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大学英语-大学英语六级听力模拟题20大学英语-大学英语六级听力模拟题20 大学英语六级听力模拟题20 Listening Comprehension Section A 1、A. The man should take the video camera back to the store. B. The man should refer to the instruction manual. C. The woman will give some guide to the man. D. The woman will give the man her...
大学英语-大学英语六级听力模拟题20 大学英语六级听力模拟题20 Listening Comprehension Section A 1、A. The man should take the video camera back to the store. B. The man should refer to the instruction manual. C. The woman will give some guide to the man. D. The woman will give the man her instruction manual. 2、A. Facial creams are all made up of chemicals. B. The woman shouldn't use new brand facial cream. C. The facial cream his wife uses is of a higher grade. D. The woman should switch the facial cream. 3、A. She should have studied Spanish hard. B. She could not finish the book independently. C. She could understand the book without any help. D. She shouldn't have turned to her teacher for help. 4、A. He doesn't think Mike would give a hand to the woman. B. He thinks Mike would feel regret if he doesn't help the woman. C. He doesn't think Mike is talented enough to deal with the viruses. D. He thinks Mike would ask for a reward from the woman. 5、A. Making an appointment with the dentist. B. Putting tooth checking on the man's schedule. C. Having his tooth checked right away. D. Having his tooth pulled out right away. 6、A. To drink some coffee instead of hot water. B. Go to the coffee bar for some hot water. C. To keep drinking cold water if possible. D. To go to the man's dorm for hot water. 7、A. In a restaurant. B. In a store. C. In a library. D. In a hospital. 8、A. Jennie will finish the book soon.B. Jennie is fond of reading the book. C. Jennie is impatient to read the book.D. Jennie will give up reading the book Conversation One 9、A. It is a selfless business investor. B. It is an investor on big businesses. C. It is a business investor expecting a good return. D. It is a business investor who is mostly successful. 10、A. The former gets higher return. B. The former is usually larger. C. The former asks for lower interest.D. The former is of higher risk. 11、A. The network of business angels. B. The location of the company. C. The business owner's personality.D. The company's advertisement. 12、A. He might do more business with the company. B. He will not interfere any business of the company. C. He might involve himself in managing the company. D. He will ask his subordinate to supervise the company. Conversation Two 13、A. They are talking about the qualities a person should have. B. They are practicing descriptive words about people. C. They are making dialogues in their class. D. They are talking about good people around them. 14、A. Understanding his subordinates well. B. Offering a good pay for his workers. C. Being responsible for his workers. D. Being good at communicating. 15、A. He is a good father. B. He has no child. C. He likes children very much. D. He understands children. Section B Passage One 16、A. Getting a sudden caught in a rainstorm. B. Sleeping with the air-conditioning on. C. Being close with flu infected people. D. Staying up late daily for a long period. 17、A. The latent period of flu is longer. B. The symptoms of flu developed suddenly. C. The symptoms of flu are greatly different. D. The infected objects of flu are different. 18、A. Most Women and children. B. People with chornic diseases. C. The elderly over 75 years old. D. The babies under six months. 19、A. To keep warm in flu season. B. To be away from the infected. C. To get an annual flu vaccine. D. To do exercises every day. Passage Two 20、A. The teachers will know the students much better. B. Every student can have more resources to share. C. More activities are provided for the individual student. D. Every student's potentials can be well-developed. 21、A. The major activities the colleges provide. B. The strongest subjects of the colleges. C. The famous sports teams the colleges have. D. The kinds of services the colleges provide. 22、A. One's attitude.B. One's ability.C. One's scores. D. One's dream. Passage Three 23、A. The closer the relationship is, the easier loneliness spreads. B. Loneliness spreads more easily among men than women. C. A wife can be strongly affected by the loneliness of her husband. D. Loneliness can be delivered indirectly from person to person. 24、A. Overcoming sleeping difficulties.B. Getting rid of one's depression. C. Encouraging those in low spirits.D. Finding the roots of loneliness. 25、A. Keeping away from the lonely person B. Offering a hand to the lonely person. C. Raising the lonely person's daily emotion. D. Developing the lonely person's trust in others. Section C Information has gone from scarce to superabundant. That brings huge new 26 , but also big headaches. The world contains an unimaginably vast amount of 27 information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly. This makes it possible to do many things that 28 could not be done: 29 business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on. Managed well, the data can be used to 30 new sources of economic value, provide fresh 31 into science and hold governments to account. But they are also 32 a host of new problems. Despite the abundance of tools to capture, process and share all this information--sensors, computers, mobile phones and the like--it already exceeds the 33 storage space. Moreover, 34 . The effect is being felt everywhere, from business to science, from government to the arts. Scientists and computer engineers have coined a new term for the phenomenon: "big data". Information is made up of a collection of data and knowledge is made up of different strands of information. It can be inferred that 35 The business of information management--helping organisations to make sense of their increasing data--is growing by leaps and bounds. 36 , the data scientist, who combines the skills of software programmer, statistician and storyteller/artist to extract the elites of gold hidden under mountains of data. 答案: Listening Comprehension Section A 1、B [解析] M: it is a whole month since I've bought my new video camera. But I haven't yet figured out how to record at night. W: Didn't an instruction manual come with it? Q: What does the woman imply? [听前预测] 根据instruction manual(使用说明书)、video camera、guide等词,判断可能 与使用录像机有关。 [答案解析] 男士说录像机已经买了整整一个月了,但到现在也没弄清如何在夜间录像,女士回 答说难道没有说明书吗,言外之意是要男士看说明书,B)为正确选项。其中refer to意为“参考, 查阅”。 2、D [解析] W: That new brand facial cream I have been using lately smells nice but it dries my skin out. M: My wife always uses natural kind instead of all those harsh chemicals. Q: What does the man mean? [听前预测] 选项中多次提到facial cream(面霜)一词,判断可能与使用面霜有关。 [答案解析] 女士说她最近用了一个新牌子的面霜闻着香,但却使得皮肤很干燥,男士回答说他 妻子从来不用这种刺激性的化学物品,而只用天然的,D)为正确选项。其中switch示“转变,改 变”。 3、B [解析] M: Were you able to understand this professional Spanish guiding book without any help from the teacher? W: Yes, I've managed to finish it. But I had to fall back on the dictionary occasionally. Q: What can we learn from the woman? [听前预测] 选项中多次提到book、help等词,判断可能与能否看懂书有关。 [答案解析] 男士问女士是否能够没有老师帮助就能读懂这本专业的西班牙语参考书,女士回答 说她已经看完了,但偶尔还要依靠字典,B)为正确选项。fall back on意为“依靠”。 4、A [解析] W: Do you think Mike would be willing to help me with the viruses in my computer? M: You know he's starting to regret that talent of his. He's in such a demand that his research paper's suffering. Q: What does the man think of Mike? [听前预测] 选项中提到woman、give a hand、help等词,判断可能与女士需要帮助有关。 [答案解析] 女士问男士,迈克是否会愿意帮自己解决电脑里的病毒问题,男士回答说迈克后悔 自己有这样的本事,找他的人太多,他的学术论文也因此受到了耽搁,A)为正确选项。 5、A [解析] M: I have been meaning to get my tooth checked for a whole week. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. W: Why don't you call for an appointment right away? Once on your schedule you'll get it done. Q: What does the woman suggest doing? [听前预测] 选项中提到tooth check、dentist等词,判断可能与检查牙齿有关。 [答案解析] 男士说打算去看牙已经有一个周了,但到现在还没抽出时间去,女士建议立即电话 预约一下,说一旦安排到日程中就会去做了,A)为正确选项。其中make an appointment与对话 中call for an appointment同义,表示“(电话)预约”。 6、B [解析] W: Do you have any hot water in your dorm? We haven't had any for a whole week. I had to drink cold water. M: Oh, poor girl. Since the coffee bar usually opens, why don't you just go over there to fix your problem? Q: What will the woman probably do? [听前预测] 选项中多次提到hot water、drink、for等词,判断可能与求热水喝有关。 [答案解析] 女士问男士宿舍中有无热水,说自己宿舍整整一周没有热水了,只好一直喝凉水, 男士对此很同情,回答说咖啡吧一直开着,并建议她去那儿借点热水,B)为正确选项。 7、C [解析] M: it's so cold here. Could you please turn up the temperature? I'm having trouble sitting here reading. W: I quite understand. But the air conditioner needs fixing, I'll talk to maintenance right away. But you'd better put on your sweater if you have brought one. Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place? [听前预测] 选项均是地点,判断该题可能询问对话发生的地点。 [答案解析] 男士说太冷,要求女士调高温度,因为太冷都没法坐着看书了,从“reading”一 词来看,对话最有可能发生在图书馆,C)为正确选项。 8、A [解析] W: Wow, it's really a fat novel. Do you think Jennie will be patient to plough through that? M: Are you kidding? She'll be through it in three days. Q: What does the man mean? [听前预测] 选项中多次提到Jennie、read等词,判断可能与珍妮读书有关。 [答案解析] 女士说小说太厚了,问男士珍妮是否有耐心费劲地把书读完,男士回答说,珍妮三 天就能把这本书拿下,A)为正确选项。 9、C [解析] 19-22 W: Mark Fletcher, you're a business angel. Can you explain what a business angel is? M: Yes, (19)a business angel usually invests in startups and small business looking to expand. When the company does well, he expects his capital back with a substantial return. W: How do these investments differ from bank loans? M:(20) I don't charge interest, so I'm taking a risk with my money. But within five years I expect to get a good return on this investment. W: How do you get your money back? M: I will have an agreement with the owners as to how much of the money they raised goes to me. W: How do you find a company to invest in? M: Business owners contact us through a network of business angels. Typically, they give a presentation to a group of prospective investors, and if anyone likes what they see, they put money into the business. W: How do you decide who to invest in? M: I need to see business plans, but if I think the company is producing something that there's a market for, and (21)if I think the owners have the drive and ambition to do well, then I'll put my money in. W: Are all the businesses you invest in successful? M: Of course not. If I invest in ten companies, I expect three or four to go bust, two or three to do OK and a couple to be really good. Those are the ones I make my money on. W: And once you've invested your money, do you have any further involvement in the company? M: (22) I'm very much a hands-on investor. Sometimes I'll expect to become a director of the company. Q: According to the man, which of the following is true about a business angel? [听前预测] 根据关键词business、investor推断本题考查商业投资等内容。 [答案解析] 女士询问男士什么是“投资天使”,男士回答说“投资天使”通常投资刚刚起步的企业或致 力于扩张的小企业,在企业发展起来后期望有丰厚的回报。故选C)项。good是substantial“丰厚 的”的同义转述。 10、D [解析] Q: What's the difference between a business angel investment and a bank loan? [听前预测] 根据the former推断本题考查两个事物的对比。 [答案解析] 女士询问“天使投资”与银行贷款的不同,男士回答说他不收利息,因此投资有风险,这 和银行贷款是不同的,故选D)项。 11、C [解析] Q: What might affect Mark Fletcher's decision on his investment in a company? [听前预测] 四选项均为名词性短语,推断本题考查细节。 [答案解析] 女士询问男士如何决定给谁投资,男士回答说如果企业主有想要做好的动机和雄心,他 也会考虑为他投资的,故选C)项。personality是对的概括。 12、C [解析] Q: What might Mark do after he has chosen a company to invest in? [听前预测] 根据he、will等词推断本题考查男士的未来动作。 [答案解析] 根据男士的回答说自己是一个实地操作的投资者,推测他可能参与公司的管理,故选C) 项。其中hands-on意为“实际操作”。 13、B [解析] 23-25 W: So, Matt, (23)we're talking about adjectives this week and, or qualities about people, so let's talk about what makes people good at what they do. First of all, what do you think makes a good student? M: I think somebody who is self-motivated and who takes an interest in what he is doing and works at it. W: You mean, you like people who are outgoing and have a good personality. M: Yeah, but reality is that not every student can be like that. I think the most important thing is to show in retest and participate and work outside of class. W: I totally agree. OK, so now what makes a good boss? M: I think (24)a good boss is somebody who knows the people who work for him. W: To be exact? M: He knows the strengths, he can communicate what he really wants for each worker and he can delegate responsibility. W: Right. OK, now moving on, what makes a good friend? M: A good friend? I think somebody who just can listen and offer a kind of unconditional love and anything you do can't hurt the relationship. He should also be loyal and honest basically. W: OK, and this is the last one. What makes a good parent? M: (25)A good parent! Not that I would know from firsthand experience, but I think, just somebody who is there always and who takes care of the child and spends quality time. W: So what do you mean by saying quality time? M: You know, parents who really are there and listen and talk to kids usually have the greatest success in dealing with children. Q: What are the speakers doing? [听前预测] 选项均为现在时,推断本题考查对话人物的现在动作。 [答案解析] 女士说她们本周的话题是与人物品质有关的形容词,故选B)项。descriptive“描述的” 是adjective的同义转述。 14、A [解析] Q: According to the man,what makes a good boss? [听前预测] 选项均为能力要求,推断本题考查做某事需要的能力。 [答案解析] 男士认为一个好老板应该了解为他工作的人,故选A)项。understand是know的同义 转述,subordinate(下属)是people who work for him的同义转述。 15、B [解析] Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation?. [听前预测] 选项均为对男士的定位,推断考查对男士的观点。 [答案解析] 女士问男士怎样才算好父亲,男士说他并未亲身经历,言外之意,他还没有做父亲。故 选B)项。 Section B 16、C [解析] 26-29 Influenza, or the flu, attacks up to one billion people annually, In the US, it kills 20,000 annually, most of whom are children or elderly. Occasionally the flu becomes widely spread; in 1918, it killed 20 million people world wide. (26)The flu is a very infectious viral infection spread through the air by coughing, sneezing, or simply talking. It is not caused by getting caught in a rainstorm or by sleeping with the fan or air-conditioning on. The period before the symptoms appear is about three days. (27)It doesn't sneak up on you, like a cold does. All of a sudden, you feel weak, you have a high fever, you have chills, you cough frequently and force fully, your throat is sore, and your body aches. For most adults, the treatment is to simply wait it out; stay home, get lots of bed rest, drink lots of fluids, and take over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, pain-killers, and so on. Symptoms usually go away with in two weeks. For the elderly and young, the initial viral infection may become a bacterial infection with deadly consequences, because the victim becomes too weak to battle the disease. The death rate for the general population is about one in 1,000. (28)Those most susceptible to severe effects of the flu are people over 65 and people with chronic heart or lung problems, such as asthma. Flu season in the US is usually December to March. (29)The best prevention, of course, is to stay away from infected people. Since that is almost impossible, the next best preventive strategy is to get an annual flu shot. This vaccine reduces the number of people who get infected- and who die-yearly. Q: What might make a person infected with flu? [听前预测] 根据各选项内容及关键词flu,判断本题可能与流感原因有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,流感病毒极具传染性,通常通过打喷嚏、流鼻涕或仅仅说说话就能传 播,因此近距离接触感冒患者容易被传染。故选C)项。 17、B [解析] Q: How does flu differ from cold, according to the speaker? [听前预测] 根据关键词latent period、symptoms、infected objects、flu判断本题可能 与流感及其症状有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,流感与普通感冒不同,它会突然发病。故选B)项。 18、B [解析] Q: Which of the following victims might suffer the severe effects of the flu? [听前预测] 各选项均涉及某类人,判断本题可能与某类人有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,最容易受到流感的严重影响的是65岁以上的老年人和有慢性心肺病的 人,故选B)项。 19、B [解析] Q: What is the best way to prevent yourself from flu? [听前预测] 由to不定式推断本题与目的或行为方式有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,最好的预防方式是远离已经感染流感的人,故选B)项。 20、D [解析] 30-32 Many international students choose large schools. But a growing number of them are attending smaller ones. (30)They think that smaller college educates much more effectively and much more powerfully, it stretches everyone more. It draws everyone into more different kinds of activities. Of course, there are also good arguments for attending a larger school. Many big schools are widely recognized. And in some cases that might lead to more job interviews than a degree from a lesser known college. Larger schools also have more money, which can mean more resources for education, recreation and re search. (31)In addition to size, there are other important things to consider. For example: Firstly, which pro grams at the school are the strongest? Some schools have stronger programs in the sciences. Others are stronger in the liberal arts. Also, what do the school's top students go on to do after they graduate? What kinds of activities are offered that might add to the educational experience? Are there sports teams? What about a radio station or newspaper? Something else to consider is the kinds of services that a school offers for international students. But Earlham College President Douglas Bennett says one choice tops all others. (32)"The most important choice you make in going to college is who you choose to be yourself. If you're prepared to bring your best self to college, then it hardly matters where you go to college. On the other hand, if you choose not to be very motivated, not to be very responsible, not to be prepared to work very hard, it doesn't matter where you go; you probably won't get a good education. " Q: According to the speaker, what's the advantage of small colleges in attracting international students? [听前预测] 各选项主要倾向某事物的优势,根据选项中的关键词teachers、students等判断本 题可能与某种教育的优势有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,小规模的大学教育更高效,更有力。它可以拓展每个人的潜力,让每 个人都能参与更多不同种类的活动。故选D)项。 21、B [解析] Q: In addition to size,what is the primary factor one should take into consideration in choosing a college? [听前预测] 各选项都是有关大学的某个方面,判断该题目可能与大学教育的某个方面有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,除了学校的大小外,选择学校时最先考虑的就是哪些是该学校的强项, 如是自然科学还是人文科学,故选B)项。 22、A [解析] Q: For Douglas Bennett, what's the top factor to be considered in choosing a college? [听前预测] 根据各选项的关键词one's,判断本题可能与某种选择有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,在选择学校时最重要的一个选择就是,你想成为什么样的人。学校的 选择取决于一个人的态度。故选A) 项。 23、D [解析] 33-35 A newly-published study has shown that loneliness can spread from one person to another, like a disease, through social groups. Having a social connection with a lonely person increased the chances that another individual would feel lonely, in fact, a friend of a lonely person was fifty-two percent more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. A friend of that person was twenty-five percent more likely. (33) The researchers say this shows that a person could indirectly be affected by someone's loneliness. The effect was strongest among friends. Neighbors were the second most affected group. The effect was weaker on husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. The researchers also found that lonely ness spread more easily among women than men. The New York Times newspaper reports that, on average, people experience feelings of loneliness about forty-eight days a year. Yet the study found that having a friend who is lonely can add about seventeen days a year of loneliness. It also found that every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about five percent, or two and a half fewer lonely days. Loneliness has been linked to health problems like depression and sleeping difficulties. (34)The researchers believe that knowing the causes of loneliness could help in reducing it. The researchers did not study how loneliness spreads. However, existing research offers some possibilities. Lonely people are often mistrustful of others. This behavior spreads from one person to another, along with the emotion responsible for it. (35)The study suggests that people can take steps to stop the spread of loneliness. They can do this by helping individuals they know who may be experiencing loneliness. The result can be helpful to the whole social group. Q: What did the study find about the spread of loneliness? [听前预测] 根据loneliness、spread等,判断本题可能与孤独的散布方式有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,研究者说一个人可以间接地被另一个人的孤独情感所影响。故选D) 项。 24、D [解析] Q: According to the speaker, what is the way to decrease loneliness? [听前预测] 根据overcome、get rid of、encourage、find等关键词,判断本题可能与达到 某种目的有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,研究者相信,查清寂寞的缘由有助于减轻寂寞感,故选D)项。其中的 root是录音中cause的同义转换。 25、B [解析] Q: According to the study,how to stop the spread of loneliness? [听前预测] 根据关键词the lonely person、keep away、offer a hand、develop trust、 raise emotion等,判断本题可能与如何消除寂寞或帮助寂寞的人有关。 [答案解析] 录音中提到,研究表明人们可以逐步地阻止寂寞感的传播,这可以通过帮助可能正 在经历寂寞的人实现,。offer a hand是help的同义转换。故选B)项。 Section C 26、 benefits [解析] 36-46 Information has gone from scarce to superabundant. That brings huge new benefits, but also big headaches. The world contains an unimaginably vast amount of digital information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly. This makes it possible to do many things that previously could not be done: spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on. Managed well, the data can be used to unlock new sources of economic value, provide fresh insights into science and hold governments to account. But they are also creating a host of new problems. Despite the abundance of tools to capture, process and share all this information—sensors, computers, mobile phones and the like—it already exceeds the available storage space. Moreover, ensuring data security and protecting privacy is becoming harder as the information multiplies and is shared ever more widely around the world. The effect is being felt everywhere, from business to science, from government to the arts. Scientists and computer engineers have coined a new term for the phenomenon: "big data", information is made up of a collection of data and knowledge is made up of different strands of information, it can be inferred that "Data" and "information" are interchangeably because the two are increasingly difficult to tell apart The business of information management-helping organisations to make sense of their increasing data-is growing by leaps and bounds. Chief information officers have become somewhat more prominent in the executive suite, and a new kind of professional has emerged, the data scientist, who combines the skills of software programmer, statistician and storyteller/artist to extract the elites of gold hidden under mountains of data. [答案解析] benefit意为“利润,利益”。由空格前的bring判断,此处为宾语,中心词应为名词, 因此判断此处应该为名词。 27、 digital [解析] digital意为“电子的”。根据空格后的information判断此处应为形容词,作定语,修饰 information。 28、 previously [解析] previously意为“事先,以前”。根据空格单词所处的定语从句判断,该句缺少副词。 29、spot [解析] spot意为“发现,认出,断定”。根据空后的其他动宾结构的并列短语,判断此处所填的词 为动词,修饰后面的名词短语business trends。 30、unlock [解析] unlock意为“打开”。根据空后面的并列短语结构判断,此处所填词与后面的动词短语结构 和词性一致,因此判断应为动词。 insights 31、 [解析] insight意为“洞悉,深刻的理解”。根据此空前面的动词provide判断,此空为provide 的宾语,因前面有形容词修饰,因此此空应为名词。 32、 creating [解析] create意为“创作,创造”。根据此空前的are及空后的名词短语,综合判断此空为动词的 进行时态。 33、 available [解析] available意为“可用的”。本空修饰名词因此判断此处为形容词。 34、 ensuring data security and protecting privacy is becoming harder as the information multiplies and is shared ever more widely around the world [解析] 信息量的增加及信息在全球被广泛分享,使得保证数据安全、保护隐私变得越来越难。 [关键词] ensure, data security, protect, privacy, harder, multiply, share, widely [大意] The wide spread of information makes it harder to ensure data security and the protection of privacy 35、 "Data" and "information" are interchangeably because the two are increasingly difficult to tell apart [解析] 由于“数据”和“信息”这两个词越来越难区分,这两个词甚至可以互换。 [关键词] data, information, interchangeably, tell apart, difficult [大意] It’s difficult to tell Data and information apart, so they can be replaced by each other 36、Chief information officers have become somewhat more prominent in the executive suite,and a new kind of professional has emerged [解析] 在经理人的办公套间里,首席信息官的地位更加突出了,一种新型的职业产生了。 [关键词] chief information officers, prominent, new profession, emerge [大意] The status of chief information officers has got higher and a new professional has appeared
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