

2017-10-11 9页 doc 32KB 29阅读




适合新疆种植的药材适合新疆种植的药材 新疆自治区:野生药材以塔里木盆地四周的绿州蕴藏量较大~如巴音郭楞州31,、阿克苏地区28,和喀什地区12,。栽培药材以北疆较多~年产量较大的有博尔塔拉州28,、昌吉州(23,)和喀什地区23,。大宗药材有甘草、伊贝母、肉苁蓉、红花、紫草、杏仁、锁阳、罗布麻、马鹿茸及鹿角等。 新疆---中国药材产地介绍系列,9, 《概况》 新疆维吾尔自治区位於中国西北边疆。面积160多万平方公里~人口1,426万~辖15个地、州、市~96个县、市、区。 《自然环境》 本区边境多山~盆地广大~北部有阿勒泰山~南部有...
适合新疆种植的药材 新疆自治区:野生药材以塔里木盆地四周的绿州蕴藏量较大~如巴音郭楞州31,、阿克苏地区28,和喀什地区12,。栽培药材以北疆较多~年产量较大的有博尔塔拉州28,、昌吉州(23,)和喀什地区23,。大宗药材有甘草、伊贝母、肉苁蓉、红花、紫草、杏仁、锁阳、罗布麻、马鹿茸及鹿角等。 新疆---中国药材产地介绍系列,9, 《概况》 新疆维吾尔自治区位於中国西北边疆。面积160多万平方公里~人口1,426万~辖15个地、州、市~96个县、市、区。 《自然环境》 本区边境多山~盆地广大~北部有阿勒泰山~南部有帕米尔高原、喀喇崑崙山、崑崙山、阿尔金山。天山山脉横贯中部~东西绵延1,700多公里~将新疆分成南北两部分。天山山脉与崑崙山脉之间是塔里木盆地~著名的世界第二大沙漠塔克拉玛干大沙漠位於其中。準喀尔盆地在天山山脉与阿勒泰山脉之间~这裡有中国第二大沙漠古尔班通古特大沙漠。山系中山间小盆地眾多~地势复杂~既有世界第二高峰乔戈里峰,海拔8,611米,~也有中国内陆最低点吐鲁番艾丁湖~低於海平面154米。 本区地处亚洲内陆~大陆性气侯非常明显。气温变化剧烈~年较差、日较差均大~四季变化明显。春季气温多变、秋季气温下降迅速~天山南北气温差异甚大。北疆年平均温0?~南疆塔里木盆地年平均气300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium 温7.5?,北疆无霜期150天左右~南疆200~220天。年降水量少~分布不均~北疆比南疆大~山地比平原多。北疆平原年降水量200毫米~南疆平原50毫米。 《药材资源》 据调查统计~全省有药用植物2,014种~药用动物153种~矿物药43种~共计2,210种。药材资源分佈: 阿勒泰山区:位於新疆最北部~属欧亚草原的一部分~这裡气温较低~降水较多~山地植被呈垂直带分佈。主要药材有赤芍、麻黄、伊贝母、岩白菜、阿里红、新疆冬虫夏草、马鹿茸,角,、五灵脂、云母等。 準喀尔盆地西部山地:包括塔城的和布克赛尔、额敏、裕民、托里、博尔塔拉州的博乐、温泉七个县、市的大部分。地形复杂~气候比较温和湿润~光照充足~降水量适中~春季气候多变。分佈的药材主要有伊贝母、芦根、甘草、紫草、雪莲花、新疆党参、阿魏、杏仁、马鹿茸、石膏等。 天山山脉:是新疆野生药材的主要分佈区。天山南麓海拔高~寒冷乾旱~植物种类少~但生长有~些特有品种~如蓝麻黄、阿魏、紫草、乌恰贝母等。伊犁河谷位於天山西部~坦荡舒展~河流纵横气候温和~雨量充沛~草场丰美~人称“塞上江南”。地带性差异突出~土壤种类繁多~植被垂直分佈明显。是新疆最富有的药材產地~主產伊贝母、紫草、甘草、麻黄、牛蒡子、秦艽、阿魏、肉蓯蓉、红花、柴胡、新疆羌活、新疆独活、雪莲花、延胡索、马鹿茸,角,、龟板,四爪陆龟,、自然铜等~人工饲养马鹿居全疆之首。天山中段山体300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium 较西部宽厚~冰川积雪较丰厚~气候较湿润~是新疆药材较丰富地区。享有盛名的新疆一枝蒿、雪莲花、秦艽分佈於此~还有伊贝母、狭叶红景天、阿魏、赤芍、麻黄、豹骨等。东部有较大面积的森林~主要药材有雪莲花、秦艽、龙胆、黄芪、紫菀、新疆党参、瞿麦、乌头、麻黄、沙棘、马鹿茸等。 崑崙山、阿尔金山地区:山势险峻~乾旱高寒。分佈有紫草、麻黄、新疆党参、心草,库日不提,、景天、雪莲花、新疆独活、熊胆、鹅喉羚羊角、滑石、玉石,民族药,等。 準噶尔盆地:气温偏低~降水少~多為乾草原或半灌木荒漠。蕴藏量较大的有甘草、肉蓯蓉、麻黄、鹅喉羚羊角和牛蒡子、苍耳、菟丝子、阿魏等。据调查曾有赛加羚羊栖息。这裹是新疆主要的药材种植地~质优量大的有红花、枸杞子。马鹿是主要的饲养药用动物。塔里木盆地及其周围山前平原:气候温暖而乾旱~降水量少。分佈的药材主要甘草、肉蓯蓉、罗布麻、芦根、锁阳、马鹿茸等。这里还是索索葡萄、孜然、鹰嘴豆、驱虫斑鳩菊等维吾尔药材主要种植地。 东疆盆地:药用植物约200种~最负盛名的是索索葡萄、刺糖及甘草、麻黄、肉蓯蓉、锁阳和引种成功的枸杞子。 《利用现状》 新疆药材资源的开发潜力很大。由於新疆的地理环境和社会条件~形成了特有的药材品种~与歷代本草同种的药材少~而同科属的近缘种类较多~且有许多独特品种~如阿魏、赛加羚羊及民族药。新疆药材载入药典的仅百种~载入地方标準的56种。栽培、养殖约20个品种~年种植面积1,000亩~年產量10万公斤左右。收300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium 购药材150餘种~年收购量1,500万公斤。 《主產品种》 甘草:新疆大宗药材~年收购量估中国的50,左右~居首位。广泛分佈於天山南北的82个县、市~以南疆蕴藏较多。近年因开荒造田~截流储水~採挖过量等原因~资源有所下降。為保持生态平衡~防止沙化~提供稳定药源~已採取人工种植、围栏护育等多种措施~并初见成效。 伊贝母:新疆特產药材之一~主要分佈在天山、阿尔泰山区。野生资源丰富。1976年推广人工栽培~现已初具规模。 肉蓯蓉:新疆传统药材之一。為列当科肉蓯蓉属多年生草本植物~多寄生於荒漠或半荒漠的梭梭属和檉柳属植物根部。具滋补作用~享有“沙漠人参”的美誉。分佈於和田、阿克苏、巴音郭楞、昌吉、博尔塔拉等地、州。本区年收购量佔中国60,左右~居第一位。 红花:新疆栽培產量最大的药材品种~种籽用於榨油食用~花作药材入药。70,以上的县有种植。本区年產量佔中国30,以上~居第一位。 阿魏:新疆特產药材之一。為伞形科阿魏属多年生草本植物的树脂。主產於伊犁、阜康、乌恰等地~生长在乾旱少雨、夏热冬寒、气温变化剧烈的荒漠地区。 马鹿茸:新疆產量最大的饲养动物药材。主產於伊寧、焉耆、沙雅、新源、尼勒克等县。茸干粗壮、角质嫩、嘴头饱满~单產高~质量好~销国内市场~并出口血茸。 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium 紫草:主產於和静、阿克陶、塔什库尔干、温泉、昭苏等县。本区年收购量佔中国50,以上~居首位。 枸杞子:主產於精河县。產品粒大肉厚、甜度高~多供应出口。 麻黄:主產於和硕、托克逊、轮臺、柯坪、吐鲁番、拜城、都善等县。 除上述九种之外~还有牛蒡子、赤芍、小茴香、杏仁、桃仁、锁阳、罗布麻、鹿角等中药材和索索葡萄、刺糖、水莲花、黑种草籽、雪莲花、一枝蒿等丰富的维吾尔药材资源。 建议你最好选择当地的品种种植~从外地引种要慎重考虑~你所讲的气候还是比较特殊。也可以选择当地野生品种就地家化~也就是野生变家种~可先试种探索经验~逐渐扩大。 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium
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