

2017-11-17 15页 doc 45KB 51阅读




河南省保障性住房统贷统还资金管理暂行办法河南省保障性住房统贷统还资金管理暂行办法 根据河南省人民政府批准的《河南省保障性住房建设融资计划实施方案》(豫政办【2011】109号),河南省豫资城乡投资发展有限公司(以下简称省豫资公司)作为省级保障性住房投融资平台公司,承担保障性住房融资工作。为保证全省保障性住房建设的顺利进行,确保融资资金专款专用,按时偿还,结合实际,制定本办法。 第一条 保障性住房建设融资资金是指省豫资公司按照省政府要求,向金融机构申请用于保障性住房建设的贷款资金。 第二条 保障性住房建设资金融资遵循“统贷统还、专款专用、分责还款”的原则。 第...
河南省保障性住房统贷统还资金管理暂行办法 根据河南省人民政府批准的《河南省保障性住房建设融资计划实施》(豫政办【2011】109号),河南省豫资城乡投资发展有限公司(以下简称省豫资公司)作为省级保障性住房投融资平台公司,承担保障性住房融资工作。为保证全省保障性住房建设的顺利进行,确保融资资金专款专用,按时偿还,结合实际,制定本办法。 第一条 保障性住房建设融资资金是指省豫资公司按照省政府要求,向金融机构申请用于保障性住房建设的贷款资金。 第二条 保障性住房建设资金融资遵循“统贷统还、专款专用、分责还款”的原则。 第三条 保障性住房建设融资资金的支持范围仅限于政府投资的公租房、廉租房和棚户区改造项目。各省辖市、县(市)严格按照支持范围,逐个审查汇总项目并上报年度贷款需求。 第四条 各省辖市及各县(市)作为合作市、县直接与省豫资公司办理统贷统还手续,信贷资金的拨付、结算和归还。 第五条 各合作市、县(市)财政局、政府指定的住房保障主管部门要与省豫资公司签订委托投资管理协议(附件1),认真履行职责,负责本市、县保障性住房统贷统还项目实施、资金管34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 理、拨付、结算和归还等,及时足额安排贷款资金还本付息和省豫资公司项目运行管理费。 第六条 账户开设及管理 (一)省豫资公司在国开行河南分行开设相关账户。开设“资本金汇集账户”,用于整体项目资本金的筹措和省豫资公司收取的项目运行管理费;开设“贷款资金一般账户”,用于贷款资金的发放、划拨、还款资金本息的归集。 (二)合作市、县财政局在国开行河南分行开设一般账户。用于省豫资公司将贷款资金划转至市、县,并进行贷款资金使用的动态管理和监控。 (三)合作市、县财政局在结算银行开户。各合作市、县财政局在当地结算银行开设“信贷资金户”,用于项目资本金拨付和贷款资金的监管及拨付;开设“还款资金户”,用于归集项目租金收入、项目以商补公销售收入、项目租售并举销售收入、土地出让收入的3%、财政安排的缺口等还款资金,用于支付到期贷款本息及相关费用。 (四)各合作市、县指定的保障房建设单位(开发商)在结算银行开设一般账户,用于贷款资金、项目资本金等建设资金的使用或下游企业资金拨付。 第七条 项目资本金筹集 贷款发放前,各合作市、县项目资本金应先期到位。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for (一)合作市、县财政局利用上级下拨的专项资金、专项补助和本级筹集的财政资金作为项目资本金,安排划转至省豫资公司在国开行河南分行的“资本金汇集账户”,用于贷款发放前资本金足额到位审核; (二)对各合作市、县先期已投入的实物资本金,其支付凭证需经国开行河南分行牵头组建的银团审查认可。 国开行河南分行资本金审核完后,由省豫资公司将合作市、县财政局安排划拨的项目资本金下拨至各合作市、县财政局在当地结算银行开设的“信贷资金户”。 第八条 合同签订和贷款发放 (一)根据省住房城乡建设厅、省财政厅提供的贷款需求和具体项目,省豫资公司组织各合作市、县报送贷款资金申请,并进行预审核。报送材料包括但不限于拟融资项目的“四项审批”文件、符合国开行要求的出资人同意抵押的相关文件、市财政同意向省财政出具的扣款承诺函(详见附件2)、资本金到位凭证和借款#申请书#(详见附件3)。 (二)省豫资公司对合作市、县报送资料初步审核后,汇总编制借款申请书,向国开行河南分行提出银团贷款申请。贷款申请材料包括但不限于以下:汇总借款申请书、融资项目的“四项审批”文件、符合国开行要求的出资人同意抵押的相关文件、34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 合作市、县财政同意向省财政厅出具的扣款承诺函和资本金到位凭证等。 (三)国开行河南分行对省豫资公司报送的贷款申请材料审核通过后,与省豫资公司签订银团贷款合同,按照银团贷款合同中约定归集银团贷款,并将贷款发放至省豫资公司在国开行河南分行开立的“贷款资金一般账户”。贷款发放前,省豫资公司需向国开行河南分行提交资金划转通知书及资金转账凭证,国开行河南分行在贷款发放两个工作日内将贷款资金划拨至合作市、县财政局在国开行河南分行的一般账户。 第九条 资金支付 (一)根据市县报送项目情况,国开行河南分行设定市、县财政局在结算行的“信贷资金户”周转金限额。在市、县财政办理转款手续后,国开行按周转金限额将资金划拨至相应市、县财政局在结算银行“信贷资金户”作为备付金。 (二)合作市、县指定住房保障主管部门,负责市本级或县的保障房建设与管理。保障房建设单位(开发商)申请使用建设资金时,需向住房保障主管部门提出资金使用申请和相关材料,住房保障主管部门签署意见,提交财政部门审核同意后,由市、县财政局向当地结算银行办理支付手续。 (三)结算银行负责监管贷款项目的资金支付。市、县财政局申请资金支付前,除向结算银行提供住房保障主管部门及财政34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 部门对保障房建设单位(开发商)的资金使用申请意见外,还需提供以下内容: 1(贷款对应的项目建设规划、可行性研究报告、土地利用证明、环境评价等“四项审批”内容已按审批权限得到国家或地方主管部门的审批或核准。“四项审批”不全的项目,结算银行不得向其支付贷款资金。 2(项目资本金到位的合法证明(资本金到位凭证的复印件、经审计验证并能证明资本金到位情况的财务报表或基建报表、加盖公章(或财务章)的资本金分配计划、资本金到位说明材料等)。 3(资金使用的相关证明:保障房建设单位(开发商)申请支付款项的相关合同复印件、监理签字的支付证书(如涉及)等。 (四)结算银行收到市、县财政局的资金支付通知后,按照贷款资金受托支付要求,审核后,从市、县财政局的“信贷资金户”划拨至保障房建设单位(开发商)在结算经办行开设的一般账户。在保障房建设单位(开发商)办理资金划转手续后,结算经办行将资金划转至项目施工等企业。 (五)备付金使用完毕或不足以支付时,结算银行向国开行河南分行申请备付金划转。国开行对备付金划转申请审核批准后向结算银行补充划拨备付金。 第十条 信贷资金归还。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for (一)信贷资金的还款来源:各合作市、县要按照《河南省保障性住房建设融资计划实施方案的通知》(豫政办【2011】109号)要求,及时归集、安排和足额筹集资金,用于归还银行贷款本息和省豫资公司项目管理费。 (二)各合作市、县财政局负责筹措归集还款资金,并将还款缺口资金列入财政预算,在规定的本息回收日前7个工作日,将项目还款资金归集到市、县财政局在结算银行开立的“还款资金户”,并于本息回收日5个工作日前划转至省豫资公司在国开行河南分行开立的“贷款资金一般账户”。 (三)省豫资公司在还款前5个工作日,负责审查各合作市、县还款资金是否足额到位。若足额到位,由国开行统一安排还款。在还款前3个工作日仍未筹足还款资金的,由省豫资公司提请省财政厅根据市、县财政出具的扣款承诺,按照到期应归还的借款本息先行垫付,并拨付至省豫资公司在国开行河南分行开立的“贷款资金一般账户”;年终省财政再按照垫付资金加上同期存款利息省与市县财政年终结算扣回。 (四)国开行河南分行于本息回收日扣收到期贷款本息,并按银团约定及时向银团各银行划拨还款资金。 (五)合作市、县财政局应将建设项目的租金收入、以商补公销售收入、租售并举销售收入等收入在扣除必要的税费及运营成本后定期转入在结算经办行开立的“还款资金户”。“还款资金户”归集资金原则上只能用于归还贷款。当地结算银行要跟踪34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 监管市、县财政局在其开立的“还款资金户”资金回笼情况,若不足归还贷款,应及时通知省豫资公司及国开行。 (六)合作市、县财政局应按时安排省豫资公司的项目运行管理费用,具体缴纳方式由省豫资公司另行通知。 第十一条 担保资产抵押与解押。 (一)省豫资公司负责组织各合作市、县向贷款银行提供符合监管要求的担保。各合作市、县政府指定住房保障主管部门负责组织本市、县申请贷款项目办理抵押手续。 (二)采用项目建成后的房产及土地抵押的,各合作市、县政府不得就建成房产及相应可抵押土地向统贷银团之外的第三方办理抵押手续。 (三)国开行河南分行每年11月份组织银团集中办理房产及土地抵押及解押手续。各合作市、县政府应积极协调相关部门在项目竣工后首年11月份向贷款银行办理抵押手续。各合作市、县房管部门受理抵押登记时,抵押房产或土地的价值统一按决算价格计算,不再另行评估。 (四)对申请贷款项目中配建的商业配套设施、商品房等,若出售收入用于归还银行贷款的,贷款银行可提前办理解押手续。 第十二条 各省辖市财政局要按照贷款银团的要求,制定相应的资金。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 第十三条 各级财政部门要加强管理和监督检查,指定专门机构负责对保障性住房贷款资金的监督管理,建立健全项目跟踪问效和风险防范机制,要严格实行专款专用,严禁截留、挪用。 第十四条 省豫资公司作为省级保障房融资平台,应按照监管要求资产负债率不高于80%。负债率高于80%,省豫资公司应暂停进一步融资业务,在采取有效措施确保负债率下降至80%后,再行开展融资业务。 第十五条 省财政厅监督检查部门不定期组织监督检查,对全省保障性住房资金使用情况开展专项检查,对项目管理单位未按计划组织项目实施或未按规定用途使用贷款资金的,省豫资公司有权收回贷款,并按照有关规定严肃处理。 第十六条 各合作市、县财政局对保障性住房建设资金的合理合规使用负责,要制定完善的资金支付使用程序,指定专门的监督检查力量,实施全过程监督。 第十七条 各合作市、县财政局根据国开行河南分行要求加强对保障性住房贷款资金使用的跟踪管理,及时掌握项目进度和资金使用情况,并于每季度初5个工作日内将上季度融资资金使用情况报送省豫资公司。对贷款银行就资金使用情况开展的监督检查,各合作市、县财政局应积极配合。 第十八条 本办法由省财政厅负责解释,自发布之日起执行。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for
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