

2018-02-28 7页 doc 82KB 34阅读




山西省太原市学院路3号山西省太原市学院路3号 NO.___________________________ NORTH UNIVERSITY OF CHINA 中国030051 山西省太原市学院路3号 International Office, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi , 030051, China Tel: 86-351-3921209 Fax: 86-351-3923163 请勿填写此处(Do not write in this space) E-mail: coop...
山西省太原市学院路3号 NO.___________________________ NORTH UNIVERSITY OF CHINA 中国030051 山西省太原市学院路3号 International Office, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi , 030051, China Tel: 86-351-3921209 Fax: 86-351-3923163 请勿填写此处(Do not write in this space) E-mail: cooperation@nuc.edu.cn 外国留学生入学申请 (本科生) Application Form for International Students(Bachelor Degree Program) , 请先阅读本表第四页的填表说明/Please read carefully the important notes on the page 4 before filling out the form. , 请用中文或英文填写此表/Please complete the form in Chinese or English. , 请用黑色或蓝色签字笔填写此表/Please complete the form in marker pens. 1(申请人情况/Personal Information 姓/Family name: 护照用名 Passport name 姓名 名/Given name: 照 Name 片 中文姓名 Photo In Chinese 性别 国籍 婚姻状况 Sex Nationality Marital Status 护照号码Passport No. 有效期至/Valid Until _________年______月_______日 Yr. Mon. Day 出生日期 _________年______月_______日 出生地 国家 城市 Date of Birth Yr. Mon. Day Place of Birth Country City 最后学历 宗教信仰 母语 Education level Religion Native language 目前所在学校或机构 职业 Occupation Place of study or work: 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: Email: 录取通知邮寄地址/Mailing Address (Please inform the NUC International Office for any change of this address) 家庭住址 /Permanent Address 1 2(受教育情况/Educational background 学校/Institutions 在校时间/Date entered and left 在学状态/Qualification obtained 3(特长及爱好/Special skills or interests 4(语言能力/Language Proficiency HSK考试等级 (如果有请填写) / Level of HSK Test (If possible ) 参加考试时间/Test time: 取得成绩/result: 5(申请专业/Program applied for (enter your choice of up to three in order of preference) 第一志愿: No.1 第二志愿: No.2 第三志愿: No.3 2 6(申请人亲属情况/Family Members Email 姓名/Name 年龄/Age 职业/ Occupation 联系电话/Tel 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 配偶 Spouse 其他成 员Other members 7(申请人保证/I hereby affirm that (1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的/All the information I provided above is true and correct; (2)在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法规和学校的规章和/I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of North University of China. 日期/Date 申请人签字/Applicant’s signature____________________ 8(申请人在递送本申请表的同时,请提交/Please send with this form (1) 最后学历证明/An official certificate of your highest education (or notarized photocopy) (2) 学习成绩单/An official transcripts (or notarized photocopy) (3) 申请费 /Application fee (4) 护照复印件/One photocopy of your passport 无论申请人是否被录取,上述申请材料恕不退还 All the application materials will not be returned. 3 填表说明 (每一项数字与申请表中每一项序号相对应) Note for completion of this application form (Numbers referring to the various blocks) 1. 本项所有内容申请人必须如实填写。 Personal information about the applicant must be filled in truly and correctly. “照片”:请贴护照尺寸照片。Please stick a passport-sized photo. 2. 请列出已经完成或即将完成的教育情况,从填起。 Please provide the information about your education background from primary school. 3. 特长及爱好。Your special skills or interests. 4. 申请人的语言情况。Please fill out if you have HSK Test result. 5. 可以填写3个志愿。 Enter your choices of up to 3 in order of preference. 6. 申请人亲属的基本情况。General information about your family members. 7. 申请人保证,须申请人本人签字,没有本人签名,视为无效申请。 The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature. 8. 提交的材料请按最新的招生简章的要求提供。 Please provide your application materials according to the Bachelor Degree Program information. 4
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