

2012-05-10 10页 doc 92KB 23阅读




新词“物联网”(Internet of Things)指的是将各种信息传感设备,如射频识别(RFID)装置、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等种种装置与互联网结合起来而形成的一个巨大网络。其目的是让所有的物品都与网络连接在一起,方便识别和管理。 迄今在线路交换机制下,设置在家庭和办公场所的固定通信网、支持手机和无线局域网通信的移动通信网以及不断普及的互联网都是各自独立,分别提供服务的。而在NGN的世界里,它们将融合成一体,固定电话和手机甚至可以使用同一个号码。同时,NGN还能提供网络电视点播等许多服务。NGN虽然本质上是互联网...
“物联网”(Internet of Things)指的是将各种信息传感设备,如射频识别(RFID)装置、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等种种装置与互联网结合起来而形成的一个巨大网络。其目的是让所有的物品都与网络连接在一起,方便识别和管理。 迄今在线路交换机制下,设置在家庭和办公场所的固定通信网、支持手机和无线局域网通信的移动通信网以及不断普及的互联网都是各自独立,分别提供服务的。而在NGN的世界里,它们将融合成一体,固定电话和手机甚至可以使用同一个号码。同时,NGN还能提供网络电视点播等许多服务。NGN虽然本质上是互联网,但比现在的互联网通信速度更快、通信品质更高、安全性更强。 NGN已受到各国高度重视,国际电信联盟在2007年的报告中指出,NGN将改变全球通信业。因此,可以预计NGN在2008年仍将是流行科技词汇,其研发工作将进入高潮。 夹心层 sandwich class(Applications commenced yesterday in response to the Hong Kong Housing Society's plans to sell sandwich-class flats in Tseung Kwan O for singles and families. The flats are priced 23 percent below market value.香港房屋委员会计划面向单身人士和家庭出售将军澳地区的“夹心阶层住屋”,已于昨日开始。这些公寓的售价比市价要低23%。) (2010-03-15) 经济发展模式 economic development model(The annual government work report delivered at the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress by Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed new strategies and thoughts about promoting urbanization, which will trigger the explosive expansion of domestic demands and help the transformation of economic development models.温家宝总理在十一届全国人大三次会议上做年度政府工作报告时,提出了推进城市化的新战略和新思想,指出城市化将引发国内需求的突破性增长,帮助推进经济发展模式的转变。) (2010-03-11) 国防预算 defense budget(China plans to increase its defense budget by 7.5 percent in 2010, only about half of last year's planned growth of 14.9 percent, a parliament spokesman said here on Thursday.全国人大发言人(李肇星)本周四称,中国2010年国防预算的增幅计划为7.5%,增幅仅为去年计划增幅14.9%的一半。) (2010-03-10) 军事扩张 military expansion(China has no plan formilitary expansion as its development of national defense is for its own security, a Navy testing base commander of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said last Friday.中国人民解放军海军测试基地司令员上周五表示,中国没有军事扩张的计划,发展国防是出于本国安全考虑。) (2010-03-09) 教育体制 education bureaucracy(Premier Wen Jiabao on Saturday called for changes in the education bureaucracy, a problem that plagues China's development of education.上周六,温家宝总理提出要进行教育体制改革,教育体制问题是中国教育发展过程中的一个困扰。) (2010-03-08) 现场招聘 on-site recruiting(The four teams accredited by Zhejiang province will cooperate with labor-exporting provinces on interprovincial labor services, and some enterprises will participate in on-site recruiting.浙江省委派的四支工作组将与劳务输出省份在跨省劳务服务方面进行合作,一些企业还会参与现场招聘活动。) (2010-03-05) 中国模式 China model(Up until today, China's political and economic system has yet to be perfected, and the "China model" is evolving based on world and Chinese experiences.直到今日,中国的政治和经济体制仍需要进一步完善,“中国模式”正在世界和本国的经验基础上不断发展。) (2010-03-04) 实名举报 real-name reporting (It says supervision departments should apply real-name reporting and should not make public the reporting information so as to protect informants.草案称监察部门应该采用实名制举报方式,并且为了保护举报人不应将举报信息公之于众。) (2010-03-03) 马票 lottery on horse racing(Hainan to pilot lottery on horse racing--Hainan has started exploring ways to introduce betting-type lotteries on major international competitions, including horse racing in Hong Kong.海南将试行赛马彩票——海南已经开始探索把博彩引入香港赛马等重大国际比赛中的方法。) (2010-03-02) 地沟油 swill-cooked dirty oil(The "illegal cooking oil" is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined, the report said, adding that the oil, which contains a highly toxic and carcinogenic substance called "aflatoxin", can cause cancer.该报告称,“地沟油”通常使用餐厨垃圾提炼而成,成分中含有的黄曲霉素毒性很强,可致癌。) (2010-03-23) 人员流动率 turnover rate(Employees' expectations have been rising as the economy recovers and the number of available positions increases, which affects turnover rates.随着经济复苏和职位的增加,雇员的期望值在升高,这同时也影响了人员流动率。) (2010-03-24) 货币操纵国 currency manipulator(The country will probably see a "record trade deficit" in March thanks to surging imports, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said on Sunday, while warning that Beijing will "fight back" if Washington labels China a currency manipulator.商务部部长陈德铭周日表示,由于进口的大幅度增长,三月份中国的贸易逆差可能“破纪录”,同时他警告说,如果华盛顿方面将中国定义为货币操纵国,北京将“予以反击”。) (2010-03-25) 水荒 water scarcity(The General Assembly designated the first World Water Day in 1993, and on March 22 every year since, the focus has been on a different aspect of freshwater sustainability, including sanitation and water scarcity.联合国大会在1993年确定了首个世界水日,自此之后,每年3月22日被定为世界水日。世界水日的主题集中在淡水资源可持续利用的不同方面,包括水资源清洁状况以及水荒。) (2010-03-26) 居住用地 residential land("Residential land supply will increase and low-income housing projects will top local governments' agendas," Yun said during a video-conference on Monday.贠小苏(国土资源部副部长)周一在视频会议上表示:“居住用地的供应量会有所增加,低收入家庭住房工程将成为地方政府议事日程的重中之重。”) (2010-03-29) Report on the Wo网上葬礼 online funeral(Online funerals or burials would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages.网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。) (2010-03-30)rk of the Government 政府工作报告 车展 auto show(Ford plans to introduce its Edge sports utility vehicle (SUV) at the upcoming Beijing Auto Show this month in a bid to tap fast-growing demand for SUVs among Chinese customers.福特公司计划在本月的北京车展上展出Edge 越野车(SUV),以便开发中国消费者快速增长的SUV车型需求。) (2010-04-26) 耗水产业 water-intensive industry(Water-intensive industrial sectors, such as thermal power, textiles, paper, iron and steel, have the most potential for water conservation, Joerss said.尤茂庭表示,火电、纺织、造纸及钢铁等耗水产业在节水方面可努力的空间最大。) (2010-04-30) 积压航班 flight backlog(Many European flights took to the skies Tuesday for the first time in days but the travel chaos was far from over: London's airports remained shut, a massive flight backlog was growing and scientists feared that history could repeat itself with yet another volcanic eruption in Iceland.上周二,欧洲很多航班在停飞数天后首度飞上蓝天,但交通混乱状况远未结束:伦敦机场仍然关闭,积压航班数量非常大且呈上升趋势。科学家担心如果冰岛再有火山喷发,这一历史将重演。) (2010-04-29) 秒杀 seckilling(Within seconds, and for just 1.1 yuan, a university student from Hangzhou, Yang Jiangming, was the owner of a 800,000 yuan ($117,000) apartment in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The property was his at the click of a mouse, thanks to a new online phenomenon called "seckilling".仅仅用了几秒钟时间,花费1.1元人民币,杭州大学生杨江明就成为了四川成都一套价值80万元住宅的主人了。这处房产是用鼠标“秒”到的,这种新生的网络现象被称为“秒杀”。) (2010-04-28) 光污染 light pollution(The provincial capital of South China's Guangdong province is expected to take the lead in collecting light pollution fees in the country.据悉,中国南部广东省省会广州市将率先在全国开征光污染排污费。) (2010-04-27) 非自住业主 non-owner-occupier(The government's efforts to tighten credit and mortgage requirements for non-owner-occupiers have not bitten deeply so far. This year's spring real estate fair at the Beijing World Trade Center sold property worth 2.9 billion yuan, according to reports.目前政府在收紧信贷和对非自住业主房贷的政策方面还不是太严格。据报道,今年在国贸举办的北京春季房展成交的房产共价值29亿元。) (2010-04-23) 食物中毒 food poisoning(More than 200 students had symptoms of food poisoning on Monday after drinking school breakfast milk in two cities of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, provincial authorities said.陕西省政府表示,本周一该省两个市的200多名学生在饮用学校的早餐奶之后出现食物中毒的症状。) (2010-04-22) 书市 book fair(The 2010 Spring Book Fair in Ditan Park attracted only a modest group of visitors at its opening day on Thursday, with nippy weather and a decline in public interest blamed.在地坛公园举行的2010年春季书市在周四开幕日当天只吸引了数量不多的访客,一方面是因为天气寒冷,另一方面是因为公众热情有所减退。) (2010-04-21) 核讹诈 nuclear blackmail(Iran has formally complained to the United Nations that the new American nuclear policy is "nuclear blackmail" and should be considered a violation of international law.伊朗正式向联合国“上书”指责美国新的核政策是“核讹诈”,应被视为违反国际法。) (2010-04-20) 高龄津贴 old age allowance(Residents older than 80 will get a unified old age allowance across China, a move indicating the government aims to end different allowance policies toward the elderly in different regions, the China Economic Weekly reported Tuesday.《中国经济周刊》周二报道说,全国80岁以上的居民将享受统一的高龄津贴。政府此举旨在结束各地区高龄津贴政策不一致的状况。) (2010-04-19) 地面塌陷 earth's surface sinking(More than 10 cases of the earth's surface sinking have been reported in the Jinshazhou housing estate since construction of the Guangzhou-Wuhan express railway began.自武广高速铁路开工建设以来,金沙洲住宅区已上报十余起地面塌陷事故。) (2010-04-16) 错时上下班 staggered rush hour plan(More buses and trains needed for staggered rush hour plan—As many as 800,000 commuters in Beijing will change their rush hour schedules as the new adjusted-work-hour policy kicks off on Monday.错时上下班需更多公交和地铁列车配合——周一开始实行新的错时上下班政策后,北京80万上班族的上下班的时间将有所调整。) (2010-04-15) 临时政府 interim government(An opposition coalition in Kyrgyzstan proclaimed a new interim government on Thursday after clashes left dozens dead in the Central Asian country.在吉尔吉斯斯坦中部发生一场导致数十人死亡的冲突后,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国反对派上周四宣布成立新的临时政府。) (2010-04-14) 汽车露营地 vehicle campsite(A plan to create vehicle campsites in 10 suburban areas and counties in Beijing recently appeared on the municipal authority's agenda as a "low carbon" project.近日北京市政府提议“低碳”项目,计划在北京10个郊区县建造汽车露营地。) (2010-04-13) 边境检查 border inspection(International delegations arriving in Shanghai for the upcoming World Expo would be entitled to special passage for swift border inspection as the metropolis gears up for the final run-up to the international event.在世博会的最后准备阶段,上海将为陆续抵达的外国参展团提供专用通道实行快速边境检查。) (2010-04-12) 网络虚拟财产 online virtual assets(After publishing the White Paper of Public Services of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Shenzhen has become the first city in Guangdong province to introduce concrete policies to protect residents' online virtual assets.深圳市发布《深圳市公安局公共服务白皮书》,成为广东省首个引入具体政策来保护居民网络虚拟财产的城市。) (2010-04-08) 商业间谍活动 industrial espionage(The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery, and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years.这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。) (2010-04-07) 水利工程 water conservancy project("Without the reservoirs and other water conservancy projects in southwest China, the drought would have happened earlier and resulted in more loss," Liu said at a press conference.(水利部副部长)刘宁在记者招待会上说:“如果我国西南部没有修建水库和其它水利工程,那么干旱发生的时间会更早,损失也将更大。”) (2010-04-06) 一线城市 first-tier city(China's overall property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend.上周末中国房地产指数研究机构在一份报告中称,今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3%到6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第四季度进行一次调整。) (2010-04-02) 电影展映 film panorama(The French Film Panorama is coming back to China in April with an extended program and the largest ever artist delegation.法国电影展映将于四月份再度在中国举行,此次影展还会有其它形式的表演项目,到访的艺术家代表团也是有史以来规模最大的。) (2010-04-01) 一次性餐具 disposable dishware(According to Dong Jinshi, vice-president of the Hong Kong-based International Food Packaging Association (IFPA), about half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe, with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer.总部位于香港的国际食品包装协会副会长董金狮介绍称,大约有半数的一次性餐具是不安全的,其制作材料中含有超标的可致癌化学品。) (2010-03-31) 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse; emotional abuse in the workplace(More than 70 percent of office workers encounter "emotional office abuse", three-quarters of which are from the post-80s people, a survey conducted by zhaopin.com says.智联招聘开展的一项调查显示,超过70%的办公室职员遭遇“职场冷暴力”,其中四分之三的人是80后。) (2010-05-27) 仿人机器人 humanoid robot(The robot family presented by Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) includes humanoid robot HRP-2, interface robot ApriPoco, cleaning robot, porter robot, and two mobility-assisting robot suits.日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构展出的机器人大家庭包括仿人机器人HRP-2、人机界面机器人ApriPoco、清洁机器人、机器人搬运工以及两个协助行动的机器人套装。) (2010-05-26) 对口支援 partner assistance(The new partner assistance model in Xinjiang has been copied from the Wenchuan earthquake recovery model. Xinjiang will receive more than 10 billion yuan in economic aid next year from its 19 partners.即将实施的对新疆的对口支援模式借鉴了汶川灾后重建的模式。新疆明年将收到19个援建省市提供的超过100亿元经济援助。) (2010-05-25) 聚众淫乱 group licentiousness(The Qinhuai District People's Court in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, handed down verdicts to 22 people, including associate professor Ma Yaohai, after convicting them on charges of group licentiousness.江苏省南京市秦淮区法院对包括副教授马尧海在内的22人进行了宣判,所涉罪名为聚众淫乱罪。) (2010-05-24) 三网融合 tri-networks integration(The much-anticipated tri-networks integration will cover China's urban areas in three years, five years at most, the Securities Daily reported Monday, citing an unnamed official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).《证券日报》本周一援引工业和信息化部一位未透露姓名的官员的话说,备受期待的三网融合将在三至五年内覆盖中国的城市地区。) (2010-05-21) 民间投资 private investment(The central government released guidelines on further encouraging private investment in a wider range of key industries, a move indicating the authorities are placing more importance in private investment's role in sustaining economic growth.中央政府近日发布关于进一步鼓励民间资本在更多关键领域投资的指导意见。此举意味着政府将更加重视民间资本在经济可持续发展中的角色。) (2010-05-20) 精神损失费 mental damage compensation(On April 26, 2010, Chen Bentao received the recorded footage and a letter asking him to return the money besides a mental damage compensation of 50,000 yuan.2010年4月26日,陈本涛收到了部分录像光盘和一封信,信中要求他还钱,并赔偿5万元精神损失费。) (2010-05-19) 单位行贿 corporate bribery(Huang Guangyu, once China's richest man and a home appliance tycoon, stood trial on Thursday in Beijing for illegal business dealing, insider trading and corporate bribery.曾经的中国首富、家电业巨头黄光裕上周四在北京以非法经营、内幕交易、单位行贿等罪名受审。) (2010-05-18) 无多数议会 hung parliament(The British general election has produced a "hung parliament" as no party wins an absolute majority, preliminary results showed Friday.上周五英国大选初步选举结果显示,没有政党赢得绝对多数选票,因此产生“无多数议会”。) (2010-05-17) 钟摆族 pendulum clan(Many white-collar workers like Zhang commute every week between the two cities, earning themselves the moniker, "pendulum clan".有很多像张先生这样的白领每周往返于两座城市之间,这样的人群被形象地称为“钟摆族”。) (2010-05-14) 名人堂 walk of fame(New York's Apollo Theater took on a touch of Hollywood on Monday when it began installing its own Walk of Fame with plaques that will honor entertainers including late singers James Brown and Michael Jackson.纽约阿波罗剧院本周一效法好莱坞的做法开始建立自己的“名人堂”,已故歌手詹姆斯•布朗和迈克尔•杰克逊的纪念板均被率先收入其中。) (2010-05-13) 最有价值球员 MVP(Most Valuable Player)(LeBron James won his second straight NBA MVP award Sunday, dominating the voting just as he dominated on court all season.勒布朗•詹姆斯周日被评为NBA最有价值球员,这是他连续第二年获得该奖项。整个赛季都雄霸球场的詹姆斯在票数上获得了压倒性的胜利。) (2010-05-12) 手机报 SMS news(About 75 percent of newspapers have launched online papers and 55 percent of them are providing SMS news, the report says.有报道称,大约有75%的报纸已经设立了网络版,其中55%向用户提供手机报。) (2010-05-11) 车船使用税 vehicle and vessel tax(Thirty-year-old Chen Xiaoyu asked the office on Tuesday to refund part of the vehicle and vessel tax he has paid this year because he, like all other Beijing drivers, is not able to drive one day each week as a result of the car limitation policy in the capital - the so-called "no-car day".30岁的陈晓宇(音译)周二请(税务)局退还今年他所缴纳的部分车船使用税,因为他和所有其他北京驾车者一样,每周都有一天因为首都的“无车日”车辆限行政策而不能开车。) (2010-05-10) 车船使用税 vehicle and vessel tax(Thirty-year-old Chen Xiaoyu asked the office on Tuesday to refund part of the vehicle and vessel tax he has paid this year because he, like all other Beijing drivers, is not able to drive one day each week as a result of the car limitation policy in the capital - the so-called "no-car day".30岁的陈晓宇(音译)周二请(税务)局退还今年他所缴纳的部分车船使用税,因为他和所有其他北京驾车者一样,每周都有一天因为首都的“无车日”车辆限行政策而不能开车。) (2010-05-10) 网络推手 Internet marketer(Although this seems like luck, analysts say these people are often the clients - and sometimes victims - of so-called tui shou, Internet marketers who stand to earn big money by thrusting them into the limelight.(这些人走红)看上去好像是因为运气,不过人士指出,这些人通常是网络推手的客户,有时是网络推手的受害者。让这些人成为公众注意的焦点,是网络推手获取巨额利润的手段。) (2010-06-07) 证据审查 evidence review(A death sentence should be pronounced only with sufficient evidence acquired through legal means, stipulate the two regulations: One on evidence review in death sentence cases, and the other on excluding illegal evidence in criminal cases.有关死刑案中的证据审查和刑事案件中非法证据排除的这两项要求,只有在通过合法途径获得充分证据的情况下才能宣判死刑。) (2010-06-04) 点钞费 counting fee(A depositor surnamed Cao went to a Beijing branch of the Agricultural Bank of China last week to deposit 300 yuan in 1-yuan coins. To her astonishment, the bank charged her 6 yuan as “counting fee.”市民曹女士上周去农业银行北京某支行存了300个一元硬币到个人账户上,令她吃惊的是,银行竟然要向她收取了6元的“点钞费”。) (2010-06-03) 有偿新闻 paid news("We are facing a battle against fake news, paid news, and soft advertising in news," said Hu Zhengrong, vice-president of Communication University of China. "It is also about reports that are unconcerned about social affairs and public interests," he said.中国传媒大学副校长胡正荣说:“我们目前需要和假新闻、有偿新闻以及新闻中的软广告做斗争,另外还存在一些不关注社会事务和公众利益的报道。”) (2010-06-02) 政府指导价 government guided-price(Two factors that cause drug prices to soar were the free market procedures of three layers -- medicine factories, drug representatives, and hospital doctors; and government guided-price makers who know little about the costs of the drugs.药价高涨原因有二。其一,药品要经药厂、医药代表、医生三次倒手才能到患者手中;其二,政府指导价制定者并不清楚药物成本。) (2010-06-01) 人才培养机制 talent development scheme(Bureaucratic manner ranks second among public concerns, other unsatisfactory opinions like poor talent development scheme, poor innovative education and plagiarism showed up in the survey report.调查报告显示,民众认为官僚作风是大学存在的第二大问题,其他对大学教育的不满意见包括人才培养机制落后、创新教育不足以及学术剽窃现象。) (2010-05-31) 赞助费 sponsorship fee(With the new policy, non-native students are exempted from sponsorship fees - set at around 10,000 yuan annually.根据新政策,非京籍学生不再需要缴纳赞助费,之前赞助费的缴纳标准大约为每年一万元。) (2010-05-28) 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse; emotional abuse in the workplace(More than 70 percent of office workers encounter "emotional office abuse", three-quarters of which are from the post-80s people, a survey conducted by zhaopin.com says.智联招聘开展的一项调查显示,超过70%的办公室职员遭遇“职场冷暴力”,其中四分之三的人是80后。) (2010-05-27) 仿人机器人 humanoid robot(The robot family presented by Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) includes humanoid robot HRP-2, interface robot ApriPoco, cleaning robot, porter robot, and two mobility-assisting robot suits.日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构展出的机器人大家庭包括仿人机器人HRP-2、人机界面机器人ApriPoco、清洁机器人、机器人搬运工以及两个协助行动的机器人套装。) (2010-05-26) 对口支援 partner assistance(The new partner assistance model in Xinjiang has been copied from the Wenchuan earthquake recovery model. Xinjiang will receive more than 10 billion yuan in economic aid next year from its 19 partners.即将实施的对新疆的对口支援模式借鉴了汶川灾后重建的模式。新疆明年将收到19个援建省市提供的超过100亿元经济援助。) (2010-05-25) 聚众淫乱 group licentiousness(The Qinhuai District People's Court in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, handed down verdicts to 22 people, including associate professor Ma Yaohai, after convicting them on charges of group licentiousness.江苏省南京市秦淮区法院对包括副教授马尧海在内的22人进行了宣判,所涉罪名为聚众淫乱罪。) (2010-05-24) 三网融合 tri-networks integration(The much-anticipated tri-networks integration will cover China's urban areas in three years, five years at most, the Securities Daily reported Monday, citing an unnamed official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).《证券日报》本周一援引工业和信息化部一位未透露姓名的官员的话说,备受期待的三网融合将在三至五年内覆盖中国的城市地区。) (2010-05-21) 民间投资 private investment(The central government released guidelines on further encouraging private investment in a wider range of key industries, a move indicating the authorities are placing more importance in private investment's role in sustaining economic growth.中央政府近日发布关于进一步鼓励民间资本在更多关键领域投资的指导意见。此举意味着政府将更加重视民间资本在经济可持续发展中的角色。) (2010-05-20) 精神损失费 mental damage compensation(On April 26, 2010, Chen Bentao received the recorded footage and a letter asking him to return the money besides a mental damage compensation of 50,000 yuan.2010年4月26日,陈本涛收到了部分录像光盘和一封信,信中要求他还钱,并赔偿5万元精神损失费。) (2010-05-19) 单位行贿 corporate bribery(Huang Guangyu, once China's richest man and a home appliance tycoon, stood trial on Thursday in Beijing for illegal business dealing, insider trading and corporate bribery.曾经的中国首富、家电业巨头黄光裕上周四在北京以非法经营、内幕交易、单位行贿等罪名受审。) (2010-05-18) income distribution 收入分配 reform of household registration system 户籍改革 fiscal revenue 财政收入 per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入 net per capita income 人均纯收入 the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投资 technological upgrading projects 技改项目 actual utilized foreign direct investment 实际利用外商直接投资 defense budget 国防预算 registered unemployment rate 登记失业率 rise in the CPI 居民消费价格涨幅 balance of payments 国际收支状况 income gap 收入差距 income distribution
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