

2010-12-23 21页 ppt 1MB 14阅读




孟买BHN平台灾难nullTHE BHN DISASTER 孟买BHN平台灾难THE BHN DISASTER 孟买BHN平台灾难HSEQ: THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTER355 employees rescued, 13 missing; the worst accident in the history of ONGC 355人被营救,13人失踪;印“石油天然气公司(ONGC)”历史上最惨重事故 Death toll up to 12 in Bombay High fir...
nullTHE BHN DISASTER 孟买BHN平台灾难THE BHN DISASTER 孟买BHN平台灾难HSEQ: THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTER355 employees rescued, 13 missing; the worst accident in the history of ONGC 355人被营救,13人失踪;印“石油天然气公司(ONGC)”历史上最惨重事故 Death toll up to 12 in Bombay High fire 在孟买火灾中有12人死亡 In terms of property loss, this has been the most serious accident in ONGC history. 财产的损失是ONGC历史上最严重的 THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERA person on board the ship had broken his finger and needed medical attention, which was available on the offshore platform. 供应船上有一名工作人员手指被弄伤,需要到海上平台提供医疗帮助。 for reasons yet to be established, the ship lost control and drifted and collided with the platform. All available information indicates that this collision resulted in serious oil leakage and fire, which spread rapidly 未确定的原因致使船舶失去控制、移动然后碰撞到平台。所有可提供的资料显示这次碰撞造成严重的溢油并引起大火迅速扩散。 These multipurpose support vessels are highly sophisticated computerised ships, equipped to deal with all sorts of emergencies. They have dynamic positioning systems and it is difficult to say what went wrong。 这种多用途的供应船是久经世故的计算机化的船舶,配备了各种完善的应急设备,并有动力定位系统,很难说到底出了什么问题。THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERThere were 227 people on the Bombay High platform, while there were 84 people on board Samudra Suraksha and 73 people on Noble Charlie Yester, a privately-owned drilling rig, which also had to be abandoned. The platform was lost in less than two hours, while Samudra Suraksha though afloat is still on fire and will be out of service. There were about 384 people in all these places and 355 have been rescued. 有227名员工在孟买( Bombay High)平台上,84人在Samudra Suraksha上工作,73人在Noble Charlie Yester上工作,一座本该要废弃的私人钻井平台。不到两个小时Noble Charlie Yester就不见了,而Samudra Suraksha 则在大火之中漂浮在海面失去作业能力。共有384人在这些设施上,其中355人获救。 Of the 12 persons who died, six are ONGC personnel (five officers and one worker); one person is from SCI (which contracts the ships to ONGC), and one from the rig Charlie Yester. 12人死亡者当中有6名是ONGC员工(5名管理人员和1名工人);1名来自SCI(与ONGC服务的船舶承包商),1名是Charlie Yester平台的人员。THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERSome photos taken from Transocean's jackup drilling rig "Randolph Yost" that was jacked up very close to the Bombay High North (BHN) platform and the Noble "Charlie Yester" jackup. 一些来自Transocean钻井平台拍摄的、离Bombay High North (BHN) platform and the Noble “Charlie Yester”非常近距离的照片 Both the BHN and the "Charlie Yester" were completely destroyed and melted into the water. BHN和“Charlie Yester” 完全被毁坏并熔化入水中 THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERThe dive support / multi use vessel "Sagar Surakshas" that is on fire is the vessel that started the whole chain of diasterous events by making contact in heavy seas with the BHN production and processing platform 具有潜水和多用途功能的Sagar Surakshas在火海中,正是这艘船引致后面BHN的生产和作业平台一连串的灾难事件。 Believe it or not, there were 6 divers in the decompression chamber onboard the dive support vessel at the time the vessel was totally abandoned - miraculously they lived and were rescued the day after these photos were take. 信不信由你,当决定完全弃船逃生时,还有6名潜水员在潜水支持船的减压舱内。他们不可思议的还活着,直到拍照之后的第二天被营救出来。 THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTER355 employees rescued, 13 missing; the worst accident in the history of ONGC 355人被营救,13人失踪;印“石油天然气公司(ONGC)”历史上最惨重事故 Death toll up to 12 in Bombay High fire 在孟买火灾中有12人死亡 In terms of property loss, this has been the most serious accident in ONGC history. 财产的损失是ONGC历史上最严重的 THE BHN DISASTERTHE BHN DISASTERRELIEF AFTER RESCUE: An ONGC employee being hugged by a relative after arrival in Mumbai on Thursday. 重获新生: 一名ONGC员工在周四到达孟买后与亲人拥抱LessonsLessonsAll this is the result of someone injuring their finger, which set off this chain of events 值得深思的是: 所有一连串的灾难事故仅仅是由一起人员手指受伤的。
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