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女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do)

2018-09-12 11页 doc 42KB 61阅读




女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do)女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do) 女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do) Find a lot of have girl friend not to know, here say, do not like to spray, welcome to add Women, men worship: most of the men couldn't unde...
女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do)
女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do) 女生来月经,男生能做些什么(Girls come to menstruation, what can a boy do) Find a lot of have girl friend not to know, here say, do not like to spray, welcome to add Women, men worship: most of the men couldn't understand a woman after approved by before the hysteria, some men insist, even if a woman for gender parity everyday, you should not use menstrual play sympathy for the weak. If a man is to be kicked in the heels for seven days, the woman will be able to get through the period calmly. Does it hurt so much? It varies from person to person. Some women can even faint because of the pain, what do you think? When menstruation abdomen swelling, colic, 32 ? Celsius temperatures can cold limbs, or even difficult struggling, you'll know how hurt. I don't want to do too much physical pain because it's really hard for men to understand. Just talk about how menstruation makes people anxious and emotionally difficult. Men, please try to spread a bunch of wet toilet paper in your crotch for 5 ~ 7 days in a row and, please note, change every 1-3 hours (depending on the flow) to avoid overflow! Even if an adult woman has been with her period for more than a decade, she can't figure out when she'll be able to pick up her first drop of blood. Sometimes, cycle, rightly pad a nip in the bud, the first who knows mat for 4, 5 days but nothing, just as ready to give up you spare me a sanitary napkins, cold rain, you have to pray he is not in the wild or just not white pants. With a wet tissue paper between across how bad is it? Even worse, sometimes it's hard to know if it's full, and if you're a busy office worker, there's a lot to be done. Or you're just a sweet, unspicy mom, and the toilet is a long way off; Or you're just a female entertainer. Today MTV is going to wear shorts or a water show. Can you not be anxious? Sometimes think already overflowed, rush to the toilet 1 see, take up 1/3, want to change new? Sometimes sitting and drinking coffee, two legs clamped tightly; The temperature of the mouth of the mouth moves the temperature of the lower body to feel, to be back to the god, go to the toilet to check, but found that the menstruation has been choppy and overflowing, nature is also a busy scrambling; Can you be unemotional? Believe that most boys have experience of dream. Do the sheets bother you? If you think about it, your washing is transparent, and we are washing blood, hard not difficult? Menstruation is no more than tap water, the switch is operated by oneself, want to stop to want to do what you want; I think, the man is probably not clear, the wayward that the blood that wants to leave is how maddening? In the last 1 or 2 days, there is significantly less menstrual blood; Sometimes, only a drop of all day, you think we should no longer need sanitary napkins, suddenly it vomitted an one mouthful in the middle of the night, no less, such as weak scholar's bite of phthisis before dying. One bite, and then the underpants, the sheets, and the sheets under the sheets. So, men, can you begin to understand women and women's PMS? Don't forget the blood, don't forget, all of you are born from there. Next time, help to wash the sheets! So when your girlfriend comes to her period, please be tolerant with her, even if she is noisy with you, you have a lot of character, but you need to know how much she loves you! A few false jokes to alleviate, hope to help, hope to ponder 1, on the subway today: I sat next to a United States eyebrow, looks pretty, but found that she seemed very nervous, since on and always maintain the same posture, the in the mind feel very strange, but what also didn't think much. Then arrive at a station, the door opens, this female is quick thunder not to be able to capture the door and out, wait for me to reflect come to see, the seat next to the blood stain! That's nothing. What's worse, a man who came up with an uncle and sat down without looking at it 2, exam week this week, a door one day, yesterday is blind in one door, in a hurry to save character, words before the final exam university school is closed for a week or two to review, general study room are fully booked at this time. I went to the study room that day. There are too many people, but in a boy inside, he by the side of the road. Zhengzhou said the weather is not cover nearly 40 degrees, coupled with elder sister unfortunately big aunt is coming that day, always feel uncomfortable, below the check so often go to the toilet, but next to a boy, I how not bashful directly out of the sanitary napkin? If you want to go, decide to go with your bag. Then I saw me go out on my back, and I came back in two minutes, and then I would go out again... Every time you go, it's very disturbing to him... Finally he can't stand it and say, "why don't we get a change?" I didn't know if I was thinking straight back: no, if you change a sanitary napkin for a while, I'll have to give you a seat... He was silent... 3. Just in high school, it was military training and it was very cruel. Believe that many people have tried this flavor, we only stand 20 minutes of the military posture have a little chubby, not a face of sweat and dogs gasping for breath... I can't tell the instructor that I can't do it. I need a rest. The instructor approved the girl next to him to see the results of the leave. After a while, he told the instructor, "I can't help teaching officers..." The instructor looked at him and said, "you are very good, hold on!" He did not die to tell the instructor that my legs were shaking, and he had a teacher in front of him, and he had his aunt come in, and the instructor heard the fire and said what he said! The instructor told the man to do 50 push-ups on the side and then tell the woman you're fine. The girl yelled at the end of the day, and I'm not my aunt. We listened to all speechless, this woman is too fierce! Wages are like auntie: once a month, a week or so away. Salary is like an aunt: a pregnancy is gone. Salary is like an aunt: when it comes to retirement age, it's gone! Salary is like a big aunt: time doesn't come, the heart is panic! Salary is like an aunt: it's always on the books! Salary is like a big aunt: it feels like it's going up, it's painful when it comes out... Salary is like an aunt: how much you know. There is a man by train. Suddenly a piece of paper flew over his face. He took the paper. "Wow, this paper is pretty good. It's bleeding me!" Two vampires go to A bar, A has A cup of blood, B has A cup of boiled water, the waiter looks at him uncomprehending. Only B did not lift, took out a used sanitary towel from the pocket: "ye drink tea today!" In the words hua mulan came from the army, one day at the time of the war, the secret of the change of pads, suddenly a shell struck, then fainted. When he woke up and lay on the operating table, the doctor said, "you're ok. Mulan wondered, saying, "what's wrong? I'm all right!" "Is that still call a matter of matter? The life root son all to fry not still matter?!" "But it doesn't matter now," said the doctor. Mulan asked, "what do you mean?" The doctor proudly said, "I sewed you." A: the salary is just like A great aunt. Once A month, it will be gone in A few days! B: do you want your aunt to come in more than a month or not? Do not like to spray, then turn some common sense, cumbersome, female comrade can see 1. During the period of menstruation, try not to wash your hair. If you have to wash your hair, try to wash it at noon, and blow dry immediately after washing your hair. 2. Pay attention to keep warm during the menstrual period, which means to wear more clothes in the cold air. 3, avoid is cold drinks: this is the very basic common sense, don't break, don't make fun of their beauty, drinking ice water can let a grimy blood cannot successful eduction, stay in the body is absolutely harmful to the body. Try the following drinks, can let more comfortable: physiological period of longan red jujube tea, health tea, Jane salvia miltiorrhiza, brown sugar, ginger, astragalus, Chinese wolfberry tea, rose tea water (especially if can menstrual cramps, can drink rose tea). 4. Have a sweet tooth: eat chocolate and cake during your physical time, because it's not easy to get fat when you're eating sweet. It can also help with blood metabolism. Resistance to fatigue: it is important to have a good rest. Overwork can lead to prolonged periods or excessive blood loss. Physiological period 6, don't be too emotional: it is said that girls naturally when the mood is bad, but don't spoil yourself temper tantrums, because his temper to disrupt the menstrual period, is also very hurt liver. 7. Avoid pelvic baths: because the uterine mouth is more open, the same area is more vulnerable to pollution, so it is better to take a shower. 8. Physiological period: just a few days after the physiological period, you can eat more sesame oil liver and help to remove the waste blood. You can eat sesame oil in the next few days. In addition, it is also a good time to cook the Fried egg with a nine - storey tower. The red bean soup, the osmanthus > soup, and the eight-treasure porridge are all good snacks, and the wine is also very good. In the later period of the period, you may consider drinking a little biochemical soup (during the menstrual period, not the biochemical soup you drink on the moon, ask the Chinese pharmacy), you can completely clean your body's blood. If the dirty blood in the body does not discharge clean, long-term accumulation is easy to cause endometritis, liver disease, erythema lupus and other diseases. Why is the girl than the boy not easy to get the liver disease? It is said that because of monthly menstrual blood will release toxins from the body, so it is not easy to get liver disease. 9. Post-physiological conditioning: eat four things soup! In the period come, drink four things soup is wrong, wait until after the dirty blood has all ruled out, drink four things soup to make up blood to have effect, otherwise it is white to make up. When boiling, you can put some ribs or chicken, preferably with rice wine. 10, facial cleaning work to do: physiological period because the pores are more open, easy to long blain blain, facial cleaning work to do, shampoo because during physiological cause blood circulation is bad, also easy long acne and acne. 11. When someone has a low back pain, you can consider using hot blisters to increase blood circulation, while also diverting attention, and the waist doesn't seem to hurt so much. The menstrual cycle of female menstrual period is mostly regular, monthly menstruation, is a normal physiological phenomenon. But it depends on the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian coordination and endometrial cyclical reaction to support of sex hormones, these function response have been the "headquarters" jurisdiction in the cerebral cortex, which is out of order, if can affect the health of women. Women have some changes in their bodies during their periods. The first period is affected by endocrine, cerebral cortex excitability decreases, immunity decreases, easy to infect and induce disease. Second, the reproductive organs are more susceptible to inflammation than normal, because the pelvic cavity is congested and the uterine cavity forms some wounds when the lining of the uterus falls off. The mouth of the palace is usually closed, the period is slightly open, germs are easy to invade. At this time of the acidity of the vagina diluted by menstrual, adverse degerm, and menstruation can prompt bacteria grow again, so if do not pay attention to self-care during menstruation, or improper handling of daily life was susceptible to acute and chronic disease of department of gynaecology, even affect fertility. Therefore, during the period of menstruation, in addition to pay more attention to maintain the vulva health than usual, lest cause the infection of vulva, vagina, urethra, should do the following ten unfavorable: Don't be emotional Girls enter puberty, start menstruation, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, to have a correct understanding, don't worry. You should stay in a good mood as usual, prevent mood swings, and don't get excited. It's important to keep your emotions steady. If the girl is inexperienced, the mother or the female friends and relatives should timely guide and help to do well in the menstrual self-care. Don't be too tired The period should pay attention to reasonable schedule and rest time, avoid strenuous exercise and manual labor, achieve the combination of work and rest. Otherwise, the pelvic cavity can be further congested, the blood flow is accelerated, causing excessive bleeding and other undesirable phenomena. Nutrition should not be lacking Since menstruation is a monthly loss of a certain amount of blood, should increase nutrition appropriately, such as protein, vitamin and iron, calcium and so on. Eat more eggs, lean meat, fish, soy products and fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. Not having sex Women should be banned from life during menstruation, because during the period of menstruation, the endometrium is stripped off, and there is fresh surface in the uterine cavity. If you have sex at this time, you may bring bacteria into the body and cause inflammation in the genital organs, and it can also increase the amount of blood or prolonged periods of menstruation. 5. Avoid cold and cold The period should pay attention to keep warm and avoid cold and cold. Do not wade or swim. Or sitting in a damp, cool, air-conditioned, fan of the wind tunnel. Also do not use cool water bath wash feet, lest cause menstruation disorders. Drink strong tea The period should be appropriate to drink boiled water, not to drink strong tea. Because strong tea contains high caffeine, it can stimulate nerve and cardiovascular, which can produce dysmenorrhea, prolonged period or excessive bleeding. At the same time, the tannic acid in tea is combined with iron in food, which can precipitate, affect iron absorption and cause anemia. In addition, period is more unable to drink, smoke, eat stimulative strong food. Don't take a bath Some people like to take a bath normally, but in menstruation, because the cervix is slightly open, still sit bath and bath, it is very easy to make the water of pollution enters the uterine cavity, can cause genital inflammation. Don't wear tights If menstruation wear made small fork, hip circumference, leggings, can make local capillary pressure, which affects the blood circulation, increase the perineum friction, it is easy to cause the perineum hyperemia and edema, even cause urinary reproductive system infection disease. 9. It is not proper to hum Menstrual period women, respiratory tract mucosal hyperemia, vocal cords also hyperemic, even swollen. Loud or loud speech, the vocal cord muscles are fatigued, the sound door is broken, the voice is hoarse, the vocal cord is damaged and so on. Don't do X - line inspection If women of childbearing age in next time before menstruation, is currently in the phase of ovulation, at this time for X-ray, can make the egg, or zygote damage, caused adverse embryonic development, cause fetal congenital anomaly, deformity after birth, low intelligence, physical defects, etc. If it is not in the ovulation stage and there is no possibility of pregnancy production, there is no such restriction. Looking so many, guys, will you buy a sanitary napkin for your girlfriend? Wash the clothes? Boil ginger soup? Make her laugh?
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