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英文谚语俚语和发音英文谚语俚语和发音 Part 1 Get wise with proverbs: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from 1,2,3 or 4. A ______ in the hand is worth two in the bush. (1 (Coin,2. Glove, 3.Money,4. Bird) 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。(bird) A ______ is known by the company he keeps. (1 (Lady,2.Woman...
英文谚语俚语和发音 Part 1 Get wise with proverbs: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from 1,2,3 or 4. A ______ in the hand is worth two in the bush. (1 (Coin,2. Glove, 3.Money,4. Bird) 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。(bird) A ______ is known by the company he keeps. (1 (Lady,2.Woman,3. Man,4. Girl) 看其友,知其人。(man) A ______ in need is a friend indeed. (1. Thief, 2. Book,3. Beggar, 4. Friend) 患难见真情。(friend) A man's home is his ______. (1. Car, 2. Money, 3. Castle,4. Own) 一个人的家就是他的城堡。(英国谚语,指英美习俗不容任何人擅入私宅。)(castle) American slang: Guess the slang in bold. The ace shooter got a perfect score. (1. Ice, 2. Best 3. Crazy, 4. New) Best In Beijing, "San Li Tun" is where the action is. (1. Entertainment, 2. Food, 3. Hotel, 4. Police) Entertainment She may be pretty but she's a real airhead. (1. Girl,2. Stupid person,3. Leader 4. Woman) Stupid person His ideas about improving the business are all wet. (1. Nice,2. Old, 3. Wrong,4. Crazy) Wrong Even an all-nighter won't help him pass. (1. stay up to midnight,2. stay up all night) stay up all night Some vodka is the best antifreeze on a cold day like this. (1. Liquor, 2. Help,3. Work,4. News) Liquor Pronunciation: 1 Some Chinese mispronounce the sounds "R" and "L". Note that for the "R" sound, the tongue is curled up but doesn't touch the top of the mouth. For the "L" sound, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the top of the mouth. Practice: ray / lay fire / file read / lead right / light rain / lain Paris / palace rash / lash marrow / mellow crew / clue arrive / alive crime / climb correct / collect crowd / cloud steer / steel fry / fly river / liver Part 2 Get wise with proverbs: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from 1,2,3 or 4. A stitch in time saves ______. (1. Trouble,2. Nine, 3. Money, 4. Time) 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。(nine) (Taking care of a problem in a timely fashion is the best way.) ______ makes the heart grow fonder. (1. Love, 2. Money,3. Sickness, 4. Absence) 别久情更深;距离产生美;小别胜新婚。(Absence) (When you don?t see some close people for a long time, you miss them.) ______ speak louder than words. (1. Noise, 2. Actions, 3. Men, 4. Movies) 事实胜于雄辩。(Actions) All good ______ must come to an end. (1. Things,2. Movies,3. News, 4. Friends) 天下无不散之宴席。(things) (Nothing lasts forever.) American slang: Guess the slang in bold. After toasting so many guests at the party, I barfed all over bathroom. (1. Danced, 2. Sang,3. Threw up,4. Yelled) (threw up) 2 Beat it~ (1. Fight, 2. Hit it,3. Go away, 4. Help) (go away) Getting ready for the exam left her feeling like a basket case. exam (1. Very nervous,2. Happy, 3. Stupid, 4. Smart) (very nervous) Beats me! (1. I don't know,2. I'm afraid,3. I'm tired) (I don?t know) She felt beat after the long business trip. (1. Tired, 2. Happy,3. Busy,4. Great) (tired) Don't mess with her today; she?s really bent out of shape. (1. Angry,2. Aching,3. Sleepy, 4. Fat) (angry) Pronunciation Some Chinese mispronounce the sounds "L" and "N". Note that the "N" sound is nasal,that is made with the nose, and the tongue is pressed against the top of the mouth behind the teeth. Practice: lab/nab lick/nick lag/nag life/knife lap/nap light/night lame/name low/know let/net slap/snap slip/snip slack/snack sleaze/sneak sleek/sneak slide/snide slob/snob slow/snow slug/snug lull/null veil/vein Part 3 Get Wise with Proverbs: All ______ lead to Rome. 3 (1. Maps, 2. News, 3. Roads, 4. Guides) (roads) 条条道路通罗马。 All that glitters is not ______. (1. Shiny, 2. Bright, 3. Silver, 4. Gold) (gold) 闪光的不一定都是金子。 All work and no ______ makes Jack a dull boy. (1. Money, 2. Girls, 3. Time, 4. Play) (play) 只学习不玩耍会使孩子都变傻。 An apple a day keeps the ______ away. (1. Cavity, 2. Dentist, 3. Doctor, 4. Odor) (doctor) 一天一苹果,医生自己躲。 American Slang: She has a big mouth; she never stops talking. (1. Smiles a lot, 2. Talks a lot, 3. Eats a lot) (talks a lot) You birdbrain! (1. Genius, 2. Idiot, 3. Bird lover, 4. Scientist) (idiot) Another one bits the dust. (1. Sleeps, 2. Eats, 3. Dies, 4. Loses) (dies or loses) We had a blast at the class reunion. (1. Bomb, 2. Fun, 3. Drink, 4. Teacher) (fun) All that junk food will make a blimp out of you. (1. Fatso, 2. Idiot, 3. Man, 4. Athlete) (fatso胖子) Let?s blow out of this place before it?s too late. (1. Smoke, 2. Leave, 3. Tidy, 4. Clean) (leave) 4 Pronunciation Some Chinese mispronouce the sounds „TH? and „S?. Note that for the „TH? sound, the tongue is between the teeth. For the „S? sound, the tongue is pulled back behind the teeth. Practice: thank/sank thick/sick thaw/saw thigh/sigh theme/seem thimble/symbol thin/sin think/sink thong/song thought/sought thumb/sum Part 4 Get Wise with Proverbs: Appearances are ______. (1. Good, 2. Fresh, 3. Deceiving, 4. Nice) (deceiving) 不可以貌取人。 (Looks are not enough to judge something or someone) April showers bring May ______. (1. Rain, 2. Sun, 3. Flowers, 4. Clouds) (flowers) 四月雨带来五月花。 (Some unpleasant occurrences bring better things. / One can always begin a new life, no matter how bad the past was.) As you ______, so shall you reap. (1. Sow, 2. Work, 3. See, 4. Save) (sow) 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 (You get what you deserve.) Beauty is only skin- ______. (1. Sensitive, 2. Deep, 3. Soft, 4. White) (deep) 美色是肤浅的。 (Physical attractiveness is not the most important characteristic.) American Slang: Guess the slang in bold. 5 His girl left him after he blew all his money. (1. Saved, 2. Lost, 3. Made, 4. Donated) (lost) She blew her cool after he showed up late. (1. Became angry, 2. Undressed, 3. Smiled) (became angry) Despite all the advertising, the movie was a total bomb. (1. Success, 2. Hit, 3. Failure, 4. Winner) (failure) Don?t let her drive. She?s bombed. (1. Drunk, 2. Angry, 3. Sexy, 4. Lazy) (drunk) The boss?s constant demands are driving me bonkers. (1. Happy, 2. Lonely, 3. Crazy, 4. Sleepy) (crazy) Let?s get some booze for the party. (1. Food, 2. Money, 3. Girls, 4. Beer) (beer) Pronunciation: Some words in English have „stong? and „weak? forms. Note that when it is pronounced, the weak for, is contracted and unstressed. Practice: 1. You must go now. / What do you mean I must? 2. I have seen that before. / Are you sure you have? 3. He can do it. / He says he can. 4. I could do that. / I wish you could. 5. You are a good student. / That?s what you are. 6. This deak is made of wood. / What is it made of? Part 5 Get Wise with Proverbs: Beggars can?t be ______. (1. Givers, 2. Losers, 3. Choosers, 4. Nice) (choosers) 要饭的,就不能挑肥拣瘦。 6 (People who depend on the generosity of others are in no position to dictate what others give them.) Better late than ______. (1. Early, 2. Later, 3. Now, 4. Never) (Never) 亡羊补牢,犹未晚。 (Doing something, even late, is better than never doing it at all.) Birds of a feather flock ______. (1. High, 2. Low, 3. Together, 4. Nicely) (together) 物以类聚,人以群分。 (People tend to socialize with others of the same sort.) Blood is thicker than ______. (1. Water, 2. Liquid, 3. Juice, 4. Anything) (water) 血浓于水。 (Family ties are more important than any other ties.) American Slang: You need lots of bread if you want to date her. (1. Money, 2. Food, 3. Help, 4. Patience) I almost missed the train. What a lucky break. (1. Good luck, 2. Bad luck.) Break it up before someone gets hurt. (1. Stop it, 2. Fight on) I?m short a buck. (1. Deer, 2. Inch, 3. Dollar, 4. Pound) Hey bud, how are you? (1. Friend, 2. Teacher, 3. Cop, 4. Loser) Stop bugging me, I need to concentrate. (1. Listening to, 2. Bothering, 3. Touching) :money, good luck, stop it, dollar, friend, bothering Pronunciation: 7 Notice how these common expressions are contracted and pronounced. could have, could?a / going to, gonna could not have, couldn?a / Goodbye, g?bye did you, didja / got to, gotta does she, dushi / have to, hafta do not know, dunno / in front of, fronna give me, gimme / kind of, kina leave me, lee?me / let me, lemme out of, outta / want to, wanna What are you, wacha Part 6 Get Wise with Proverbs: Business before ______. (1. Pleasure, 2. Play, 3. Fun, 4. Women) (pleasure) 先工作后娱乐。 (One has to finish work before having fun.) Business is ______. (1. Work, 2. Right, 3. Business, 4. Easy) (business) 公事公办。 (When it comes to business, one has to be strict.) Charity begins at ______. (1. Noon, 2. School, 3. Work, 4. Home) (home) 助人从家人开始。/ 施舍先及亲友。 (Before one can help others, one has to take care of one?s own family.) Crime does not ______. (1. Help, 2. Pay, 3. Reward, 4. Save) (pay) 犯罪不划算。 (It?s not worthwhile to commit crimes.) American Slang: She can really bust a move! (1. Fight, 2. Scream, 3. Dance, 4. Run) 8 He bought it in that accident. (1. Died, 2. Shopped, 3. Erred, 4. Drove) I need to use the can. (1. Jar, 2. Bottle, 3. Toilet, 4. Knife) He got canned for doing a lousy job. (1. Fired, 2. Promoted, 3. Praised, 4. Drunk) It?s nice to catch some Z?s after lunch. (1. Steal, 2. Shop, 3. Sleep, 4. Study) Fight back you chicken! (1. Old, 2. Crazy, 3. Lazy, 4. Coward) 答案:dance, died, toilet, fired, sleep, coward Pronunciation: Notice how „-ed? in these verbs in pronounced. Practice: „-et? kissed, hoped missed, typed sniffed, mapped puffed, slapped tossed, slipped knocked, trapped „-ed? learned, played groaned, swayed revved, gored planned, mowed mobbed, annoyed waved, mugged „-id? wanted, sounded fainted, grounded planted, blended plotted, dreaded lifted, banded printed, added 9 Part 7 Get Wise with Proverbs: Curiosity killed the ______. (1. Man, 2. boy, 3. Curious, 4. Cat) (cat) 好奇害死猫。 (Don?t be too inquisitive into other people?s lives or you?ll get hurt.) Divide and ______. (1. Share, 2. Give, 3. Prosper, 4. Rule) (rule) 分而治之。 (If you can break your opposition into smaller parts, you can dominate it.) Do not wear out your ______. (1. Clothes, 2. Welcome, 3. Shoes, 4. Hat) (welcome) 别人的好意要记在心上。 (Be considerate of people kindness toward you.) Do unto others as you would like them to do unto ______. (1. Them, 2. Us, 3. You, 4. All) (you) 己所不欲,勿施于人。 (Treat others as you like them to treat you.) American Slang: Chill out! (1. Eat, 2. Relax, 3. Jump, 4. Sleep) Let?s get some chow before the place closes. (1. Food, 2. Fun, 3. Help, 4. Money) Don?t be such a chump. (1. Fool, 2. Monkey, 3. Trouble, 4. Nuisance) The final exam was a cinch. (1. Hard, 2. Easy, 3. Boring, 4. Long) She?s a cinch to win the election. 10 (1. Sure thing, 2. Woman, 3. Politician) I had this clunker for ten years. (1. Wife, 2. Friend, 3. Old car, 4. Suit) The thief was collared a few blocks away. (1. Shot, 2. caught, 3. Dead, 4. Running) If they know you are new in town, they?ll try to con you. (1. Call, 2. Find, 3. Help, 4. Cheat) You look very cool in your new outfit. (1. Nice, 2. Old, 3. Excited, 4. Bored) 答案: Relax / food / fool / easy / sure thing / old car / caught / cheat / nice Pronunciation: These numbers are usually confused. Note that for numbers in the second columns, the stress is on the first syllable. Practice reading them: thirteen / thirty fourteen / forty fifteen / fifty sixteen / sixty seventeen / seventy eighteen / eighty nineteen / ninety Part 8 Get wise with proverbs: It is no use crying over spilled ______. (1. Milk, 2. Water, 3. Beer, 4. Wine) (milk) 覆水难收。 (Forget the past.) Jack of all trades, master of ______. (1. None, 2. Nothing, 3. Nobody, 4. Neither) (none) 11 万事皆通,却一无所长。 (One who can do many things, but doesn?t excel in any.) Laughter is the best ______. (1. Way, 2. Method, 3. Medicine, 4. Help) (medicine) 笑一笑,十年少。 (Cheerfullness is good for one?s health.) Let bygones be ______. (1. Gone, 2. Past, 3. Bygones, 4. Old) (bygones) 过去的,就让它过去吧。 It?s better not to worry about something that already passed. American slang: The TV station showed some gross pictures. (1. Good, 2. Bright, 3. New, 4. Repulsive) She used to be a groupie in her youth. (1. Girl who followed band, 2. Teammate) He?s considered to be health guru. (1. Doctor, 2. Guy, 3. Authority, 4. Author) The punch in the gut knocked him down. (1. Head, 2. Mouth, 3. Back, 4. Belly) She showed a lot of guts when she stood up to her boss. (1. Teeth, 2. Anger, 3. Courage, 4. Fire) The backer brought the website down. (1. Computer illiterate, 2. Computer expert) The bungee jump was a hairy experience. (1. Nerve racking, 2. Easy, 3. Dull, 4. Happy) He likes to hang out at the mall on weekends. (1. Buy, 2. Often spend time, 3. Exercise) 答案: repulsive令人反感的, girl who follows band, authority, belly, courage, computer expert, nerve racking使受痛苦, often spend time 12 Pronunciation: There are many American English and British English differences in pronunciation. “The Americans are identical to the British in all respects except, of course, language.” – Oscar Wilde “We (the British and American) are two countries separated by a common language.” – G. B. Shaw Part 9 Get Wise with Proverbs: Don?t ______ your chickens before they are hatched. (1. Kill, 2. Eat, 3. Sell, 4. Count) (count) 切莫过于乐观。 (Wait until you know the end result before you celebrate.) Don?t go near the water until you learn how to ______. (1. See, 2. Swim, 3. Jump, 4. Drink) (swim) 不会游泳,不要往水边走。 (Be prepared when you deal with a problem.) Don?t put all your eggs in one ______. (1. Basket, 2. Box, 3. Bag, 4. Pot) (basket) 别把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。 (Don?t risk everything you have in one single venture.) Don?t wash your dirty linen in ______. (1. Public, 2. Water, 3. Toilet, 4. Winter) (public) 家丑不可外扬。 (Don?t make your problems public.) American Slang: 13 The cop chased after the thief. (1. Policeman, 2. Dog, 3. Owner, 4. Boy) Don?t be such a couch potato. Let?s get out. (1. Hungry person, 2. Lay person, 3. Fatso) You can cram for the test all you want. I don?t think you?ll pass. (1. Study hard, 2. Cheat, 3. Pray, 4. Cry) Brazil creamed the Asian football team. (1. Invited, 2. Visited, 3. Met, 4. Beat badly) Stop annoying me and go away you creep. (1. Man, 2. Girl, 3. Lazy, 4. Obnoxious讨厌的 person) I?m not going to pay you for the crummy repair you did. (1. Excellent, 2. Good, 3. New, 4. Bad) 答案: policeman / lazy person / study hard / beat badly / obnoxious person / bad Pronunciation: For some Chinese students, „can? and „can?t? are hard to distinguish when used in common conversation. Note that in its common (weak) form, „can? is pronounced as [k?n], i.e. it?s contracted and not stressed. On the other hand, „can?t? has no weak form. I can go. / I can?t go. I can do it. / I can?t do it. I think he can jump. / I think he can?t jump. They said they can win. / They said they can?t win. Part 10 Get Wise with Proverbs: Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and ______. (strong / rich / wise / smart) (wise) 早睡早起使人健康、富有、明智。(早睡早期身体好。) 14 (Sleeping and getting up at a sensible hour is very beneficial.) Easier said than ______. (sung / done / written / tried) (done) 说来容易,做来难。 Acting up on something is much harder than just talking about it. Every dog has his ______. (tail / day / food / leash) (day) 人人都有得意的日子。 (Everyone, no matter how pitiful. Will sometimes enjoy a lucky break.) Every ______ has his price. (man / boy / adult / thief) (man) 人皆可被收买。 (People can be bought.) American Slang: The robber screamed when the cop put the cuffs on him. (gun / hands / handcuffs / gloves) Cut it out! (eat it / take it / leave / stop it) I?m not cut out to be a manager. (fit to be / happy to be / trying to be) Ali decked his opponent. (helped / chased / floored / called) Beauties look for guys with deep pockets. (lots of money / baggy pants / looks) The penalty for dope dealing is death. (gun / drug / sex / alcohol) 答案: handcuffs / stop it / fit to be / floored击倒,打倒 / lots of money / drug 15 Pronunciation: Reading the following sentences paying attention to the „homographs?, which are words that are spelled identically but pronounced differently. 1. The bass guitar player likes to eat bass. 2. The Olympian took a bow before shooting the bow. 3. The boss wasn?t content with the content of the document. 4. They had to close the beach because the hurricane was getting to close. 5. The engineers tried to approximate the answer, knowing that an approximate answer is not exact. 6. The hiking team decided to alternate between the two alternate routes. 7. The team owner wants to contest the final result of the contest. Part 11 Get Wise with Proverbs: Every man is his own worst ______. (enemy / friend / partner / person) (enemy) 一个人最大的敌人就是他自己。 (The biggest obstacle to conquer in one?s life is oneself.) Experience is the best ______. (help / teacher / tutor / method) (teacher) 经验是最好的老师。 (We learn best by doing things.) Fight fire with ______. (water / fire / foam / rain) (fire) 以火灭火;以牙还牙。 (React to fore with force.) Finders keepers, losers ______. (unlucky / mad / sad / weepers) 谁捡到就是谁的。 (I found it; I keep it. You lost it; tough luck.) 16 American Slang: I can?t believe she?s going out with that dork. (fool / friend / dog / man) This new computer cost me a lot of dough. (flour / work / money / sweat) This job is such a drag. (boring / exciting / easy / hard) Hey dude, what?s up? (man / girl / woman / lady) That dweeb knows nothing but books! (nerd / teacher / librarian / dentist) We need to avoid a face-off at all costs. (meeting / delay / confrontation / tip) 答案: fool / money / boring / man / nerd蠢人,乏味的人 / confrontation Pronunciation: Notice how the following „homophones? are spelled differently but pronounced the same. aisle / isle ant / aunt ate / eight bear / bare board / bored bolder / boulder卵石 dear / deer flour / flower for / four here / hear hi / high him / hymn赞美诗 hour / our meat / meet peace / piece pear / pair 17 peek / peak sail / sale son / sun tale / tail waist / waste wait / weight wear / where week / weak Part 12 Get Wise with Proverbs: First come, first ______. (out / go / in / served) (served) 先来后到。 (Process people or things in the order they arrived.) First ______ first. (men / women / things / winner) (things) 重要的事情须先做。 (Deal with important things before anything else.) Fools rush in where ______ fear to tread. (others / angels / you / we) (angels) 天使都不敢涉足的地方,蠢材会冲进去。 (Idiots commit horrible mistake.) Garbage in, ______ out. (garbage / trash / rubbish / junk) (garbage) 滥工出滥活儿。 (A lousy job results in a lousy outcome.) American Slang: His story sounded fishy. (suspicious / funny / new / boring) 18 The drug addict needed a fix. (money / drug injection / job / home) Don?t rely on her, she?s too flaky. (angry / lazy / unreliable / fat) She stood aghast at the flasher?s action. (light / moon / man who exposes himself) This flick is great. (food / movie / music / TV) He had a fling with his secretary. (affair / fight / talk / drink) I wrote my phone number on the flip side of the card. (upper side / other side / outside) He thinks Rebecca look very foxy. (happy / easy / sexy / old) 答案: suspicious / drug injection / unreliable / man who exposes himself / movie / affair / other side / sexy Pronunciation: Notice where the stress in in compound words. 1. For compound nouns, the stress in on the first part: BLACKboard, BLOODhound大猎犬, UNDERtaker, BLUEprint 2. For compound adjectives, the stress in on the second part: overCROWDED, quickWITTED 3. For compound verbs, the stress is on the second part: underTAKE, overCHARGE Part 13 Get Wise with Proverbs: Man cannot live by bread ______. (today / alone / only / sticks) (sticks) 19 人不能只靠面包活着。 (There is more to life than just eating.) Many hands make light ______. (shine / bright / work / job) (work) 众人拾柴火焰高。 (Teamwork is more efficient than working alone.) Might is right. (might / good / correct / right) (right) 强权就是真理。 (The powerful rule.) Mind your own business. (duties / business / work / affairs) (business) 管好你自己,少管闲事。 (Don?t pry into things that don?t concern you.) American Slang: No sweat. Everything is in the bag. (packed / stuffed / stored / as desired) She?s into music. (likes / hates / listens / buys) He?s such a jerk. (comedian / fool / rich / busy) Don?t let her jerk you around. (hit you / help you / push you around) Where is the john? (shop / door / window / toilet) Some junkies steal in order to buy drugs. (kids / thieves / poor / drug addicts) 答案: As desired / likes / fool / push you around / toilet / drug addicts 20 Pronunciation: When spelling English words, the following English phonetic spelling system is used to avoid any confusion. As an example, the police and military use this system. A – alpha / B – bravo / C – Charlie / D – delta / E – echo / F – foxtrot / G – golf / H – hotel / I – India / J – Juliet / K – Kilo / L – lima / M – mike / N – November / O – Oscar / P – papa / Q – Quebec / R – Romeo / S – sierra / T – tango / U – uniform / V – victor / W – whisky / X – x-ray / Y – Yankee / Z – Zulu Part 14 Get Wise with Proverbs: Give credit where credit is ______. (right / due / wanted / given) (due) 该扬的就予以表扬。 (Acknowledge the right recipient.) Give him an inch and he?ll take a ______. (meter / inch / mile / kilometer) (mile) 得寸进尺。 (Some people take advantage of their benefactors.) He that is master of himself, will soon be master of ______. (others / himself / you / us) (others) 能管的住自己的人,才能去管别人。 (One that can understand and control oneself can lead others.) He who hesitates is ______. (lost / losing / himself / confused) (lost) 当断不断,必受其患。 (Indecision leads to missed opportunities.) American Slang: There?s no such thing as a freebie. 21 (lunch / friend / free thing / fee) When she dances, she really gets down. (falls down / lets loose / sucks) You still don?t get in, do you? (catch / want / understand / go) Get real! (be serious / wake up / get up) The music band has a gig in the auditorium. (guitar / performance / guard / drum) A glitch in the shuttle computer forced NASA to cancel the launch. (glue / grease / error / chip) 答案: free thing / lets loose放得开,玩得开心 / understand / be serious / performance / error Pronunciation: Some words in English have „silent letters?. aisle / debt / heir / knife / psychiatry精神病治疗 / thumb autumn / doubt / honest / knight / psychology / tomb bomb / dumb / honor / knock / receipt / walk calm / exhibit / hour / know / rhyme / Wednesday climb / folk / Island / lamb / rhythm / womb column / foreign / Isle / listen / subtle / yacht comb / half / knee / numb / talk Part 15 Get Wise with Proverbs: Honesty is the best ______. (help / policy / way / method) (policy) 诚实是最好的策略。 (Truth is the best way.) 22 If a job?s worth doing, it?s worth doing ______. (now / early / always / well) (well) 只要你觉得某事值得去做,就一定要把它做好。 (If you have to do something, you might as well try your best.) Ignorance is ______. (loss / bad / good / bliss) (bliss) 无知既是快乐。 (Things you don?t know won?t worry you.) It is best to be on the safe ______. (side / corner / land / way) (side) 谨慎从事。 (Cautiousness is the best policy.) American Slang: They all had a go at lifting the rock, but none could. (laugh / leave / meeting / try) Raising so many kids will make you go bananas. (hungry / crazy / happy / tired) Let?s go clubbing this weekend. (go home / go to club / go hiking) Stop acting goofy. (good / sad / foolish / busy) Let?s grab a bite. (sleep / fight / meet / eat) This new car cost me fifty grand. ($100 / $1,000 / $10,000) 答案: Try / crazy / go to clubs / foolish / eat / $1,000 Pronunciation: 23 „T? sound: How „T? is pronounced in American English depends on its position and sometimes neighbor letters. „T? pronounced like a real „T?: towel / tile / toll / table / take / token / teach / ten / tally „T? pronounced like a „D?: better / bitter / butter / batter / bottle / water / daughter / later „T? combined with „N?: kitten / bitten / written / certain „T? not pronounced: interaction / intervention / international / advantage / percentage Part 16 Get Wise with Proverbs 1. Lightning never strikes twice in the ______ place. (same / old / identical / similar) 2. Like father, like ______. (him / uncle / son / mother) 3. Like mother, like ______. (father / daughter / aunt / her) 4. Live and ______. (study / research / learn / read) 答案: 1. (same) Opportunity, or an unusual event, only comes once. 机不可 失,时不再来。 2. (son) That son is so like his father. 有其父必有其子。 3. (daughter) That daughter is so like her mother. 有其母必有其女。 4. (learn) You are never too old to learn. 学无止境。 American Slang 1. This weekend, let?s find a nice place and hang loose. (relax / eat / chat / walk) 2. I need to use the head. (pen / book / toilet / car) 3. After the bus came to a stop, he heaved all over the seat. (vomited / slept / lay / jumped) 4. I can?t believe a hick like that is driving a beemer. (bumpkin / loser / thief / kid) 5. She got high on coke. (under the influence of / thirsty / full) 24 6. That movie is a hit. (new / boring / successful / long) 答案: 1. relax 2. toilet 3. vomited 4. bumpkin 5. under the influence of 6. successful Pronunciation English is not a phonetic language as exemplified by the following words. bead – dead; do – go; moth – both bear – dear; dough – through; now – sow bleak – steak; font – front; ready – reader card – ward; goose – choose; rose – lose cork – work; heard – beard; sleigh – sleight cough – tough; laugh – slaughter; thought – drought cross – gross; meat – great; word – sword Part 17 Get Wise with Proverbs 1. Look before you ______. (leap / talk / drive / try) 2. Look on the bright ______. (sun / side / way / sunshine) 3. Love ______ blind. (the / was / is / a) 4. Love will find a ______. (lover / way / method / solution) 答案: 1. (leap) Beware of what?s ahead. 三思而后行。 2. (side) Think positive. 看到光明的一面。 3. (is) When you love someone, you overlook his or her shortcomings. 情人眼里出西施。 4. (way) Love can overcome obstacles. 爱心所至,金石为开。 American Slang 1. Hit the road, Jack! 25 (go away / come here / lie down / die) 2. He?s the head honcho in that company. (leader / thinker / hat / hacker) 3. The bar street is full of hookers. (prostitutes / people / beer / lights) 4. I didn?t buy the stereo because I thought it was hot. (expensive / cheap / stolen / old) 5. News broke out about their hush-hush affair. (hot / exciting / new / secret) 6. This hairstyle is in. (weird / new / beautiful / popular) 答案: 1. go away 2. leader 3. prostitutes 4. stolen 5. secret 6. popular Pronunciation The pronunciation of the final „-s? in words depends on the sounds just before it. Practice the following. 1. Pronounced as „s? after voiceless sound: cats, puts, helps, sticks, sniffs 2. Pronounced as „z? after voiced sounds: dubs, grabs, suds, mugs, revs, rays 3. Pronounced as „iz? after „s, z, ?, З, t?, dЗ’: misses, buzzes, pushes, watches, judges Part 18 Get Wise with Proverbs 26 1. You cannot have it both ______. (sides / ways / times / days) 2. You can?t have your ______ and eat it too. (meal / food / cake / lunch) 3. You don?t get something for ______. (nothing / none / free / zero) 4. You win some, you lose ______. (few / fewer / more / some) 答案: 1. (ways) One has to make choices or take sides. 不能两面讨好。 2. (cake) You can?t use and save something at the same time. 鱼与熊 掌不可兼得。 3. (nothing) There?s no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午 餐。 4. (some) You can?t win them all. 有所得,必有所失。 American Slang 1. Steve Jobs was an early computer whiz. (idiot / adopter / buyer / expert) 2. By the weekend, he left wiped out. (happy / tired / excited / loose) 3. Don?t be a wuss! (coward / wizard / sinner / thief) 4. This chow is yucky. (great / tasty / spicy / disgusting) 5. The score is one to zip. (seven / zero / one / two) 6. He zipped through traffic. (went through slowly / went through fast) 答案: 1. expert 2. tired 3. coward 4. disgusting 5. zero 6. went through fast Pronunciation 27 + plus 1+3=4 one plus three equals four - minus 9-5=4 nine minus 5 equals four * times, by 2*2=4 two times two equals four / over 8/2=4 eight over two equals four % percent 25% twenty five percent > greater than x>y x is greater than y < less than x
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