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海尔洗衣机“无所不洗”海尔洗衣机“无所不洗” “无所不洗”的海尔洗衣机 创立于1984年的海尔集团,经过19年的持续发展,现已成为享誉海内外的大型国际化企业集团。1984年海尔只生产单一的电冰箱,而目前它拥有白色家电、黑色家电、米色家电在内的96大门类15100多个规格的产品群。海尔的产品出口到世界160多个国家和地区。2003年,海尔全球营业额实现806亿元。2003年,海尔蝉联中国最有价值品牌第一名。2004年1月31日,世界五大品牌价值评估机构之一的世界品牌实验室编制的《世界最具影响力的100个品牌》报告揭晓,海尔 poultry in...
海尔洗衣机“无所不洗” “无所不洗”的海尔洗衣机 创立于1984年的海尔集团,经过19年的持续发展,现已成为享誉海内外的大型国际化企业集团。1984年海尔只生产单一的电冰箱,而目前它拥有白色家电、黑色家电、米色家电在内的96大门类15100多个规格的产品群。海尔的产品出口到世界160多个国家和地区。2003年,海尔全球营业额实现806亿元。2003年,海尔蝉联中国最有价值品牌第一名。2004年1月31日,世界五大品牌价值评估机构之一的世界品牌实验室编制的《世界最具影响力的100个品牌》揭晓,海尔 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 排在第95位,是 唯一入选的中国企业。2003年12月,全球著名战略调查公司 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the Euromonitor公布了2002年全球白色家电制造商排序,海尔以3.79%的市场分额跃升至全球第二大白色家电品牌。2004年8月号《财富》中文版评出最新“中国最受赞赏的公司”,海尔集团紧随IBM中国有限公司之后,排名第二位。作为在白色家电领域最具核心竞争力的企业之一,海尔有许多令人感慨和感动的营销故事。 1996年,一位四川成都的一位农民投诉海尔洗衣机排水管老是被堵,服务人员上门维修时发现,这位农民用洗衣机洗地瓜(南方又称红薯),泥土大,当然容易堵塞。服务人员并不推卸自己的责任,而是帮顾客加粗了排水管。顾客感激之余,埋怨自己给海尔人添了麻烦,还说如果能有洗红薯的洗衣机,就不用烦劳海尔人了。农民兄弟的一句话,被海尔人记在了心上。海尔营销人员调查四川农民使用洗衣机的状况时发现,在盛产红薯的成都平原,每当红薯大丰收的时节,许多农民除了卖掉一部分新鲜红薯,还要将大量的红薯洗净后加工成薯条。但红薯上沾带的泥土洗起来费时费力,于是农民就动用了洗衣机。更深一步的调查发现,在四川农村有不少洗衣机用过一段时间后,电机转速减弱、电机壳体发烫。向农民一打听,才知道他们冬天用洗衣机洗红薯,夏天用它来洗衣服。这令张瑞敏萌生一个大胆的想法:发明一种洗红薯的洗衣机。1997年海尔为该洗衣机立项,成立以师李崇正为组长的4人课组,1998年4月投入批量生产。洗衣机型号为XPB40-DS,不仅具有一般双桶洗衣机的全部功能,还可以洗地瓜、 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 水果甚至蛤蜊,价格仅为848元。首次生产了1万台投放农村,立刻被一抢而空。 一般来讲,每年的6至8月是洗衣机销售的淡季。每到这段时间,很多厂家就把促销员从商场里撤回去了。张瑞敏纳闷儿:难道天气越热,出汗越多,老百姓越不洗衣裳,调查发现,不是老百姓不洗衣裳,而是夏天里5公斤的洗衣机不实用,既浪费水又浪费电。于是,海尔的科研人员很快出一种洗衣量只有1.5公斤的洗衣机——小小神童。小小神童投产后先在上海试销,因为张瑞敏认为上海人消费水平高又爱挑剔。结果,上海人马上认可了这种世界上最小的洗衣机。该产品在上海热销之后,很快又风靡全国。在不到两年的时间里,海尔的小小神童在全国卖了100多万台,并出口到日本和韩国。张瑞敏告诫员工说:“只有淡季的思想,没有淡季的市场。” 在西藏,海尔洗衣机甚至可以合格地打酥油。2000年7月,海尔集团研制开发的一种既可洗衣又可打酥油的高原型“小小神童”洗衣机在西藏市场一上市,便受到消费者欢迎,从而开辟出自己独有的市场。这种洗衣机3个小时打制的酥油,相当于一名藏族妇女三天的工作量。藏族同胞购买这种洗衣机后,从此可以告别手工打酥油的繁重家务劳动。 在2002年举办的第一届合肥“龙虾节”上,海尔推出的一款“洗虾机”引发了难得一见的抢购热潮,上百台“洗虾机”不到一天就被 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 当地消费者抢购一空,更有许多龙虾店经营者纷纷交定金预约购买。这款海尔“洗虾机”因其巨大的市场潜力被安徽卫视评为“市场前景奖”。5月的安徽,是当地特产龙虾上市的季节,龙虾是许多消费者喜爱的美味。每到这个季节,各龙虾店大小排挡生意异常火爆,仅合肥大小龙虾店就有上千家,每天要消费龙虾近5万斤。但龙虾好吃清洗难的问题一直困绕着当地龙虾店的经营者。因为龙虾生长在泥湾里,捕捞时浑身是泥,清洗异常麻烦,一般的龙虾店一天要用2-3人专门手工刷洗龙虾,但常常一天洗的虾,不及几个小时卖的多,并且,人工洗刷费时又费力,还增加了人工成本。针对这一潜在的市场需求,海尔洗衣机事业部利用自己拥有的“大地瓜洗衣机”技术,迅速推出了一款采用全塑一体桶、宽电压设计的可以洗龙虾的“洗虾机”,不但省时省力、洗涤效果非常好,而且价格定位也较合理,极大地满足了当地消费者的需求。过去洗2公斤龙虾一个人需要10-15分钟,现在用“龙虾机”只需三分钟就可以搞掂。 “听说你们的洗衣机能为牧民打酥油,还给合肥的饭店洗过龙虾,真是神了~能洗荞麦皮吗,”2003年的一天,一个来自北方某枕头厂的电话打进了海尔总部。海尔洗衣机公司在接到用户需求后,仅用了24小时,就在已有的洗衣机模块技术上,创新地推出了一款可洗荞麦皮枕头的洗衣机,受到用户的极力称赞,更成为继海尔洗地瓜机、打酥油机、洗龙虾机之后,在满足市场个性化需求上的又一经典 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 之作。明代医学家李时珍在《本草纲目》中有一则“明目枕”的记载:“荞麦皮、绿豆皮„„菊花同作枕,至老明目。”在我国,人们历来把荞麦皮枕芯视为枕中上品。荞麦皮属生谷类,具有油性,而且硬度较高,如果不常洗或者晒不干又容易滋生细菌,但荞麦皮的清洗与干燥特别费劲,因为“荞麦皮”自身体积微小,重量极轻,很难晾晒,如果在户外晾晒更容易被风刮走。“荞麦皮”的清洗和晾晒问题就成了“荞麦皮”枕头厂家及消费者的一大难题。海尔开发的这款既可以家庭洗衣,又可以用来洗荞麦皮枕头的“爽神童”洗衣机,除了洗涤、脱水等基本功能外,还独有高效的PTC转动烘干、自然风晾干两种干燥技术,同时专门设计了荞麦皮包装洗涤袋,加上海尔独有的“抗菌”技术,非常圆满地解决了荞麦皮枕头的清洗、干燥难题。 专家指出,目前洗衣机市场已进入更新换代、需求快速增长期。始终靠技术创新领先市场的海尔,通过多年以来的技术储备和市场优势的积累,在快速启动的洗衣机市场上占尽先机。世界第四种洗衣机——海尔“双动力”是海尔根据用户需求,为解决用户对波轮式、滚筒式、搅拌式洗衣机的抱怨而创新推出的一款全新的洗衣机,由于集合了洗得净、磨损低、不缠绕、15分钟洗好大件衣物、“省水省时各一半”等优点于一身,迎合了人们新的洗衣需求,产品上市一个月就创造了国内高端洗衣机销量、零售额第一名的非常业绩,成为国内市 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the 场上升最快的洗衣机新品,在第95届法国列宾国际发明展览会上一举夺得了世界家电行业唯一发明金奖。 赛诺市场研究公司2004年4月份统计数据显示,海尔洗衣机市场份额继续高居全国第一,均超出了第二名近两倍. 思考题 1、从本可以窥视到的海尔营销哲学内涵包括哪些重要内容, 2、张瑞敏说:“只有淡季的思想,没有淡季的市场。”请谈谈你对这句话的理解。 poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness 2 ...Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide quality egg, chicken, also produces a lot of waste, sewage, harmful gases and organic waste. Bigger chickens, greater the emissions. If a quantity of 200,000 chickens laying hens, 1 from the tens of thousands of tons of chicken manure, 150,000 ~20 million cubic metres of sewage, if not handled properly may cause environmental pollution. Currently, environmental pollution is mainly nitrogen in poultry (in the form of manure and ammonia) and phosphate. As mentioned above, the effect of dietary protein level is too high (particularly the egg ratio is too high), and poor balance of amino acids in proteins, will reduce the chicken protein use efficiency, waste feed, increased feed costs, while nitrogen pollution to the
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