

2017-09-29 14页 doc 113KB 176阅读




武汉童装批发市场武汉童装批发市场 武汉的汉正街是全国闻名、这里不光是服装、几乎是什么东西都可以批发。到了这里终于明白为什么说武汉是九省通商之地。不过汉正街还是显得太破太脏太挤了、和广州和杭州四季青比起来相差很远、另外武汉也是窜货容易发生的地方。 武汉童装市场主要集中在永茂里新台童装市场、雅端巷、多福商城一楼、农资童装城等,经营面积约2万平方米,经营户近千余户。 在汉正街新开业的广货巷童装名品一条街、我不知道算不算是武汉最大童装名品市场,在仅250米长的街上、聚集了从3000家童装经营户中挑出的57家商户、其中不乏入选全国十大童装品牌的“今...
武汉童装批发市场 武汉的汉正街是全国闻名、这里不光是服装、几乎是什么东西都可以批发。到了这里终于明白为什么说武汉是九省通商之地。不过汉正街还是显得太破太脏太挤了、和广州和杭州四季青比起来相差很远、另外武汉也是窜货容易发生的地方。 武汉童装市场主要集中在永茂里新台童装市场、雅端巷、多福商城一楼、农资童装城等,经营面积约2万平方米,经营户近千余户。 在汉正街新开业的广货巷童装名品一条街、我不知道算不算是武汉最大童装名品市场,在仅250米长的街上、聚集了从3000家童装经营户中挑出的57家商户、其中不乏入选全国十大童装品牌的“今童王”、“米奇”等的湖北总代理商。 附:武汉服装市场 主要集中在三曙街、广货巷、大夹街沿线及全新街周边,拥有中心商城、老三镇服装大楼两座大型服装室内市场。与童装市场高档化同步的、还有女装市场、投资3000万元兴建的同润大厦女装市场也同期开业,原在全新街、大夹街分散经营的商户现已搬迁至此集中营业。 郑州的童装批发市场 到郑州火车站下车,向南走一百米、看到银基商贸城,然后在银基的东南面有一个市场,里面全是批发童装的、银基负一楼也有批发童装的~ 那个地方入口有挺多的、而且分高低档区的、便宜点的就要从一马路那边的入口进去、价高点的就走世贸商城那边的入口。 如果你进货不内行、可以先去一马路与陇海路往北一带取经、那里都是开儿童服装店、挨家挨户去搜查吧~ 走进郑州火车站地区童装批发市场、不少档口墙上挂着有阿迪达斯、彪马等名牌童装,在这里阿迪达斯童装只卖20元一件、可仔细一看会发现、有些假冒的童装竟然把阿迪达斯(adidas)写成“abibas”,消费者不小心就把冒牌服装认成名牌。这些冒牌服装有一个共investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 同的突出特点是看上去“很像名牌”。 这些假冒产品是从福建石狮进的货,每件进价十元左右,加价到20元左右后再出手、有家相熟的档口老板对我说、看到哪个牌子好卖直接向福建供货方要求发货、而阿迪这个牌子的童装,今年上半年他就卖了七八万件。 上海市有童装批发市场吗, 上海服装批发市场 上海最大的服装批发市场就是七铺路了、在河南路七铺路口、什么类型的衣服都有、上海火车站有多路公交车过去:510路,41路都可以到达。 七浦路是以年轻女装为主的、而且那边也比较适合20岁左右的女孩子、个人认为七浦的童装不多而且土,但广场那边有一个专门买童装的、在*近延中绿地、那边的童装比较漂亮、内外贸都有、只是仿版多。 杭州的童装批发市场 主要有四季青童装批发市场、凤起路上的环北小商品市场也有很多童装批发的、凤起路的批发价格低于四季青、但就服装质量相对来说、又比不上四季青的货、不过有几家挺不错、价钱也低于四季青、经常跑杭州的有空去看看吧! 离杭州不远的湖州织里镇是童装生产基地,几乎整个镇都是童装加工厂,会有很多不错的选择哦~ 浙江湖州市织里童装批发市场 织里童装市场坐落在湖州市城区织里镇、北临太湖、南接318国道和长湖申航线、地理位置特殊、商品经济发达、水陆交通便捷。织里童装商城的形成、是通过农民自发、政府引导、从沿街设摊历经7次扩建和新建而成。现在市场总投资为5000余万元、占地面积为7万平方米、营业房600个、号称已成为全国最大规模的儿童服装专业市场。 织里童装市场以童装款式新、价格低的特点受到广大客商的欢迎。产品包括儿童到青少年的各个年龄段,各级童装一应俱全。每季童装款式多达400多种,年成交额10多亿元,investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 产品辐射28个省市,有些产品常年雄居同类产品销售榜首,不少产品已经远销俄罗斯、缅甸、越南等周边国家。 根据有关数据获悉、目前织里童装日产近10万件、全年销量达3000多万件、交易额10多亿元、其中50,的童装就是通过织里商城童装市场向外批发销售。 从上海到湖州要路过织里的、到时候叫司机提醒一下 ,从杭州到湖州后、再坐到织里的车就可以了 。从苏州到上海的车子在平望转车,沿318国道湖州方向,途经织里。 苏州到湖州有直达车,在织里下车即可。 苏州到南浔有直达车,在南浔转车,乘101公交车在织里下车即可。东莞虎门富民童装城 与闻名遐迩的富民商业大厦相对而立、并且两楼之间由一天桥相连、可以自由、方便地来往富民商业大厦和童装城。是虎门目前规模最大的童装专业市场、一楼经营童装、二楼主营手袋、三楼主营内衣、铺位近300个。富民童装城里有几百家商户,每天客流量达到几千人以上、到了节假日可以达到万人以上。童装城沿袭富民商业大厦特有的“前店后厂”经营特色、大大减少物流渠道。 从广州过去可到广州市汽车站广州广园客运站有到虎门的大巴 哈尔滨最大的童装批发 人和商场地下二层、在火车站坐6路、13路都可以、在“秋林公司”下车,这里少有品牌多是散货、但比较集中、如果不会砍价、60元零售批发就是45元。 长春市鸿兴童装批发市场 长白路30号 北京的童装批发市场 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 北京最大的童装批发市场在百容世贸地下1层 成都的童装批发市场 荷花池市场最多童装批发、北门火车站、大成旁边、暑袜街的中环、批零都有 深圳童装品牌绝大部分都走休闲路线,价格定位都在几十元到200元之间 深圳东门宝华、白马也有童装市场。 除湖州外、因为以上这些市场在中国童装市场没有份量、在这里就不具体深究。 广州市几大童装批发市场 广州童装批发市场集中在广州中山8路、即广州广佛汽车站旁(中山八路公共汽车总站对面)。 公交车站名:中山八路公交线路车:105路电车 、128路 、193路 、207路 、205路 、260路 、 275路 、286路 、231路 、19路夜班车 、52路 、124路 、233路 、61路 、232路 、275路短等等一切开往中山八路公共汽车总站的车都可到达。地铁一号线:陈家祠站,出站往中山八路方向走以个站即可到。广州地铁一号线跟二号线是联通的、如果从火车站坐地铁在公园前换一号线在陈家祠下。 中山八路南天市场: 传统的老市场、虽然最近经过改造、也只是荔湖大厦B区进行了重新包装、整体感觉比较杂乱、大市场规模较大、货物品种齐全、以中档童装为主、价格有点偏贵!(从富奴住地investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 过去需30分钟) 富力儿童批发商城: 也位于中山八路、与南天大厦相距300米左右(朝中山七路方向)、有四层、现在已经营业的有一层、二层、三层开了一半,一楼及首层临街铺位为品牌童装展示区、汇聚了众多品牌童装、鞋帽精品;二楼为高中档各类童装婴装、品种齐全;三楼经营妇婴用品、童装、儿童鞋袜等。总之是集童装、妇婴用品、儿童用品为一体的综合性童装市场,规模与档次在全国同类市场中处于独一无二的地位。富力最大的特点就是产销有机结合、上市童装商品80%以上来自广州及周边地区千家万户童装生产企业、减少了中间流通环节、款式新颖、不同年龄层次儿童和不同季节的童装一应俱全、每季童装款式多达700余种、产品辐射国内外广大地区。主要批发中高档婴幼童装、价格也还合理、关键是这里的租金比南天便宜、同样的YY起码比南天便宜2元左右、值得去逛逛~ 地址:广州市中山八路61号 荔湖大厦中八童装妇婴用品广场: 位于广州市中山八路97号,它地处闹市,东向中山五路,西邻全市最大的客货物运输场、珠江大桥、广佛公路、西郊车站,电车客运总站。日人流量仅次于广州火车站。是全省首创专营妇婴系列产品的批发市场、广场1至3层近万平方米、首2层有300多个铺位、以经营童装妇婴用品、第3层为敞开式特价商场、广东省童装妇婴用品专业委员会展销部。广场内汇集了中、港 、台近5000家厂家及经销商的产品、有帝儿宝恒安及世界名牌花王等系列产品特约经销点、及国内外名牌产品上千家。吸引来自全国各地商贾乃至俄罗斯、东南亚及欧洲客户、全场年销售额10多亿元。广场实行商铺、写字楼、存货、板房“一条龙”服务。新近开发的南楼与广场南北贯穿形成一体、前期1、2楼总面积达8000多平方米、后期大型地下室、3、4楼数万平方米配套相继开发、将形成规模宏大、经营品种齐全、幅射面广、多功能的妇婴系列用品大型批发市场。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 地 址:中山八路97-101号 注:2006年广州最具专业特色(童装)服装批发市场就有:荔湖大厦中八童装妇婴用品广场和富力儿童世界。中国广东佛山市童装批发市场 华南地区最大的童装批发集散地——佛山禅城区简村童装批发市场、 距区内的全国知名的针织纺织轻纺名城——张槎镇及全国童装名镇——环市镇仅十分钟车程。 A、佛山简村童装批发市场 简村市场是个很早期的童装批发市场、占地22亩、兴起于上世纪九十年代初、是12幢排列整齐的简易棚架建筑、由当时的石湾区张槎简村股份经济联合社投资兴建。以销售儿童服装、服装服饰等为主、最重要的是:这里的童装批发价格相对国内其它市场来说也是最便宜的。 简村市场位于汾江南路唐园街、在汾江中学附近的那个新一佳后门处、市场对面就是佛山早期的富人区,,唐园小区 记得简村市场应该是佛山最早的一个童装市场、后来才有环市、大沥。1990年开始兴建简村市场、那时季华路还没有开通、只有一个路口,以前唐园公园这片是大水塘、市场就在水塘旁边、下雨的时候、一路都是泥巴、那时候周边的人多是骑自行车或者三轮车来取货、有很多人在这里进些货、拿到澜石、普君市场走鬼、每摊每天能赚200多利润、而且什么费用也不要。由于简村市场没有假货、又讲诚信、这里的生意越来越好,市场最旺的时候是1992年到1997年,吸引了来自上海、北京、辽宁、苏杭等全国各地的客商来这里进货,1995、1996年的时候、还有不少来自中东地区的外国人来这里进货。 由于沦落为“城中村”的宿命、今年3月初、简村童装交易市场全面拆除、简村村委会在旧址旁边搭建了简易帐篷来安置原来的档主。现在26层的村民公寓即将取代简村市场、投资1亿7千万元的简村商住大厦也将拔地而起、并将首层至3层留作商业用途、建中高档investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 服装批发市场、2万多平方米的商铺和1万多平方米的停车场、成为宜商宜居的场所。其实原来的童装批发市场、租金一年收入仅100多万元、每平方米仅20多元,新的大厦建成后,铺位的租金还要看市场行情、但肯定要比以前高、看来以后理想的童装淘宝地也许还是这里。 B、佛山环市童服城: 环市号称中国童装产业基地、这里批发的是档次比较高的童装。南桂桥你知道吗,南桂桥向佛山方向、下桥后第一个红绿灯转左一直走、那条路就到环市童装批发市场了。目前,环市街道以朝安路环市童服城为中心、在方圆5平方公里的区域内、涌现了2000多家生产童装以及与之配套的企业、市场大多是厂家直接设的批发点,童装行业从业人员达7万人左右、童装年产量1(7亿件、形成了童装、加工、生产、物流等完整的产业链、以及联动互补的童装产业集群。产品远销美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本和中东等地,环市已成为全国最大的童装集中生产基地和厂家物流中心。 据介绍,环市街道将进一步整合产业资源,优化产品结构,力求最终形成“佛山童装”的区域品牌核心文化概念,形成浓厚的童装产业文化氛围,将环市进一步打造为“中国童装文化名城”和“国际儿童文化名城”。 禅城区环市街道日前被中国纺织工业协会、中国服装设计师协会和中国服装协会联合命名为“中国童装名镇”。 浙江湖州和广东佛山是中国童装生产批发比较集中的2个集散地、相对来说佛山货比较精工、湖州货要整包拿才能砍到低价。 广州的童装批发市场主要集中在中山八路、其实最大的童装基地是在南海市、价格和中山八差20%以上、童装圈内老板拿货多的都偷偷溜到南海去、如果没去过简村的朋友、让富奴告诉你怎么走路:可以从广州汽车站、流花车站、省站都有车到达佛山市、从广州市中山8路、有个广佛汽车站、你逛完富力、荔湖、南天后、即可以从这里上车直达佛山、简村市场位于汾江南路唐园街、在汾江中学附近的那个新一佳后门处。 其实你坐火车或汽车到佛山后、打车到朝安路童服城就可以了~那里有好多童服厂、可以直接到厂里看版打货、如果你想打低档货就去季华路上的简村市场~预祝您满意而归~ 参考数据: 我国拥有庞大的童装消费群体、童装市场具有极大的开拓潜力。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against
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