首页 > 鞍山师范学院2012年师范类毕业生教师资格证办理流程


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鞍山师范学院2012年师范类毕业生教师资格证办理流程鞍山师范学院2012年师范类毕业生教师资格证办理流程 关于办理我校2012届师范类毕业生教师资格证的通知 按照全国教师资格认定中心和鞍山市教育局、铁东区教育局的要求,2012届师范类毕业生教师资格证申请工作已经开始,为了更好地规范学生的申请工作,保证准时、高效地完成证书的申请和发放,现将本阶段工作的基本流程和要求公布如下,希望各教学单位积极配合。 一、申请基本条件 凡我校2012届师范类学生,符合以下条件,均可以申请办理: 1、“教育学”、“心理学”成绩合格 在校期间修完《教育学》、《心理学》两门课程,考试合格或补...
鞍山师范学院2012年师范类毕业生教师资格证办理流程 关于办理我校2012届师范类毕业生教师资格证的通知 按照全国教师资格认定中心和鞍山市教育局、铁东区教育局的要求,2012届师范类毕业生教师资格证申请工作已经开始,为了更好地规范学生的申请工作,保证准时、高效地完成证的申请和发放,现将本阶段工作的基本流程和要求公布如下,希望各教学单位积极配合。 一、申请基本条件 凡我校2012届师范类学生,符合以下条件,均可以申请办理: 1、“教育学”、“心理学”成绩合格 在校期间修完《教育学》、《心理学》两门课程,考试合格或补考合格。 2、普通话水平测试合格 要求为国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《普通话水平测试等级》二级乙等(含二乙)以上。已达到要求暂未拿到证书者,凭证明亦可申报。 3、取得毕业证书的今年师范类毕业生和往届延修生。 4、申请认定教师资格证者,未按时提交视为放弃办理。 5、非师范类毕业生学校不组织办理,请自行咨询教育局。 二、具体时间安排 1、2012年4月20日——4月22日,各系电子照片采集,具体时间安排如下(上 午8:00-11:30;下午 1:30-5:00),请各系严格按照时间照相,每班选择一名负责同学,将本班学生组织好,以班级为单位照相(不接待个人照相),并交纳照相、冲洗照片、修改相片的费用每人15元: 2012年4月20日 美术系、物理系(上午) 外语系(下午) 2012年4月23日 化学系、体育系(上午) 中文系8点 2012年4月22日 数学系、音乐系(上午) 政史系、教科院(下午) 要求各系以班级为单位于4月26日12点前到青橄榄摄影(师范学院正门直走200米,马路左侧即是)领取电子版照片和冲洗出来的照片(两张二寸,四张一寸,共一版),自带U盘或其他电子设备。 2、2012年4月27日0:00点——2012年5月7日24:00点,学生本人上网注册个人信息。因为本次申请由国家规定注册日期,规定日期过后网络将自动关闭。因此,请各系务必通知学生在规定日期内上网注册,超过规定日期不注册,后果自负。另外,为了保证申报的严肃性,请严格按照要求仔细填写,每个身份证号码国家只认定一次,如果输入信息错误,pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 超过注册日期,将不能修改,出现任何问题后果自负。具体注册方法和操作办法见附件一,请各位同学一定认真阅读。 3、申请人网上填报申请信息,核准无误后,需本人直接在网上打印《教师资格认定申请表》2份,打印时要求严格采用A4纸张双面打印,并按打印要求去掉页眉和页脚,并按顺序装订成册(两页四面,左侧装订),装订好后将在青橄榄摄影冲洗出来的2寸纸质照片2张,分别贴在两张申请表上并交到系里。各系要提醒学生,打印好教师资格认定申请表后,需在申请表内的“承诺书”上签名确认。学生每人准备1张一寸照片,背面写上系别、班级、姓名、出生年月日,以班级为单位装入信封待用。由于教师资格证申报系统对申请人照片的格式有特殊要求,因此,学生在申请过程中使用的所有照片必须是同一规格的,不能使用不合要求的照片,否则影响上传和后期的资格认定。 4、2012年5月8日——2012年5月11日,各系以系为单位派两名学生携带材料 到教科院二楼会议室现场确认材料。要求提交的材料有: (1)申请学生普通话水平测试等级证书原件(如果有普通话成绩通过但是证书没有发放的同学,需提交普通话考试成绩证明一份),按学号顺序排好。 (2)将学生自己打印好的《教师资格认定申请表》按学生学号顺序整理,以班级为单位装入档案袋中,并填写封面,标注系别、班级、数量(例如,教科院085班申请表,共计40份)。 (3)上交准备好的一寸照片,背面写上系别、班级、姓名、出生年月日。 (4)以班级为单位提交填写完整的EXCEL表格《2012年鞍山师范学院**系**班申请教师资格证人员名单》打印稿一份,并将电子版发送到邮箱feier0627@163.com,邮件主题标明系别和班级。样表见附件二。 现场确认具体时间安排(上午8:30-11:00;下午 1:30-4:00):5月8日 教科院(上午)、外语系(下午);5月9日 数学系(上午)、政史系、化学系(下午);5月10日 音乐系、美术系(上午);中文系(下午);5月11日物理系、体育系(上午)。 5、2012年5月14日——2012年5月25日,鞍山师范学院教师资格证认定机构在网上认定、审核资料,审核完成后上报数据到国家教育部和教师资格认定中心备案。 6、2012年5月28日——2012年6月1日,等待国家教师资格认定机构在系统中生成证书编号后,持我院师范类毕业生的有效证明到辽宁省教师资格认定机构领取教师资格证书。 7、2012年6月4日——2012年6月10日,打印证书,粘贴申请人照片。 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 8、2012年6月11日——2012年6月20日,到市教育局、铁东区教育局进行教师资格认定申请表和教师资格证书的认定工作。发放证书和申请表到各系,各系发放过程中需要注意的是申请表一份放入学生本人档案中,另一份发给学生本人。如果本系装档工作已经完毕,则两份申请表都由学生本人保管。 三、注意事项 1、教科院学前教育专业、小学教育专业学生依据所学专业申请“幼儿园”、“小学”教师资格;其他专业学生申请“高中”教师资格。绝对不能跨专业或跨级别申请~否则后果自负~ 2、各系要严格按照申请人条件,未按期取得毕业证书者,教师资格证扣发。 3、鞍山师范学院教师资格证认定机构只接受以系为单位统一办理。 4、各系要对教育学、心理学与普通话成绩等各项内容认真把关,凡同学有弄虚作假情形的,将取消其在校申办资格,由系办向学生通告、解释。 5、市、区教育局为我校师范毕业生办证时间紧凑,各系要以班级为单位在填写前组织学生认真学习通知内容和网上注册流程,确保在规定时间内报送材料,不误工,不返工。 教 务 处 鞍山师范学院教师资格认定审查委员会 2012年4月12日 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 附件一:教师资格申请人网上报名操作 教师资格申请人 一、登录网上报名系统 登录中国教师资格网(),点击左侧 图标或上方“网上申报”栏目进入网上报名系统 二、申请人网上注册和填报申请信息 1、如果申请人是首次登录信息系统填报申请人信息,则直接点击“网上申报”页面中的“注册”按钮,如下图所示: 2、是否阅读“申请人必读”并接受“网上申报” pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 点击“注册”按钮后,出现“申请人必读”与“网上申报协议”页面,申请人必须完全同意网上申报协议才可进行下一步。另外,申请人需牢记注册密码,密码丢失将无法再次登录。 3、选择申请的教师资格种类、认定省份和认定机构 申请人须严格根据规定,选择户籍所在地或任教学校(或工作单位)所在地的省份及认定机构,申请认定相应的教师资格。 注意:学前教育专业、小学教育专业的学生选择幼儿园教师资格、小学教师资格,认定机构的名称是鞍山市铁东区教育局;其余专业均选择高级中学教师资格,认定机构的名称均是鞍山市教育局。 4、选择现场确认点 申请人需根据各现场确认点的确认范围和自己的实际情况,选择合适的现场确认点。选择师范大学这项。 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 5、阅读网报注意事项 6、填写申请人详细信息 页面左边为“信息填写说明”,填写前请仔细阅读。页面中红色标识信息项为必填信息,申请人必须填写。 申请人必须上传在青橄榄照相时修改好的照片。 信息填写完成后,点击“提交”按钮,提示“申请信息提交成功”并返回详细信息页面,如果有信息项填写错误,系统将弹出相应的错误提示。 填写申请人详细信息页面如下图所示: 任教学科填写要求:中文系:语文;外语系:外语;数学系:数学、计算机;物理系:物理;化学系:化学;政史系:思想政治、历史;体育系:体育与健康;美术系:美术;音乐系:音乐;教科院:小学教育专业从语文、数学、外语中任选一门本人擅长的学科填写,教育技术专业选择信息技术,学前教育专业选择幼儿园。填写之后将不能修改~ 所学专业部分,统一在类别二中选择和自己毕业证书相同的专业,切记,一定要具体到自己的专业,不能写上一级学科。 专业技术职务:填“无”;现从事职业:“学生” 鉴定单位全称:鞍山师范学院XX系 鉴定单位地址:鞍山市铁东区平安街43号 电话:写所在系办公室的电话 例如0412—2960000 邮政编码:114005 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 7、网上注册成功 申请人网上注册成功后,申请人详细信息页面如下图所示: pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 三、修改和查看申请信息 在网报结束之前,申请人可以登录网上报名系统修改和查看申请信息,在“网上申报”页面输 入申请人姓名、有效证件号码、登录密码和验证码,点“登录”即可。如下图所示: 登录成功后,可以查看填报的申请信息,在详细信息页面中进行申请信息修改,修改后点击“修 改”按钮即可,如下图所示: pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 四、申请状态查询 申请人登录网上报名系统后,可以查看个人教师资格申请各时间段的状态。 1、网报未确认 申请人网上报名填报申请信息成功,但尚未到认定机构指定的现场确认点提交申请材料和确认个人网上申报信息时,其申请状态为“网报未确认”。如下图所示: 2、申请材料不全 申请人已经到认定机构指定的现场确认点确认个人网上申报信息,但提交的申请材料不全时,其申请状态为“申请材料不全”,申请人需按认定机构要求,在指定时间内补全所缺的申请材料。如下图所示: 点击“查看详情”,可以查看到“申请材料不全”的具体说明,如下图所示: 3、待审核 申请人已经到认定机构指定的现场确认点确认个人网上申报信息,且提交的申请材料齐全时,在等待认定机构审核、认定期间,其申请状态为“待审核”。如下图所示: 4、审核通过未编号 经认定机构审核、认定,申请人符合教师资格申请条件,审核通过,但尚未生成教师资格证书编号时,其申请状态为“审核通过未编号”。如下图所示: 5、审核通过已编号 经认定机构审核、认定,申请人符合教师资格申请条件,审核通过,已经生成教师资格证书编号,完成认定时,其申请状态为“审核通过已编号”。如下图所示: 6、认定未通过 经认定机构审核,申请人不符合教师资格申请条件,审核未通过,不能获得相应的教师资格时,其申请状态为“认定未通过”。如下图所示: pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 五、查看和打印现场确认注意事项 申请人点击“现场确认注意事项”,可以查看现场确认注意事项的详细信息,如下图所示: 点击“打印”按钮后出现下列图示,在该页面中点击“打印报名号及现场确认信息”,即可打印出现 场确认注意事项。 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 六、打印教师资格认定申请表 申请人网上填报申请信息后,需打印教师资格认定申请表并在现场确认时随其他申请材料一起提交认定机构。在申请人基本信息页面点击左侧的“打印教师资格认定申请表”,出现如下图所示界面,按图示进行页面设置后,点击“打印申请表”即可完成打印工作。 申请人打印好教师资格认定申请表后,需在申请表内的“承诺书”上签名确认,如下图所示: 附件二:需提交的EXCEL表格样表 2012年鞍山师范学院**系**班申请教师资格证人员名单 学号 姓名 性别 身份证号 申请任教学科 普通话水平 备注 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 10 11 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate
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