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史瑞克3看电影学英语Sherk 3《史瑞克3》 -Prince Charming: Onward, Chauncey! onward: 向前;在前面 前进,Chauncey! To the highest room of the tallest tower... highest: 最高的 tallest: 最高的 tower: 塔 向着最高塔楼的最高房间前进…… ...where my princess awaits rescue from her handsome Prince Charming! princess: 公主 awai...
看电影学英语Sherk 3《史瑞克3》 -Prince Charming: Onward, Chauncey! onward: 向前;在前面 前进,Chauncey! To the highest room of the tallest tower... highest: 最高的 tallest: 最高的 tower: 塔 向着最高塔楼的最高房间前进…… ...where my princess awaits rescue from her handsome Prince Charming! princess: 公主 await: 等候 rescue: 营救 handsome: 英俊的 charming: 迷人的 Prince Charming: 女子理想中的求婚者 我的公主在那儿等待着她英俊的Charming王子去拯救。 -Gingerbread Man: This is worse than "Love Letters". I hate dinner theater! worse: 更坏的 love letters: 情书 hate: 讨厌 theater: 电影院 比《情书》还难看,我讨厌餐馆剧院。 -Pinocchio:Me, too. 我也是。 -Prince Charming: Whoa there, Chauncey! whoa: 惊骇声 哇噢,那边,Chauncey! -Rapunzel: Hark! The brave Prince Charming approacheth. hark: 听 brave: 勇敢的 approacheth: 【靠近】 听呀,勇敢的Charming王子在靠近。 -Prince Charming: Fear not, fair maiden. I shall slay the monster that guards you... fear:害怕 fair: 美丽的 maiden: 少女 slay: 杀死 monster: 怪物 guard: 守卫 别害怕,美丽的女士。我会杀了。 ...then take my place as rightful king. rightful: 真正的 king: 国王 看守你的怪物,让我变成真正的国王。 -Woman: What did she say? 她怎么说的? -Man: It's Shrek! 是Shrek! -Pinocchio:Whoo, Shrek, yeah! 噢,Shrek,好呀! -Prince Charming: Prepare, foul beast... prepare: 准备 foul: 邪恶的 beast: 怪兽 准备,恶心的野兽…… ...to enter into a world of pain with which you are not familiar! enter: 进入 world: 世界 pain: 疼痛 familiar: 常见的 …来到你熟悉的痛苦世界! -Waiter: Happy birthday to thee.Happy birthday to thee. happy birthday: 生日快乐 thee: 你(古英语中thou的宾格) 生日快乐,生日快乐。 -Prince Charming: Do you mind? mind: 在意 你介意么? -Gingerbread Man: Do you mind? Boring! boring: 无聊的 你介意么?无聊。 -Prince Charming: Prepare, foul beast... beast: 野兽 准备好,恶心的野兽…… Someday you'll be sorry. someday: 有一天 sorry: 遗憾的 某天你们会后悔的。 -Man: We already are! already: 已经 我们已经后悔了! -Prince Charming: Mommy... 妈妈…… You're right. I can't let th is happen. right: 正确的 let: 允许 happen: 发生 你说得对,我不能让这一切发生。 I can't! 我不能! I am the rightful King of Far Far Away. 我才是遥远王国真正的国王。 And I promise you this, Mother... promise: 许诺 我向你保证,妈妈…… ...I will restore dignity to my throne. restore: 恢复 dignity: 尊严 throne: 王座 我会重新赢得尊严,登上宝座。 And this time, 而且这一次, no one will stand in my way. stand in: 定位替身 没人能阻止我。 -Shrek: Good morning. 早上好。 -Fiona: Good morning. 早上好。 Morning breath. breath: 呼吸 早上深呼吸一下。 -Shrek: I know.isn't it wonderful? wonderful: 极好的 我知道,难道不好么? -Donkey: Good morning, good morning. 早上好,早上好。 The sun is shining through. shine: 照亮 through: 穿过 太阳也出来了,照耀着我们。 Good morning, good morning to you. 早上好,早上好,你早上好。 And you! And you! 还有你!还有你! They grow up so fast. grow: 生长 fast: 迅速的 他们长得真快。 -Shrek: Not fast enough. enough: 足够地 还不够快。 -Puss in Boots: You'll be filling in for the King and Queen. fill in for: 代替 queen: 女王 你们将继承国王和王后的宝座。 Several functions require your attendance, sir. several: 几个的 function: 功能 require: 需要 attendance: 出席 有几个典礼需要您出席,先生。 -Shrek: Great! Let's get started. great: 极好的 get started: 开始 太好了,我们开始吧! -Donkey: Come on, lazybones. Time to get moving! lazybones: 懒骨头 get moving: <口> 行动起来 快点,懒骨头。是时候动起来了! You need to get a pair of jammies. a pair of: 一副… jammies: 【睡衣裤】 你需要穿双鞋子。 -Shrek: I knight thee. knight: 授以爵位 我封你为骑士。 -Donkey: If you're filling in for a king, fill in for: 代替 既然你继承王位成为国王, you should look like one. should: 应该 你应该让自己看起来像是个国王。 Can somebody come in and work on Shrek? work on: 对……起作用 能来个人收拾下Shrek么? -Man: I will see what I can do. 我看看能做些什么吧。 -Donkey: Yeah, wow. 好呀,哇噢。 -Fiona: Is this really necessary? necessary: 必要的 真的有这个必要么? -Man: Quite necessary, Fiona. 非常有必要,Fiona。 -Shrek: I'm Shrek, you twit. twit: 嘲笑 我是Shrek,你个白痴。 -Man: Whatever. 不管怎样。 -Puss in Boots: This isn't a rehearsal, peoples. rehearsal: 排练 好了,各位。这可不是什么排练。 Let's see some hustle! hustle: 奔忙 我们还是去参加活动吧! -Donkey: Smiles, everyone! Smiles! smile: 微笑 微笑,大家都微笑! -Shrek: I don't know how much longer I can keep th is up. longer: 比较久的 keep up: 保持,继续 我不知道自己还能坚持多久,Fiona。 -Fiona: I'm sorry, but can you just try to grin and bear it? grin and bear it: 逆来顺受 grin: 露齿而笑 bear: 忍受 对不起,不过你能再忍耐一下么? It's just until dad gets better. get better: 康复 得坚持到父王好起来。 Shrek? Sherk? -Shrek: Yeah? 怎么? -Fiona: You look handsome. 你看起来真帅。 -Shrek: Come here, you. 过来,你。 My butt is itching up a storm. butt: 屁股 itch: 发痒 storm: 大动荡 我的屁股痒得不行。 and I can't reach it in th is monkey suit. reach: 达到 monkey: 猴子 suit: 套装 可穿这身猴子装,我根本抓不到。 Hey, you! Come here. What's your name? 嘿,你!过来。你叫什么名字? -Fiddiesworth: Fiddiesworth, sir. Fiddiesworth,先生。 -Shrek: Perfect. perfect: 完美的 很好。 -Man: Ladies and gentlemen... lady: 女士 gentleman: 先生 女士们,先生们…… ...Princess Fiona and Sir Shrek! princess: 公主 Fiona公主以及Shrek先生! -Shrek: Ahh! You've got it. 啊!弄到了。 A little to the left. 再左边点。 That's it! That's good. 就是那儿!太好了。 Oh, yeah! Scratch that thing! You're on it. scratch: 抓 噢,爽!抓那儿,就这样!就那儿。 -Fiona: Shrek! Shrek! -Donkey: My eye! 我的眼睛! -Woman: What are you doing? 你在干吗? -Shrek: Fiona! Fiona! Are you okay? 你没事吧? -Fiona: Yeah. I'm fine. 是啊,我没事。 -Donkey: Shrimp! My favorite! shrimp: 虾 favorite: 最喜爱的 虾,我的最爱! -Shrek: That's it! We're leaving! leave: 离开 就这样,我们得走了! -Fiona: Calm down. calm down: 平静下来 冷静点。 -Shrek: Calm down? Who do you think we're kidding? I am an ogre. kidding: 开玩笑 ogre: 怪物 冷静点?你觉得我们不像是笑话么?我是个怪物。 I'm not cut out for this, Fiona, and I never will be. cut out for: 适合于 我阻止不了这一切,Fiona,也不可能。 -Donkey: I think that went well. 我想一切都不错。 -Shrek: Donkey! 贫嘴驴! -Donkey: Come on, Shrek! 别这样,Shrek! -Puss in Boots: Some people just don't understand boundaries. understand: 理解 boundary: 底线 有些人就是不懂什么叫底线。 -Fiona: Just think. A couple more days and we'll be back home... couple: 数个 想想吧,再过个几天。我们就能回家了。 ...in our vermin-filled shack strewn with fungus... vermin: 寄生虫 vermin-filled: 【充满寄生虫的】 shack: 棚屋 strew: 撒满 fungus: 菌类 回到我们到处都是寄生虫,撒满菌类…… ...and filled with the stench of mud and neglect. fill with: 充满 stench: 恶臭 mud: 泥 neglect: 疏忽 充满泥浆恶臭的小屋。 -Shrek: You had me at "vermin-filled". 你跟我就在到处都是“寄生虫”的地方相遇。 -Fiona: And, um... maybe even the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor. maybe: 也许 pitter-patter: 霹雳啪啪声 on the floor: 在地板上 而且,恩……说不定还有很多小脚在地板上踏着。 -Shrek: That's right, the swamp rats will be spawning. right: 正确的 swamp: 沼泽 rat: 鼠 spaw: 产卵 对啊,沼泽鼠下的仔。 -Fiona: Uh, no. 呃,不。 What I'm thinking of is a little bigger than a swamp rat. rat: 鼠 我觉得那玩意比沼泽鼠还要大点。 -Shrek: Donkey? 贫嘴驴? -Fiona: No, Shrek. What if, theoretically... theoretically: 理论上 不,Shrek,如果理论上来说…… ...they were little ogre feet? 那是怪物脚呢? -Shrek: Honey, let's be rational about this. honey: 宝贝 rational: 合理的 亲爱的,我们来好好推理一下。 Have you seen a baby lately? baby: 婴儿 lately: 不久前 你最近有见过小婴儿么? They just eat and poop, and they cry... poop: <俚> 排便 cry: 哭 他们吃了就拉,就哭。 ...then they cry when they poop and poop when they cry. 再哭,再拉。又拉,又哭。 Now, imagine an ogre baby. imagine: 想象 现在,想象一个怪物婴儿。 They extra-cry and they extra-poop. extra: 超出 extra-cry: 【特别能吃】 extra-poop:【特别能拉】 特别能哭,特别能睡。 -Fiona: Shrek, don't you ever think about having a family? ever: 曾经 think about: 考虑 family: 家庭 Shrek,你难道没想过要个家么? -Shrek: Right now, you're my family. 现在,你就是我的家。 Somebody better be dying. better: 长辈 die: 死亡 最好是有人快死了 -Harold: I'm dying. 我快死了。 -Lillian: Harold? Harold? Don't forget to pay the gardener, Lillian. forget: 忘记 gardener: 园丁 别忘了照顾花园,Lillian。 -Lillian: Of course, darling. 当然,亲爱的。 -Harold: Fiona. Fiona。 -Fiona: Yes, Daddy? 我在,爸爸? -Harold: I know I made many mistakes with you. mistake: 错误 我知道我在你身上犯下很多错误。 -Fiona: It's okay. 没事的。 -Harold: But your love for Shrek has... love: 恋爱 但是你对Shrek的爱…… ...taught me much. teach: 教授 教会了我很多。 My dear boy... 我亲爱的孩子…… ...I am proud to call you my son. proud: 自豪的 我很骄傲的叫你儿子。 -Shrek: And I'm proud to call you my frog... frog: 青蛙 那我也很骄傲的叫您我亲爱的青蛙…… ...King dad-in-law. dad-in-law: 【岳父】 岳父大人 -Harold: Now there is a matter of business to attend to. matter: 问题 business: 事情 attend to: 照料 现在,重要的事情是照顾好。 -Puss in Boots: The Frog King... is dead. dead: 无生命的 青蛙国王,已经去了。 -Donkey: Put your hat back on, fool. hat: 帽子 fool: 傻瓜 把帽子戴上,蠢货。 -Harold: Shrek... Shrek…… ...please come hither. hitter: 到这里 请过来这里。 -Shrek: Yeah, Dad? 好的,爸爸? -Harold: Th is kingdom needs a new king. kingdom: 王国 这个王国需要一名新的国王。 You and Fiona are next in line for the throne. in line for: 即将得到 throne: 王座 你和Fiona是下一任王位继承人。 -Shrek: Next in line. You see, Dad, that's why people love you. 下一任。你看,爸爸,这就是人民爱戴你的原因。 Even on your deathbed, you're still making jokes. deathbed: 临终之前 joke: 玩笑 就算在弥留之际,你都还在开玩笑。 Come on, Dad. An ogre as king? orge: 怪物 算了吧,爸爸。一个怪物当国王? That's not such a good idea. good idea: 好主意 这可不是个好主意。 There must be somebody else. Anybody! else: 其他的 anybody: 任何人 一定还有人的。还有人的! -Harold: Aside from you, thereis only one remaining heir. aside from: 除……以外 remaining: 剩下的 heir: 继承人 除了你之外,就只有一名继承人了。 -Shrek: Really? Who is he, Dad? really: 事实上 真的么?是谁,爸爸? -Harold: His name is... 他叫…… ...is... 叫…… -Shrek: What's h is name? 他叫什么呀? -Harold:...is... 叫…… -Fiona: Daddy! 爸爸! -Harold: His name is Arthur. 他叫Arthur。 -Shrek: Arthur? Arthur? -Harold: I know you'll do... 我知道你会做出…… ...what's right. 正确的决定。 -Lillian: Harold? Harold? -Shrek: Dad? Dad! 爸爸?爸爸! Dad? 爸爸? -Donkey: Do your thing, man. 做你该做的事,伙计。 -Prince Charming: What does a prince have to do to get a drink here? prince: 王子 drink: 喝酒 王子要在这儿喝上一杯需要做些什么? Ah, Mabel! 啊,Mabel! Why they call you an ugly stepsister, I'll never know. ugly: 丑陋的 stepsister: 异(父)母姊妹 为什么他们要叫你丑陋的姐妹,我永远也不明白。 Where's Doris? Taking the night off? off: 空闲的 Doris在哪儿?今晚休息? -Mabel: She's not welcome here, and neither are you. welcome: 受欢迎的 neither: 两者都不 她在这儿不受欢迎,你也是。 What do you want, Charming? 你想来点什么,Charming王子? -Prince Charming: Not much. Just a chance at redemption. chance: 机会 redemption: 赎回 不想干吗,就想赎罪。 And a Fuzzy Navel. fuzzy navel: 鸡尾酒 再来一杯Fuzzy Navel。 And Fuzzy Navels for all my friends! 给我的朋友们都来一杯Fuzzy Navel。 -Hook: We're not your friends. 我们才不是你的朋友呢。 You don't belong here. belong: 属于 这可不是你该来的地方。 -Prince Charming: You're absolutely right, but, I mean, do any of us? absolutely: 完全地 mean: 意味 你说的对,不过,我是说,这是我们该来的地方么? -Tall person: Do a number on his face. do a number on: <美俚>(尤其指以欺骗的手段)占……的便宜 扁他。 -Prince Charming: Wait, wait, wait! wait: 等待 等等,等等,等等! We are more alike than you think. alike: 相似的 其实我跟你们差不多,没你们想象的那么有差距。 Wicked Witch! The Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White, and what happened? wicked: 邪恶的 witch: 女巫 dwarf: 矮子 Snow White: 白雪公主 女巫,七个小矮人救了白雪公主,然后怎样了? -Wicked Witch: Oh, what's it to you? 噢,这关你什么事? -Prince Charming: They left you the unfairest of them all. unfair: 不公平的 让你们得到了最不公平的待遇。 Now here you are, hustling pool to get your next meal. hustle: 赶紧 pool: 联营 现在,你们在这儿,为了下一餐而奔波。 How does that feel? feel: 感觉 感受如何? -Wicked Witch: Pretty unfair. pretty: 相当地 确实很不公平。 -Prince Charming: And you! 还有你! Your star puppet abandons the show to go and find his father. star: 明星的 puppet: 木偶 abandon: 遗弃 你的明星木偶放弃了演出,去找他的父亲。 -The master of the puppet: I hate that little wooden puppet. wooden: 呆板的 我讨厌那个小木偶。 -Prince Charming: And Hook. hook: 挂钩 还有钩子。 Need I say more? 需要我再说什么吗? And you, Frumpy pigskin! frumpy: 心底不良的 pigskin: 猪皮 还有你,没良心的猪皮。 -Rumpelstiltskin: Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpelstiltskin: 侏儒怪 叫错了,是侏儒怪。 -Prince Charming: Where's that firstborn you were promised? firstborn: 头生的 promise: 许诺 承诺给你那个长男在哪儿呢? Mabel. Remember how you couldn't get your little fat foot... remember: 记得 fat: 胖的 Mabel,还记得你的肥脚是怎样…… ...into that tiny glass slipper? tiny: 微小的 glass: 玻璃 slipper: 拖鞋 穿不进那双小玻璃鞋的么? Cinderella is in Far Far Away right now... Cinderella: 灰姑娘(童话中的主人公) right now: 就是现在 灰姑娘现在就在遥远王国… ...eating bonbons, cavorting with every last fairy tale creature... bonbons: 夹心软糖 cavort: 欢悦 fairy tale: 童话 fairy: 仙女的 tale: 故事 creature: 人 吃着小糖果,跟所有错待你的… ...that has ever done you wrong! wrong: 错误的 仙女们共舞。 Once upon a time, someone decided that we were the losers. once upon a time: 从前 decide: 决定 loser: 失败者 曾经,我们被看作是失败者。 But there are two sides to every story... side: 方面 story: 故事 但是所有的事情都有两面性…… ...and our side has not been told! 可从来没人为我们说话! So who will join me? join: 加入 那么,有人要加入我么? Who wants to come out on top for once? come out on top: 最后成功 for once: 仅此一次 谁愿意跟我一起去争取我们的地位? Who wants their... 谁想跟他们一样…… ..."happily ever after"? happily: 幸福地 ever after: 从此以后一直 从此过着“幸福的生活”? -Blind Mouse: This way, gents. gent: 男子 这边,先生。 -Puss in Boots: It's out of my hands, senorita. The winds of fate have blown on my destiny. senorita: 小姐 wind: 风 fate: 命运 blow: 风吹,打击 destiny: 命运 我是情非得以,小姐。我是人在江湖呀。 But I will never forget you. You are the love of my life. forget: 忘记 但我绝对不会忘记你。你是我一生的至爱。 As are you. 你也是。 And, uh, you. 还有,呃,你。 I don't know you, but I'd like to. 我不认识你,不过我也愿意。 I got to go! 我得走了! -Donkey: I don't wanna leave you either. wanna= want to <口> 想要 either: 也(用于否定句或词组后) 我也不想离开你的, But you know how Shrek is. 不过你知道Shrek是怎样的人。 The dude's lost without me. dude: 纨绔子弟 lost: 迷惑的 without: 没有 没有我,这家伙会迷路的。 But don't worry. I'll send you airmail kisses every day! send: 寄 airmail: 航空邮件 别担心,我会每天给你寄来航空吻的。 Be strong, babies. strong: 坚强的 坚强点,孩子们。 Coco,Peanut, listen to your mama. Coco,Peanut,要听妈妈的话。 Bananas, no roasting marshmallows on your sister's head. roast: 烤 marshmallow: 药蜀葵蜜饯 head: 头 Bananas,别再在你妹妹头上烤蜜饯。 That's my special boy! special: 特别的 那是最特别的儿子! Come here, all of you! Give your daddy a big hug! hug: 拥抱 过来,都过来,给爸爸个大拥抱! -Fiona: Shrek? Shrek? Maybe you should just stay and be King. stay: 逗留 或许你应该留下来当国王。 -Shrek: Come on. There's no way I could run a kingdom. run: 管理 kingdom: 王国 算了吧,我不可能管理一个国家的。 That's why your cousin Arthur is a perfect choice. cousin: (堂)兄弟姊妹 perfect: 完美的,最好的 那就是为什么你表弟Arthur才是最佳选择的原因。 -Fiona: It's not that. You see... 不是那样的,你看…… -Shrek: And if he gives me trouble, I always have persuasion and reason. trouble: 麻烦 persuasion: 说服力 reason: 理由 如果他给我找麻烦,我总会有理由有办法。 Here's persuasion... and here's reason. 这是理由……这是办法。 Fiona... Fiona…… ...soon it's just going to be you, me... soon: 不久 过不了多久,就会只有我和你…… ...and our swamp. swamp: 沼泽 还有我们的沼泽地了。 -Fiona: It's not going to be just you and me. 不会只是你和我的。 -Man: All aboard! all aboard: 请上船或登机 上船了! -Shrek: It will be. I promise. promise: 承诺 会的,我保证。 I love you. 我爱你。 -Dronkeys: We love you, dad. 我们爱你,爸爸。 -Three little pigs: That's lovely. lovely: 可爱的 噢,真可爱。 -Donkey: Bye-bye, babies! 再见,宝贝们! -Fiona: Shrek! Shrek! Wait! 等等! -Shrek: What is it? 那是什么? -Fiona: I'm... I'm... 我……我…… -Shrek: I love you, too, honey! honey: 宝贝 我也爱你,亲爱的! -Fiona: No! I said I'm... 不!我是说,我…… -Shrek: You're what? 你什么? -Fiona: I said I'm pregnant! pregnant: 怀孕的 我是说我怀孕了! -Shrek: What was that? 那是什么意思? -Fiona: You're going to be a father! 你要做父亲了! -Shrek: That's great! great: 极好的 太好了! -Fiona: Really? I'm glad you think so! 真的么?你这么想我真开心! I love you! 我爱你! -Shrek: Yeah! 是的! Me, too! You! 我也爱你! -Donkey: I'm going to be an uncle! I'm going to be an uncle! uncle: 叔叔 我要当叔叔啦,我要当叔叔啦! -Puss in Boots: And you, my friend, are royally... royally: 像国王似的 还有你,我的朋友,会成为皇室的…… -Shrek: Home. 到家了。 -Fiona’s voice: Shrek! Shrek! -Shrek: Fiona! Fiona! Fiona? Fiona? Oh, no. 噢,不。 Better out than in, I always say. 出的比进的好,我总这么说。 No, no, no! 不,不,不! It's okay. It's gonna be all right. 没事的。会没事的。 Stop! Hey, wait! 停!嘿,等等! Hey, hey,no,no! 嘿,嘿,不,不! No,no,no,no,oh,no! 不,不,不,不,噢,不! No,no,wait,hei,hei what you... 不,不,等等。噢,嘿,嘿,你要…… Donkey. Donkey! 贫嘴驴。贫嘴驴! Wake up! wake up: 醒来 醒醒! -Shrek’s baby(in Shrek’s dream): Dada! 爸爸! -Donkey: Shrek! Are you okay? Shrek你没事吧? -Shrek: I can't believe I'm going to be a father. How did th is happen? believe: 相信 happen: 发生 我没法相信我要当父亲了,怎么会这样? -Puss in Boots: Allow me to explain. When a man has feelings for a woman... explain: 解释 让我跟你解释下。当一个男人爱上一个女人…… ...a powerful urge sweeps over him. powerful: 强大的 urge: 强力的欲望 sweep over: 扫略 一种强烈的欲望就会侵蚀他。 -Shrek: I know how it happened. 我知道是怎么回事。 I just can't believe it. 我只是无法相信。 -Donkey: How does it happen? 到底是怎么回事? -Shrek: Donkey! Can you just cut to the part where you're supposed to make me feel better? cut: 切割 part: 部分 suppose: 猜想 贫嘴驴!你能直接跳到安慰我的部分么? -Puss in Boots: You know I love Fiona, boss. Right? boss: 老板,首领 你知道的,我爱Fiona,老大,对吧? What I am talking about is you, me, my cousin's boat... talk about: 谈论 不过我想说的是你,我,在我表兄的船上…… ...an ice cold pitcher of mojitos. ice cold: 冰冷的 pitcher: 大水怪 mojito: 鸡尾酒的一种 喝着冰冻的Mojito。 and two weeks of nothing but fishing. fishing: 捕鱼 以及两周的旅程,什么也别干,就钓鱼。 -Donkey: Don't listen to him! listen to: 听从 别听他的! Having a baby isn't going to ruin your life. ruin: 毁灭 生孩子不会毁了你的生活。 -Shrek: It's not my life I'm worried about ruining, worry about: 担心 我担心的不是会毁掉我的生活, it's the kid's. 而是担心会毁掉孩子的生活。 When have you ever heard the phrase "as sweet as an ogre"... phrase: 习语 sweet: 亲切的 ogre: 怪物 你什么时候听人说过这种话,“跟怪物一样可爱”…… ...or "as nurturing as an ogre"... nurturing: 培育 “跟怪物一样健康”…… ...or "You'll love my dad. He's a real ogre." real: 真实的 你会爱上我爸爸的。他是个“真正的怪物”。 Okay. I get it. 好了,我明白了。 -Donkey: It's not going to be easy. But you got us to help you. easy: 容易的 确实不易。但你要让我们帮你。 -Shrek: That's true. true: 真实的 确实。 I'm doomed. doomed: 注定的 我是被诅咒了的。 -Donkey: You'll be fine. fine: 好的 你会没事的。 -Man: You're finished. finished: 完结的 你完了。 Uh, with your journey. journey: 旅行 呃,我是说旅程。 -Donkey: Wor-ces-ters-shiree? Now that sounds fancy! sound: 听起来 fancy: 奇特的 伍克什么什么?听起来不错! -Shrek: It's Worcestershire. 是Worcestershire。 -Donkey: Like the sauce? sauce: 沙司 跟沙拉酱一样? It's spicy! spicy: 辛辣的 是辣的! They must be expecting us. expect: 期待 他们肯定一直盼着我们呢。 What in the shista-shire kind of place is this? 这个伍什么什么郡到底是什么地方? -Shrek: Well, my stomach aches and my palms just got sweaty. Must be a high school. stomach aches: 胃疼 stomach: 胃 ache: 疼痛 palm: 掌心 sweaty: 出汗的 high school: 中学 那么,我的胃开始痛。手掌开始出汗,肯定是所中学。 -Donkey: High school? 中学? -Women: “Ready? Okay! ready: 准备好 “准备好了么?好啊! Wherefore art thou headed, to the top? wherefore: 为什么 art: 艺术的 thou: 你 你想前进到艺术的哪儿,前进到顶端? Yeah, we think so, we think so! 是呀,我们也这么认为,我们也这么认为! And dost thou thinkest thine can be stopped? dost: <古>do 的第二人称,单数,现在式 thine: 你的 stop: 阻止 有什么能阻止你呢? Nay, we thinkst not, we thinkst not!” thinkst: 【认为】 没有,我们认为没有,没有!” -Man: All right, Mr. Percival, ease up on the reins. ease up: 放松 rein: 控制 好了,Percival先生,别激动。 -Man2: For lo, bro, don't burn all my frankincense and myrrh. lo: 瞧,看 burn: 烧伤 frankincense: 乳香 myrrh: 没药 好了,伙计。别烧了我的乳香和没药。 -Donkey: I'm feeling nauseous from memories of wedgies and swirlies! nauseous: 厌恶的 memory: 记忆 wedgie: 楔形后跟的女鞋 swirly: 打旋的 我无法阻止心底,对平底鞋和混乱场面的恶心。 -Puss in Boots: How did you receive wedgies when you are clearly not the wearer of underpants? receive: 收到 clearly: 明显地 wearer: 穿用者 underpants: 内衣裤 你不穿内裤又怎么会有平底鞋呢? -Donkey: Let's just say some things are better left unsaid. unsaid: 未说出口的 有的事是不言而喻的。 -Guin: So I was all like, "I'd rather get the black plague than go out with you." rather: 宁愿 black plague: 黑死病 go out with: 与某人约会 那么我就说,“我宁可得黑死病也不愿跟你去约会。” -Tiffany: Oh, totally. totally: 完全地 噢,绝对是。 -Shrek: Pardon me. pardon: 原谅 不好意思, -Guin: Totally ew-eth. totally: 完全地 ew-eth: 【恶心的】 真是恶心。 -Tiffany: Yeah, totally. 是呀,绝对。 -Man: I just altered my character level to +3 superb-ability. alter: 改变 character: 品质 level: 水平 superb: 极好的 ability: 能力 superb-ability: 【超级能力】 我刚把我的等级加了三点超级能力。 -Shrek: Hi. We're looking for someone named... 嗨,我们想找个人。他叫…… -Man: Who rolled a +9 dork spell? roll: 摇摆 dork: <美俚> 笨蛋 spell: 符咒 谁弄了九点的笨蛋符咒来? and summoned the beast and his quadruped? summon: 召集 beast: 野兽 quadruped: 四足动物 还召唤来了一只野兽和几只四足动物? -Shrek: I know you're busy not fitting in, fit in: 适应 我知道你们正忙着, but can you tell me where I can find Arthur? find: 发现 不过能告诉我哪儿能找到Arthur么? -Man: He's over there. 他就在那边。 -Lancelot: There is no sweeter taste on thy tongue than victory! sweeter: 甜味的 taste: 味道 thy: <古>你的 tongue: 舌头,语言 victory: 胜利 没有比胜利让你感觉更好的了! -Shrek: Strong, handsome, face of a leader. handsome: 英俊的 leader: 领导 健壮,英俊,一脸领导相。 Does Arthur look like a king or what? Arthur不是一看上去就像个国王么? Sorry. 抱歉。 -Arthur: Did you say you were looking for Arthur? look for: 寻找 你们刚才是说要找Arthur? -Puss in Boots: That information is on a need-to-know basis. information: 信息 need-to-know: [常用作定语]需要知晓 basis: 基础 这可是显而易见的。 -Donkey: It's top secret! top secret: 绝对机密的 这是高级机密! -Lancelot: Now, gentlemen, let's away. To the showers! away: 离开 showers: 淋浴站 现在,先生们,我们走吧。向塔楼前进! -Shrek: Greetings, Your Majesty. greetings: 问候,打招呼 majesty: 王权 您好,陛下。 This is your lucky day. lucky day: 幸运日 今天是你的幸运日。 -Lancelot: What are you supposed to be? suppose: 认为,假使 你是什么玩意呀? Some kind of giant mutant leprechaun or something? giant: 巨大的 mutant: 突变的 leprechaun: 小妖精 某种巨大的变异的妖精,还是什么的? -Shrek: Giant mutant... You made a funny. funny: 滑稽人物 巨大的,变异的……你真会讲笑。
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