

2017-10-27 16页 doc 90KB 439阅读




冥斗士、海斗士、圣斗士实力排行冥斗士、海斗士、圣斗士实力排行 冥斗士、海斗士、 圣斗士实力排行 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzh...
冥斗士、海斗士、圣斗士实力排行 冥斗士、海斗士、 圣斗士实力排行 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 不知道你说的是3种斗士的排行还是每种斗士中的排行,如果是3种斗士的排行,就是1.海斗士 2.圣斗士 3.冥斗士,物以稀为贵嘛,海斗士才7名(不包括加隆,那时他还没出生呢),圣斗士88名,而冥斗士有108名,想当年(第一次圣战,也就是北欧海皇篇),雅典娜派出了8名圣斗士才击退了海神的海斗士,在冥界篇中,你也看见星矢他们几个青铜圣斗士就杀了more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h N多个冥斗士,冥斗士中最强的也就是那三巨头,不过那三巨头也只有在冥界才吊得起来,到陆地上也只有被黄金圣斗士群殴的份。 至于每种斗士中斗士的排名: 海斗士: 1.加隆。最强的恐怕要属海飞龙——加隆了。做为双子座撒加的弟弟,加隆拥有海一样广阔的野心,实力深厚。正是因为加隆的咄咄相 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 逼,连哥哥撒加也无法抗拒他的邪恶。海皇篇中,加隆利用海皇波士顿,与雅典娜的圣斗士之间展开一场令生灵涂炭的战争。在他掌管的北大西洋之柱,加隆在对战一辉时,轻易将一辉打倒,由于受到海魔女的阻挠和内心的忏悔,导致加隆战斗意志大降,被一辉成功翻盘。总得来说,加隆是一个非常强大的海斗士,在冥王篇中,加隆改邪归正,重新做为雅典娜的圣斗士而战,more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 最后和冥界三巨头之一的拉达曼提斯同归于尽,写尽了自己的一生。 2.苏兰特。实力排名第二的是海魔女苏兰特,拥有可怕的笛音攻击能力,负责守卫南大西洋之柱的海斗士。苏兰特的实力强悍,相继袭击了亚尔迪,迫使北欧最强者-齐格弗里德与其同归于尽,但苏兰特并没有死亡。在海皇篇里,苏兰特与瞬交手,被瞬的星云气流击败, more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 但存活了下来。最后随着恢复为人的海皇一起生活。 3.克修拉。负责守卫印度洋之柱的海斗士克修拉也是比较难对付的,克修罗的黄金长矛锋锐无比,一度令紫龙陷入苦战,被紫龙看穿其奥义而惨死在紫龙手上,如果紫龙不领悟修罗的圣剑的话,是无法打败克修拉的,但他的综合实力还是要比苏兰特逊色一些。 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 4.艾尔扎克。魔鬼鱼座的海斗士艾尔扎克,实力排名第四。冰河童年的师兄,为救冰河丧失了左眼,后被波士顿救起。在海皇篇中,艾尔扎克是负责守卫北冰洋之柱的海将军,后与冰河交手,被冰河领悟曙光女神之宽恕将其击败,让冰河懂得了冷酷,是死得最遗憾的海斗士。 5.斯基拉依奥。接下来实力排在第五名的是海六翼兽 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 的斯基拉依奥。斯基拉依奥是负责守卫南太平洋之柱的海皇七将军之一。海皇篇中,六圣兽相继被瞬击断,斯基拉依奥被也瞬击倒,在瞬使用天平兵器摧毁南太平洋之柱时,斯基拉依奥为保柱而被兵器击毙。虽有实力,但明显防御力弱,失败也是必然的,但仍然是一个比较厉害的海斗士之一。 6.巴尔安。海马巴尔安的实力恐怕和斯基拉依奥差不more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 多,但巴尔安的防御力很强,在受了星矢多次打击下都没有呈现出战力下降的姿态。守卫在第一位置的北太平洋之柱,可惜飓风攻击力度偏弱,被星矢反击,最后死在星矢手上,但不失为一位忠诚的海将军。 7.苏姆耐狄斯。最阴险毒辣的海斗士——海女怪苏姆耐狄斯。守卫南冰洋之柱的海将军,苏姆耐狄斯先后变化成魔玲、卡妙的样子偷袭 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 打败了星矢和冰河,而后瞬也被苏姆耐狄斯袭击,最后,苏姆耐狄斯被冷酷的一辉轻易识破后杀死。苏姆耐狄斯虽然有海界最智慧的头脑,但武功上要逊色多了,明显是实力最弱的海斗士。 8.狄丝美。美人鱼——狄丝美,虽然不是正规的海将军,但也是长期照顾海皇波士顿。海皇篇里,她喜欢波士顿,以至最后为了救出波more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 士顿而牺牲了自己。 圣斗士: 1.童虎。实力排行榜第一的是天枰座的童虎。中国庐山的得道高人,又是雅典娜最信任的黄金圣斗士。在上届圣战中存活下来的黄金战士之一,上次圣战残酷之度不得而知,可见实力十分强大。白羊宫前,及时出现,援救了正处于危险之中又不肯违背恩师的穆,阻止了史昂前往教皇厅,并且展开 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 激战,庐山百龙霸既出,气吞万里,无人可挡。二人的战斗惊天地泣鬼神,在冥界指导加隆领悟第八感,叹息之墙前阻止了沙加自杀的行为,亲自率领十一名黄金圣斗士撞击叹息之墙而壮烈牺牲,不愧为中华血统龙虎风范的老前辈。 2.史昂。排在第二位的是仅次于童虎的前教皇史昂,拥有完美神话之称的白羊座的史昂,与童虎一样,是守more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 卫雅典娜的黄金圣斗士之一,做为上次圣战存活者之一,史昂成为圣域的教皇,负责召集新的圣斗士。冥王篇中,史昂被冥王哈迪斯从死亡的沉睡中复活过来,背负着叛徒的罪名,假装答应哈迪斯,带领死去的白银、黄金战士前往教皇厅去取雅典娜的人头。但在白羊宫与昔日的战友童虎重逢,展开了激战,与童虎不相上下。在教皇厅,亲自唤醒了雅典娜的圣衣,将所有的希 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 望放在五位青铜战士的身上,最后化为一点点星光散去,成为黄金圣斗士永远的追忆、最完美的神话。 3.沙加。处女座的沙加——被称为实力最接近神的男人。十二宫篇中,一人打倒五位青铜主角,最后一辉拼上了老命与沙加同归于尽,但沙加并没有死亡,因为他可以在异次元空间随意进出。冥王篇里,一人与撒加、卡妙、修罗三人展开激战与more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 对峙,在沙罗双树园下,沙加下了必死的决心,修罗的圣剑、卡妙的钻石星辰被沙加打退,还能从撒加的异次元空间中逃脱,可见在实力上已经养精蓄锐很久了。身为雅典娜的护法战士,佛陀的转世,新一代黄金圣斗士中第一个领悟第八感的人,在沙加使出天舞宝轮对付三人时,撒加等人被迫使用雅典娜之惊叹来杀死沙加,在沙加生命结束的那一刻,他倒在了沙罗双树下,在花 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 瓣上用血写完最后的字,化为层层星末。冥界里,舍身不忘刺冥王,叹息之墙前视死如归,不失为最伟大的神之战士。 4.撒加。撒加的实力排第四。撒加拥有二种不同的状态,邪恶的撒加被称为黑撒加,善良的撒加称为白撒加或者是蓝撒加。撒加的超强实力也是有目共睹的。黑撒加由于处于战斗意志暴涨之时,战力明显强于白撒more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 加。黑撒加一拳将史昂穿心致死,光束拳击伤艾俄洛斯。黄金十二宫篇里,黑撒加与艾欧里亚相互对峙,一招幻魔拳令艾欧里亚受控。教皇厅之战,黑撒加对星矢,星矢的天马彗星拳和天马回旋碎星拳都对付不了他,接下来,一辉来到,全力战斗,黑撒加将一辉打得溃不成军,星矢、一辉、紫龙、瞬、冰河五人的最后全力一击,也没能彻底打倒黑撒加,最后受到白撒加的干 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 扰,撒加在雅典娜面前自尽。冥王篇中,白撒加复活,率领卡妙、修罗等死去的黄金圣斗士来到十二宫,撒加与沙加之间进行着智慧与实力的血战,沙罗双树园一战,撒加面对昔日的战友,不忍下手杀死沙加,沙加也一样。最后,撒加凭着果断与无私的精神,和三人之力杀死了沙加。在处女宫外,撒加三人先后遭到艾欧里亚、米罗等黄金战士的攻击,撒加在丧失四感又受重more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 伤的情况下,仍然能够接住闪电光束拳和腥红毒针,最后使出银河星爆险些杀死米罗。撒加是非常强大的,拥有王者的霸气,这一点上没有人能和撒加相比——双子星的撒加,雅典娜永远的圣斗士。 5.加隆。做为撒加的弟弟,加隆也是双子座黄金圣斗士之一。加隆从小性格叛逆,而且富有野心。在海皇篇中,加隆操纵海皇波士 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 顿,与雅典娜的圣斗士之间展开一场令地上的生灵涂炭的战争。加隆在与一辉对峙时,因为他当时只知道自己是属于海皇的,还未属于雅典娜,所以被一辉打败。冥王篇中,加隆浪子回头,在双子宫亲自阻拦撒加等人去取雅典娜的性命,面对着哥哥,加隆并没有还手,也不愿意还手,因为他明白,做为亡灵复活的哥哥,实力上要大打折扣,他只想让哥哥醒悟过来,仅此而more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 已。在教皇厅,加隆为了赎罪,受了米罗的十四发腥红毒针依然毫不后悔,直到雅典娜和所有的圣斗士都原谅了加隆,使他成为雅典娜真正的圣斗士。冥王篇里,领悟第八感的加隆在冥界大放光彩,轻松打败路尼,一招银河星爆粉碎六名冥斗士。在一次次战斗中援救了冰河、紫龙、星矢、瞬等人,击毙费烈基斯,还打倒了史丹德,与冥界三巨头拉达曼提斯的较量中还占尽 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 上风,最后,加隆为了顾全大局,将双子座的黄金圣衣送到朱狄加,自己在没有圣衣的情况下与拉达曼提斯同归于尽。加隆走完了自己的一生,从实现野心走向忏悔,走向辉煌与壮烈,双子星的加隆,保住了黄金圣斗士永远的尊严,赎罪完了,加隆也心安地死去,这才是一个男子汉的象征。 6.穆。白羊座的穆先生,在黄金圣斗士中的实力,由于more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 没有领悟第八感而惨死在哈迪斯城,只能排在第六名。穆的实力也是深藏不露。在黄金十宫篇里,帮助沙加在异次元空间救回一辉。多次帮助五位青铜修补圣衣,冥王篇中,穆与迪斯马斯克、阿布罗狄二人展开激战,穆第一次出手,轻松打败了二名黄金圣斗士。在恩师史昂的面前,穆几乎不敢反抗,水晶墙被史昂一动不动就破掉了。穆的星光灭绝十分强大,此一招同时干 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 掉了迪斯马斯克和阿布罗狄,在白羊宫尽显辉煌。由于战斗意志太低,见到撒加、卡妙、修罗复活时,几乎不敢相信,被三人打败。穆的精神力和意念力是十二人中最强的,在巨蟹宫,和蝶帝巴比隆展开智慧和实力的斗争,穆全力打败了巴比隆,赢得了黄金圣斗士中最骄傲的称号。在哈迪斯城,穆、艾欧里亚、米罗三人对战拉达曼提斯,由于冥王结界,减弱了黄金圣斗士more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h 十分之九的力量,三人全部被拉达曼提斯打人冰地狱。最后,感到雅典娜的呼唤复活过来,和其他黄金圣斗士一起,在叹息之墙圆满。 more than flow into the city, Apart from the Riverside road, old road network, other sections are nearing saturation, South Gate Bridge and ends at the intersection of rongzhou bridge f level of service. Xufu Road South and rongzhou road is saturated. The average speed of the network as a whole is low, most of the road speed is less than 20km/h
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