

2017-10-17 15页 doc 44KB 15阅读




安全气囊的发展与应用安全气囊的发展与应用 本报告系统研究了2007—2008年度中国青海省高端汽车销售市场状况,详述不同销售渠道、不同品牌汽车的市场表现,并分析其内在原因。在此基础上,对未来几年内青海省高端汽车销售市场做出预测。 本报告从我国高端汽车市场规模、市场结构、供求关系角度描述青海省高端汽车销售市场发展变化,从各细分市场销量、市场特点角度分析当前高端汽车销售市场存在的矛盾。 本报告分析了青海省高端汽车销售渠道中各方力量及所起的作用。以汽车品牌制造商、青海省汽车经销商为主视角,运用多种经济分析理论分析当前青海省高端汽车销售的主流渠道及...
安全气囊的发展与应用 本报告系统研究了2007—2008年度中国青海省高端汽车销售市场状况,详述不同销售渠道、不同品牌汽车的市场现,并其内在原因。在此基础上,对未来几年内青海省高端汽车销售市场做出预测。 本报告从我国高端汽车市场规模、市场结构、供求关系角度描述青海省高端汽车销售市场发展变化,从各细分市场销量、市场特点角度分析当前高端汽车销售市场存在的矛盾。 本报告分析了青海省高端汽车销售渠道中各方力量及所起的作用。以汽车品牌制造商、青海省汽车经销商为主视角,运用多种经济分析理论分析当前青海省高端汽车销售的主流渠道及新兴渠道所面临的机会与威胁,评价销售渠道各个环节及各类型销售主体的竞争方式及优劣势,预测不同销售主体的发展趋势。 本报告阐述当前汽车消费主体经济及高端汽车消费状况,分析不同层次消费者对高端汽车产品不同需求,为企业生产符合消费者需求的产品,制定营销策略提供依据。 本报告侧重调查国内外高端汽车在青海地区的销售、消费、品牌竞争、价格行情信息,对于汽车经销企业、进口企业和国内外高端车制造企业具有很好的指导意义。 【目录】 第一章 宏观环境分析 第一节 汽车行业相关法律、政策分析 一、《汽车品牌管理办法》的实施状况及影响分析 二、欧洲III号排放的实施及影响分析 三、《能源法》草案即将上报国务院 第二节 国民经济发展状况 一、近几年GDP增长态势及CPI指数变化趋势 二、近几年国家财政收支状况 三、2002,2008年人民币汇率变化 四、近几年青海省GDP增长状况 五、2004,2007年青海省居民恩格尔系数的变化趋势 第三节 高端车市场技术发展趋势 一、国内高端车市场应用的新技术 二、国际高端车市场应用的新技术 三、技术发展的趋势 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 第二章 中国现阶段高端车现状概况 第一节 国内高端车市场结构 一、合资品牌品牌占据主动 二、进口高端车成为重要补充 三、自主品牌高端车悄然 第二节 青海省高端车市场竞争格局分析 一、高端车市场结构 二、高端车品牌分布 三、经销商集中度分析 第三节 近几年国内高端车产销状况 一、2007年国内高端车产销情形 二、2007年青海省高端车销售状况 三、2008,2010年青海高端车市场需求状况预测 第三章 国内消费者高端车消费状况分析 第一节 国民经济的迅速增长是汽车普及的基础 一、2007年青海省人均GDP统计及2008年预测 二、2007年青海省人均可支配收入统计及2008年预测 三、从恩戈尔系数看青海省消费者消费能力的提高 四、部分高端车价格下调对区域市场的影响 第二节 青海省汽车消费人群分布状况 一、消费者的年龄结构调查 二、消费者的地理分布状况分析 三、消费者的年收入状况分析 四、汽车拥有状况分析 第三节 青海省消费者购买高端车所考虑到的各种因素分析 一、消费者购车要素组成及权重分析 二、消费者购车信息收集渠道分析 三、消费者购车方式及时间调查 四、消费者选择经销商时考虑的要素调查 五、消费者对高端车售后服务的关注程度分析 六、2008年最受消费者欢迎的高端车车型统计 第四章 青海省高端进口车市场状况分析 第一节 近几年青海省高端车市场回顾 一、欧系豪车倾巢出动 二、日系豪车格局依旧 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 三、美系豪车爱上中国 第二节 青海省进口车市场格局分析 一、全球前百大品牌,汽车品牌大体成长 二、高档汽车制造产业集中度分析 三、2007年各大品牌的进口状况 第三节 进口车价主要组成部分分析 一、进口车平均价格分析 二、高档进口车价格变化分析 第四节 青海省进口车市场特点分析 一、高端市场是主流 二、SUV仍是进口亮点 三、进口车越来越讲究“个性” 第五节 高端进口车利润问分析 一、利润空间大 二、进口车市场利润分析 三、进口车售后市场获利潜力大 第六节 青海省进口车消费者调研分析 一、购买进口车原因分析 二、进口车消费发展趋势预测 第五章 青海省合资品牌高端车市场状况分析 第一节 合资品牌高端车在青海省销售状况 一、2007年合资品牌高端车在青海销售统计 二、销售的品牌结构 三、销售的车型结构 四、经销商的利润空间 第二节 合资品牌高端车车价主要组成部分分析 一、合资品牌高端车平均价格分析 二、合资品牌高端车价格变化趋势 三、价格变化可能会造成的影响分析 第三节 合资品牌高端车在青海省经营渠道分析 一、经销模式(4S店,汽车城,汽车超市) 二、渠道结构 三、经销商的选择 第四节 合资品牌高端车在青海省经营促销策略分析 一、买车送礼包 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 二、开展大规模的试驾活动 三、主打服务品牌 第六章 自主品牌高端车在青海省市场状况分析 第一节 自主品牌高端车在青海省销售状况 一、2007年自主品牌高端车在青海销售统计 二、销售的品牌结构 三、销售的车型结构 四、经销商的利润空间 第二节 合资品牌高端车车价主要组成部分分析 一、合资品牌高端车平均价格分析 二、合资品牌高端车价格变化趋势 三、价格变化可能会造成的影响分析 第三节 合资品牌高端车在青海省经营渠道分析 一、经销模式(4S店,汽车城,汽车超市) 二、渠道结构 三、经销商的选择 第四节 自主品牌高端车在青海省经营促销策略分析 一、价格的调整 二、延长车保里程 第七章 2008,2010年青海省高端车市场需求状况预测 第一节 价格需求空间预测 一、高端进口车价格需求空间预测 二、合资品牌高端车价格需求空间预测 三、自主品牌高端车价格需求空间预测 第二节 市场容量预测 一、高端进口车市场需求容量预测 二、合资品牌高端车市场需求容量预测 三、自主品牌高端车市场需求容量预测 第三节 2008年青海省高端车市场结构预测 一、大排量车需求空间增长 二、高端SUV车型增长迅速 三、“个性化”车型受追捧 第八章 不同系别高端车在青海市场表现情况调查 第一节 欧洲品牌在青海市场表现情况 一、宝马在青海市场销售情况 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 二、迷你Cooper在青海市场销售情况 三、大众在青海市场销售情况 四、奥迪在青海市场销售情况 五、宾利在青海市场销售情况 六、兰博基尼在青海市场销售情况 七、斯柯达在青海市场销售情况 八、奔驰在青海市场销售情况 九、迈巴赫在青海市场销售情况 十、欧宝在青海市场销售情况 十一、雷诺在青海市场销售情况 十二、雪铁龙在青海市场销售情况 十三、标致在青海市场销售情况 十五、法拉利在青海市场销售情况 十六、阿尔法-罗米欧在青海市场销售情况 十七、玛莎拉蒂在青海市场销售情况 十八、捷豹在青海市场销售情况 十九、保时捷在青海市场销售情况 二十、路虎在青海市场销售情况 二十一、沃尔沃在青海市场销售情况 二十二、罗孚在青海市场销售情况 第二节 美国品牌在青海市场表现 一、凯迪拉克在青海市场销售情况 二、雪佛兰在青海市场销售情况 三、悍马在青海市场销售情况 四、克莱斯勒在青海市场销售情况 五、福特在青海市场销售情况 六、林肯在青海市场销售情况 七、道奇在青海市场销售情况 八、吉普Jeep在青海市场销售情况 第三节 日本品牌在青海表现情况 一、丰田在青海市场销售情况 二、凌志在青海市场销售情况 三、富士重工在青海市场销售情况 五、日产在青海市场销售情况 六、本田在青海市场销售情况 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 七、无限在青海市场销售情况 九、马自达在青海市场销售情况 【部分图表】 图表 近几年GDP增长态势及CPI指数变化趋势 图表 2002,2008年人民币汇率变化 图表 近几年青海省GDP增长状况 图表 2004,2007年青海省居民恩格尔系数的变化趋势 图表 青海高端车市场结构 图表 青海高端车品牌分布 图表 青海经销商集中度分析 图表 2007年国内高端车产销情形 图表 2007年青海省高端车销售状况 图表 2008,2010年青海高端车市场需求状况预测 图表 2007年青海省人均GDP统计及2008年预测 图表 2007年青海省人均可支配收入统计及2008年预测 图表 2008年最受消费者欢迎的高端车车型统计 图表 高档汽车制造产业集中度分析 图表 2007年各大品牌的进口状况 图表 进口车平均价格分析 …… 图表 高端进口车市场需求容量预测 图表 合资品牌高端车市场需求容量预测 图表 自主品牌高端车市场需求容量预测 图表 宝马在青海市场销售情况 图表 迷你Cooper在青海市场销售情况 图表 大众在青海市场销售情况 图表 奥迪在青海市场销售情况 图表 宾利在青海市场销售情况 图表 兰博基尼在青海市场销售情况 图表 斯柯达在青海市场销售情况 …… 图表 凌志在青海市场销售情况 图表 富士重工在青海市场销售情况 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 图表 日产在青海市场销售情况 图表 本田在青海市场销售情况 图表 无限在青海市场销售情况 图表 马自达在青海市场销售情况 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis,
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