
鬼泣4出招 技能(Our 4 skill moves)

2017-11-21 12页 doc 38KB 14阅读




鬼泣4出招 技能(Our 4 skill moves)鬼泣4出招 技能(Our 4 skill moves) 鬼泣4出招+技能(Our 4 + skill moves) 技能名 指令 说明 Red Queen 地面 攻击 Combo [X4] 普通4连斩 Red Queen B 地面 Combo [] [] 攻击 延迟 攻击 连按 连续的纵斩, 最后一击有吹飞效果 Red Queen 地面 攻击 Combo C [] [] 7连斩 攻击 延迟 x2 x4 Red Queen 地面 Combo [d] [X3] 攻击 延迟 攻击 和combo a一样, 最后一击伤害增加 ...
鬼泣4出招 技能(Our 4   skill moves)
鬼泣4出招 技能(Our 4 skill moves) 鬼泣4出招+技能(Our 4 + skill moves) 技能名 指令 说明 Red Queen 地面 攻击 Combo [X4] 普通4连斩 Red Queen B 地面 Combo [] [] 攻击 延迟 攻击 连按 连续的纵斩, 最后一击有吹飞效果 Red Queen 地面 攻击 Combo C [] [] 7连斩 攻击 延迟 x2 x4 Red Queen 地面 Combo [d] [X3] 攻击 延迟 攻击 和combo a一样, 最后一击伤害增加 Aerial Combo 空中 攻击 空中三连斩 [X3] Rouletee Spin 空中 [] [] 攻击 X2 延迟 攻击 最后一击为回旋上升斩, 高度上升, 滞空增长 High Roller 地面 锁定] [+] + [后 攻击 挑空斩, 浮空技, 长按时naro会随之跳起 无 被动技 exceed 2, 有2格ex槽时可使用2级ex技 Exceed 3 无 被动技, 有3格ex槽时可使用3级ex技 锁定 Streak 地面 [] + [+] 前 攻击 突进横斩, 有吹飞效果 Streak 地面 [2] + + 锁定 前 攻击 突进横斩 [], 有吹飞效果, 突进距离增加 Former 地面 锁定 Streak (有ex槽) [] [] ex下突进横斩 + + 前 攻击, 有吹飞效果, 突进威力和范围增加 锁定 Split 空中 [] [] 空中向下的纵斩 攻击 + + 前 Double Down (有ex槽 空中 锁定) [] [] 空中向下的扎刺 + + 前 攻击, 威力和范围增加 空中 锁定 后 Calibur [+] - > [+] 空中突进斩 攻击 前 Ex Calibur (有ex槽) 空中 [+ 后 锁定] - > [+] 前 攻击 ex下空中突进斩, 威力和范围增加 锁定 + 后 Shuffle 地面 [] - > [+] 前 攻击 向后闪避之后向前冲攻击, 后闪时短暂无敌 Former shuffle (有ex槽 地面 锁定) [] - > 前 + + 后 攻击 向后闪避之后向前冲攻击 后闪时短暂无敌, [], 攻击力和攻击段数增加 Blue Rose (湛蓝蔷薇) 技能名 指令 说明 射击 连按 普通射击 nomal Shot [] 按住 射击 charge Shot [] 一定时间再放开 射击威力加大, 对部分敌人有浮空和吹飞效果 Charge shot 2 按住 射击 一定时间再放开 蓄力所需时间和攻击力都有增加 [] Charge shot 按住 [3] 一定时间再放开 射击 蓄力所需时间长, 命中目标过一会后会爆炸 Devil Bringer (恶魔右腕) 技能名 指令 说明 [Buster] 接近敌人 投技 投技, 伤害比剑高, 对不同敌人效果不同 Devil Buster 魔化时接近敌人 投技 魔人状态下的投技 [], 伤害更高, 动作更华丽 锁定 Snatch [] + [] 投技 抓取, 将一般敌人拉过来, 敌人体重大时则飞身过去 锁定 Snatch [2] + [] 投技 抓取, 抓取的有效距离增加 锁定 Snatch [3] + [] 投技 抓取, 再次增加抓取的有效距离 Devil Snatch 魔化时 [] [] 锁定 + 投技 魔人状态下的抓取, 可将多个敌人拉近 锁定 Hell Bound [] + [] 投技 抓取特定位置的光球, 用于移动 Hold 接近敌人 投技 按住不放 将敌人抓起当盾牌 [], 能防御正前方攻击, hold状态下敌 人承受一定攻击后会死亡, 而naro移动速度下降, 不能跑和翻滚, 不能使 用其他恶魔右腕技能, 能用剑做普通攻击 Yamato (阎魔刀) 技能名 指令 说明 Devil trigger 魔化 发动魔人状态 [], 发动瞬间无敌, 并有浮空攻击判定 射击 发动幻影剑 summoned Swords 魔化时 [], 威力小 Trigger Heart 无 被动技, 减少魔人状态下魔力消耗速度 Maximum Bet 魔化时 锁定] + [+] + [[后 攻击 投技] 直线剑气攻击, 蓄力后攻击力增加, 攻击多段化判定 锁定 前 Showdown 魔化时 [] + [+] + [] 攻击 投技 最强乱舞技, 出招准备时间长且无法取消, 魔力消耗大 (特殊技能 abilities) 技能名 指令 说明 SIDE roll 地面 锁定 [] [] 地面横向翻滚闪避 跳 + + 横方向 Table Hopper 地面 锁定] [+] + [横方向 跳 在敌人攻击命中瞬间前使用, 瞬移闪避攻击, 硬直小 Table 2 锁定 Hopper 地面 [+] + [X2] 可连续瞬移两次 跳 横方向 Table 3 锁定 Hopper 地面 [] [] 横方向 + x3 + 跳 可连续瞬移三 次 Speed runs more than 10 paces continuously and runs quickly. Other actions cancel the effect Rainbow runs fast, kicks, blows, flies The sword of Max-Act attack moment [Ex] sword filled with 3 Ex slots, determine the time is very short Get More Orbs passive technique, increase the scope of magic to attract Kick Jump air wall wall jump [jump] wall jump Enemy Step contact the enemy in the air [jump], jump on the enemy Air Hike aerial [jump] two jump Dante chapter: Swords (sword weapon): Rebellion (big sword rebel) Skill name instruction description Rebellion Combo A []x3 general three cut ground attack Rebellion, Combo, B, ground [attack] delay [attack]x2 two, cut to Million Stab Helm Breaker aerial [attack] downward vertical cuts in the air High Time []+ ground attack] after locking +[pick off air, floating technology, long time Dante will jump Stinger ground [attack] +[]+ before locking straight stab attack, have the effect of wind to fly Stinger 2]+ before +[ground [lock attack] straight thrusting attack, with the effect of wind to fly, advance distance increased Million Stab []+ +[attack ground lock before]--> direction return even after by continuous thrusting attack, the final blow with the effect of wind to fly Round Trip ground hold down [attack] certain time, then release, will be big sword swing, throw, and then press [attack] can be recovered in advance, When the sword flies out, it does not affect the weapon outside the big sword Skill name instruction description Gilgamesh Combo A ground [attack]x4 ground fist, 4 attack, each segment can be stored Gilgamesh, Combo, B ground [attack]x2 delay [attack]x2 two combo, change to strong foot, and last hit for Kick 13 before two) Full House aerial [attack] forward tilt 45 degrees below the air kick, the attack decision for a long duration Draw ground [attack] after locking]+ +[back jitui step away The Straight ground attack]x2 +[after]+ [lock back jitui step dodge after the front punch can Pactrometer attack, Kick 13 []+ ground attack] lock before +[cyclotron even mention the final blow, floating effect Flush [jump] jump action changes, and has a certain attack Lucifer (Lucifer) Skill name instruction description Lucifer, Combo, A, ground [attack], even ranged sword in front of attack Lucifer, Combo, B, ground [attack] delay [attack], slow hit after delay, power rise Lucifer Combo C ground [attack] delay [attack] delay [attack] front high speed continuous lunge, can quickly configure a large number of endless sword Lucifer Combo, D ground [attack]x2 delay [attack], 4 sword with backward configuration Lucifer Combo E ground [attack]x4 delay [attack] the first 4 is the same as the Combo A, and the last hit is the continuous lunge of Combo C Splesh air [attack] air rotation attack, and configure the endless sword, long-time Ecstasy ground []+ +[attack] after locking out a rose, so that all the configured endless sword explosion Pin-Up ground [attack] to lock]+ before +[5 front fan configured endless sword Guns (Department of gun weapon): Ebony & Ivory (ebony and ivory) Skill name instruction description Nomal [Shot] even by the ordinary fire gun shooting Charge Shot press [] [] shooting shooting time even by guns Pactrometer fire, power increase Charge Shot [2] shooting time press [shot] even by Pactrometer gun shooting, the duration of growth Charge Shot [3] shooting time press [shot] even by Pactrometer gun shooting, the duration of growth again Coyote-A (wolf A) Skill name instruction description Nomal [Shot] shooting even by ordinary firing shotgun Charge Shot press [] for a certain period of time and then release the firing shotgun Pactrometer fire, power increase Charge Shot [2] shooting time press [shot] even by shotgun Pactrometer fire, the duration of growth Charge Shot [3] shooting time press [shot] even by shotgun Pactrometer fire, the duration of growth again Pandora (Pandora) Skill name instruction description PF013: Epdemic [] according to Pandora shooting ground even ordinary fire, similar to the bazooka, near range PF124: Hatred ground hold down [shooting], left or right 3 times, Pandora normal shooting, intensification, range increase, power gain In the PF398: Revenge PF123 state, turn the two powerful laser gun in direction, long range, but long preparation time PF262: Jealousy [] air gun firing air attack, only the rapid growth of trough Styles (occupational): professional skills key, I will use "stunt" to show Trickster ("trick teacher") Skill name instruction description Dash any direction in the ground, the front of the ground, a short distance, a short time Sky Star air arbitrary direction [stunt] air Dash, magic state can be rushed two times Mustang Dash contact enemy after [special effects] kicking the enemy vertical take-off, jumping height is higher than ordinary jump, and can increase the gorgeous degree When Flipper is hit by enemy, the body is reduced to the hard and straight time after the wound Air Trick [lock]+ +[] before the stunt teleport to lock the target above the limit distance Teleport Sword Master (Jian Sheng): Skill name, weapon instruction, skill level description Prop Rebellion [LV1] to the vertical ground stunt sword, attack time, floating effect After Shredder, Rebellion, Prop, press and hold the LV1, turn the sword second times, and the attack will last longer Aerial Rave Rebellion]x4 LV2 [air stunt air - cut, long hang time Drive Rebellion]+ after +[ground [lock] stunt LV3 linear Jianqi attack, and through the floating effect, can be stored for a long time. Quick Drive Rebellion [LV3]]+[stunt ground attack cut the sword Drive immediately, do not charge, but quick start Over Drive Rebellion Drive]x3 LV4 saw the opportunity [stunt straight after the attack Jianqi continue to increase up to 3 times the sword attack. Dance Macabre Rebellion]+ before +[ground [lock] stunt press LV4 gorgeous flurry of powerful technology, the final blow, But the move is slow and can not be canceled Shock Gilgamesh [LV1] stunt ground to the ground a sharp jab, and has the effect of wind to fly around the shock wave, can force storage Shocking Gilgamesh [LV1] special air from the air to ground a sharp jab, the effect is the same as Shock, not Pactrometer Beast Uppercut Gilgamesh]+ +[before locking ground [LV2] stunt floating effect of the hook. Rising Dragon, Gilgamesh, Beast, Uppercut, Uppercut, hold down [stunt] a stretch, release LV3, Beast, punch Then the Dante jumps too Dvine, Dragon, Gilgamesh, Beast, Uppercut, hold down [stunt] two segments, release LV3, Beast, Uppercut, punch The rear Dante also jumps, increasing the impact height and power Real Impact Gilgamesh [+[ground lock] LV4 power rising dragon stunt large]+ after 3 attack, quasi moves Long standby time Discipline Lucifer in any direction [stunt] LV1 makes all the endless thrust in the air in the same direction Climax Lucifer [LV2]]+ lock after +[stunt make all the air around him endless sword explosion, a protective effect Bondage Lucifer]+ before +[ground [lock] stunt LV4 to make all the air endless sword stab to the same goal Gunslinger (+ +): Skill name, weapon instruction, skill level description Twosome, Time, Ebony & Ivory, any direction [stunt] LV1, which can be fired in two directions at the same time by means of the arrow keys Rain Storm Ebony & Ivory [LV2] air stunt to just below the inverted spin shooting in the air, long time Honeycomb Fire Ebony & Ivory ground station [fixed] stunt press LV4 to the front of ultra high speed shooting, the gun Power multiplication Fireworks Coyote-A [LV1] will stunt the ground shotgun like nunchaku like left side fire attack, wide, hard straight big Fireworks Air Coyote-A [LV2] air stunt air Fireworks, long time Backslide Coyote-A]+ after +[ground [lock] LV3 to the right behind the shooting stunt Gun Stinger Coyote-A]+ +[before locking ground [LV4] stunt shotgun with spike after zero distance shooting, have the effect of wind to fly PF594: Argument Pandora [stunt] LV1 changed Pandora into an aircraft, flying, shooting, launching missiles, A large number of missiles will be consumed quickly by "stunts" Only slot, ultra wide range PF422: Grief Pandora]+ after +[ground [lock] LV3 will stunt Pandora into a boomerang, consumes only slot PF666: Omen Pandora [lock the large range of ground flash attack]+ before +[] LV4 a stunt consumption of all disaster groove, Only the more the more powerful tank, moves the preparation time and recruit longer Royal Guard (royal bodyguard > Skill name instruction description Block ground hold [effects] ground defense can reduce damage, part of the move is invalid, you can accumulate security slot Air Block aerial hold down [effects] aerial defense, with the effect of the ground, can be accumulated guard slot Royal Block enemy attack instant [stunt] perfect defense, after the success of the loss of HP, you can accumulate security slot Release ground []+ +[stunt] before the locking groove of the energy release of the guard, the more energy the more powerful Air Release air lock]+ before +[stunt] in the groove of the energy released in the air guard, the effect is the same as the ground Royal Release hit the enemy instantly lock]+ before +[stunt] similar to the Onimusha series flash, high power in general Through Release Dreadnaught ground []+ +[] after the lock turned stunt magic armor, invincible no hard straight, don't run, the more continuous groove guard The longer the time Dark Slayer (dark killer): Skill name instruction description Slash Dimension F]+ before +[ground [lock] stunt forward distance to close cut emission energy, the enemy is invalid Slash Dimension C]+ after +[ground [lock] stunt forward close to launch Jianqi cut, invalid to distant enemy Yamato Combo S]x3 Yamato three ground [stunt cut, sword action after the completion of a magic recovery Aerial Rave V]x2 [air stunt air two even cut, long time
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