

2017-09-01 25页 doc 314KB 16阅读




湿热体质的症状表现和调理方法手册湿热体质的症状表现和调理方法手册 湿热体质的调理方法 什么是湿热体质, 湿热质的问题是肝胆脾胃功能相对失调,尤其是肝胆的疏泄功能不好。 通常表现为皮肤不干净,不清爽,黏糊糊,爱长痘,脾气急。 湿热体质很有可能被这些问题困扰 ,脸总像洗不干净。面色发黄、发暗、油腻。 ,口干、口苦、口臭。汗味大、体味大。 ,容易生以脓包为主的痤疮,红肿疼痛较明显。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form n...
湿热体质的症状现和调理方法手册 湿热体质的调理方法 什么是湿热体质, 湿热质的问是肝胆脾胃功能相对失调,尤其是肝胆的疏泄功能不好。 通常表现为皮肤不干净,不清爽,黏糊糊,爱长痘,脾气急。 湿热体质很有可能被这些问题困扰 ,脸总像洗不干净。面色发黄、发暗、油腻。 ,口干、口苦、口臭。汗味大、体味大。 ,容易生以脓包为主的痤疮,红肿疼痛较明显。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 湿热体质的人也有这些问题困扰 ,牙齿比较黄,牙龈比较红,口唇也比较红。 ,大便燥结或者粘滞不爽。小便深黄色,异味大。 ,容易紧张、压抑、焦虑、发怒。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 湿热体质容易导致这些疾病 , 皮肤问题:脂溢性皮炎、酒糟鼻、痤疮等。或者下半身皮肤真菌感染,如脚癣等。 , 肝胆系统疾病:携带肝炎病毒、急性黄疸型肝炎、胆结石。 compliance, and so on.-facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonn the ent functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, oion, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross departm5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalizat e civilized.ted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, morearly small, targeOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 体质养生 上工心典 city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the let a on and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work,n requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivatiAccording to the urban civilization evaluatio3into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ilt larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian bu , 泌尿系统及生殖系统感染性疾病。在过度疲劳时较易感染膀胱炎、尿道炎、肾盂肾炎等。 , 筋骨肌肉疲劳。容易腰酸背痛,浑身酸痛。 现代人湿热体质是如何形成的, 湿热体质的形成,先天的遗传是一方面,更多的还是后天的不良生活习惯造成的。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. , 抽烟、喝酒、熬夜则伤肝胆,进而伤脾胃,从而易促生湿热体质; , 长期的饮食不节,暴饮暴食,宵夜等会导致肝胆脾胃功能的紊乱。易促生湿热体质; , 长期的情绪压抑也会伤肝胆,导致体内湿热无法疏泄,如果再借酒消愁,易生湿热体质; , 滋补过度,或本来就已经有内热的倾向,又再进补,易生湿热体质;湿热的人不要大补。 , 长期生活在湿热环境中的人,比其它的人更容易促生湿热体质。 南方地区潮湿,湿热的人特别多,买房子的时候尽量不要选择1楼面北潮湿的房子。 为什么和如何调理湿热体质, compliance, and so on.-facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonn the ent functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, oion, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross departm5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalizat e civilized.ted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, morearly small, targeOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 体质养生 上工心典 5into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ilt larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian bu city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the let a on and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work,n requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivatiAccording to the urban civilization evaluatio 湿热,顾名思义就是体内又湿又热,排泄不畅。 湿热体质往往与抽烟、喝酒、熬夜等不良习惯为伴,容易生痤疮、体臭,是一种很难对付的偏颇体质,尤其对女性的容貌困扰很大。 因此,湿热体质的人体质调养的食疗关键是“清热祛湿”;日常则应该注意生活习惯的调整,戒烟少酒,保持生活外环境的干爽清洁。 抑制偏颇体质的继续偏颇~ 认识到体质偏颇的危害,就不要等到出现痛苦的慢性病病症的时候才想起去医治, 最好从今天开始就及时调理,不要让偏颇的体质继续偏颇下去, 防患于未然,健康地生活,提升生命质量。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 调理体质是“治未病”的过程,是对自己健康负责,也是对家庭、对事业负责的行为。 湿热体质人群日常饮食调理建议 日常饮食: , 原则:清化湿热,分消走泄。 , 宜食用清利湿热的食品,如薏苡仁、莲子、茯苓、红小豆、蚕豆、绿豆、兔肉、鸭肉、鲫鱼、 绿豆芽、冬瓜、丝瓜、葫芦、苦瓜、黄瓜、西瓜、白菜、芹菜、卷心菜、莲藕、空心菜等。 , 平时多吃清利湿热的水果,如:西瓜、梨、香蕉、柚子;可食适量平性水果,如:苹果、柠 檬、葡萄、甘蔗; , 忌食性湿热的水果,如:荔枝、龙眼、榴莲、番石榴、椰子、桃子、菠萝。 , 忌辛辣燥烈的食物,如辣椒、生姜、大葱、大蒜等; , 忌大热大补的食物,如狗肉、鹿肉、牛肉、羊肉、动物内脏; , 戒烟酒。不宜暴饮暴食、酗酒。所有食物里边,湿热之性最大的就是酒。 , 少吃辛辣肥腻的食品、甜味品。 compliance, and so on.-facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonn the ent functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, oion, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross departm5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalizat e civilized.ted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, morearly small, targeOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 体质养生 上工心典 7into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ilt larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian bu city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the let a on and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work,n requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivatiAccording to the urban civilization evaluatio 精神养生: , 保证睡眠,静养心神。 不熬夜、保证睡眠时间。良好的睡眠有祛湿清热的作用。睡好觉神清气爽,皮肤光洁,所以说“女人的美丽是睡出来的”。 , 湿热体质夹杂会有时急躁易怒、紧张焦虑压抑,因此应该注意静养心神。静能生水清热,静有助于肝 胆舒畅。 , 听流畅悠扬舒缓有镇静作用的音乐。 ======= 中医谈湿热 中医谈“长痘与湿热” 一般人的印象中,长痘似乎是青春期少男少女的专利,其实不然,有很多人到30岁以后还在长痘,而且还不少,这可不是年轻的表现,而是一种体质偏颇,是体内的湿热在作祟。 青春痘,在中医里面叫痤疮,根本的原因在于湿热导致痰凝血瘀,生成痘痘。如不及时调理,就会化脓,生成暗疮或者其它皮肤病。 湿热体质之所以容易得皮肤病,就是因为体内湿、热两种病邪太盛,机体出于本能向人发出信号,因此长5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 痘或者化脓。这就好比水果在湿热的夏季很容易腐烂,而坚果,比如一个核桃,如果保持干燥,就可以保持很久。 内因是湿热,外在表现是生痘,所以只是外敷某些药物或者护肤品是不能从根本体质上解决痘痘问题的。 中医谈“口苦口干口臭”“小便赤短,大便粘滞” 有些人口苦口干口臭、容易胃胀,腋臭,性情比较急躁,也是因为体内有湿热。湿热体质的人,小便赤短(颜色深),大便粘滞,马桶都冲不掉。 中医认为,湿属于阴,热属于阳,二者融合在一起本身就是一对矛盾,要打架的。湿热的人体就是湿、热二者厮杀的战场,无论哪一方力量更强大,战场所在都是元气大伤的地方。 由于湿和热主要伤害的部位是脾胃,所以会有饮食不佳、口臭、口干等症状。脾的运化不好,必然影响排泄功能,所以会有小便黄赤、大便燥结或者粘滞的症状。 中医谈“阴囊潮湿” 起居不规律,喜欢熬夜,喝酒,抽烟,易加重湿热体质偏颇。如果不改变生活习惯,偏颇的湿热体质危害很大,很容易得比较难缠的胆囊炎、前列腺炎,女人的话易得阴道炎,都是非常难以愈合的。 男人“阴囊潮湿”,有很多原因,比如精神长期紧张,居住环境潮湿,经常喝酒等,根本原因是湿热体质偏颇。 中医谈“喝酒与湿热” 酒是“大是大热”之物。酒这个东西,本身是液体的,有湿;酒又是发酵而成的,有热,所以热量很高的酒被称作烈酒。酒本身就包含了形成湿热体质的二个因素,人若长期饮用,无异于加倍地将湿邪和热邪导入自己的身体里,体内的湿和热自然比正常人要高。 中医谈“湿热与肝胆疾病” 患有胆囊炎的人,会觉得胸闷,腹胀、口苦、恶心。专业说,是因为情志不畅、肝气不舒,脾失健运,湿热内生。 通俗说,人之所以会有肝胆的疾病,是因为湿热太多,包围了肝胆。中医认为,肝胆主要功能是负责疏泄,一旦肝胆被湿热所困,肝气下不去,气就不通,大便就不顺;湿热下注,人尿少而黄,前列腺就容易出问题,女子易得妇科疾病。 这一系列的病症,都不容易根治。如果不了解这些疾病的根本原因是湿热体质,就更不容易根治了。 中医谈“体质偏颇与胰腺癌” 近年来,胰腺癌发病率迅速上升,近日,苹果公司CEO乔布斯因胰腺癌56岁去世。 什么诱发胰腺癌,什么体质易患胰腺癌, compliance, and so on.-facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonn the ent functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, oion, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross departm5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalizat e civilized.ted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, morearly small, targeOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 体质养生 上工心典 on and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work,n requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivatiAccording to the urban civilization evaluatio9into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ilt larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian bu city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the let a 饮食结构不合理,饮食以荤腥为主,同时生活缺少规律、饥饱无度、酗酒、劳逸失调等,会诱发胰腺癌。另外,过量进食甜品可使胰的β细胞功能发生衰退,造成糖代谢障碍,进而使胰腺细胞发生突变。 除了饮食的因素外,还有一些不良的生活方式也会助使胰腺癌的发生,如缺少体力活动、工作压力过大,工作节奏紧张造成的心理状态负面化,也是胰腺癌发生的一个重要原因。 中医对胰腺癌的治疗采用辨证论治。首先是要辨其证,是脾虚还是肾亏,是痰凝还是血瘀,针对不同的辨证结果,施以不同的药物处方。 阴虚、气虚、阳虚、痰湿、湿热、血瘀体质的严重偏颇者都易患胰腺癌。遵循“先化瘀、后祛湿、再调气、后化痰、最后补虚”的体质调理原则,未病先防,调理好自己的体质,避免胰腺癌病的发生。 胰腺癌是种典型的生活方式病。因此,改善生活方式十分关键。除了纠正不良生活习惯,如吸烟、酗酒、长时间看电视等;讲究生活要有规律,既不要卧床大养,也不要过度劳累,更不要随着性子来。 由于胰腺是体内最重要的消化腺,脂肪、蛋白、糖类都依赖胰腺所分泌的消化酶加以分解。临床上,很多胰腺癌是吃出来的。因此,吃对于这类患者来说,至关重要。甚至决定着一半的疗效~总的原则:低蛋白、低脂肪、少糖、多纤维,少量多餐,易消化;牛羊肉、甲鱼、蛋白粉等属绝对禁忌。 中医谈“湿热与小儿黄疸” 湿热体质的更大危害在于其可遗传性。小孩刚出生的时候,容易得黄疸。黄疸的起因,有生理性的,也有病理性的。前者属于正常情况,后者就是病症。 如果妈妈的体质是湿热的,孩子刚出生的时候很可能就会得黄疸。 所以湿热体质的妈妈,怀孕之前和孕期都要做体质的调理,生出一个健康的宝宝。 ---end-- 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.
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