene GB/T 12824-2002 content Vulanizing accelerator Vulanizing All -2-Mercaptobenzoth53 1 accelerator M Parameters iazole(MBT) GB/T 11407-2013 Vulanizing Vulanizing All 54 1 accelerator NOBS accelerator NOBS Parameters GB/T 8829-2006 No. CNAS L0518 第 83 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Vulanizing accelerator Vulanizing All 55 1 -Dibenzothiazole accelerator DM Parameters disulfide(MBTS) GB/T 11408-2013 Vulanizing Vulanizing All 56 1 accelerator CBS accelerator CBS Parameters HG/T 2096-2006 Vulanizing Vulanizing Part of Except 57 1 accelerator TMTD accelerator TMTD Parameters for:purity HG/T 2334-2007 Except for.Isopropyt wo aniline; Rubber antioxidant Part of the total 58 Antiager TMQ 1 TMQ GB/T Parameters content of 8826-2011 Dimer,tripoly mer and tetramer All Antiager 4010NA 59 Antiager4010NA 1 Parameters GB/T 8828-2003 Zinc oxide (Indirect All 60 Zinc oxide 1 method) GB/T Parameters 3185-1992 No. CNAS L0518 第 84 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for: adsorption specific surface Carbon black for Carbon black for use area ;tinting Part of 61 use in rubber 1 in rubber products strength;pour Parameters products GB 3778-2011 density; Determinatio n of total and externalsurfac e area Rubber Except for:compounding Silica,precipitated,Part of 62 1 ingredients-Silica,pr specific hydrated Parameters ecipitated,hydrated surface area HG/T 3061-2009 Ordinary Calcium carbonate precipitated calcium Part of Except for:63 precipitated for 1 carbonate for Parameters whiteness industrial use industrial use HG/T 2226-2010 Activated Activated Except for:precipitated calcium precipitated Part of 64 1 carbonate for Whiteness ;accalcium carbonate Parameters industrial use tivation grade for industrial use HG/T 2567-2006 No. CNAS L0518 第 85 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for:Water permeability,Synthetic resin Synthetic resin Anti pan Part of emulsion coatings 65 emulsion coatings 1 alkali、Parameters for exterior wall for exterior wall GB/T 9755-2014 Anti-Artificia l climate aging Except for:Solution coatings for Solution coatings Part of Anti-Artificia66 1 outer wall GB/T for outer wall Parameters l climate 9757-2001 aging Synthetic resin Synthetic resin All emulsion coatings 67 emulsion coatings 1 Parameters for outer wall for outer wall GB/T 9756-2009 Indoor decorating and refurbishing Indoor decorating materials--Limit of and refurbishing All harmful substances 68 1 materials Parameters of interior adhesives archetechural coatings GB18582-2008 Indoor decorating and refurbishing Indoor decorating materials--Limit of and refurbishing All harmful substances 69 materials solvent 1 Parameters of solvent based coatings for coatings for woodenware woodenware GB 18581-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 86 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Indoor decorating Indoor decorating and refurbishing and refurbishing All materials--Limit of 70 1 materials Parameters harmful substances adhesives of adhesives GB 18583-2008 C06-1 Ferrite red C06-1 Ferrite red All 71 1 alkyd primer alkyd primer Parameters HG/T 2009-1991 Epoxy ester Epoxy ester All 72 1 undercoat HG undercoat Parameters 2239-2012 Chlorinated rubber Chlorinated rubber All anticorrosive 73 anticorrosive 1 Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 25263-2010 Chlorosulphonated Chlorosulphonated polyethylene polyethylene All anti-corrosive anticorrosive 74 1 Parameters coatings coatings(two- pack) (two-package) HG/T 2661-1995 Except for: flood yellow resistance test、Part of Alkyd enamels 75 Alkyd enamels 1 Parameters HG/T 2576-1994 weathering resistance、 light resistance. No. CNAS L0518 第 87 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Except for: bright、 Finish for weathering Finish for Part of 76 1 automobiles GB/T resistance、automobiles Parameters 13492-1992 Artificial accelerated aging. Primer for Primer for All 77 1 automobiles GB/T automobiles Parameters 13493-1992 Except for: the content of benzene,ethyl benzene,xyle Polyurethane ne,phenol,napPolyurethane Part of 78 1 waterproof coating hthalene and waterproof coating Parameters GB/T19250-2013 Anthracene,a nd Joint dynamic deformation capacity Paints for electric Paints for electric All 79 1 components components Parameters HG/T 2003-1991 Paints for concrete Paints for concrete All 80 1 floor HG/T floor Parameters 2004-1991 Except for: Thermosetting Powder coatings Part of particle 81 1 powder coatings for refrigerator Parameters diameter HG/T 2006-2006 distributing No. CNAS L0518 第 88 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter A01-1, A01-2 A01-1, A01-2 All Amino baking 82 Amino baking 1 Parameters varnish HG/T varnish 2237-1991 F01-1 Phenol F01-1 Phenol All 83 1 aldehyde varnish aldehyde varnish Parameters HG/T 2238- 1991 Wet (moisture) S01-4 cured polyurethane Except for: Part of 84 Polyurethane 1 coatings ( single wood Parameters varnish package) HG/T coatings 2240- 2012 Finishes for machine Finishes for All 85 1 tool HG/T machine tool Parameters 2243-1991 Primers for machine Primers for All 86 1 tool HG/T machine tool Parameters 2044-1991 Various color Pyroxyline lacquers All 87 finishing lacquer 1 for pencils HG/T Parameters for pencil 2245-2012 Rare earth driers for Thulium catalytic All 88 1 coatings HG/T dryer for dope Parameters 2247-1991 All Drier for coatings 89 Drier for coatings 1 Parameters HG/T 2276-1996 Nitrocellulose Nitrocellulose All enamels for exterior 90 enamels for 1 Parameters use HG/T exterior use 2277-1992 No. CNAS L0518 第 89 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Aluminum pigments All for paints-Part 91 Aluminum powder 1 Parameters 1:Aluminium paste HG/T2456.1-2013 All Acrylic varnishes 92 Acrylic varnishes 1 Parameters HG/T 2593-1994 Amino-alkyd baking Amino-alkyd All 93 1 enamels HG/T baking enamels Parameters 2594- 1994 Zinc yellow or Zinc yellow or iron iron red All red perchlorovinyl 94 1 perchlorovinyl Parameters primers HG/T primers 2595-1994 Chlorinated Chlorinated All polyvinyl chloride 95 polyvinyl chloride 1 Parameters enamels HG/T enamels 2596-1994 X06-1 Polyvinyl Polyvinyl resin etch All resin etch primerprimer(two-pack) 96 1 Parameters (two packages) HG/T 3347-2013 Various colour Various colour All 97 1 phenolic enamel phenolic enamel Parameters HG/T 3349-2003 All Alkyd putties 98 Alkyd putties 1 Parameters HG/T 3352-2003 A16-51 A61-51 Amino-alkyd All Amino-alkyd baking 99 1 baking hammer Parameters hammer finishes finishes HG/T 3353-1987 All Epoxy ester putties 100 Epoxy ester putties 1 Parameters HG/T 3354-2003 No. CNAS L0518 第 90 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Nitrocellulose Nitrocellulose All 101 1 Primers HG/T Primers Parameters 3355-2003 Nitrocellulose Nitrocellulose All 102 1 Putties HG/T Putties Parameters 3356-2003 Chlorinated Chlorinated All polyvinyl chloride 103 polyvinyl chloride 1 Parameters putties HG/T putties 3357-2003 G52-31 Chlorinated Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride All 104 polyvinyl chloride 1 anti-corrosive paints Parameters anti-corrosive HG/T 3358-1987 paints G52-31 Aluminum powder Aluminum powder organosilicon organosilicon high-temperature high-temperature All 105 1 resistant baking resistant baking Parameters paintpaint(two packs) (two-package) HG/T 3362- 2003 Micaceous iron Micaceous iron oxide phenolic All oxide phenolic 106 1 anti-corrosive Parameters anti-corrosive paint paint HG/T 3369-2003 Alkyd Alkyd electrical All electro-insulating 107 insulating baking 1 Parameters baking varnish varnish HG/T 3372-2012 Organsilicon Organsilicon electrical All electrical insulating 108 1 insulating baking Parameters baking varnish varnish HG/T 3375-2003 No. CNAS L0518 第 91 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Thinners for Thinners for All 109 nitrocellulose 1 nitrocellulose paints Parameters paints HG/T 3378-2003 Thinners for Thinners for chlorinated chlorinated All 110 1 polyvinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride Parameters paints HG/T paints 3379-2003 Thinners for Thinners for All 111 amino- Alkyd 1 amino-Alkyd paints Parameters paints HG/T 3380-2003 All Removers HG/T 112 Removers 1 Parameters 3381-2003 Moisture-proof Moisture-proof agent for agent for All 113 1 nitrocellulose nitrocellulose Parameters lacquer HG/T lacquer 3383-2003 Moisture-proof Moisture-proof agents for agents for All 114 1 nitrocellulose nitrocellulose Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 25272-2010 Moisture-proof 03 Moisture-proof agent for All agent for 115 1 perchlorovinyl Parameters perchlorovinyl paint paint HG/T 3384-20 Except for :Paints for steel Paints for steel Part of Artificial 116 1 structure bridge structure bridge Parameters accelerated HG/T 3656-1999 aging All Zinc rich primer 117 Zinc rich primer 1 Parameters HG/T 3668-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 92 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Crosslinking Except for: Crosslinking Part of fluorocarbon resin Anti-Artificia118 fluorocarbon resin 1 Parameters coatings HG/T l climate coatings 3792-2005 aging 5 Hot-melt Except for: Hot-melt fluorocarbon resinPart of Anti-Artificiafluorocarbon resin 119 1 Parameters (PVDF)coating l climate (PVDF) coating HG/T 3793-200 aging Except for Polyvinyl chloride elongation Polyvinyl chloride elastic after elastic Part of 120 1 waterproofing UV,supplenes waterproofing Parameters coating JC/T s at coating 674-1997 low-temp.,de nsity Solvent for rubber Except for Solvent for rubber asphalt anti-crack,supasphalt Part of 121 1 water-resistant pleness at low water-resistant Parameters coating temp., coating JC/T852-1999 cementation Silicone Silicone hydrophobic agent Except for hydrophobic agent Part of 122 1 for construction UV -treated for construction Parameters surface JC/T penetrability surface 902-2002 Anti-rust primer for Anticorrosive All railway engine and 123 primer for railway 1 Parameters vehicle TB/T engine and vehicle 2260-2001 Finish for railway Finish for railway All 124 1 engine and vehicle engine and vehicle Parameters TB/T 2393-2001 No. CNAS L0518 第 93 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Requirements of Alkyd varnishes All Alkyd varnishes for 125 1 for railway van Parameters railway van TB/T 2707-1996 Except for : The protection The protection surface coating coating roughness, anti-corrosion and anti-corrosion and Part of fluorine 126 1 specification for the supply of paints Parameters content, metal supply of paints for for railway steel elements,railway steel bridge bridge nxenon-arc TB/T 1527-2011 radiation Solvent-thinnned Polyurethane Polyurethane Except for Part of varnishes(two- coatings127 1 yellow Parameters (two-component) changing package) HG/T 2454-2014 Amino-alkyd Amino-alkyd electrical All electro-insulating 128 1 insulating baking Parameters baking varnish varnish HG/T 3371-2012 Phenolic resin Phenolic resin All 129 1 coatings GB/T coatings Parameters 25253-2010 Phenolic resin Phenolic resin All anticorrosive 130 anticorrosive 1 Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 25252-2010 Except for: Alkyd resin Part of Alkyd resin coatings Anti-Artificia131 1 coatings Parameters GB/T 25251-2010 l climate aging No. CNAS L0518 第 94 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 Item/Parameter Title, Code of Test Object Limitation Note ? Item/ Standard or Method ? Parameter Amino-alkyd resin Amino-alkyd resin All 132 1 coatings GB/T coatings Parameters 25249-2010 Perchlorovinyl resin Perchlorovinyl All anticorrosive 133 resin anticorrosive 1 Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 25258-2010 Perchlorovinyl resin Perchlorovinyl All 134 1 coatings GB/T resin coatings Parameters 25259-2010 Solvent-based Solvent-based All acrylic resin 135 acrylic resin 1 Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 25264-2010 Nitrocellulose Nitrocellulose All 136 1 coatings GB/T coatings Parameters 25271-2010 Tar epoxy Tar epoxy All anti-corrosion 137 anti-corrosion 1 Parameters coatings GB/T coatings 27806-2011 Solvent-thinned Solvent-thinned polyrethane wood polyrethane wood All coatings for indoor 138 coatings for indoor 1 Parameters decorating and decorating and refurbishing refurbishing GB/T 23997-2009 Solvent-thinned Solvent-thinned polyrethane wood polyrethane wood All coatings for indoor 139 coatings for indoor 1 Parameters decorating and decorating and refurbishing refurbishing GB/T 23998-2009 No. CNAS L0518 第 95 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/3 No. CNAS L0518 第 96 页 共 96 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.
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