

2017-03-24 1页 doc 5KB 23阅读




劳伦斯的早期作品和现代主义劳伦斯的早期作品和现代主义 毕业 The Early works of Lawrence and Modernism Abstract D. H. Lawrence was a talented and the most controversial literary figure. The name of Lawrence is inseparable with the term of modernism. The early works of D. H. Lawrence are all under the influen...
劳伦斯的早期作品和现代主义 毕业 The Early works of Lawrence and Modernism Abstract D. H. Lawrence was a talented and the most controversial literary figure. The name of Lawrence is inseparable with the term of modernism. The early works of D. H. Lawrence are all under the influence of modernism. Still, he had a great influence also on the development of modernism. We can find the performance of modernism in Lawrence’s early works, such as the expression of science and the ingenious change of language, the expression of sexual liberation, the expression of history and tradition and myth, the expression of sexual liberation and the thoughts of freedom. Lawrence was influenced by the term of modernism because he was living and working in the term of modernism. It also brings a great influence for his creative. The achievement of Lawrence’s early works created in the field of literature is a step forward for modernism. During this period the excellent performance of Lawrence and some well-known writers make modernism to a new field. Key Words: D. H. Lawrence; the early works; modernism; influence; expression 摘 要 劳伦斯作为1位著名的,有才华的和最有争议的文学人物,是与现代主义分不开的。劳伦斯早期作品都是在现代主义的影响之下完成的,但同时劳伦斯对现代主义的发展也功不可没。1方面,他的早期作品中表现出很强的现代主义,例如科学的表现,语言的微妙的变化,性解放的表现,历史、传统和神话的体现,现代主义的性解放思想和自由思想都可以从作品中发现。另1方面,作为现代主义时期的作家,劳伦斯不可避免地受到了现代主义思想的影响,例如现代主义的生活观和爱情观,对他的创作也产生了很大的影响。劳伦斯早期作品推动现代主义在文学领域的发展,从而奠定了他在文学领域的地位。 关键词:戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯、早期作品、现代主义、影响、表现 .............. 收费英语毕业【包括:毕业、、任务书、中期检查表】
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