
过年自驾回家 出行前不得不做爱车检查

2017-11-11 9页 doc 33KB 12阅读




过年自驾回家 出行前不得不做爱车检查过年自驾回家 出行前不得不做爱车检查 又是一年过春节,春运大迁徙即将拉开巨幕。除了飞机和火车,小伙伴们选择自驾回家也是极好的。后备箱装上给父母亲戚的新年贺礼,各种物资,启程回家咯。啊哦,别忘了长途驾车之前,对车辆的安全检查可是必不可少的哦,良好的车况是保障安全出行的前提。如果对车辆不太了解,那就直接送4S店吧,不过需要提前预约,年底4S店检修旺的不行,极有可能要排队。只要不是车盲,咱就自己动手,一起来看看车辆长途行驶前需要做哪些安全检查吧。一共四步走,认真检查保平安。 第一步:车辆外观检查 观察车辆的车灯以及各种信号灯是...
过年自驾回家 出行前不得不做爱车检查
过年自驾回家 出行前不得不做爱车检查 又是一年过春节,春运大迁徙即将拉开巨幕。除了飞机和火车,小伙伴们选择自驾回家也是极好的。后备箱装上给父母亲戚的新年贺礼,各种物资,启程回家咯。啊哦,别忘了长途驾车之前,对车辆的安全检查可是必不可少的哦,良好的车况是保障安全出行的前提。如果对车辆不太了解,那就直接送4S店吧,不过需要提前预约,年底4S店检修旺的不行,极有可能要排队。只要不是车盲,咱就自己动手,一起来看看车辆长途行驶前需要做哪些安全检查吧。一共四步走,认真检查保平安。 第一步:车辆外观检查 观察车辆的车灯以及各种信号灯是否都工作正常。在高速上,车灯至关重要,它是在马路上车辆之间交流的一种方式。 第二步:“五油”安全检查 五油是指发动机油、变速箱油、方向盘油、刹车油以及燃油。 1.机油。机油量量法:将车停在平坦路面上,拉起手刹,关掉发动机,并等待数分钟,让机油流回油底壳。取出油尺,并用清洁的布擦拭干净。插回油尺,且要完全放到底,再次取出油尺,正常的油位高度必须在油尺上的Max与Min两个记号之间。如机油的颜色已经不再清澈而变得乌黑浑浊,应马上更换,别忘了将机油滤清器一同更换。 2.变速箱油。变速箱油量标准量法:启动发动机,让车行驶,使水温指针达到正常工作温度;将车停在平坦路面上,拉起手刹(不可关掉发动机)。发动机继续怠速运转,脚踩刹车踏板;将排挡杆从P挡位逐一换至L挡位,并在各挡位停留数秒钟。最后将排挡杆排在P挡位。取出油尺,并用清洁的布拭干净。插回油尺,且要完全放到底。再次取出油尺,正常的油位高度必须在油尺上HOT范围内。 3.动力方向机油。动力方向机油量标准量法:将车停在平坦路面上,拉起手刹,取出油尺,并用清洁的布拭干净。插回油尺,且要完全放到底。再次取出油尺,正常的油位高度必须在油尺上HOT范围内。 4.刹车油。刹车油是最重要的一种油,依照规定通常每年或每行驶3万KM更换一次(以两者先到者为准),若还未到更换时机,也要检视刹车油存量,可先由刹车油壶外的刻度判别,刹车油必须介于Max与Min之间,若需要添加一定要the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 添加到Max位置,对于标号数不同的刹车油,需严格控制避免混用。 5.燃油。行车上路前一定要检查燃油量是否充足。另外,还需检查玻璃水是否装满,最好车上再备一瓶玻璃水以及防冻液,雨雪天气用处大。 第三步:“四压”安全检查 四压是指油压、电压、胎压、气压。 1.油压。机油压力指示灯应在钥匙打开时变红(未亮,需做进一步的检修),发动机启动后10秒内熄灭,如未在10秒内熄灭请马上熄火,检查机油量。如油量充足,请进厂做进一步的检修。若在行驶途中,机油压力指示灯亮起,应马上找地方停下来,利用油尺检查机油量是否足够,不够时一定要加足。 2.电压。电瓶指示灯应在钥匙打开时变红(未亮,需做进一步的检修),发动机启动后10秒内熄灭,如未在10秒内熄灭,请进厂做进一步的检修。 3.胎压。长途行车前,应检查全部轮胎压是否正常(一般车辆,在车门柱上或手套箱内有胎压指示表)。长途高速行驶会使轮胎表面的温度升高,磨损也会加剧。要首先检查每个车轮的胎压是否处在正常范围内,如果胎压过低,则需检查轮胎上是否有硬物刺入,或是有裂口,视严重情况决定修补或更换。除此之外,还应对轮胎花纹深度和磨损均匀程度进行检查,并剔除花纹中夹杂的石子等异物。若花纹深度已经低于磨损底限,也应及时更换。 此外,各种型号的轮胎其标准胎压也不一样,详见汽车说明书。冬季:以汽车轮胎标准气压为原则适当进行调高0.2bar左右。夏季:按汽车轮胎标准气压下限。 4.气压(真空助力制动式)。将制动器踏板踏死后启动发动机,看制动器踏板是否会下沉。若踏板下沉,则表示真空辅助刹车作用正常;若踏板没有下沉,应做如下检查:找到从进气歧管接至刹车总泵辅助器的黑色软管,检查它有无真空作用,是否出现老旧破裂或阻塞现象。 第四步:刹车系统检查 刹车系统对汽车的安全性能发挥着主导作用,尤其是在高速行驶时,若发生紧急情况,刹车系统关键时能救你一命,因此如果平时做不到要定期检查刹车片或刹车蹄片的厚度,那么趁着这次春运回家,一定要仔细检查下。当发现其厚度接近或小于制造商规定的最小厚度时应立即更换。检查刹车片的同时,还要检查the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 刹车盘或刹车鼓的磨损,如接触表面出现凹痕要及时光盘或光鼓以保证与刹车片 的接触面积提高制动力。 以上为长途行车前关键的自查,狂热的机械爱好者们可以自己动手。当然, 可能触碰到机油之类的油品,如果承认是机械白痴外加懒人,那就去正规的汽车 保养中心进行处理,会更为方便快捷。总之,长途旅行前,对车辆状态的安全检 查必不可少。 the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human fjr3zoa 273济南二手车温州二手车 the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human
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