

2017-12-10 50页 doc 149KB 9阅读




怎样做开小中型饭店酒楼怎样做开小中型饭店酒楼 怎样做开小中型饭店酒楼(餐饮店)的前期准备工作 一,作为一家新开酒店,前期筹备工作千头万绪,尤其是餐饮部,涉及面广,内容多,稍有不周,将对开业后的管理产生较大的影响。为此,我特编写了餐饮部开业 筹备工作一文,内容尽可能详实而具体,希望具备一定的可操作性,为有相同困惑的酒店同仁提供实实在在的帮助。做好餐饮部开业前的准备工作,对餐饮部开业及 开业后的工作具有非常重要的意义;对从事餐饮管理工作的专业人士来说也是一个挑战。本文采用倒计时的手法,将餐饮部开业筹备工作作为一个项目来运作。一、 餐饮部的工作任务餐...
怎样做开小中型饭店酒楼 怎样做开小中型饭店酒楼(餐饮店)的前期准备工作 一,作为一家新开酒店,前期筹备工作千头万绪,尤其是餐饮部,涉及面广,内容多,稍有不周,将对开业后的管理产生较大的影响。为此,我特编写了餐饮部开业 筹备工作一文,内容尽可能详实而具体,希望具备一定的可操作性,为有相同困惑的酒店同仁提供实实在在的帮助。做好餐饮部开业前的准备工作,对餐饮部开业及 开业后的工作具有非常重要的意义;对从事餐饮管理工作的专业人士来说也是一个挑战。本文采用倒计时的手法,将餐饮部开业筹备工作作为一个项目来运作。一、 餐饮部的工作任务餐饮服务是组成酒店必不可少的部分,餐饮部门是酒店的重要创收部门。在酒店各部门中,餐饮部员工集中,业务环节繁多,技术水平要求高,牵 涉到的学科知识广泛,因而其管理也最为复杂,加强餐饮管理,对整个饭店的经营管理都有非常重要的意义。餐饮部主要负责食品原材料的加工,各类饮食食品的烹 制,各餐厅产品销售和宴会服务工作,满足住店客人和店外前来用餐客人的物质和心理享受需要。 二、餐饮部开业筹备的任务与要求餐饮部开业Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 前的准备工作,主要是建立部门运转系统,并为开业及开业后的运营在人、财、物等各方面做好充分的准备。具体包 括: (一)、确定餐饮部的管辖区域及责任范围餐饮部总监(经理)一般要提前6个月到岗。到岗后,首先要通过实地察看,熟悉饭店的平面布局。然后根据实际情况, 确定餐饮部的管辖区域及餐饮部的主要责任范围,以书面的形式将具体的建议和设想呈报总经理。饭店最高管理层将召集有关部门对此进行讨论并做出决定。在进行 区域及责任划分时,餐饮部管理人员应从大局出发,要有良好的服务意识。餐饮部管理范围较大,为综合利用会议设施,发挥最大的效能,一般宴会厅、会议室划归 餐饮部管辖;员工餐厅也由餐饮部统一管理。 (二)确定餐饮部各区域主要功能及布局。根据酒店总体建筑布置和市场定位,对餐饮区域要进行详细的功能定位。在进行区域分布时,要合理考虑餐饮各项管理流 程;如送餐线路;服务流程的合理性;厨房工作流程的合理性;餐具收拾和洗涤的流程;足Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 够的仓储场所和备餐间;尤其是多功能宴会厅(一般有二套设施),要留 有充足的储放会议桌和餐桌的场地。 (三)餐饮部组织机构要科学、合理地设计组织机构,餐饮部经理要综合考虑各种相关因素,如:饭店的规模、档次、建筑布局、设施设备、市场定位、经营方 针和管理目标等。参考资料《开元国际酒店管理公司餐饮管理实务》。 (四)制定物品采购清单饭店开业前事务繁多,经营物品的采购是一项非常耗费精力的工作,仅靠采购部去完成此项任务难度很大,各经营部门应协助其共同完成。 无论是采购部还是餐饮部,在制定餐饮部部门采购清单时,都应考虑到以下一些问题: 1.本饭店的建筑特点。采购的物品种类和数量与建筑的特点有着密切的关系。 2.行业标准。开元国际酒店管理公司最低产品标准是餐饮部经理们制定采购清单的主要依据。 3.本饭店的设计标准及目标市场定位。餐饮管理人员应从本饭店的实际出发,根据设计的星级标准,同时还应根据本饭店的目标市场定位情况,考虑Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 目标客源市场 对餐饮用品的配备需求。如高档宴会的布置需要;婚宴市场的产品。 4.行业发展趋势。餐饮管理人员应密切关注本行业的发展趋势,在物品配备方面应有一定的超前意识,不能过于传统和保守。 5.其它情况。在制定物资采购清单时,有关部门和人员还应考虑其它相关因素,如:餐饮上座率、饭店的资金状况等。采购清单的设计必须规范,通常应包括下列 栏目:部门、编号、物品名称、规格、单位、数量、参考供货单位、备注等。此外,部门在制定采购清单的同时,就需确定有关物品的配备标准。 (五)协助采购餐饮部经理虽然不直接承担采购任务,但这项工作对餐饮部的开业及开业后的运营工作影响较大,因此,餐饮部经理应密切关注并适当参与采购工 作。这不仅可以减轻采购部经理的负担,而且还能在很大程度上确保所购物品符合要求。餐饮部经理要定期对照采购清单,检查各项物品的到位情况,而且检查的频 率,应随着开业的临近而逐渐增高。 权威解释:(政府方向) Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 1。先营业执照(注册资金,经营范围)。 2。卫生许可证。(相关的厨房设备,油烟管道设置,油烟净化,隔油装置,环境监测,环保承诺书要先签) 3。广告牌申请(广告公司手续,工商登记领取发布证,现在很严) 这是规范意义上讲必须搞定的几 项~~~~~~~~~ 涉及部门:工商,税务,卫生(最重要),环保,交通(停车位),园林(停车位),城管(居民投诉)。 1、选店面 两种地方是最好的选择 一是公司写字楼比较多的地方,二是居民居住Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 密集的地方。选择在公司写字楼比较多的地方,可以保证中午生意。 2、产品定位 可以跟牢一个城市的美食流行大趋势。比如三年前金华砂锅十分流行,一家300多平方米的砂锅店,一天可以做1万元的生意。 3、餐厅设计 顾客的消费需求在上升,店面环境在餐厅中的地位已经越来越高,一个好的环境,有可能性成为开店成败的关键因素。 4、招人 餐馆开得好不好,人才也是关键一环。小餐馆里的员工分两块,一是厨师,一是服务员,分别负责厨房出品和前厅服务。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 5、定制设备 厨房设备包括厨房三大件和小件物品:电器(主要是电冰箱)、炉灶、打荷台。 小件物品主要指小五金:不锈钢碗盆、砧板、锅铲等 6、原料采购 小店开出来后,采购这环是老板抓得最牢的 一:自己去农批市场、超市购买。 二:直接让专业公司承包 7、开店审批手续 申请开餐馆需要前置审批,在工商部门拿到营业执照前,必须先得到卫生许可证和环保部门的排污许可证。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 一、 市场地理特点:区域的地貌,政治区域,城市的中心地带。2、市场气候风土特点:气候条件与消费者的饮食习惯有着极大潜在的关系。 具体来讲包括 以下内容: 1.地区经济。饮食消费是在人们有足够的资金满足日常衣、食、住、行等基本需要之后的可自由支配资金的支付。一个地区人们的收入水平、物价水平都会影响到 人们可供消费的金钱数量和他们必须支付的价格。一般地,当人们的收入增加时,人们愿意支付更高价值的产品和服务,尤其在餐饮消费的质量和档次上会有所提 高,因此,餐厅连锁企业一般应选择在经济繁荣、经济发展速度较快的地区。 2.区域规划。在确定餐厅连锁店之前,必须要向当地有关部门咨询潜在地点的区域建筑规划,了解和掌握哪些地区被分别规划分为商业区、文化区、旅游区、交通 中心、居民区、工业区等资料。因为区域规划往往会涉及到建筑物的拆迁和重建,如果未经了Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 解,盲目的选定连锁企业,在成本收回之前就遇到拆迁,会使企业蒙受 巨大的经济损失,或者失去原有的地理优势。同时,掌握区域规划后便于我们根据不同的区域类型,确定不同的经营形式和经营规格等。 3.文化环境。文化教育、民族习惯、宗教信仰、社会风尚、社会价值观念和文化氛围等因素构成了一个地区的社会文化环境。这些因素影响了人们的消费行为和消 费方式,决定了人们收入的分配方向。一般而言,文化素质高的人,对餐饮消费的环境、档次的要求比文化素质低的人要高。文化环境的不同,影响连锁经营的规格 和规模。 4.消费时尚。一段时期的流行时尚,往往能在很大程度上影响消费者的消费方式和方向。随着人们消费水平的提高、卫生观念的增强,人们在餐饮消费上越来越注 意就餐的环境卫生,这样外表装修美观、舒适、洁净的连锁餐厅就越来越为人们所接受。 5.竞争状况。一个地区餐饮行业的竞争状况可以分成两个不同的部分来考虑。一是直接竞争的评估,Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 即提供同种经营项目,同样规格、档次的餐饮企业可能会导致 的竞争,这对餐饮企业来说,是消极的。二是非直接竞争,包括不同的经营内容和品种,或同样品种、不同规格或档次的餐饮企业,这类竞争有时起互补作用,对餐 饮企业是有利的。在选择连锁经营区域时,如果无任何一种形式的竞争,将具有垄断地位;如果有任何一种形式的竞争,都是值得连锁经营集团在投资前认真研究和 考虑的。竞争既是一种威胁,又是一种潜在的有利条件,只要把竞争对手作为一面镜子认真分析其优势或劣势,就便于我们在竞争中掌握主动。 6.地点特征。地点特征是指与餐饮经营活动相关的位置特征。如餐饮企业经营所在的区域,如政治中心、购物中心、商业中心、旅游中心以及饮食服务区的距离和 方向。连锁餐厅所处的地点直接影响餐厅经营的项目和服务内容。 7.街道形式。这个因素主要考虑到街道和交通的形式会吸引人们到这个地方来,还是他们因旅游而使人口发生移动。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 8.交通状况。关于目标地点的街道交通状况信息可以从公路系统和当地政府机关获得。如果交通的数据最近还没有被统计出来。那么可以选取一天中最有意义的样 本数据作为参考。交通状况的计算往往在中午、周末的晚上和星期天。在一段几天时间内统计的数据应去除那些带有偏见的结果。晚餐时间的统计可能会由于靠使用 长期车票的人的交通产生很大的影响。交通状况往往意味着客源,获得本地区车辆流动的数据以及行人的分析资料,以保证餐厅建成以后,有充足的客源。 9.规模和外观。餐厅的餐厅位置的地面形状以长方形、方形为好,必须有足够大的空间容纳建筑物、停车场和其他必要设施。三角形或多边形的地面除非它非常 大,否则是不足取的。同时,在对地点的规模和外观进行评估时也要考虑到未来消费的可能。 10.餐厅的可见度和形象特征。 餐厅的可见度是指餐厅位置的明显程度,也就是说,无论顾客从哪个角度看,都可以获得对餐厅的感知。餐厅可见度是由Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 从各地往来的车辆和徒步旅行的人员的视角 来进行评估的,这对于坐落于交通拥挤的高速公路傍的地点是重要的,餐厅的可见度往往会影响到餐厅的吸引力。同时,餐饮企业无论从经营内容、方式、菜品质 量、服务、装璜等方面,还是在所选地址上都应具有明显的突出的形象特征。对坐落在拥挤的商业中心的连锁餐厅尤为重要,形象特征会增加整个连锁企业集团的吸 引力 二、行业环境分析 目标市场主要经济指标: 1、 企业所在市场当年的国内生产总值,以及历年的数据。2、该市场的投资状况。3、对餐饮市场影响较大的旅游方面的数据,特别是一年来接待的游客数量,以及是 呈发展趋势还是衰退趋势。4、把当地城镇居民人均可支配收入,全市职工平均工资,提供餐饮消费的收入比重,作为餐厅定价的参考依据。5、全市人口统计数 量,包括非农业人口及农业人口数量,用来预测餐厅的客流量的大小及该地居民的消Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 费水平和消费能力。6、消费者受教育程度。7、消费者生活方式、饮食偏好习 惯。8、消费者人均收入。 产业环境: 1、 商业繁盛情况。2、商业化的趋势与潜力。3、地方政府优惠、扶持政策,包括消防、治安、文化、工商、防疫等政策情况。 社会环境: 1、 当地风俗习惯。2、历史文化。3、民族结构。4、国际交往,主要食品原料生产流通。 三、市场分析 1、 经济指标:当地餐饮企业经营状况、实力排列;所有制形式及所占的比重;营业网点数量;从业人员数量。 2、 分店所选市场的餐饮业经营现状:企业数Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 量与竞争能力(是否已形成规模竞争,);经营管理水平高低;经营档次高低;菜系地位。 3、 竞争对手分析: a、 传统型竞争者现状:数目、业绩水平、营业额、利润收入统计分析;成功原因:管理水平先进,服务优秀,社会环境条件优越,失败原因:菜品出问题,运行机制故 障等, b、 传统型竞争者优势:传统优势;经营规模优势;位置优势;主打菜品优势。 c、 新兴高档餐饮经营者:经营何种菜系,菜系取向,是否平民化、贵族化等。经营地段:哪一区,段,装修的风格特点及选用装饰物件。经营状况:营业额、营业利 润、就餐人数、订餐数等。经营规模:店的面积 、可容纳客人数量。厅内面积分布等。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 4、 消费者分析: a、 该市场消费者饮食习惯、口味喜好、选择饮食偏好等。 b、 该市场消费者的消费特点,包括消费者的消费意识,是否喜欢到餐厅就餐,个人或家庭的消费比例较之成都如何,消费水平的高低。 c、 目标市场消费者分类:政府、军队、企业、家庭消费(含婚宴)、游客。 5、 在该地开店的优势策略: 竞争策略:市场最佳切入点;营销 策略:宣传与客户认同;培育顾客偏爱;建立常客网络关系。 选址优化说明 a、 政府拆迁风险防范 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 1、 注意建筑物、街道拆迁与重建,避免盲目上马建店。2、确定酒楼位置务必向当地政府部门咨询并获得政府书面承诺。3、避免在有产权争议地段建店。4、所有证 照必须齐备并符合法律、政策手续。 b、 本地商业状况:注意收集和评估酒楼周围商业快速增长的相关数据,并做出客观准确评估。 c、 竞争性质评估:1、提供同类食品菜品服务的餐厅可能会导致直接的恶性竞争。2、建店营业初期避免直接的竞争。 d、规模与外观:1、停车场与其他 设施应给予足够规模容量。2、餐厅以正方形或长方形最好,其它除非空间大,与否不可取。3、要考虑未来消费者的可接受能力。 e、 地价:1、注意考虑潜在价值与现实价值之综合评估。2、不论市中心或城郊,关键看消费住户、流动人数规模大小。3、考虑地价上涨是否对营业投入、产出产生 较大影响。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special f、 能源供应:1、所有选址必须具备“三通一平”标准,即水、电、气三通。2、水的质量。3、注意作经济核算。 g、街道 与交通:1、是否是居民社区街道,2、是否是商业街通道,3、街道是否便利车辆来回通过和泊车,4、是否吸引和便利旅游者来就餐, h、 旅游资源:根据旅游区域过往人多少,类型选择适当的酒楼位置。 i、 商业与娱乐区关联:1、要考虑到购物中心、商业区、娱乐区的距离和方向。2、距餐厅几千米地方,能对餐厅推 销产生影响。 j、 交通状况:1、统计数据来源,从公路管理系统或政府机关。2、自己统计方式:以中午(周末)、晚上和周日为最佳时间做现场统计。3、注意考虑坐Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 公共汽车的 人进餐的因素。4、注意行人与车辆流动数据比较分析。 k、 餐厅可见度:1、餐厅酒楼位置可明显看见程度,直接影响酒楼吸引力。2、从每个角度都能通过眼睛获得酒楼感性认识,视为最佳地址。3、从驾车或徒步的方式 来作客观评估。 l、 公共服务:1、评估保安、防火、垃圾废物处理和其他所需的服务。2、同样要评估服务设施、费用及质量。3、公共服务信息情况可从政府取得。 m、 营业面积:1、面积标准800----5000平方米。2、能充分满足就餐服务需要,具备充分容纳客人的吞吐能力。3、既不能拥挤,又不能空位太大,避免 资源浪费。 新开店区域面积规划参考: a、 顾客使用区域:1、每餐位约1.5----2.5平方米。2、空间包括:通道、停车处、侯餐区、大厅、Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 雅间。 b、 办公前厅区域:前厅1/2 厨房1/3 或0.6----0.8平方米每餐位 办公室1/50 库房2/25 员工更衣1/25等。 员工定额参考: 6、 餐饮前厅行政人员与服务人员比例为:10:1 服务人员大厅1人看2—4张台 包间1桌配1---3名服务员 传菜生1人传10桌,根据距离厨房远近而定。 7、 厨房管理跨度为3—10人,一般13---15个餐位配1名烹饪生产人员,高档的7—8个餐位配1名生产人员。冷菜厨师与白案厨师为1:1等。 月 度成本预算表: 占营业费用% Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 工资19% 房租11% 水费1% 电费5% 燃料费6% 广告宣传费3% 洗涤费2% 员工宿 舍8% 修理费2% 清洁卫生费2% 家具费0.5% 物料损耗4% 餐具损耗0.5% 汽车费用1.5% 停车费0.5% 劳动保险3% 递延资产摊销30% 其它1% 开餐饮店需要做的十点准备工作 和七点注意事项 开餐饮店的前期准备工作: 首先开餐馆最好要有自己的特色,首先你要把餐馆的位定好,是开哪个菜系的餐馆,菜品的档次是中档为好。 其次要开餐馆就要租房子,有了租房的,还要到卫生防疫站去办卫生许可证和健康证,才可以到工商局去申请办理工商营业执照,营业执照办好以Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 后,还要到地 方税务局办理税务登记证。某些城市可能还需要办理其他诸如消防证之类的手续,应尽量提前了解相关手续和知识,并提前办理妥为好。 上述准备工作都好了之后,就可以装修房子和购置炊具了,在装修的同时就可以贴招聘启事广告了。广告要讲清楚是招什么样的厨师 (如湘菜厨师、川菜厨师),招餐厅服务员有什么要求。厨师的薪水一般在3000-8000元,海鲜厨师薪水一般在4000-12000,餐厅服务员的薪水一般为1500-2200元,一般都是包食宿 的。 餐饮店开业只是一方面,如果想要使餐饮店的生意兴隆也并非易事,一般要遵循以下7点事项,看起来好像极为普通,但若坚持应用,必定会产生奇特的效果: 一、听取食客的意见。必须了解食客的需要,做到这一点,最好的办法是倾听。要集思广益,顺应自然,再做 该做的事,必然无往不利。 二、掌握良机。生意的成功,系于是否能够掌握良机,平时就要选择适当的时机,调查食客想要选择Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 的品种, 形成店内新的利润增长点。 三、发挥特色。餐饮店到处都是,要使食客上门,非得有一些特色不可,同时要配合食客的需要,再如何充分发挥。需 要注意的是:除了要注意地域性和开店条件,还要考虑该地区的收入水平、文化水平等。特色并不限于经营品种,其它方面诸如诚恳的员工、良好的服务、华丽的店 面等。 四、力求创新。墨守成规或一味模仿他人,最终必定会失败,只有努力创新的餐饮店才会有前途,任何餐饮店 都必须表现出自己的特色,才能创造出附加值,也才能不断增加顾客。 五、追求成长。我个人认为做餐饮店如果不追求成长,或不向更高的目标挑 战,就无法品味成功的喜悦和充实感。要是只想混口饭吃,自然而然就会散漫、淘汰。 六、确保合理的利润。不能靠亏本的方式去吸引顾客,必须 以优质的服务获得正常的利润。长期对食Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 客提供优质的服务以及更佳的品种,才能不断发展。 七、以食客为出发点。要以食客的眼光为出发点,清 楚食客的需要,再去满足他。我认为了解你的经营对象是开店的第一步。 此外,想要开成功一家餐饮企业,还需要从以下十点来提前考虑周全,以达到事半功倍的效果: 1、周边社区、小区总人口以及人群的变化情况,过路客、边际顾客等人口因素。 2、人口构成。社区既 有城市人,又有外地来的新上海人,还有国外来沪居民,哪一种人群居多,将会影 响生意好坏。 3、人口密度。例如,商圈周围要区分主要商圈、次要商圈、边际商圈的人口。 4、性别结构。男性女性比例不同,经营的品种自然也要不同。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 5、所在地成年人就业情况。就业率高低关系到购买力大小。 6、年龄构成。店内装潢风格与此大有关系。 7、户数结构。双职工独生子女、三四代同堂、老夫老妻等,有针对性的产品要因人而异。 8、婚姻状况。通过研究,投其所好,多多做好婚庆喜事生意。 9、生育情况。要多为家长们考虑,经济又全面地算好孩子身上的账。 10、研究族结构。不同民族生活习惯不同。店家研究越细,目标市场定位就会越准确 ,?宣传和广告 (,)有效的宣传、广告制作 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special ,?中、小餐饮店的广告宣传,以商圈内的固定顾客为主即可,譬如: ,?张贴海报 ,?与附近商店(如美容院)合作,代为宣传 ;?藉着开幕时间赠送小礼物 ,?藉由服务带来口碑,提高知名度 ,?常见宣传途境有:车厢广告、报纸夹带宣传单、,,、醒目店面招牌、 巨幅广告布条、开幕纪念赠品、口碑、新闻稿 (,)店招与外观设计 ,?距店铺不远处,设置小型的招牌,藉以吸引顾客入内享用美食的雅兴 ,?招牌设计最好能够加深顾客印象,达到宣传效Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 果 (,)寄发开幕邀请函 ,?以开幕之前十天寄发最适宜 ,?邀请函中,附上赠品券或 优待券,以达宣传效果 ,?开店法规 (,)取得使用执照 (,)申请营利事业登记证 ,?可购买发票、合法开业 ,?需经卫生机关查核 ,?若面积在,,,平方公尺以上,需检附建筑物竣工图以及使用执照送工务局 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 五、经营规划 ,?合伙经营 (,)排除个人自以为是的想法,或改正不正确的看法,求得与共事者之间的步调与作法尽量一致。 (,)经营餐饮店之初,经营方针与员工教育两者,是巩固良好经营的必要法则;分层负责的性措施,方能将经营管理纳入轨道。 (,)「出钱不出口」是合伙经营的铁则,避免滥用职权、擅自调动资金。 ,?提高附加价值 (,)餐饮业属服务业,不像制造业以自动化来大量生产。因此若不断以低价政策来经营,终会达到极限而无法超越。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special (,)以低价取胜的时代已经过去,「品质」、「服务」才是商场决胜关键。 (,)未来服务业经营主流:以提供高品质的服务来实现高附加价值的经营政策。 ,?突破经营瓶颈:开源、节流 (,)提高平均消费单价(AVERAGE CHECK): ,?消费观念改变:重量?重质 ,?视顾客的消费能力及意愿,合理介绍店内着名且高价的菜肴。 ,?促销酒类及饮料。 (,)突破卖场座位限制,增加营业收入:加强外卖之促销 ,?外卖须注意:注重食品卫生、食品保鲜、外包Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 装、取食方便、开发多样化周边产品 ,?准备事项: ,?分送外卖用菜单 ,?进行促销活动 ;?使用免洗餐具、将餐具置于固定客处 (,)善用促销手段:譬如 ,?制造热闹人潮 ,?有效分散尖锋人潮,拉长营业的黄金时间,加强服务品质。 六、人事管理 ,?管理者应有「要使顾客满意,必先使服务顾客的员工感到满意」。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special ,?雇用员工心态: ,? 总工时(全体员工一个月总工作时数) 必要员工人数, ???????????????????? 劳基法规定时间(每人每月工作时间) ,?人事费用约占营业额的,,,;与材料费合计,不得高于营业额的,,, ,?尖锋时间以高于平日的薪资作为报酬: ,?激发员工干劲、责任感 ,?给予店本身便利 ,?将员工薪资和与福利予以化 ,?制定薪资须 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 1.以该店营业额为基础。 2.参考同行一般待遇。 3.参考同地区的薪资行情。 4.考虑员工个人的能力、年龄、工作态度适时调整待遇。 ,?上班时间以外的加班时数或业绩突破发给奖金。 ,?重视员工教育和训练 ,?提升员工素质,使其在工作中有学习和成长机会。 ,?教育训练纲领: 1.事先了解员工需要得到哪些知识、技能。 2.上司须以身作则,方能使员工心悦诚服。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 3.顾及员工工作情绪, 适时调整薪资。 4.耐心指导员工, 反覆解说。 5.使店内主管及资深员工体认教育训练的重要, 以便指导下属。 6.聘请素质好的指导人员训练员工。 7.褒贬员工要诀: 赞美员工宜在大众场合、责备 员工宜在私人场所。 七、待客之道 ,?掌握顾客,开业前须了解: ,?顾客层为何 ,?顾客所需为何 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special ,?提升服务品质 ,?营业额,客单价×顾客数×服务态度 ,?提高营业额的要素: 八、财务管理 ,?餐饮帐单管理 ,?预售餐饮券最为简便,但顾客用餐时再追加其 它餐饮便变得繁复。 ,?餐饮帐单之功能 ,?销货传票 ,?通告传票,通知厨房准备 ;?买单凭据 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special ,?帐簿管理 ,?分为: ,?记录每日营业额的日记帐(副帐簿) ,?以月为单位的总分类帐(主帐簿) ,?分类记录,加以整理 ,?资产项目包括:现金帐、银行帐、赊销帐、长期投资帐、存货帐、材料帐、备用品、机器设备、建筑特帐、土地帐、应收票据帐。 ,?负债项目包括:赊购帐、借款帐、预收帐、未付款帐、应收票据帐。 ;?资本项目包括:资本帐、本期盈余帐、各准备金。 ,?收益项目包括:商品买卖帐、营业收入帐、领Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 取佣金帐、杂项款帐。 ,?费用项目包括:进货帐、材料费帐、薪资津贴 帐、房租、水电瓦斯帐、日用消耗品。 ,?强化财务体质 ,?资金调度困难的原因: 1.应收帐款回收迟缓。 2.库存量增加。 3.设备投资过多, 资金无法运用。 4.借款过多, 利息增加。 5.内部自有资金过少。 6.营业额增加, 但经费亦增加。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 7.个人支出过多。 ,?订定中长期资金计划 1.缩减不必要资产 2.加强自有资本: 积极设法消费和扩充保留盈 余。 3.加强支付能力。 4.缩减贷款项目 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special
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