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辽宁朝阳凤凰山导游词辽宁朝阳凤凰山导游词 朝阳凤凰山风景名胜区 各位朋友: 大家好!欢迎来到朝阳凤凰山参观游览~ 凤凰山风景名胜区位于朝阳市城区东部4千米处,与大凌河隔河相望。该景区以奇异峰峦、峭壁、岫罅为特点,古塔、寺庙交相辉映,是一处人文景观与自然景观交融并重的山岳型风景游览区。是国家级森林公园,国家AAA级景区,辽宁省“十佳森林公园”。 凤凰山,古称龙山,清初改名为凤凰山。占地55平方千米,最高峰海拔668米。早在1600多年前,就被认为是“福德之地”。至辽代时,凤凰山已经成为一处很有影响的佛教圣地,远近信众,都来朝拜,香火之旺,...
辽宁朝阳凤凰山导游词 朝阳凤凰山风景名胜区 各位朋友: 大家好!欢迎来到朝阳凤凰山参观游览~ 凤凰山风景名胜区位于朝阳市城区东部4千米处,与大凌河隔河相望。该景区以奇异峰峦、峭壁、岫罅为特点,古塔、寺庙交相辉映,是一处人文景观与自然景观交融并重的山岳型风景游览区。是国家级森林公园,国家AAA级景区,辽宁省“十佳森林公园”。 凤凰山,古称龙山,清初改名为凤凰山。占地55平方千米,最高峰海拔668米。早在1600多年前,就被认为是“福德之地”。至辽代时,凤凰山已经成为一处很有影响的佛教圣地,远近信众,都来朝拜,香火之旺,名动朝廷。到了清朝中期,凤凰山形成了三塔、四寺的建筑主体。如今凤凰山经过多年的开发建设,已经形成规模,其中人文景观有20多处,凤凰山风景名胜区堪称为塞北大地上的一颗风景明珠,是一处旅游名胜。 现在请大家随我参观游览凤凰山。 大家请看,这是摩崖佛龛,它是我们入山后见到的第一处古代人文景观。佛龛凿刻于北魏时期,是凤凰山现存的年代 1 最久远的古迹。北魏时期的雕塑艺术特征是清风秀骨,从这里的雕塑我们也可以领略出这个特点来。佛龛共72处,内置罗汉诸像,其排列参差不齐,疏密大小不一。峭壁正对东方,是凤凰山接受第一缕旭光照耀之所在,因此有“龛邻峭壁,佛映金光”之誉。 我们现在来到了凤凰山山门前。凤凰山山门具有“东北第一门”之称,于1995年建成,是凤凰山风景区的一个显著标志。山门高12.6米,跨度38米,建筑面积1636平方米。山门简洁、明快,为“凤”字剪影式造型,外形指代凤凰山,透空部分是寺庙的剪影,代表凤凰山的文物古迹。山门周边配以腾飞的龙凤,整个构图既有鲜明的现代风格,又蕴含着浓郁的古典色彩,给人以大气恢宏、古朴沉稳之感。 在山门后侧有一座同体建筑,前为中国历史文化墙,后为九凤壁。化墙。墙上雕刻有76位人物头像,分别是古代政治、思想、文化、科学、哲学等方面的英杰,大家有兴趣的话可以找找看哪些是您熟悉的。壁画中央镌刻一个太极图案,形象地表达了阴阳轮转、相辅相成是万物生成变化根源的哲理,同时用近似富有动感的车轮向前延伸的直线,代表了历史发展的印迹。这是九凤壁,它以高低、大小错落的九凤圆盘构成,通过变形的祥云勾连,寓意为凤行云中,吉在人间。这里不仅展现了古老朝阳的地域文明,更重要的是寄托着历代朝阳人展翅腾飞的理想。 2 这是九龙壁,建成于1995年,壁高4.7米,长21.2米,整个壁面浮雕九条形态各异、背景不同的龙。令人称道的是,九龙壁的设计打破了传统观念,融合了现代意识,与整个人类文明发展史相联系,对生命起源、宇宙奥秘具有控索精神,所以又有“自然之谜”的称谓。朝阳古时叫龙城,凤凰山又曾叫龙山,在此修建九龙壁,可谓名符其实,物切其名。 那是天然睡佛。睡佛依山势走向而卧,全身长219米,头枕青山,仰对天穹。大家请看,它全身比例协调,线条流畅,构图简洁,头部、颈部、胸部、腹部及腿部异常分明,头部轮廓龙为清晰。其仰姿形象生动,眠态安详端严。睡佛景观发现于1993年。 那座山又叫石人山,山上有个景观叫“华佗问路”,是凤凰山自然景观之最。大家请看,位于睡佛头部下侧,有一上一下两块人形长石。端坐于崖顶者如一位身披蓑衣的老翁,下方立石如身背药篓、低首躬身的华佗。相传曹操东征乌桓huan进驻柳城后,头疼病发作。为了给曹操治病,随军名医华佗只身一人进山采药,逢雨迷路,巧遇一位长者在崖边避雨,华佗于是躬身垂首向老人问路。曹操病好后,率领张辽等人登上龙山。但在华佗问路的地方已经不见了老人,只见两块人形石头立于崖上坡下。曹操心有所悟,怀疑有仙人帮助,于是向上叩首三拜。现在看华佗问路景观,形象逼真,耐人揣摩品味。 3 我们现在来到了延寿寺,延寿寺是凤凰山规模最大的一组古建筑群,占地约1万平方米, 现在我们就进去参观。天王殿是延寿寺的第一重殿,面阔3间,进深3间,歇山式建筑,建筑面积96平方米,殿中间供有弥勒菩萨,两旁供有四大天王,即手持琵琶的东方天王,手持宝剑的南方天王,手持缠龙的西方天王和手持伞的北方天王。地藏王菩萨殿是延寿寺的第二重殿。大雄宝殿是延寿寺第三重殿,也是寺内的主体建筑,殿内供奉三世佛,均为泥塑,大殿两侧供有十八罗汉像。清时壁画及梁栋彩绘还有部分留存,较为珍贵。关帝殿和药王殿为延寿寺的第四重殿,二者对称平行,均为硬山式单间建筑。观音殿,为延寿寺的第五重殿,歇山式建筑,两侧各建有东西配殿。观音殿内的观音及童女三尊像均为缅甸玉雕刻而成。藏经楼是延寿寺第六重殿,为歇山式建筑。 现在我们来到了朝阳洞,俗称卧佛洞,又叫卧佛寺。朝阳洞的洞口朝向西南,洞中有石佛卧于石床之上,头石枕,纯是天然生成,和石座相连,找不到半点缝隙。相传在顺治年间,蒙古炮手赵力彬等人,在山上打猎,看见一只白鹿在前面奔跑,跟随追到山顶树林之中,见在石洞,进去一看,只有卧佛在。随后,大家共同商量修建庙宇。这个洞本来没有名,因为它向阳,于是就叫它朝阳洞。现在的卧佛是1992年重新雕制的,佛身与石座一体,头西脚东,面南而卧,整 4 体造型匀称,体态自然,眠姿安详。佛像长达3.2米,是辽 西最大的一尊卧佛,素有“凤凰山山魂”之美誉。 现在大家自由参观吧,一个小时之后我们在这里集合~ 篇二:Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain 朝阳凤凰山 英文导 游词 Chaoyang Phoenix Mo(来自:WWw.Zaidian.Com 在点网: 辽宁朝阳凤凰山导游词)untain The phoenix mountain scenery resort is located 4km away in the east of chaoyang city. It was named dragon mountain, in the early Qing dynasty, it was renamed phoenix mountain, it covers an area of 55skm, it streaches from southeast to northwest, 660 in height, it is made up of sedimentary limestone. In 1992 it was rated as the national forest park, in 1997 it was qualified as one of the top 50 scenery in liaoning, in 2003 it was titled the top 10 forest park in liaoning. More than 1,600years ago, emperor of yan migrated the captain to chaoyang and founded 龙翔 temple here, this temple is the first temple here. From then on, some people came here for their wishes and visit the temple. Till the Liao dynasty, this mountain has become an quite influcial mountain for Buddha. In the middle of Qing, 3 towers and 4 temples were founded here. Now, it has developed into a tourist resort 5 with one niche, two cave, 3 towers, and 4temples. The niche is a script of Buddha which was found in northwei dynasty, the two cave is the guanyin cave and the lying Buddha cave, the 3 towers are the 凌霄, 摩云, 大宝. The 4 temples are the 华严 云接 延寿 天庆. Apart from that, there are other spots whose number reaches more than 80. the wood here is quite luxuriant, more than 600 plants grows here, the rate of coverage by the forest reaches 85%. It is just like a tourist pearl in north China. This script was carved in northwei, it is the remotest relics of the mountain, there are 72 scripts here, the arhat sculptures were laid inside. When the first rim of the light fall here, here is quite solemn. This gate is known as the first gate in northeast of China, founded in 1995, 12.6m high and 38m wide, the constructure area is 1636sm. The style is quite simple and sprightly, with a model of feng’s sketch; present the mountain’s cultural relics. The flying dragon and phoenix on both sides, it may appears a sense of modern combined with classical. The pavilions on both sides of the gate named dragon and phoenix pavilion respectively. Behind the gate, there is a structure, it is 4.5m high and 20m long, the front one is the Chinese cultural and history 6 wall, the behind one is the 9 phoenix wall. The front one was caved the head portrait of 76people, they are the elite in politics, culture, science, phnoserphy and some other fields. In the middle it carved the diagram of the universe, symbolize everthing is in change, the wheels shows the mark of the development of history. The wall behind was carved with 9 pheonixes, with varied clouds around it, it not only shows the beautiful legend of the phoenix but also shows the the desire for develop of chaoyang people. This is the 9 dragons wall, founded in 1995, 4.7m high and 21.2m long. The nine dragons are in different posture and with different backgrounds. This design break the traditional concept and added modern idea, it connected with the development of human being and shows a explore for the life and universe, so it is also called the myth of nature. In front of this wall, this is the best place to look the script of Buddha. The hills and stones here are quite interesting, it formed 27spots in total, this is the camel looking the noon. This is a slope strech out, it looks just like a camel, the head of it is quite lifelike, if you take a close look at it you can see its lip, nose, eyes, and ears. The grass on the top is just like the hair 7 of it. The stone is in brownish-black, with moss on it, when the moon is hang in the sky in the night, it is just like a camel walking down a slope, it may also remind you of the desert. The hills over there is just like boobies, then are 500m high, it were called the boobies peak. This is the lying Buddha, 219m long, with his head on the green mountain, he faced the sky, the outline of his head, neck, breast is quite clear. This spot is discovered by a retired leader in 1993. This cave is the guanyin cave, it is located above 20m off the road. The cave is 2.3m high and 1.7m deep. Once here has a stone sculpture of guanyin which was made in liao dynasty, but this guanyin is built in 1993, she faced the south which is quite different compared with other guanyin who faced north, as for the reason, a couplet once said because people do not correct their false some times. It shows her kindness to people. The hill over there is called the stone people hill, on the hill there is a spot named the huatuo ask for the way, this spot is combined with two stones, the upper one is just like an old man sit quietly there, the lower one is just like huatuo with his basket on his back. It is said that once caocao once lived in chaoyang during his fight of 8 the east, his headache broke out, the doctor went into the mountain looking for the herb but get lost in the rain, he came across an old man and he asked him the way out. After caocao covered, he come to here for visit, the old man was left but there are two stones here. Caocao thought maybe he has been helped by the god, so he kowtow at it 3times. This grave tower is made by bricks, it buried the master of 严华 temple in the early qing dynasty, it is made up of the base, the body and the tasha. 2.7m high, spread green bricks on it and filled with white ash. The base is in square, in the south there is a slabstone caved with lotus, peals and even some Tibetan charactors. This is the newly built platform and the gateway. This 18twist is the main road people would go though to the Buddha, it is also the shortcut between 华严 and 云接temple, it is 1.5km long, spread with slabstone. Inside the pavilion there carved the story about running after a deer and found this cave in color, when walking through this road, you can not only overlook the beautiful scenery here but also enjoy the happy of climbing. 延寿temple used to be named 报恩temple, in 1712, the monk 海沧 accept his brother 海明 here, he give this flat area to haiming and haiming build this temple here. 9 This temple is the biggest one on phenix mountain, covers an area of 10,000sm, the architecture area reaches more than 1000sm, the bell tower and the drum tower are built on the waist of the mountain. Tianwang palace is the first palace, it has been rebuilt in 1995, with 3rooms outside and 3 inside, it covers an area of 96sm, inside the palace there is the sculpture of maitreya, with the 4 emperor one both sides. This is the second palace, the structure is similar with the first one, it covers an area of 107sm, rebuild in 1996, it present the dizangwang emperor, with 道明and 闵公’s status on both side, it is made up of marble, 2.2m high. This is the third palace, 大雄宝殿 rebuild in 1992, the structure area is 180sm, the statue in it is made of mud. On both sides there stand the status of the 18 arhat, on the wall, part of the painting in qing dynasty is still exist today. The forth palace is made up of 关帝 and 药王 palace, rebuild in 1994, covers an area of 33.5sm. The fifth palace is the guanyin palace, rebuild in 1997, covers an area of 16sm, there are side halls on both side of it. In side the palace, there are 3 statues made of Burma jade. 10 The sixth palace is used for deposit the Buddhist classical. 11m high, the constructure area is 332sm, the plaque is write by he president of bodhi association in Hong Kong, this floor is 5.2m high, the statue is made of burma jade. With his right hand under his head, he slept on the right side. 天庆temple is founded in 1099, preserved in Qing, in 1993 it was rebuild again. The 5 cypresses in front of the temple has a history of more than 1000years, the diameter reaches 40centimeter, 10m high, behind the temple there also plant some cypresses. In this temple, there are guanyin palace, side halls, gate, wall, and poetry tablet. The guanyin palace covers an area of 40m, the guanyin inside it is 2m high, it is made of marble, duplicated in 1993. in front of the palace, it’s a tablet, there are 26poet and something about the discovering and carving process of guanyin statue. The original one has been ruined, what we see now is the duplication which was made in 1997. 云接temple, the location here is 550 high, including 8 palace, cover an area of 742sm, founded in 1735. the main building here is the 大悲palace, cover an area of 64m, the guanyin statue is 3.15 high, rebuild in 1991, the statue of 韦 驮 was rebuild in 1993. the goddess palace covers an area of 11 56sm, repaired in 1994, with several goddess’s statues inside. Guandi palace cover an area of 45sm, rebuild in 1996, 关帝, 关平,周仓’s statues were carved inside. The Buddhist palace is the rear palace of this temple, covers an area of 51sm. With 4 buddha ‘s statues inside, such as 文殊,地藏, 普贤 and guanyin, this is the best preserved temple on the mountain. This is the well know tower named 摩云,it is just like a sword pointed to the sky, it is build in liao dynasty, 37m high, the doors on each side of it were just the model, and each side carved a Buddha on it, 4kind of animals were carved above it, such as elephant, horse, peacock, and bird. The eaves were in 13 layers, with 104mirror insert in it, on the corner of the eaves, there hang 52 small bells, but now some have been lost. This is the lying Buddha cave, the entry faced the southwest, in the cave, there lied a stone Buddha, this is all made by nature. In 1651, some people went here hunting, they run after a white deer and were lead to here, when they come in, they see the lying Buddha, the white deer however was disappeared, then, then went back and decided to build a temple here. In the following years, this place becomes more and more popular. They also build a small 12 attic at the entry of the cave, at the side of the cave, there hang a bell, this bell was made in 1672. the door of the cave was build later, the stone Buddha was destroyed during the culture revolution. The head of it now was display in the chaoyang museum, and this Buddha was rebuild in 1992, it is 3.2m long, head on the west and feet on the east. 华严 temple is located at a height of 660m, founded in liao dynasty and rebuild in Qing, this temple was build according to the hill. In Qing dynasty, there are a lot of buildings from the lying Buddha cave to here, such as the gate, the rear room, the attics, the bell, the second gate, the goddess palace, and the last is the 凌霄 tower, it is 15m high, just as the symbol of the gulong city, though the 华严 temple is no longer existed, you can see a weather radar tower. The 大宝tower is 17m high, carved some paintings on the it, such as the lotus, the musician and so on, there used to be 24 sets of image, but it now only exist 14 now. in the south of the tower, there is a door, there are 4 column on the 4 corners of the tower, on each side of the tower, there is a painting of the Buddha, below them are the lotus and above them are the animals, such as the eagles, elephants, horses, 13 and rocs, on both side of the Buddha, there are small towers, although this tower is small in size, it is quite exquisite, the Sanskrit around it is quite rare in the liao building. Near the tower, there is a spring, when the weather is fine, the shadow of the tower can be seen from the pool. 篇三:凤凰山导游词 凤凰山导游词凤凰山属长白山脉,面积 216.875 平方公 里,最高峰 “攒云峰”海拔 836.4 米。凤凰山 历史悠久, 景 色旖旎、是驰名中外的旅游胜地之一。 凤凰山是融自然美、 人文美于一体, 交织成一幅天然绝纱、和谐壮观的中国山 水画卷。 春山吐翠杜鹃红, 夏赏云海听瀑声。 秋枫尽染 胜锦绣, 冬雪冰凌掩青松。这首诗便函是对凤凰山四季美 景的真实写照。 自然景观特点集“雄”、 “险”、“幽”、“奇”、 “秀”于一身。 凡天下名山大川,各有其特点,而 凤凰山容 泰山之雄伟;华山之险峻;庐山之幽静;黄山之奇特;峨嵋 之秀美于一 体。 “早知凤凰山色美, 何必千里去江南”。 百 闻不如一见, 耳听为虚眼见为实, 只有当您游览凤凰山才 会懂得这句话的含义。凤凰山位于延安城中心,是延安 “四 大名山”(清凉山、宝塔山、万花山、凤凰山)之一,因“叶 生吹萧引凤”的传说而得名, 古往今来堪称延安一大名胜之 地。 凤凰山最高处海拔 1132 米,为延安城四周群山之冠, 也是延安城的主要依托,所以历 代城防工事都修筑在山的 14 东坡上,为守城屯兵扎寨之地。山上古遗址有镇西楼、凤凰阁、文 昌阁、六郎寨、狄青寨及传说为北宋年间杨六郎(延昭)调兵遣将而挖筑的转兵洞。 沿山势而筑的古城墙据考证始建于公元前 215 年,距今已有 2000 多年的历史,是延安 城防建设最早、规模最大、目前保留最完整的一座城池。据载,秦始皇统一中原后,以北方 的匈奴为威胁秦王朝安全的主要敌方,故命大将蒙恬亲率大军 30 万北征匈奴。蒙恬为了伐 师进退畅通,采取了两条重要的军事策略,即进攻线上稳打稳扎,防守线上步步为营,以守 制攻。延州当属其列,被命大兴土木在凤凰山筑城为池,随着边陲战火的久久不息,历代皆 有重修,尤其在大唐名将尉迟恭镇守延州期间,亲自督修扩城。其后,北宋名将韩琦、范仲 淹、庞籍、杨家将、沈括等驻守时都不惜人力加固完善,便该城池形成气势恢弘的规模,连 带周围军事咽喉要地共五座遥相呼应的城池,被历代誉为 “五花莲城”。唐代诗圣杜甫为 避 “安史之乱”,途经延州时,挥毫写下《塞芦子》名句:“宝塔钟声三川闻,肤施(今 延安)鸡鸣五城应。”凤凰山这看似简朴的古城墙,却浓缩了千年历史风云,凝聚了广大边 陲军民将士的血汗,使它成为一座无言的历史丰碑,一个内涵沉重的历史景观。 1937 年 1 月 13 日,毛主席率领中国工农红军进驻延安城后,第一个住地便是凤凰山。 因此,凤凰山之名更加驰名中外。古今美丽而神秘的传说,愈发给 15 这座饱经历史沧桑的古老 城池增 添了无限光辉,历代名人纷纷登山览胜,俯瞰延安的壮丽景色。当年,就连日理万机 的毛主席也忙中抽闲借登山赏景之际为徐特立祝贺 60 大寿,这种尊师重教的举动,当时在 陕甘宁边区引起很大震动,并被人们传为佳话。 近年来, 随着延安城市建设的发展, 凤凰山已由过去的延安城西北屏障而变为现今延安 城内的山城公园。20 世纪 80 年代中期,建立了延安国家森林公园,凤凰山被纳入其中,如 16 今风凰山上石径幽邃, 浓荫送爽, 登亭临风, 心旷神怡, 已成了延安人和来延游客登高望远、 休闲娱乐之地,是延安城内新的观光游览区。 朋友们,凤凰山到了。请大家随我下车,进去参观。 这间石窑是毛主席在风凰山居住时的第一个窑洞, 它原先的主人叫李建堂。 毛主席在这 里会见了第一个进人延安采访的《大公报》记者范长江,与之通宵长谈。范长江后来将采访 所得整理为《陕北之行》发表。1937 年 3 月 1 日,毛主席在这里会见了第一位外国记者—— 史沫特莱女士。 1937 年 6 月下旬,毛主席移居 200 米远的吴家窑院,即在开放的毛主席旧居。请大家 随我进人该院。 吴家窑院系前后两院,后院有三孔石窑,一门两窗,中间一孔是会客室,左右有过洞同 另外两孔窑洞相连。左边的一孔为毛主席寝室,右边的一孔为办公室和房。里面陈设有木 质办公桌椅、柜子、两只小铁皮文件箱、木澡盆等。西室壁上悬挂毛主席写作 《论持久战》 时的照片; 东窑壁上悬挂毛主席指夹香烟读报的照片; 中窑西壁上悬挂毛主席与印度援华医 疗队交谈的照片; 东壁悬挂毛主席与白求恩亲切交谈的油画; 正中悬挂毛主席与贺子珍的合 影照片。1937 年 10 月,贺子珍离开延安赴西安,后去苏联看病。次年 11 月,毛泽东与军 委办公室秘书江青结合。窑前橱窗陈列着毛主席与周恩来的合影照片。 现在,我们来到的地方是前院。前院是炊事员和工作人员的住房,院内 17 竖立三个橱窗, 分别陈列着毛主席和江西宁都起义部分同志、 毛主席和井冈山部分同志、 毛主席和参加秋收 起义部分同志的合影照片。前者毛主席题字:“以宁都起义的精神用于反对日本帝国主义, 我们是战无不胜的。”后者毛主席题字:“1927 年秋收暴动成立工农红军革命军第一军第 一师至今尚存之人约数十人,此为一部分。1937 年 5 月于延安城。”参加合影的有:毛主 席、罗荣桓、贺子珍等。1937 年 10 月,毛主席在此接见了英国记者贝特兰。贝特兰在日记 中写道: “我遇到的人当中, 没有谁能像他那样使我如此强烈地感受到智慧的量……”1938 年 3 月,毛主席又会见了加拿大共产 18
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