

2017-09-02 24页 doc 243KB 39阅读




热水器十大品牌热水器十大品牌 燃气热水器十大品牌排名 现在市场上的热水器品牌各式各样,到底什么样的热水器才是值得我们大家信任的热水器呢,热水器属于家家户户都要用到的家用电器怎样去选择一个好的热水器呢,该怎样选择,我们该怎么辨识热水器的好坏呢。首先我们肯定要选择一些大的品牌,因为大品牌都有严格的质量检测和售后保证,让消费者买的舒心用的放心。2012年8月1日上午10点中国质量安全协会公布布了历经一年的检测结果评选出中国市场中十大安全、环保、节能、的燃气热水器。 2012年中国燃气热水器十大品牌排名(以安全、环保、节能为主要评测条件排名不...
热水器十大品牌 燃气热水器十大品牌排名 现在市场上的热水器品牌各式各样,到底什么样的热水器才是值得我们大家信任的热水器呢,热水器属于家家户户都要用到的家用电器怎样去选择一个好的热水器呢,该怎样选择,我们该怎么辨识热水器的好坏呢。首先我们肯定要选择一些大的品牌,因为大品牌都有严格的质量检测和售后保证,让消费者买的舒心用的放心。2012年8月1日上午10点中国质量安全协会公布布了历经一年的检测结果评选出中国市场中十大安全、环保、节能、的燃气热水器。 2012年中国燃气热水器十大品牌排名(以安全、环保、节能为主要评测条件排名不分先后) 、火王(中国驰名商标、燃气热水器十大品牌,知名的燃器具企业,火王燃器具有限公司)1 2、美的(中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,中国企业500强、美的集团有限公司) 3、史密斯(始于1874年美国,专业热水器品牌,艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司) 4、海尔(亚洲品牌500强,中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,海尔集团) 5、万家乐(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,万和集团有限公司) 6、华帝(中国驰名商标,中国名牌,中国驰名商标,中山市华帝集成厨房有限公司) 7、林内(燃气热水器十大品牌,1920年日本,燃气具行业的先锋,上海林内有限公司) 8、万和 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,广东万家乐燃气具有限公司) 9、前锋(中国驰名商标,中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,前锋电子电器集团股份有限公司) 10、樱花(中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,全球知名品牌,樱花卫厨(中国)有限公司) 火王 (中国驰名商标、燃气热水器十大品牌,知名的燃器具企业,火王燃器具有限公司) construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 深圳火王成立于1992年,是中国最早具备完全自主研发、生产、销售、服务能力的综合性厨卫电器制造企业,亦是中国少数以完全自主知识产权及自主品牌出口厨电产品的国内一线高端厨卫电器提供商之一。 数十项中国第一 中国第一台节能防污燃气炉诞生于火王 中国第一台缝隙发散旋流式火盖燃气灶诞生于火王 中国第一台带空气旋流器的家用燃气灶诞生于火王中国第一台双旋火嵌入式灶诞生于火王 中国第一台聚焰保洁燃气灶诞生于火王 中国第一台带温度显示、自动报警的安全型燃气热水器诞生于火王..... 厨电行业先锋 逾40项国家专利技术,引领中国厨电科技与艺术发展潮流。 行业首批获取燃气热水器生产许可证及国家鉴衡认证中心CGC认证。 行业第一家通过ISO9000 及ISO9001:2000国际质量标准体系认证。 在2009家电节能榜评选中入选“高效产品榜”。 先后两次在全国24个省市、自治区的“家电下乡”项目中成功夺标„„ 19年非凡历程,火王先后荣获由贸易部、国家经贸委、电子工业部、轻工总会、纺织总会、国家技术监督、中国消费者协会联合授予的全国畅销国产商品“金桥奖”,“国际标准”,“中华之最”,“国货精品”,“广东省名牌”,“广东省著名商标”,“消费者信赖的知名品牌”等几十项国内外行业大奖。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 美的(中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,中国企业500强、美的集团有限公司) 创业于1968年的美的集团,是一家以家电业为主,涉足物流等领域的大型综合性现代化企业集团,旗下拥有三家上市公司、四大产业集团,是中国最具规模的白色家电生产基地和出口基地之一。 1980年,美的正式进入家电业;1981年开始使用美的品牌。目前,美的集团员工13万人,旗下拥有美的、小天鹅、威灵、华凌等十余个品牌。除顺德总部外,美的集团还在国内的广州,中山,重庆,安徽合肥及芜湖,湖北武汉及荆州,江苏无锡、淮安及苏州,山西临汾,河北邯郸等地建有生产基地;并在越南、白俄罗斯建有生产基地。 1980年,美的正式进入家电业;1981年开始使用美的品牌。据尚蛙会员联盟调查显示,目前,美的集团员工13万人,旗下拥有美的、小天鹅、威灵、华凌等十余个品牌。除顺德总部外,美的集团还在国内的广州,中山,重庆,安徽合肥及芜湖,湖北武汉及荆州,江苏无锡、淮安及苏州,山西临汾,河北邯郸等地建有生产基地;并在越南、白俄罗斯建有生产基地。美的集团在全国各地设有强大的营销网络,并在海外各主要市场设有超过30个分支机构。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on A.O.史密斯 (始于1874年美国,专业热水器品牌,艾欧史密斯热水器有限公司 1998年,A.O.史密斯美国总部投资3000万美元,在南京独资成立艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司。2001年,在中国加入WTO后的数小时之内,美国A.O.史密斯公司宣布增资2000万美元,将A.O.史密斯建成亚太地区最大的热水器制造和研发基地。建立了完善的研发、生产、销售及服务一体化的现代化管理体系,产品体系跨工业、商业、家用三大领域,为中国消费带来了国际品质的热水器产品和专业服务。 2004年A.O.史密斯WPC全球工程研发中心在中国南京正式成立,该中心为中国及全球市场的产品研发、技术应用及工程技术服务提供支持。该中心的成立提升A.O.史密斯公司在全球范围内的热水器和测试能力,进而促进其全球业务的拓展。它将支持A.O.史密斯在美国的现有技术中心并且为重要的设计和开发项目提供更多的资源。该中心的成立也进一步巩固A.O.史密斯在行业内所处的领先地位。 海尔(亚洲品牌500强,中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,海尔集团) 海尔是世界白色家电第一品牌,1984年创立于中国青岛。截至2010年,海尔在全球建立了construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 29个制造基地,8个综合研发中心,19个海外贸易公司,全球员工超过7万人。2010年,海尔全球营业额实现1357亿元,品牌价值855亿元,连续9年蝉联中国最有价值品牌榜首。海尔积极履行社会责任,援建145所希望小学,制作212集科教动画片《海尔兄弟》,是2008年北京奥运会全球唯一白电赞助商。 海尔集团是世界白色家电第一品牌、中国最具价值品牌。海尔在全球建立了29个制造基地,8个综合研发中心,19个海外贸易公司,全球员工总数超过6万人,海尔集团2010年实现全球营业额1357亿元人民币,同比增长9%,其中海尔品牌出口和海外销售额55亿美元。2010年海尔品牌价值已达207.65亿元,连续六年蝉联《中国品牌500强》。海尔品牌旗下冰箱、空调、洗衣机、电视机、热水器、电脑、手机、家居集成等19个产品被评为中国名牌,其中海尔冰箱、洗衣机还被国家质检总局评为首批中国世界名牌。 万家乐(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,万和集团有限公司) 广东万家乐股份有限公司成立于1992年10月,1994年1月在深圳证券交易所挂牌上construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 市,证券代000533,是广省50家工业龙头企业之一,省83家重点发展大型企业集团之一。 公司以市场需求、国家产业政策和高新技术为导向,努力发展以干式变压器为龙头的输配电设备产业和以燃气热水器为龙头的卫厨燃气具家电产业,基本形成了聚集品牌效应、凝合技术优势、集成优质资产的高新技术产业格局。 公司及成员企业先后被认定为“国家火炬重点高新技术企业”、“全国CAD应用工程示范企业”和“广东省技术创新优势企业”。万家乐技术中心被认定为“广东省50家重点工程技术研究开发中心”之一,拥有 “广东省城网电气设备工程技术研究开发中心”和“广东省燃气具工程技术研究开发中心”,拥有行业内首家“国家认定企业技术中心”与“博士后科研工作站”,并率先获评“AAAA级标准化良好行为企业”,技术实力雄厚,多次承担国家级和省级科研项目,多项产品和技术获得国家级、省级奖励,拥有多项关键核心技术的自主知识产权。 华帝(中国驰名商标,中国名牌,中国驰名商标,中山市华帝集成厨房有限公司) construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 华帝燃具股份有限公司成立于2001年11月28日,其前身中山华帝燃具有限公司成立于1992年4月。 股份公司主要从事生产和销售燃气用具、厨房用具、家用电器及企业自有资产投资、进出口经营业务。其控股公司有中山市华帝集成厨房有限公司、中山市华帝生活电器有限公司、杭州华盈厨卫有限公司、上海华帝厨卫有限公司、北京华盈多厨卫销售有限公司、中山华帝铸造有限公司等。 目前,华帝产品已形成燃气灶具、热水器(电热水器、燃气热水器和太阳能热水器)、抽油烟机、消毒柜、橱柜等系列产品为主的 500多个品种,燃气灶具连续十一年中国产销量第一,成为中国灶具第一品牌,燃气热水器、抽油烟机分别进入全国行业三强。 1992年,华帝在全国的同行业率先导入CI,透过文化、艺术,把企业精神及经营理论融于产品和市场活动中,成功地塑造了一个新颖、独特的企业形象,更以真诚的合作全心全意的服务取得了社会的认同;2000年,华帝与全球知名的广告公司麦肯?光明合作,力图塑造一个极具潜力的国际品牌。高层次、专业化、规模化、国际化依然是今后企业发展的方向。 林内 (燃气热水器十大品牌,1920年日本,燃气具行业的先锋,上海林内有限公司) 上海林内有限公司成立于1993年9月,由上海燃气(集团)有限公司、日本林内株式会社和日本株式会社琦酸三方合资组建,总投资额1500万美元,注册资金970万美元。以construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 生产高性能的燃气热水器、燃气灶具、采暖炉、吸油烟机为主,公司秉承了日本林内集团90多年的技术底蕴,依托先进的设备、工艺和研发能力,始终坚持“以质量和诚意奉献于客户”的理念,正一步一个脚印地发展成为中国燃气具行业的先锋。 所获荣誉: 1998年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证、得到日本JIA品质保证A级工场评价、“上海市高新技术企业”称号、连续多年被评为上海市工业企业500强、通过WaterMark体系认证、林内牌燃气热水器获得“全国用户满意产品”称号、热水器和灶具入选“上海厨卫电器十佳品牌”、获得CGC-GAS-FIRED标志(简称蓝火苗标志)认证 、林内牌燃气热水器2007年获上海市场金牌畅销品牌称号,连续11年上海市场销量第一(上海市商业信息中心提供)、林内牌灶具2007年获上海市场金牌畅销品牌称号(上海市商业信息中心提供)、林内牌油烟机2007年获上海市场金牌畅销品牌称号(上海市商业信息中心提供)、2008年通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证、林内牌热水器入选2008年度上海家电市场“消费者喜爱的热水器品牌”(上海交电家电商业行业协会提供)、林内牌入选2008年度上海家电市场“优质服务标兵品牌” (上海交电家电商业行业协会提供) 万和 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标,燃气热水器十大品牌,广东万家乐燃气具有限公司 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 万和成立于1993年8月,总部位于广东顺德国家级高新技术开发区内,是国内生产规模最大的燃气具专业制造企业,也是中国燃气具发展战略的首倡者和推动者、中国五金制品协会燃气用具分会第三届理事长单位。 万和以“燃气具专家”为品牌定位,生产燃气热水器、燃气灶具、燃气壁挂炉、燃气烧烤炉、燃气空调、燃气取暖器等燃气具产品并与之相配套的电热水器、消毒碗柜、吸油烟机等厨卫电器产品,以及太阳能、热泵热水器等新能源产品和空气能+燃气、太阳能+燃气、电能+燃气等能源集成热水系统。万和生产总面积达100万平方米,分布在四大生产基地,年产能达1500多万台。 万和以技术创新起家,1992年发明了中国第一台超薄型水控式全自动燃气热水器,引领中国热水器进入了“水阀一开、热水即来”的时代。此后,1994年研制成功第一台微电脑控制强排热水器、1999年第一台平衡式热水器、2001年第一台冷凝式热水器,2008年第一套能源集成热水系统,等等,至今,万和在燃气具领域十四次填补国内技术空白,引领中国燃气具行业技术升级换代。万和还多次主导或参与了燃气热水器、燃气灶具、消毒柜国家标准的起草和修订,取得了三百多项专利,是中国燃气具行业拥有最多专利储备的企业。代中国燃气具技术前沿水平的“广东省级企业技术中心”和“广东省节能环保燃气具工程技术研究开发中心”,以及万和与政府、高校共建行业第一个产学研结合的“节能环保燃气具研发中心”,行业唯一的省级院士专家企业工作站均落户在万和,为万和在技术上的持续创新和领先优势提供有力保障 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 前锋(中国驰名商标,中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,前锋电子电器集团股份有限公司) 前锋集团是我国最早研制和生产电子仪器的大型军工骨干企业之一,为我国的国防现代化建设提供了大量的配套装备和服务。如今的前锋集团不但是中国最大的电子仪器生产基地之一,而且是我国最大的三大类型热水器(快速式、容积式、双功能)生产厂家之一,前锋集团已全面通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,拥有进出口业务经营权,是成都市高新技术企业和省、市重点优势企业,已发展成为拥有十个子公司的企业集团。 2003年4月18日,位于国家级高新技术开发区成都高新技术开发区西区的前锋高新技术产业园正式落成,前锋的发展进入了一个崭新的阶段,前锋人开始了波澜壮阔的第二次创业。 前锋集团主要涉足领域包括:电子测量仪器、通信测试设备、税控收款机及税控装置、计算机及软件开发、数字视听设备、家庭能源智能;以燃气和电热水器、灶具、抽油烟机、消毒柜、橱柜等为代表的整体厨卫产品、商用燃油燃气锅炉、暖通设备等产品;同时还涉足于房地产开发、商业贸易、建筑装饰、绿化工程等领域。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 樱花 (中国名牌,燃气热水器十大品牌,全球知名品牌,樱花卫厨(中国)有限公司) 1994年,樱花卫厨进入中国大陆,不断以高品质的卓越产品满足赢得消费者的喜爱与信赖,成为中国人生活进步的主导力量。樱花吸油烟机、燃气热水器、电热水器、燃气灶、龙头、浴霸、换气扇、水槽、消毒柜、保洁柜、整体厨房等全系列卫厨产品,都以卓越性能与品质,为您带来轻松与舒适的生活体验。 33年来,樱花卫厨获奖无数、载誉无数。樱花企业不仅通过了ISO-9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证以及3C等各类认证;并凭借的管理模式、先进的经营理念荣获江苏省“外商投资先进技术企业”和“高新技术企业”荣誉称号;更连续多年荣获昆山市“最佳外商投资企业”和“外商投资十大纳税企业”荣誉称号;同时樱花还荣获了“江苏省著名商标”、“苏州市知名商标”荣誉称号。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on
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