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儿童吃早餐的重要性儿童吃早餐的重要性 儿童吃早餐的重要性 春天的小草 加好友|打招呼 站内信育儿网幼儿园 发表于2009-09-08 09:52:04 现在社会的节奏在加快,所以慢慢的快餐似乎要成为人们的一种饮食文化,但是很多研究证明,早餐一定要吃好,早餐吃不好的后果是很严重的。 不吃早餐的孩子,后果很严重。除了会因缺糖少氧导致脑细胞“停电”、肥胖、胃病、胆结石和营养不良外,还可能会导致孩子贫血。 如今的孩子学业太重,睡得晚导致早上赖床,起来后匆忙之下,早餐要么不吃,要么随便抓个大饼油条、面包蛋糕应付了事。首都儿研所儿童营养专...
儿童吃早餐的重要性 儿童吃早餐的重要性 春天的小草 加好友|打招呼 站内信育儿网幼儿园 发于2009-09-08 09:52:04 现在社会的节奏在加快,所以慢慢的快餐似乎要成为人们的一种饮食文化,但是很多研究证明,早餐一定要吃好,早餐吃不好的后果是很严重的。 不吃早餐的孩子,后果很严重。除了会因缺糖少氧导致脑细胞“停电”、肥胖、胃病、胆结石和营养不良外,还可能会导致孩子贫血。 如今的孩子学业太重,睡得晚导致早上赖床,起来后匆忙之下,早餐要么不吃,要么随便抓个大饼油条、面包蛋糕应付了事。首都儿研所儿童营养专家、主任医师吴光驰教授指出,对于早餐,不吃或者不会吃都易导致孩子贫血。 在许多人的早餐中,含铁的食物是较少的。吴教授表示,一般来说,普通牛奶里含的铁不如奶多,蔬菜里含的铁则不如肉类食品多,而在肉类食品中,红肉(猪肉、羊肉)又比白肉(鱼、鸡)含铁要多,且更易吸收。 专家,每日早餐食品的种类应由谷类、蔬菜类、水果类、畜禽肉类、鱼虾类、蛋类、奶类及奶制品、豆类和豆制品、油脂类等组成。也就是说,早餐一杯奶、一片面包、一个鸡蛋、几片香肠再加几颗花生或者青菜水果,营养就足矣。其中,鸡蛋对预防贫血很有效果。 除了贫血,不吃早餐更直接的后果是使孩子成绩差。“大脑功能在很大程度上取决于你早上吃什么。”早餐对于大脑来说等于是充电的过程,饿着肚子上课会造成注意力不集中,反应迟钝,认知能力差等。 冰糖菊花水 发表日期:2008年3月24日 【编辑录入:bjcwey07】 春天到了,万物生发,肝木旺盛,好的方面,正是长身体的好时候,不好的情况是容易多发肝木问题,肝木生风、肝木克脾土。简单insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 看,多数是上火的症状。如咳嗽、皮肤瘙痒、唇红、舌红、苔黄、鼻塞、痰多、食欲不佳、口臭便秘等。 本季应柔肝健脾为主。简单的方法是经常喝菊花冰糖水,平素体虚胃寒者加少量姜或枸杞。鼻塞加薄荷。其它如红枣、山药等补气补血的食物也可以添加。饮食上,因此时肝木旺盛,泄肾水、克脾土,所以补水健脾最重要,多用五谷杂粮做粥喝就可以。此时应注意补气,准备应付夏季问题 幼儿秋季美味营养汤谱 发表日期:2007年10月16日 【编辑录入:bjcwey07】 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 幼儿秋季美味营养汤谱 肉丝鸡蛋汤 原 料: 鸡蛋2个,熟白肉丝50克,青菜叶(白菜、油菜、菠菜均可)100克,水发木耳10克,植物油10克,香油5克,精盐4克,味精2克,水淀粉10克,葱末10克,高汤500克。 做 法: ?将鸡蛋磕入碗内打散; ?青菜、木耳择洗干净,均切成细丝待用。 ?将油放入锅内,热后下入葱末炝锅,随即放入高汤、白肉丝、青菜丝,开锅后加入精盐,用水淀粉勾芡,淋入蛋液,盛入盆内,淋入香油即成。 东瓜排骨酥汤 原 料: 冬瓜250克,小排骨150克,上汤、花生油、白糖、精盐、味精、蒜末、生粉适量。 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 做 法: ?小排骨切块用生抽、白糖、味精、蒜末腌30分钟,加生粉,备用。 ?锅内加油烧开,把腌过的小排骨炸熟,取出。 ?冬瓜切块和炸好之小排骨加入上汤炖30分钟,加白糖、味精即可。 氽里脊片汤 原 料: 猪里脊肉100克、清汤500克、黄瓜500克、精盐0.5克、酱油1.5克、绍酒5克、味精1克。 做 法: ?将猪里脊肉切成长4厘米、宽2厘米的薄片,黄瓜切成柳叶片。 ?汤勺放在旺火上,加清汤烧沸,加入酱油、精盐、猪里脊片。待烧沸后,撇去浮沫,加入黄瓜片、绍酒、味精,盛入汤盘内即成。 木樨汤 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 原 料: 瘦猪肉50克、水发海米10克、鸡蛋1个、水发木耳10克、菠菜25克、清汤500克、料酒5克、精盐1克、酱油3克。 做 法: ?将猪肉切成丝,菠菜洗净,切成寸段。木耳摘洗干净,切成粗丝。把鸡蛋磕入碗内用筷子打匀。 ?勺内吹入清汤、肉丝、海米、木耳、酱油盐,烧沸后,将勺拉离火眼一半,撇去浮沫,烧入鸡蛋,放入菠菜、味精,用手勺轻轻推拉勺底(使其蛋花漂浮于汤面),倒入汤盘内即成。 清汤鱿鱼卷 原 料: 水发鱿鱼板150克、青菜心25克、清汤500克、料酒10克、精盐1克、味精1克 做 法: ?将鱿鱼板正面朝上,平铺在案板上,用刀在正面上每隔0.2厘米剞上十字花刀,再模切成宽2.5厘米的块,菜心切成寸段。 ?将勺内放入清水,烧沸后,先放入菜心稍烫,捞入汤碗中,insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 再放入鱿鱼块,烫至鱿鱼成卷时,快速捞出沥去水分,放入汤碗内。然后将勺洗净,放入清汤、料酒、盐、味精,烧沸后,撇去浮沫,浇在汤碗内即成。 百合啤梨白藕汤 原 料: 鲜百合四两,生啤梨两个,白莲藕半斤,水五杯。 做 法: ?鲜百合洗去泥,撕成小片状,一瓣瓣摘下。 ?啤梨洗净去核和心,切成小块。 ?白藕洗净去节,亦切成块。 ?把啤梨与白藕放入清水中煲约二小时,再加入鲜百合片,煮约十分钟,下盐调味。 应给孩子多吃的益智食品 发表日期:2007年10月10日 【编辑录入:bjcwey07】 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 能激发创造力的食物:生姜中含有姜辣素和挥发油,能够使人体内血液得到稀释,流动更加畅通,从而向大脑提供更多的营养物质和氧气,有助于激发人的想象力和创造力。 能增强记忆力的食物:黄豆含有丰富的卵磷脂,能在人体内释放乙酸胆碱,是脑神经细胞间传递信息的桥梁,对增强记忆力大有裨益。 能提高灵敏度的食物:核桃含有较多的优质蛋白质和脂肪酸,对脑细胞生长有益。栗子含有丰富的卵磷脂、蛋白质和锌,有助于提高思维的灵敏性。 能集中精力的食物:洋葱能稀释血液,改善大脑的血液供应,从而消除心理疲劳和过度紧张。每天吃半个洋葱可收到良好的效果。 能提高能力的食物:花生含有人体所必须的氨基酸,可防止过早衰老和提高智力,促进脑细胞的新陈代谢,保护血管,防止脑功能衰退。 能促进睡眠的食物:小米有显著的催眠效果,若睡前半小时适量进食小米粥,可帮助入睡。 能提高效率的食物:糖能顺利地通过大脑的各道屏障进入脑组织而被吸收,可提高学习和工作效率。 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 名菜推荐:紫菜芝麻鸡 发表日期:2009年4月3日 【编辑录入:bjcwey07】 名菜推荐:紫菜芝麻鸡 材料准备:鸡胸肉、紫菜 配料:盐、料酒、味精、酱油、孜然、芝麻 制作方法:将鸡胸肉切成条状,加入盐、料酒、味精、酱油、孜然、芝麻,然后进行搅拌,均匀后腌制4小时。然后将紫菜切成与肉条等长并宽一些的紫菜片,将鸡肉条裹在紫菜里,上锅蒸15分钟,即可食用。此菜营养成分丰富,特别是紫菜中含有大量锌,铁,有利于幼儿成长。 创新的理由:在日常生活中,由于紫菜有异味,不好咀嚼,大多数孩子都不喜欢吃它,经过我们的改良后,从口味到形状均受到幼儿的欢迎。 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless
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