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家常泡菜的做法家常泡菜的做法 将1000ml水倒入泡菜坛,加入花椒,八角,香叶,桂皮,草果,去皮的苹果块和梨快,去皮的大蒜,姜片,高度白酒,盐(1/2茶匙)和冰糖,最后把半瓶野山椒连汤一起倒入 盖上盖子,用清水倒在泡菜坛子边上密封,放在阴凉的地方浸泡三天 三天后,将圆白菜洗净沥干撕成片,胡萝卜,白萝卜和水萝卜去皮切条,芹菜去掉叶子洗净沥干切条。放入大碗中,用盐(1/2茶匙)腌制10分钟 将泡菜坛子的盖子打开,放入腌制过的蔬菜,盖上盖子,用水封口,放在阴凉处,浸泡48小时即可食用 1、小时候,看我奶奶做泡菜,都要先烧开水,再等水完全...
家常泡菜的做法 将1000ml水倒入泡菜坛,加入花椒,八角,香叶,桂皮,草果,去皮的苹果块和梨快,去皮的大蒜,姜片,高度白酒,盐(1/2茶匙)和冰糖,最后把半瓶野山椒连汤一起倒入 盖上盖子,用清水倒在泡菜坛子边上密封,放在阴凉的地方浸泡三天 三天后,将圆白菜洗净沥干撕成片,胡萝卜,白萝卜和水萝卜去皮切条,芹菜去掉叶子洗净沥干切条。放入大碗中,用盐(1/2茶匙)腌制10分钟 将泡菜坛子的盖子打开,放入腌制过的蔬菜,盖上盖子,用水封口,放在阴凉处,浸泡48小时即可食用 1、小时候,看我奶奶做泡菜,都要先烧开水,再等水完全冷却后再用来做泡菜汁。现在,可以直接用康师傅矿物质水来做,方便很多也节省时间。它是由纯净水和各类矿物质组成的,而且我个人觉得,目前在市场上,也是价格较为实惠的饮用水。当然,你也可以根据自己的喜好,选择其他的水。 2、做泡菜的容器,需要非常非常干净,尤其不能有油。因此泡菜的容器要洗净后,充分沥干水分,以免滋生细菌。不要用布擦,自然风干最好。 3、做泡菜时,放入苹果和梨更有助于发酵,泡菜的味道也更香。 4、把所有原料放入泡菜坛,密封后不要总打开,否则不利于发酵。 5、泡菜制作好后,用一双干净的筷子夹出,放入密封性能好的保鲜盒(免得味道太大),放冰箱冷藏保存。别总泡在坛子里,时间长了,有个别的蔬菜就不脆了。 6、泡菜的汤千万不要倒掉,留作引子,在下一次制作时,可以继续添加矿物质水或纯净水,然后将处理好的蔬菜放入继续浸泡即可。 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 街边小吃似乎十分受欢迎,特别是到了天气转冷的时候。可你知 道哪些小吃是对你的健康有害的吗?下面为你揭秘街边10大毒 小吃,比毒品还毒哦~ 一、麻辣烫 危害度:????? 公众喜欢度:????? 关键词:罂粟(毒品) 地沟油、双氧水、福尔马林、PPA 止疼药 罪状揭露:“麻辣烫”验出“罂粟底” 二、毛鸡蛋 危害度:????? 公众喜欢度:??? 关键词:“大补”、寄生虫、细菌 罪状揭露:毛蛋含大量病菌危害大 三、烤肉、烤串 危害度:????? 公众喜欢度:????? 关键词:流浪猫、死猪肉、“红粉”、亚硝酸盐 罪状揭露:烧烤摊挂羊头卖猫肉 你吃的羊肉串真是“羊肉”吗? 四、臭豆腐 危害度:????? 公众喜欢度:??? 关键词:硫酸亚铁、明矾、垃圾堆 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 五香酱牛肉 将牛肉用盐反复揉搓,放入缸(盆)中掩制(热天需1天冷天需2天); 将腌制好的牛肉取出,用清水泡洗干净,放入沸水锅中浸烫5-6分钟,洗净血污,取出。切成大块,再放冷水锅中,加酱油、白糖、葱段、姜块以及扎成把的芹菜和布包调料袋(内有大茴香、桂皮、大料、花椒、丁香等); 旺火烧开,撇去浮沫,将汤汁调和成酱红色,改小火,保持汤水温度在950C左右,慢煮约30分钟; 取出芹菜,再煮2个小时(中间需将牛肉翻动1-2次),待牛肉酥烂时,收浓汤汁,涂沫牛肉面,晾凉,切片装盘食用。 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 自酿红葡萄酒 把葡萄从贴近果蒂的地方剪下来,注意不要伤到果皮。剪刀贴近果蒂处把葡萄一个个地剪下来,可以留一点果蒂,以免伤了果皮;不要用手去揪葡萄,揪下葡萄就可能伤到了果皮;凡是伤了果皮的葡萄放到一边去,留着吃,不用它做葡萄酒 剪好的葡萄冲洗干净后用淡盐水浸泡十分钟左右,这是为了去掉葡萄皮上的农药和其他有害物质(前面说到葡萄伤了皮的不要用来酿制葡萄酒,就是害怕浸泡时盐水浸到果肉里面去了,影响葡萄酒的质量)。然后再用清水冲洗一遍,再把水沥干。用盐水浸泡葡萄,约十分钟。将葡萄的水沥干 葡萄倒在盆里,用手把它们一个个捏碎,葡萄皮,葡萄籽和果肉全都留在盆里,然后按照六斤葡萄一斤白糖的比例(喜欢甜一点的可以适当多放一点),搅拌均匀,等白糖完全融化以后装在洗干净的瓶子里。注意,瓶子不要装得太满,要留出三分之一的空间,因为葡萄在发酵的过程中会膨胀,会产生大量的气体,如果装的太满,葡萄酒会溢出来。另外,为了不让外面的空气进去,在瓶盖上最好用塑料袋缠紧 这是捏碎了的葡萄。十二斤葡萄我放了两斤半白糖,我喜欢甜一点。 这个瓶子是二十斤的容量,可以装十八斤葡萄浆。我今年只做了十二斤葡萄。 夏天气温高,过二十一天葡萄酒就酿好了;如果气温低(低于三十度)可以多酿几天。要注意的是,酿的时间越长酒味越浓;葡萄酒酿好以后,放的时间越长,酒味越浓。我不喜欢太浓的葡萄酒,所以即使气温不高,我最多二十六七天就开瓶滤渣。 葡萄酒酿好以后,要把葡萄籽,葡萄皮,还有发了酵的果肉都滤掉,这就要滤渣。滤渣的工具我买的漏瓢(见图);有的人用纱布过滤也可以;反正因陋就简,家里有什么可以用来去掉渣滓的,就土法上马,物尽其用,留下葡萄酒就行了。要注意的是,滤渣的工具一定要严格消毒,不要把细菌带到酒里面去了哦。 就用这两件工具过滤葡萄渣。今年我酿葡萄酒的时间略略晚了一点,现在气温只有二十几度,可能得酿二十六七天。 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 葱油酥 将红葱头去皮,改刀 锅中到入油,大火加热油(因为家庭里炸油葱酥用的油本来就少,所以油温不能太低) 丢一片切好的红葱头进入锅中,如果红葱头马上浮起来,并变成金黄色,那么证明油温已经达到所需的温度了 这时马上关火,放入红葱头,然后开大火炸制约一分钟 再转小火炸越6分钟左右,至红葱头边轻边漂,浮在油锅中 最后转中火炸制红葱头略变“浅黄色”,这时马上取出放入铺有厨房用纸的盘中,铺开(必须的,否则不酥哦),使其充分散热 这个葱油酥,看似简单,但火候的把握才是重点,这个葱油酥我第一次做的时候全部倒掉了,因为我在最后上色的时候,感觉颜色太浅,所以多炸了这么一会儿,等到我觉得颜色正好的时候,取出到入盘中时,余热已经把葱油酥变焦了,所以只要一上色就一定要马上取出哦,这是我的经验教训。 1、葱油酥在台湾可以说是最家常、用途最广的一种调味品,什么卤肉饭、肉燥饭、扁食汤、避风塘炒蟹、拌面、还有西餐里的菠菜沙拉里等等,都会放一些葱油酥来体味道。 2、做油葱酥的主要原料就是红葱头,它是由一种叫侏葱的小型葱长成,适合与各种肉类超炒食,也可切细末放入调味酱料。红葱头因其水分含量比洋葱少,适合油炸而不容易糊烂,还能使气味变得清甜,这也是油葱酥都用红葱头来做的原因。 3、剩下的葱油怎么办,当然不能浪费了,可以用来炒菜,这个油炒菜,尤其是炒肉菜,味道超赞的,当然,最经典的吃法还是葱油拌面,因为我们放的油不是很多,所以做出的葱油味道更浓郁。 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 蜜汁莲藕 莲藕洗净,因为买不到洁白的莲藕,只能把发黑的皮给处理处理~ 把莲藕的一头切开,小点就可以~ 把莲藕的两头切开小块,灌入泡好的糯米(泡3个小时左右),可以用筷子辅助灌。 灌好后,用牙签给插上,没有牙签也可以用线给捆上。 放入锅内,最好是水能满过莲藕的2个手指那么高吧。 开锅煮40分钟这样就好了,如图刚出锅的样子。 切成片,稍微厚点,装盘备用。 这一步是熬冰糖,把冰糖放入锅里,加半碗水这样,小火熬到冰糖融化。 然后把熬好的冰糖水浇在上面,就ok了 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 凉拌海带丝 干海带的泡发与保存: 将干海带剪成15厘米左右的段打开放入盆中放满凉水(自来水就可以,千万不要用热水泡)泡一夜 泡好的海带逐片拿出象洗衣服那样搓一搓将上面的脏东西搓松,然后在流水下冲净 洗净的海带铺放在蒸锅的帘子上盖锅盖大火蒸30分钟关火,再闷上10分钟后打开锅盖 凉后再用流水洗掉上面的粘液,然后就可以凉拌或炒炖了,用于炒或炖这样就可以了,如果凉拌还是觉得不太软,可以再切丝后放锅里用水煮5分钟,记住一定要往锅了倒少许醋,捞出后过冷水就会又软又脆了,那种买回来的新鲜海带丝这样煮后再凉拌味道也是又软又脆 留出现吃的份量剩下的每几张铺在一起卷成卷 将卷好的海带卷放在保鲜膜上如图中的样子卷起来 将所有用保鲜膜卷好的海带卷放冰箱中冷冻保存 吃的时候只要拿出一卷化冻就可以直接使用了 凉拌海带丝的做法: 将处理好的海带卷成卷切成细丝(卷成卷后非常好切,并且能切得很细) 放入辣椒油、蒜泥(多放点好吃)、葱末、芝麻、盐、香油、花椒粉拌匀就可以了 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 多味油辣子 多味油辣子 怎么做才好吃,其实多味油辣子 的做法非常简单,并不一定要看多味油辣子 做法的视频菜才能学会,跟着多味油辣子 的做法图解一样可以学得会,相信自己,马上动 手根据自己的口味进行一些细微的调整做一道属于自己的美味吧。 制作材料 栏目:酱料沾料 做法:其它工艺 口味:香辣味 准备时间:10分钟 人数:2人份 难度: 初中水平 烹饪时间:15分钟 主料: 干辣椒 适量 辅料: 花生 适量 芝麻 适量 麻椒 适量 花椒 适量 白胡椒 适量 葱白 3段 姜 1块 蒜 半头 蚝油 适量 生抽 适量 白糖 适量 调料: 植物油 适量 多味油辣子 的做法 development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre
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