

2017-09-05 3页 doc 15KB 383阅读




现在完成进行时+has/have been +v-ing+ +has/have not been +v-ing+ Has/Have + + been +v-ing+ 1. lately, recently My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft. Hi, Sunny. I haven’t seen you for weeks. What have you been doing lately? 2. fo...
+has/have been +v-ing+ +has/have not been +v-ing+ Has/Have + + been +v-ing+ 1. lately, recently My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft. Hi, Sunny. I haven’t seen you for weeks. What have you been doing lately? 2. for…,since…,all morning/day/week You have been reading for four hours. Why don’t you take a break? The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it It has been raining since last night. I wonder when it will stop. 3. 1 Oh! You have come at last! I have been waiting for you for two long hours. I’m so sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long? Thank you so much for the sunglasses. I’ve been wanting a pair for a long time. 4. I have been knocking. I don’t think anybody’s in. I have knocked five times. I don’t think anybody’s in. -- Have you received any letters from your brother? -- I haven’t, but his wife has been hearing from him regularly. The weather has been changeable lately; I’ve been having a lot of colds. 1 expect, hope, learn, lie, live, look, rain, sleep, sit, snow, stand, stay, study, teach, wait, want, work 2 I have studied English for five years. I have been studying English for five years. She has sat there since noon. She has been sitting there since noon. 2 My hands are very dirty. I’ve been repairing the car. The car is OK again now. I’ve repaired it. She’s been smoking too much recently. She should smoke less. Somebody has smoked all my cigarettes. The packet is empty. It’s nice to see you again. What have you been doing since we last met? Where’s the book I gave you? What have you done with it? 3 How long have you been reading that book? How many pages of that book have you read? Mary is still writing letters. She’s been writing letters all day. Mary has written ten letters today. They’ve been playing tennis since 2 o’clock. They’ve played tennis three times this week. 4 be, have, know We have had our new car for a week. We have been having our new car for a week. He has been in hospital since his accident. He has been being in hospital since his accident. How long have you known him? How long have you been knowing him? 3
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