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家属邀请函家属邀请函 家属邀请函 篇一: 联谊会家属邀请函 邀请函 ***************先生: 辞旧迎新之际,为了感谢您和您的家属对******公司工作的支持,共同分 享******开发建设所取得的辉煌成果,我们诚挚地邀请您和您的家属参加2017年 2月**日(正月初*)中午在******酒店举办的*****公司骨干员工家属新春联谊 会,并实地参观检阅我们的建设成果。 集中时间及地点: 2月**日(正月初**)上午10时公司门前广场。请您收到邀请函后,及时填写以 下回执,于2月**日中午11时前反馈至*...
家属邀请函 家属邀请函 篇一: 联谊会家属邀请函 邀请函 ***************先生: 辞旧迎新之际,为了感谢您和您的家属对******公司工作的支持,共同分 享******开发建设所取得的辉煌成果,我们诚挚地邀请您和您的家属参加2017年 2月**日(正月初*)中午在******酒店举办的*****公司骨干员工家属新春联谊 会,并实地参观检阅我们的建设成果。 集中时间及地点: 2月**日(正月初**)上午10时公司门前广场。请您收到邀请函后,及时填写以 下回执,于2月**日中午11时前反馈至***公司综合部,以便我们做好接待准备工 作。联系人: *****,联系电话: ******。 谨此奉邀,敬请莅临~ ***********************公司 二?一四年二月***日 回执 员工家庭: 联系电话: 1人参加(含员工) ? 2人参加(含员工) ? 3人参加(含员工) ? 未能参加?篇二: J2 B2 等 家属 邀请函 邀请信 [student or scholar’s name] [address] [phone number] [date] U.S. [Consulate or Embassy] [city, country location of U.S. Consulate or Embassy] To Whom It May Concern: My name is [student or scholar’s name]. I am a [your position (graduate student, researcher, professor, etc.) ] at the University of California, San Francisco in [F-1 or J-1] status. [If you are a student on post-pletion OPT or Academic Training you should say this here.] I am writing this letter to confirm that I have invited my [relationship to student/scholar], [name of person(s) being invited], citizen[s] of [country], to visit me for a period of [number of weeks or months]. I would like to visit with my [relationship to student/scholar] in California. [state purpose of visit here]. [name of person(s) being invited] will be presenting this letter to you, along with evidence to establish their close ties to [country], and to assure you that they will return prior to the expiration of their stay in the United States. During their time in the US, I certify that I will be fully responsible for the cost of room, board and travel within the U.S. [state this only if it is true]. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, [student or scholar’s name]篇三: 留学生家属探亲邀请信样本 探亲邀请信样本 邀请信: __Date_________ __Name________ __Address_______ Tel: ___________ E-mail : ________ Canadian Consulate General Suite 668 - 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu Shanghai 201740 China (PRC) Re: Invitation Letter Dear Sir/Madam, I, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in Canada for about ____ months starting from ________. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses. We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions. Best regards, _____________ __________________ 父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式样本 单位准假条: ABC INC. 66 88street XX City XXprovince P R China 123456 TEL: ( xxx)711111 FAX: (xxx)99999 June 11, 2017 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This is to state that we approve of the sales manager Mrs./Mr XX(Annual ine of 200,000 RMB), a full-time employee of the ABC INC., taking her vacation to attend her/his son’s convocation ceremony (or whatever)from 00/01/2017-01/02/2017 in Canada. We will retain her/his position and continue to employ her when she/he returns to China. Yours sincerely, XXX General Manager (Seal) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 邀请函 RE: LETTER IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A VISTOR S VISA NAME: TYPE NAME OF FAMILY MEMBER PASSPORT NO: TYPE THEIR PASSPORT NUMBER HERE I AM WRITING TO INVITE MY MONTHER NAMED ABOVE TO COME VISIT ME IN THE UK/CANADA DURING MY COURSE CALLED ( WRITE NAME OF COURSE) AT (NAME OF SCHOOL) THEY WISH TO VISIT DURING THE MONTH OF (DATE ) AND THEY WILL STAY WITH ME AT MY ADDRESS ABOVE. I HAVE ENCLOSED PROOF THAT I AM STUDYING IN THE UK AND THAT I HAVE PERMISSION TO BE IN THE UK AS A STUDENT. YOURS SINCERELY SIGN HERE PRINT YOUR NAME HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 样本2 March XX, 2017 Your Name Your Add Your Tel Dear Sir/Madam, I, XXX, registered at the University of Ottawa as a full-time student in the Bachelor of XXX, would like to invite my mother Mrs. XXX, born XX XX XXXX, to visit me in Canada from July, 2017. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with me at the above address. I will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Your help in issuing a temporary resident visa for my mother would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email if you have any further questions. Best regards, Your Name ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 样本3 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in Canada this ing May for a period of 3 months. It goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in Canada, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses. Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above. Sincerely, To whom it may concern: My name is *, a full-time graduate Student at****. I will graduate at the end of Spring semester on May 2017. So I want to invite my parents *and * to attend my graduation ceremony. Last year, I had been to the graduation ceremony with my friends, their parents came and celebrated with them on that day. Everybody were so excited and cheered when their familymembers or friends got the certificate from the Dean. I can still remember what I saw on that day. It is time for my graduation now, so I really expect my father and mother to attend this ceremony and take some photos for me. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, my writing l is not good, but, i think, the letter is more important than your writing. good luck to others!篇四: 邀请函范本6个 邀请函范本1 尊敬的_____ Dear______ 为感谢您及贵公司对我们长期以来的支持与厚爱,我们将在装修一新25楼空中酒廊举办商务客户答谢会,尽情期待您的光临~ ****** 年 月 日 邀请函范本2 ___________________公司: 由于我方项目的需求,特邀请贵公司专业顾问人员对我方项目进行实地考察,届时将与贵公司商议双方合作事宜。 考察日期: ****** 年 月 日 邀请函范本3 尊贵的_______先生/女士: __________大会是__________领域以及__________行业的一次盛会,也是一个中立和开放的交流与合作平台,它将引领软件人对中国软件产业作更多、更深入的思辨,积极推进国家信息化建设和软件产业化发展。 邀请函范本4 本届大会的主是“______________________________”,将围绕软件、信息系统、行业动态、人才培养等方面进行深入广泛的交流。会议将为来自国内外高等院校、科研院所、企事单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师提供一个代表国内软件行业产、学、研最高水平的信息交流平台,分享有关方面的成果与经验,探讨相关领域所面临的问题与动态。 本届大会将于___年__月__日至_日在杭州举行。鉴于您在相关领域的研究与成果,大会组委会特邀请您来交流、探讨。如果您有的题目请于__月__日前将您的演讲题目和详细摘要通过电子邮件发给我们,没有演讲题目和详细摘要的我们将难以安排会议发言,敬请谅解。 另外,我们联系了酒店安排住宿(准四星),__月__日将在所在酒店设立接待处,如有需求请将您的行程和住宿要求等情况填写在附表中,于__月__日前通过电子邮件返馈回组委会。 为了与全国高校管理学院从事信息化教学的老师们针对上述问题共享我们的经验,北大光华管‎‎理学院和将神州数码管理系统有限公司在11月9日召开“高校如何培养企业需要的信息化人才”的大型研讨会。在这次会议上,我们希望通过此次大会提供一个高校教师之间、高校和企业之间充分交流的场所,使来自全国各高校的教师在教学、课程建设、实验教学等方面进行深入的探讨,探索校企优势互补及资源共享的途‎‎径,并通过聆听企业的心声来获知社会对人才需求的特点。使高校与企业悉知各自所应扮演的角色,从而为中国社会信息化的发展和普及做出应有的贡献 特此邀请,真诚地期待您的光临~ 邀请函范本5 尊敬的x x x教授: 为进一步促进我省教育改革和发展, 交流彼此研究成果,我所决定于2017《年x月x日至x月x日在5大学学术交流中心举办x x省第三届教育发展与研究理论会,恭请您就我省教育发展的现状与发展发表高见。务请拨冗出席,如愿之时,不胜感谢~ 此致 敬礼 x x省教育科学研究所 2017年X月x日 邀请函范本6 尊敬的 先生/女士: 诚挚地邀请您出席天津市创意产业协会第一届会员大会暨2017天津市创意产业发展研讨会。 为进一步推动天津市现代服务业的发展,把创意产业的发展推向新的阶段,兹定于2017年 5月8日召开“天津市创意产业协会第一届会员大会暨2017天津市创意产 业发展研讨会”,届时将由市有关部门领导、国内创意产业界知名专家学者、主流 媒体约130人莅临大会。此次会议将成为集中展示和研究天津创意产业发展的一次 盛会,将是天津创意产业发展进程中的重要里程碑。 我们诚挚地邀请您出席本届研讨会,并作主题演讲,真诚地期望您为中国创意产业谱写新的乐章~篇五: 留学生家属探亲邀请信样本 探亲邀请信样本 邀请信: __Date_________ __Name________ __Address_______ Tel: ___________ E-mail : ________ Canadian Consulate General Suite 668 - 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu Shanghai 201740 China (PRC) Re: Invitation Letter Dear Sir/Madam, I, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in Canada for about ____ months starting from ________. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses. We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions. Best regards, _____________ __________________ 父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式样本 单位准假条: ABC INC. 66 88street XX City XXprovince P R China 123456 TEL: ( xxx)711111 FAX: (xxx)99999 June 11, 2017 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This is to state that we approve of the sales manager Mrs./Mr XX(Annual ine of 200,000 RMB), a full-time employee of the ABC INC., taking her vacation to attend her/his son’s convocation ceremony (or whatever)from 00/01/2017-01/02/2017 in Canada. We will retain her/his position and continue to employ her when she/he returns to China. Yours sincerely, XXX General Manager (Seal) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,‎‎,,,,,,,,, 邀请函 RE: LETTER IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A VISTOR S VISA NAME: TYPE NAME OF FAMILY MEMBER PASSPORT NO: TYPE THEIR PASSPORT NUMBER HERE I AM WRITING TO INVITE MY MONTHER NAMED ABOVE TO COME VISIT ME IN THE UK/CANADA DURING MY COURSE CALLED ( WRITE NAME OF COURSE) AT (NAME OF SCHOOL) THEY WISH TO VISIT DURING THE MONTH OF (DATE ) AND THEY WILL STAY WITH ME AT MY ADDRESS ABOVE. I HAVE ENCLOSED PROOF THAT I AM STUDYING IN THE UK AND THAT I HAVE PERMISSION TO BE IN THE UK AS A STUDENT. YOURS SINCERELY SIGN HERE PRINT YOUR NAME HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 样本2 March XX, 2017 Your Name Your Add Your Tel Dear Sir/Madam, I, XXX, registered at the University of Ottawa as a full-time student in the Bachelor of XXX, would like to invite my mother Mrs. XXX, born XX XX XXXX, to visit me in Canada from July, 2017. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with me at the above address. I will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Your help in issuing a temporary resident visa for my mother would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email if you have any further questions. Best regards, Your Name ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 样本3 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in Canada this ing May for a period of 3 months. It goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in Canada, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses. Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above. Sincerely, To whom it may concern: My name is *, a full-time graduate Student at****. I will graduate at the end of Spring semester on May 2017. So I want to invite my parents *and * to attend my graduation ceremony. Last year, I had been to the graduation ceremony with my friends, their parents came and celebrated with them on that day. Everybody were so excited and cheered when their familymembers or friends got the certificate from the Dean. I can still remember what I saw on that day. It is time for my graduation now, so I really expect my father and mother to attend this ceremony and take some photos for me. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, my writing l is not good, but, i think, the letter is more important than your writing. good luck to others!
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