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代理转运物品代理转运物品 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org Agent for Transshipment 代理转运物品 Agreement 协 议 书 甲方(委托方): P...
代理转运物品 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org Agent for Transshipment 代理转运物品 Agreement 协 议 书 甲方(委托方): Party A (Applicant): 乙方(受托方): 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Party B (Agent): 甲方因外贸订单开展需要欲转运货物,现全权委托深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司代理 物品转运,经双方协商一致,达成以下内容条款: Due to the need of carrying out the foreign trade orders, Party A is now appointing Party B, Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. As an agent to transship the goods and both parties agree that: 一、 乙方提供其在香港的办公地址给甲方,代甲方接收国际物品。 Party B shall provide its Hong Kong office address to Party A and receive international goods on behalf of Party A. 乙方提供香港的办公地址为: Hong Kong office address provided by Party B is: 中文:香港上环永乐街148号南和行大厦1905室 英文:Room1905, Nam Wo Hong Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Att: Sunny Sun 乙方邮箱为:order@ecpa.hk; yu@ecpa.hk Party B’s e-mail address: order@ecpa.hk; yu@ecpa.hk 二、 乙方为甲方提供物品转运服务时间以“年”为单位计算;每年内代理转运的次数 上限20次;超过20次费用另计;乙方代理服务费用RMB /年; :在转运 次数上限内;此费用不包括快递费用;快递费用采用到付方式:;超过20次按单笔 计算,费用为:RMB /次。 The transshipment services provided by Party B to Party A are calculated annually; the number of transshipments do not exceed 20 times within a year; the exceeding transshipments will be charged differently; the agency service fees are RMB4,000.00 per year (these fees do not include File : D/Clarie/CR_HK Company proxy Page 1 of 5 Date:2/7/2012 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org the express delivery fees which are paid by the receiver); if exceeding 20 times, the fees are calculated by single transshipment, that is RMB250 per transshipment. 说明 : 一次:完成运送至同一地址的包含一箱或多箱一包货物的转运视为“一次” 服务。 Remarks : Once: The completion of transshipment of one package containing one or more boxes sent to the same address shall be considered as "one" service. 三、甲方预先支付一年的代理服务费用RMB 给乙方;此费用为不含税价,如 需提供国内的发票,须加收6%的税款; Party A shall pre-paid one-year agency service fees RMB to Party B; these fees do not include tax cost; if invoice is needed, 6% of the tax cost shall be charged additionally. 四、乙方收到甲方国际物品后,以邮件方式告知甲方NO#XXXXX物品已到港。 After Party B receives receive Party A’s international goods, Party B shall inform Party A by e-mail that NO # XXXXX goods have already reached Hong Kong. 五、甲方将该运单下物品对应的发票和箱单e-mail至乙方: Party A shall send the corresponding invoice and the packing list of the goods under the AWB to Party B by e-mail. 六、乙方打开包裹,将所有原始单据拿出,替换为甲方提供的单据后通过DHL发至甲方指定地 址,并以邮件方式告知甲方快递单号: Party B shall open the package and replace all the original documents with the documents provided by Party A and deliver by DHL to the address designated by Party A and send the express delivery No. to Party A by e-mail: 关于此条须特别说明的是,有时货物到港后,由于客户方免税手续未能办好,可能货物须 在港搁置一段时间才能发货。甲方尽量避免此种情况的发生。但万一出现时间差,乙方可 以接受,但在港的搁置的时间段为最多十天,如超过时间,甲方须另外支付保管费, 费用另议 The special note on this clause is that sometimes after the goods reach Hong Kong, due to the duty-free procedures have not been finished by customers, the goods may be set aside for some time in Hong Kong before shipment. Party A will try to avoid such a situation from happening. But if there is time difference, Party B can accept it, but the delay time shall not exceed 10 days. If exceeding the time in the agreement, Party A shall pay the custodian fees which shall be charged differently. 甲方邮寄地址为 :待甲方通知 Party A’s mail address : Under Party A’s notice 甲方邮箱地址为 : _____ Party A’s e-mail address : ____ 七、乙方将本次转运物品的扣费清单以邮件方式告知甲方;扣费清单包括: Party B shall send the cost deduction list of this transshipment to Party A by e-mail. The cost deduction list includes: File : D/Clarie/CR_HK Company proxy Page 2 of 5 Date:2/7/2012 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org :1:上次费用结余或次数节余:20-X,X=已转运货物次数:; The last balance of costs or the surplus of times (20-X, X = number of the completed transshipments); :2:本次转运代理服务费; The service fees of this transshipment; :3:至本次止,费用/次数结余:20-X-1,X=已转运货物次数:; The balance of costs or the surplus of times till the completion of this transshipment (20-X, X = number of the completed transshipments); 备注 : 同时请乙方在扣费清单上盖公司章。 Remarks : Please put Party B’s stamp on the cost deduction list. 八、以下情形之一明确定义为甲方责任 One of the following circumstances shall be clarified to Party B’s responsibilities. 1、由于单据内容不妥引起的任何海关询问、扣货、查货等纠纷,由甲方承担一切相 关责任和损失。 Any Customs inquiry, custody of goods, examination of goods caused by any inappropriate content in documents, Party A shall bear all responsibilities for the related losses. 2、由于甲方述不明确导致的货物错寄、丢失、不明去向、退回及未能及时到达甲 方指定地址,由甲方承担一切相关责任和损失。 Any wrong delivery, lost, unknown whereabouts, returned shipment or failure to reach the address designated by Party A caused by the uncertain description about the goods by Party A, Party A shall bear all responsibilities for the related losses. “表述明确”是指:智力及理解能力达到成年人平均水平的人在正常情况下的合理理 解不出现歧义。 "Clearly described" means: if people with the intellectual and understanding ability reaching the average level of adults can understand reasonably in the normal circumstances, there is no ambiguity. 九、以下情形之一明确定义为乙方责任 One of the following circumstances shall be clarified to Party B’s responsibilities. 1. 如乙方未接到甲方邮件通知擅自发货,则由此引起的一切损失由乙方承担。 File : D/Clarie/CR_HK Company proxy Page 3 of 5 Date:2/7/2012 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org If Party B delivery the goods without receive Party B’s mail notice, Party B shall bear all responsibilities for the related losses. 2. 如乙方未按照甲方邮件通知正确填写收货地址及收货人导致货物错寄、丢失、退 回,及未能及时到达甲方指定地址,则由此引起的一切损失由乙方承担。 Any wrong delivery, lost, unknown whereabouts, returned shipment or failure to reach the address designated by Party A caused by Party B’s not writing the right delivery address according to Party A’s mail notice, Party B shall bear all responsibilities for the related losses. “及时”是指在甲方货物免税手续有效期内或甲方与甲方客户签订的交货期 限内。 "Timely" means within the valid time of duty-free formalities of Party A’s goods and the valid time for delivery according to the contract signed between Party A and its client. 3. 如乙方未能按照甲方邮件通知正确替换单据,则由此引起的一切损失由乙方承 担。 If Party B failed to replace documents correctly according to Party A’s mail notice, Party B shall bear all responsibilities for the related losses. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期一年。未尽事宜双 方协商解决。 This agreement shall contain 2 copies. Party A and Party B shall have one copy each. This agreement shall be effective from the date of signing,valid for one year. Other issues shall be negotiated between the two parties to resolve. 甲方: 乙方:深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Party A: Party B: 签署日期: 年 月 日 签署日期: 年 月 日 Date: Date: File : D/Clarie/CR_HK Company proxy Page 4 of 5 Date:2/7/2012 深圳市深蓝企业管理顾问有限公司 Deep Blue Management Consultants Ltd. 地址:深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路4028号太平洋商贸大厦B座1116B单元 Wesbite:www.dbhk.org Tel.: +86 (755) 2502 9382 / 2502 9383 Fax: +86 (755) 2502 9381 E-mail: yu@dbhk.org File : D/Clarie/CR_HK Company proxy Page 5 of 5 Date:2/7/2012
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