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每个季节适合吃什么水果每个季节适合吃什么水果 每个季节适合吃什么水果, 2008-02-04 10:41 春季 春季气温变化较大,细菌,病毒容易侵入人体,提醒各位您身体需要的水果,染发烫发多吃梨经常用脑吃香蕉,过度用眼吃番茄和木瓜,长期吸烟吃葡萄,咳嗽可吃百合,梨。 春季哪些水果不能吃, 草莓:中间有空心、形状不规则又硕大的草莓,一般是激素过量所致。草莓用了催熟剂或其他激素类药后生长期变短,颜色也新鲜了,但果味却变淡了。 香蕉:为了让香蕉表皮变得嫩黄好看,有的不法商贩用二氧化硫来催熟,但果肉吃上去仍是硬硬的,一点也不甜。二氧化硫对人体...
每个季节适合吃什么水果 每个季节适合吃什么水果, 2008-02-04 10:41 春季 春季气温变化较大,细菌,病毒容易侵入人体,提醒各位您身体需要的水果,染发烫发多吃梨经常用脑吃香蕉,过度用眼吃番茄和木瓜,长期吸烟吃葡萄,咳嗽可吃百合,梨。 春季哪些水果不能吃, 草莓:中间有空心、形状不规则又硕大的草莓,一般是激素过量所致。草莓用了催熟剂或其他激素类药后生长期变短,颜色也新鲜了,但果味却变淡了。 香蕉:为了让香蕉表皮变得嫩黄好看,有的不法商贩用二氧化硫来催熟,但果肉吃上去仍是硬硬的,一点也不甜。二氧化硫对人体是有害的。 西瓜:超地使用催熟剂、膨大剂及剧毒农药,从而使西瓜带毒。这种西瓜皮上的条纹不均匀,切开后瓜瓤特别鲜艳,可瓜子却是白色的,吃完嘴里有异味。 葡萄:一些不法商贩和果农使用催熟剂——乙烯利。使用者把乙烯利用水按比例稀释后,将没有成熟的青葡萄放入稀释液中浸湿,过一两天青葡萄就变成紫葡萄。 春季的水果: ? 甘蔗一尺多长,上午吃下可补气、补血。 ? 甘蔗一尺多长,下午四点吃下,可清血、通血。 说明:有胃病的人在指示时间内吃甘蔗五寸长,胃病一定可以康复。 早晨菜单 1、 花生仁压碎,炒青菜(任何青菜都可以),用花生油才好。 2、 豆腐用热开水洗净,切小块沾酱油。 中午菜单 1、 豆芽菜炒花生油,再加调味料(就是加些味精与盐),此菜可清血。 2、 冬粉(即粉条、细粉)、香菜(即芫荽)、胡萝卜煮汤,此菜可补血、通气。 做法:花生油下锅,胡萝卜切丝下锅炒,一直炒至胡萝卜熟时才放下水,滚后再放冬粉、香菜、调味料。 晚餐莱单 1、 胡萝卜切片,芹菜切小段少许肉炒花生油,能消除一天疲劳,还可清血。 做法:花生油下锅,然后放下胡萝卜炒,一直炒至熟时才放下芹菜,炒几下就好。 注意:炒胡萝卜时,绝不可掺水,因为水份会吸收养分而蒸发掉。 2、 木耳、白萝卜、香菜煮汤。此菜可以补气、通血、清血。 做法:花生油下锅,放下木耳炒二分钟,才放下水,滚后再加入白萝卜(切片)等到熟时放下香菜、盐。 choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the 夏季 气温上升、气候转暖,市面上水果的品种日益繁多。水果因为可口兼备营养,堪称人见人爱。不过,市民千万别小看了选择水果的学问,就像 人有急性子、慢性子一样,水果也分性寒、性温热、性平。什么季节吃哪种水果,只有“对号入座”,水果才能顺应个人体质发挥有益健康的“奇效”。 哪种水果适合您 不久前,有国外媒体报道:不同的水果含不同的营养成分,适合不同职业的人食用。水果与特定人群,有着怎样的关联呢, 柿子:适宜疲惫不堪的体力劳动者和司机。多数情况下,机体觉得疲劳是因为缺血造成的,柿子里含有大量的铁元素,可刺激血红蛋白的生成。柿子还能帮助经常吸入废气的司机排出体内毒素。 菠萝:适宜运动员。菠萝有消炎和消肿的作用,还能改善血液循环,可促进肌腱炎症和外伤的康复。 香蕉:适宜服务行业从业者。香蕉能缓解紧张情绪、提高工作效率、降低疲劳。多吃香蕉,可让服务行业从业者保持开朗心情。 梨:适宜电脑办公一族。梨含有丰富的维生素A、E和B2,对长期处于工作状态的双眼有好处。 芒果:适宜白领女性。芒果含有丰富的胡萝卜素和独一无二的酶,可以令皮肤富有弹性,并且延缓皱纹生成,最适合年轻爱美的女性。 猕猴桃:适宜老人和孩子。因为它的维生素含量是橙子的两倍,多吃猕猴桃,可以更好地提高免疫力,避免感染疾病。 选水果,从认识水果“性情”开始 让我们先为水果分分类,传统医学看来,水果性情分三种:寒凉类主要包括柑、橙、菱角、香蕉、柿子、西瓜等;温热类主要有橘子、枣、栗子、桃、杏、龙眼、荔枝、葡萄、樱桃、石榴、菠萝等;甘平类有李子、椰子、枇杷、山楂、苹果等。一般来说,冬天吃温热类水果,夏天吃寒凉类水果,甘平类水果则一年四季都适宜。 脾胃虚寒者慎食性寒水果 春夏交替之际,具有生津止渴、润喉去燥功效的水果,是机体补充能量的最佳选择。以下五种经典水果是这一季节里的上选,它们大多具备述功效。但春夏choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the “走俏”的水果大多性寒,并非人人皆适宜。 梨:(宜):梨有生津止渴、化痰清火、润肺去燥的功能,适宜肺热咳嗽、咽干喉痛、大便燥结、高血压以及肝炎、肝硬化患者;(忌):梨 性寒冷,脾胃虚寒、消化不良及产后血虚的人不宜食用。 香蕉:(宜):性甘寒,味微涩,具有清热止渴、清胃凉血、润肠通便、降压利尿的功效。对于口渴、便秘等阴虚肠燥、血热气滞者是十分健康的食物。(忌):香蕉不适宜脾胃虚寒、阳气不足的人食用,否则会引发虚火更旺。 苹果:(宜):性平,味甘酸,具有补心养气、生津止渴、健脾胃的作用。苹果营养十分丰富,含有的鞣酸、有机酸有收敛作用,果胶、纤维有吸收细菌、毒素作用,因此能止泻;含有的纤维能使排泄便利,有机酸有刺激肠道的作用,可以通大便。含有的钾元素能与体内过剩的钠元素结合,对防治高血压有益。(忌):脾胃虚寒者不宜多吃苹果。 猕猴桃:(宜):具有解热、止渴等功效。含丰富的糖分、维生素C等营养素,尤其维生素C的含量远远高于梨和苹果。(忌):脾胃虚寒者不宜多吃。 西瓜:(宜):夏季消暑珍品,凉甜可口。西瓜具有清热消烦、止渴解暑、宽中下气、疗喉痹、利小便、治血痢、解酒毒的功效。(忌):吃西瓜不能一次摄入过多,否则会引起消化不良或腹泻。 选水果,看体质 水果的特殊功效:消化不良、高血压患者,应多吃山楂、桃、橙子等水果;腹泻者可多吃石榴、柿子等;失眠多梦者,可多吃龙眼、荔枝、胡桃、大枣等;易上火的人,不妨多吃些苹果„„ 总而言之,体质虚寒者宜食用温热类水果,慎用寒凉类水果;体质燥热者则相反;甘平类水果则适宜各种体质的人。 水果的食用禁忌:腹泻者忌食香蕉;糖尿病患者忌食葡萄;脾胃阳虚、大便稀薄者忌食荸荠;肺寒者、大便稀薄者忌食雪梨;消化不良、胃病者忌食红枣;胃病反酸者忌食橄榄;阴虚火旺者忌食荔枝;体弱多病、产后、外感风寒及血虚者忌食柿子;脾胃虚寒引起的胃肠功能不佳者,忌食西瓜等。 适量吃水果 每天吃多少水果最为合适,中国营养学会在《中国居民膳食指南》中推荐市民:蔬菜每天的摄入量应为400至500克,水果的摄入量为100至200克。这个标准通俗地来说,即每 天吃2个单位水果(1杯果汁或1个中等大小水果相当于1个单位)。 不同的水果所含营养成分各有不同。因此水果品种选择要尽量多样化。如果choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the 经济条件允许,建议每天吃两种不同的水果,分多次摄入。 日前,还有科学家研究发现:每天分多次吃水果能预防癌症发生,为此有些国家掀起了“每天吃五次水果”的运动。 适时吃水果 不少市民已习惯饭后吃水果了。然而,近年的研究发现饭后吃水果并不科学,原因有四: ?水果易与食物一起阻滞在胃部,导致胃肠胀气、便秘等,给消化功能带来不良影响。 ?水果中含有较多糖类,如葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、淀粉等,饭后马上吃水果会增加胃肠以及胰腺的负担,尤其有些水果含淀粉量高,不易消化。还易导致肥胖( ?水果含丰富的纤维素、半纤维素、果胶等,都有较强的吸水性,吸水后膨胀会增加饱胀感,当纤维素过多时,还会影响维生素、微量元 素的吸收。 ?需要减肥的人群,如果饭后吃水果,会因能量过多导致肥胖。 秋季 秋季时寒热交替的季节,经过酷暑之后,人体会因长时间的暑气耗气伤津,机体容易阴阳失调。同时,秋季气候干燥、凉爽,加上体内水分不足,人体易患秋躁症,如皮肤干燥、口干唇燥、咽喉肿痛等。因此,秋季的水果应以清热润燥、养阴润肺为原则。如苹果、犁、葡萄、柿子、香蕉、无花果等。也可以吃一些干果品、如莲子、芡实、花生等。 梨含有丰富的维生素,尤以B1得含量最高,鞣酸的含量也很丰富,具有祛痰止咳、利咽,保护心脏,减轻疲劳和通便的作用。葡萄含有天然聚合草酶,能与病毒或细菌种的蛋白结合,使之失去传染病的能力;而其中的白藜芦醇有抑制癌变细胞扩散、抗动脉硬化、调节心博次数的功能。柿子含有大量的维生素、氨基酸等,能为人体补充维生素,软化血管,活血消炎,润肺生津,涩肠止血。无花果含有苹果酸、脂肪酸等物质,能降低血脂,预报冠心病;其中含有奎宁酸具有消炎消肿之功效,可辅助治疗咽喉肿痛。香蕉中含有大量的碳水化合物和粗纤维,还含有血管紧张素转化酶抑制物质,可抑制血压升高,对治疗高血压有辅助作用。而干果中的莲子、芡实具有降血压、扩张血管的作用。莲芯有较强的清心泻火及抗心律不齐的作用。高血压病人常食,可平肝降压、强心安神。花生含钙丰富,可促进人体的发育;而其中丰富的十多种氨基酸则有促进脑细胞发育,增强大脑记忆功能的作用,儿茶素对人体具有较强的抗老化作用。 秋季水果宝典 秋季气候干燥,常常使人感到鼻、咽干燥不适。特别是北国的秋冬,干燥的choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the 空气不说,加上屋内的暖气,更加容易让人感觉到水分的缺少。这时如果能吃些生津止渴、润喉去燥的水果,会使人顿觉清爽舒适。 这个季节带有保健医疗性质的水果,要数梨和甘蔗了。中医认为,梨有生津止渴,止咳化痰、清热降火、养血生肌、润肺去燥等功能,最适宜于冬春季节发热和有内热的病人食用。尤其对肺热咳嗽、小儿风热、咽干喉痛,大便燥结症较为适宜。现代医学研究认为,梨还有降低血压,清热镇静的作用。高血压患者,如有头晕目眩、心悸耳鸣者,经常吃梨,可减轻症状。梨含有丰富的糖分和维生素,有保肝和帮助消化的作用。对于肝炎、肝硬化患者来说,作为医疗食品经常食用很有好处。但是,因为梨性寒冷,对那些脾胃虚寒、消化不良及产后血虚的人,不可多食。 甘蔗有滋补清热的作用,含有丰富的营养成分。作为清凉的补剂,对于低血糖、大便干结、小便不利、反胃呕吐、虚热咳嗽和高热烦渴等病症有一定的疗效。劳累过度或饥饿头晕的人,只要吃上两节甘蔗就会使精神重新振作起来。但是,由于甘蔗性寒,对脾胃虚寒和胃腹疼痛的人不宜食用。此外,适于秋冬季吃的水果还有苹果,桔子、香蕉、山楂等。 秋季水果可以保健也可以致病 葡萄 葡萄性味甘酸平。生食能滋润肝肾,强筋骨。经常食用鲜葡萄,有补益气血、通利小便的功效。葡萄适于脾胃虚弱、气短乏力、面浮肢肿、小便不利等症。若将葡萄煎汤加酒饮用,可以治疗风湿病痛。 石榴 石榴味甘酸涩,性温。有生津液、止烦渴的作用。凡是津液不足、口燥咽干、烦渴者,石榴可是一种食疗佳果品。 柿子 柿子味甘涩,性寒。生食有润肺祛痰、止咳、解酒的作用。取未成熟的鲜柿子,捣泥取果汁,加入蜂蜜调服,对于治疗甲状腺肿涨有疗效。但是,柿子肉中含有大量的单宁酸、柿胶粉,具有较强的收敛力,因此便秘者不宜多食。另外,空腹食或与蟹一同食用,容易形成柿石。所以,胃炎、脾胃虚寒者不宜多食或应该禁食。 冬季 入冬后,很多人常感到皮肤干燥、头晕嗜睡,反应能力降低,这时如果能吃些生津止渴、润喉去燥的水果,会使人顿觉清爽舒适。那么,冬季吃什么水果好呢,冬天带有保健医疗性质的水果要数梨和甘蔗了。 choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the 中医认为,梨中含苹果酸、柠檬酸、葡萄糖、果糖、钙、磷、铁以及多种维生素,梨有润喉生津、润肺止咳、滋养肠胃等功能,最适宜于 冬春季节发热和有内热的病人食用。尤其对缓解肺热咳嗽、小儿风热、咽干喉痛、大便燥结等症较为适宜。现代医学研究认为,梨还有降低血压、清热镇静的作用。高血压患者,如果有头晕目眩、心悸耳鸣者,经常吃梨,可减轻症状。梨含有丰富的糖分和维生素,有保肝和帮助消化的作用。但是,因为梨性寒冷,脾胃虚寒,消化不良及产后血虚的人,不可多食。 甘蔗有滋补清热的作用,含有丰富的营养成分。作为清凉的补剂,对于治疗低血糖、大便干结、小便不利、反胃呕吐、虚热咳嗽和高热烦渴等病症有一定的疗效。但是,由于甘蔗性寒,脾胃虚寒和胃腹疼痛的人不宜食用。 适宜冬季吃的水果还有苹果、橘子、香蕉、山楂等。苹果可生津止渴、和脾止泻;橘子可理气开胃、消食化痰;香蕉清热润肠、降压防痔;山楂可扩张血管、降低血脂、增强和调解心肌,有防止冠状动脉硬化的作用。 冬季吃水果需要注意的还有以下几点:胃酸的人不宜吃李子、山楂、柠檬等含有机酸较多的水果。大便干燥的人可多吃些桃子、香蕉、橘子等,因这些水果有缓解作用。柿子含大量柿胶,吃多了可加重便秘。心脏病及水肿的人不宜吃含水量较多的西瓜、椰子等水果,以免增加心脏的负担以及加重水肿。患糖尿病的人不但要少吃糖,同时也要少吃含糖量较多的梨、苹果、香蕉等水果。患肾炎、高血压病人不可多食香蕉,因香蕉性寒、质滑,但含钾量高。此外,老年人由于内脏器官衰老,导致各生理功能减弱,如消化能力差、肠蠕动减少、胃黏膜萎缩、胃酸过量等,并常伴有各种疾病发生,因此一次不宜进食大量的水果,可采用“少食多餐”的吃法。 choose water fountains, water-saving products should be purchased. As compared to open v-Groove type water supply system, sealed nipple water system can save water 81.35% saving bedding consumption 56.3%; sanitation and drinking water, and a variety of harmful gases concentrations decline, increased laying rate 13.79%, economic efficiency improved. Chicken Coop construction should pay attention to several problems, chicken distribution notes: a rational structure of the hen-house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. 1. sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the
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