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报纸的版面报纸的版面 , Unit 1 Can We Help You? , 1. page n. 頁,報紙的版面 v. 呼叫 When Jim buys a newspaper, he always turns to the sports pages first. , Open your book to page 14, and then study the questions on page 15. I couldn’t find my friend at the airport, so I had her paged. 2...
报纸的版面 , Unit 1 Can We Help You? , 1. page n. 頁,報紙的版面 v. 呼叫 When Jim buys a newspaper, he always turns to the sports pages first. , Open your book to page 14, and then study the questions on page 15. I couldn’t find my friend at the airport, so I had her paged. 2. advice [U] 忠告,建議 I’ll take/follow your advice and stop taking the medicine. , He gave/offered me some good advice about/on buying computers. I asked the doctor for her advice. Acting on her advice, I decided to give up smoking. , advise vt. 建議 Mark advised me which to buy in the store. , Doctors advise us on our health. My doctor advises complete rest. The doctor advised my father against smoking. I strongly advised him to take a rest/not to work too hard. I advised leaving early/that you (should) leave early! 3. share v. 分享,共用 n. 分擔,股份 We don’t have enough books for everyone; some of you will have to share (one with another). , We all share the responsibility (責任) for these terrible events. I did my share of work. You don’t have to pay for all this—let’s go shares (均攤). I have 2,000 shares in the company. 4. untidy adj. 不整潔的,雜亂的 The living room is untidier than usual when newspapers are everywhere. , Clothes were thrown there in an untidy heap (一堆). , tidy adj. 整齊的 vt. 整理,收拾 If you are a tidy person, you can find your things easily. , He keeps his room tidy. Mary looked in the mirror and tidied her hair. , Tidy your books away when you’ve finished your homework. I really must start tidying my desk out. When are you going to tidy your room up? 5. mess n. 一團亂 vt. 弄亂,搞砸 My sister’s room is always in a mess. I can’t even find a place to sit on. , The room is in an awful mess right now. The child spilled (翻倒) his soup and made a terrible mess. 1 This illness makes a mess of (打亂) my holiday plans. Who messed up the living room? She spent the day just messing around/about (閒蕩,鬼混) with her friends. , messy adj. 一團混亂的 The place became very messy after the party. , 6. private adj. 私人的,私下的 The singer never talked about his private life on TV. , These are my private affairs. They are none of your business. It’s wrong to read people’s private letters without permission (未經允許). I knocked on the door and asked if I could talk to her in private (私下). , privately adv. 私下地,偷偷地 He talked privately to the teacher and told her everything. Although he is outgoing (外向的) in public, he is quiet in private/privately. , privacy [U] 隱私 I need some privacy so I can change my clothes. , There’s not much privacy in this house because it has large windows. Don’t disturb/violate others’ privacy. 別侵犯別人的隱私 7. allow vt. 允許 No one is allowed to smoke in a public place. , The teacher allowed him to go home. We do not allow smoking here. Smoking here is not allowed. , allowance n. 零用錢,津貼,減免 He received a weekly allowance from his father. His job offers (提供) a good travel allowance. The store makes an allowance of 10% for cash payment (現金付款). 8. awake adj. 清醒的 v. 醒來,喚醒 (awake, awoke, awoken) Drinking coffee helps me stay awake. , The mother was still wide awake waiting for her son. She used to lie awake at night worrying about being short of (缺乏) money. I awoke at seven. My mother awoke me/woke me up at seven. 9. thin adj. 瘦的,薄的 She looks so thin. She needs to eat more. , I wish I were as slim/slender (苗條的) as you. My father’s hair is getting very thin. 10. muscle n. 肌肉 Walking exercises the leg muscles. , He developed his arm muscles by lifting weights (舉重). 2 11. pressure [U] 壓力 My brother put pressure on me not to tell Mom about his accident. , They put pressure on her to accept their opinion. The government yielded to (屈服) the pressure of public opinion (輿論). I am the person who works best under pressure. , press vt. 壓,催促 To get coffee, put your money in the machine and press the green button. The doctor gently pressed her stomach to check what was going wrong. Please don't press me to finish my homework earlier. 12. explain vt. 解釋,說明 If there is anything you don’t understand, I will be glad to explain it (to you). , She explained to me that she had been delayed by a traffic jam (塞車). He tried to explain how he came out of the idea. , explanation n. 解釋,說明 She gave me a clear explanation of how to find her house. , He gave/offered no explanation for his absence (缺席). 13. common adj. 一般的,普遍的,共有的 n. 共同的 It is very common for us to have much rain in Keelung (基隆). , English serves as (當作,成為) the common language of many Asians. Though she is not very smart, she has plenty of common sense. (常識;情理) The garden is common to the two houses. John and I have nothing in common. (無共同之處) In common with most young people, he hates getting up early. 14. respect vt. [U] 尊敬 Students should respect their teachers/show respect to their teachers. , They respected the novelist’s last wishes (遺願) and burned his letters. Everyone has to treat the elders with respect. , , respectful adj. 恭敬有禮的 He is respectful to the elders. , respectable adj. 受人尊敬的;規矩的 I must go and put on a clean dress to make myself look respectable! 15. compromise v. n. 妥協,讓步 He wanted $10; I was only willing to (願意) pay $5. We arrived at/reached a compromise, and I paid $7.50. , Both sides want to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility (可能性) of compromise. “Ten,” I said. “Twenty,” said he. We compromised on fifteen. , 3 16. off adv. 休假 adj. 休息的 Next week we’re going to have/take Wednesday afternoon off. , Miss Anderson is off on her Christmas vacation. My dad will stay at home, doing gardening on his day off. He went fishing on his off days (餘暇). 17. disturb vt. 打擾 I hate to be disturbed when I am studying. , I’m sorry to disturb you, but I am wondering if I could use your phone. Do not disturb. 請勿打擾 [告示牌用語] A light wind disturbed the surface (面) of the lake. , disturbing adj. 令人不安的 The traffic noises are disturbing to most people. , disturbance [U] 擾亂,騷動 The man was arrested (逮捕) for disturbance of the peace. (妨害治安) 18. develop v. 發展,成長 She developed from a shy child into an international star. Everyone should develop their own style instead of (而不是~) copying others. At last, she has developed an interest in learning English. 1. clean up + some place 整理乾淨 Would you clean up your room before our visitors arrive? , It's your turn to (輪到你做~) clean the kitchen up. The new mayor has to clean up the city by getting rid of (清除) all the criminals. 2. A as well as B 以及~,和~一樣 Women, as well as men, need to develop their interests. , Tom is kind as well as handsome. 3. leave sth/sb alone 不要碰;讓人獨處(靜一靜) Leave that alone; it’s mine. , Please leave me alone. 4. be good at sth/Ving 擅長 She is good at languages. She can speak English, Spanish and German well. , My brother is good at making things by his own. 5. put sth away 收好,放回原位,存放 Put the books away on the shelves. , We should put some money away for later use. 6. be popular with sb 受人歡迎 The singer is popular with the young people in Taiwan. 4
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