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福田区安全生产监督管理局福田区安全生产监督管理局 福田区安全生产监督管理局 福田区建设局 福安监管[2010]12号 关于做好住宅室内装饰装修工程安全监督管理工作的通知 各物业管理处: 为保护广大业主的合法权益~减少住宅室内装饰装修纠纷~促进和谐社会的建设~根据中华人民共和国建设令第110号《住宅室内装饰装修管理办法》~辖区各物业管理处对管辖范围内装饰装修工程~申报登记应当提交下列材料: ,一,房屋所有权证,或者证明其合法权益的有效凭证,, ,二,申请人身份证件, ,三,装饰装修方案, ,四,变动建筑主体或者承重结构的~需提交原设计...
福田区安全生产监督管理局 福田区安全生产监督管理局 福田区建设局 福安监管[2010]12号 关于做好住宅室内装饰装修工程安全监督管理工作的通知 各物业管理处: 为保护广大业主的合法权益~减少住宅室内装饰装修纠纷~促进和谐社会的建设~根据中华人民共和国建设令第110号《住宅室内装饰装修管理办法》~辖区各物业管理处对管辖范围内装饰装修工程~申报登记应当提交下列材料: ,一,房屋所有权证,或者证明其合法权益的有效凭证,, ,二,申请人身份证件, ,三,装饰装修, ,四,变动建筑主体或者承重结构的~需提交原单位或者具有相应资质等级的设计单位提出的设计方案, ,五,涉及本办法第六条行为的~需提交有关部门的批准文件~涉及本办法第七条、第八条行为的~需提交设计方案或者施工方案, ,六,委托装饰装修企业施工的~需提供该企业相关资质证书的复印件。 非业主的住宅使用人~还需提供业主同意装饰装修的书面证明。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 对将进行住宅室内装饰装修的业主~物业管理处要及时将“住宅室内装饰装修温馨提示,附件1,”送达业主~物业管理公司还可将“住宅室内装饰装修温馨提示”粘贴于小区宣传栏上。物业管理处与将进行住宅室内装饰装修的业主、装修单位需共同签订“住宅室内装饰装修管理责任书”,可参考附件2,~并积极做好服务工作。 附:1、住宅室内装饰装修温馨提示, 2、住宅室内装饰装修管理责任书,参考样板,。 福田区安全生产监督管理局 福田区建设局 二?一?年九月十四日 主题词:家居装修 物业管理 安全监督 通知 抄送:区有关领导 福田区安全生产委员会办公室 2010年9月 日印发 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 资料整理来源 成都装修网 住宅室内装饰装修温馨提示 住宅室内装饰装修一旦出现纠纷~业主往往想到投诉~但是有些投诉是不被受理的~或者是难以解决的~请业主特别要注意。 业主与家装企业中的员工私下交易而引起装修纠纷的, 提供不出被投诉方的名称、地址的, 提供不出家装工程文本和施工企业开具的统一发票以及权益被侵害的证明证据的,规范的合同文本务必将报价、工程变更、设计、验收、保修和装修公司答应的优惠条款等纳入装修合同,必须写明装修的具体要求和完工日期,必须注明使用的装饰材料的具体品牌或型号,保修的条文是必不可少的~而且要分清责任:如果属于施工或材料的质量问题~装饰公司应承担全部责任,如果属于用户使用不当~双方可协商处理。以上内容必须形成书面文字,, 家装工程的价格~当事人已在合同中约定~而又对合同价格提出异议进行投诉的, 超过家装工程约定的保修期~被诉人不再承担违约责任的, 投诉人因自身不遵守适用规定导致家装工程出现问题的, 已达成~没有新情况、新理由的, 委托他人投诉~没有出具委托授权书的, 对存在的争议无法实施质量检验、鉴定的, 法院、仲裁机构、有关行政机关或消费者协会已受理或处理的, 不符合家装工程有关国家法律、法规和规章规定的。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 mont更多装修资料请访问 www.zx001.com.cn hs; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 附件2:《住宅室内装饰装修管理责任书》样板 住宅室内装饰装修管理责任书 一、总则 为加强对住宅室内装饰装修的管理~保障小区所有业主的合法权益~维护小区内的公共秩序~根据《住宅室内装饰装修管理办法》,中华人民共和国建设部令第110号,和《深圳经济特区物业管理条例》~凡进行住宅室内装饰装修须经管理处审批同意后~由业主、装修单位、管理处三方就家居装修的有关事宜达成共识~签订本责任书~并共同遵守。 二、责任范围 ,一,业主 1、 业主选择的装修单位承接其家居装修工程~必须持有市主管部门颁发的《承建资格证书》。如业主违反本规定~应承担由此产生的全部责任, 2、 业主在房屋装修前~必须会同其委托的装修单位向管理处申报登记,对于商业等非住宅装修~在装修前需先向市消防部门进行装修申报~待装修申报同意后~管理处方可办理装修进行场手续,~如实申报装修项目、、施工人数、拟开工时间和竣工时间等内容~并提交装修合同原件和复印件、施工单位《承建资格证书》和营业执照复印件,盖公章,、施工人员身份证,或暂住证,复印件各1张~施工人员照片2张,经管理处批准后方可动工, 3、 在办理装修手续的同时需向管理处交付一定的装修保证金。管理ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 资料整理来源 成都装修网 处收款后开具相应的票据~请业主和施工队妥善保管~票据作为装修竣工后退还装修保证金依据~若遗失票据将不予退还装修保证金, 4、 楼顶、平台、外墙门窗、阳台的装修及空调的安装~须保证建筑物外观的协调统一~根据《深圳市家庭居室装修管理规定》要求~选择管理处指定的样式、材料、安装方法安装。如有违反~除恢复原状外~扣除部分或全部装修保证金, 5、 业主在装修过程中临时增加装修项目~须报管理处审核批准, 6、 装修完毕~业主验收合格后~对于非住宅类装修~还需报请市消防部门进行验收~并向管理处提交《验收意见书》。管理处指定专人负责装修过程中对受影响的公共设备设施进行检查验收~若因装修造成公共设备设施受损~则由装修施工单位负责修复或赔偿~业主对此承担连带责任。 ,二,装修施工单位 1、 装修单位应如实申报施工人员名单、照片~交验施工人员有效证件,如有特殊作业~还需交验特种岗位从业资格证书,~办理《装修许可证》和《临时出入卡》~并交付《临时出入卡》办理费用:人民币15元整,保证金10元/张~工本费5元/张,~管理处收款后开具相应的票据~请施工队妥善保管~装修竣工后必须持《临时出入卡》和保证金票据到管理处办理《临时出入卡》保证金退款手续,若缺少其中一项将不予退款,~其中《临时出入卡》工本费不予退还, 2、 装修单位领取《装修许可证》、《临时出入卡》之后方可开始施工。施工时须将《装修许可证》张贴在户门外~《装修管理规定》张贴于室内明显位臵~便于装修人员阅读和管理处检查, ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 mont更多装修资料请访问 www.zx001.com.cn hs; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 3、 施工人员须佩戴《临时出入卡》进入大厦~凡未办理《装修许可证》和《临时出入卡》而擅自施工者~将按有关规定处理, 4、 装修施工时间为:8:00,12:00时~14:00,18:00时。已有业主入住的~晚间22时至次日上午8时~中午12时至14时以及节假日~不得从事敲、凿、锯、钻等产生严重噪声的施工。若在非规定时间内施工~管理处有权采取措施责令停工~对于屡禁不止者将根据《深圳市家庭居室装修管理规定》处理, 5、 装修活动必须保证建筑物结构和使用安全~并严格按照业主申请的项目进行~严禁下列行为: ,1,改变房屋承重结构, ,2,在承重墙、天花、地面上打孔~拆除连接阳台的墙体、门窗, ,3,不适当增加楼面静荷载~包括在室内砌墙、超负荷吊顶、安装大型灯具、铺设大理石地板,超过10毫米,等, ,4,任意刨凿、重击顶板、外墙内侧及排烟管道~不经穿管直接埋设电线或改线, ,5,破坏或者拆改厨房、卫生间的墙地面防水层, ,6,使用不符合消防要求的装修材料, ,7,其他违章装修活动。 对于以上行为和其它不经批准私自改变房屋结构及用途者~除恢复原状、扣除装修保证金外~由装修施工单位承担相应责任~业主对此承担连带责任。 6、装修单位负责人必须教育施工人员遵纪守法~严禁下列行为: ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 资料整理来源 成都装修网 ,1, 用砖头或其他物品强行顶住电梯、防盗门, ,2, 将装修垃圾、各类胶、漆等杂物倒入排水管道, ,3, 在修改排水管道时~将生活污水排入雨水管道, ,4, 骚扰其他住户或影响其他住户的正常生活~造成投诉和财产损失, ,5, 串栋、串户~或在其他住户门前逗留、休息, ,6, 在规定装修时间外施工, ,7, 擅自进入地下室和天台~或在公共场所,地,施工作业, ,8, 私自在户外接驳水、电, ,9, 将电源线直接接在漏电开关上端, ,10, 在装修房间内抽烟~使用电炉及大功率炊具, ,11, 高空抛物。 7、装修单位应对其员工进行安全培训~并对在管辖区域内因不遵守有关规定和不按操作规程作业发生的人身安全事故负责, 8、装修过程中~如需要进行电焊、气焊操作~须事先向管理处提出申请~提供操作人员岗位操作证~并采取安全防火措施方可施工, 9、施工人员必须爱护公共设施~不得随意移动、拆除消火栓等消防设施~对于违反管理规定破坏公共设施,包括楼道、墙面、天台、电梯等,行为的~按责任照价赔偿, 10、因装修施工造成的管道堵塞、渗漏水、停水停电、损毁他人物品等~均由装修单位负责修复并赔偿全部损失, 11、装修垃圾须用袋封装~并按照管理处指定的位臵、方式和时间进 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 mont更多装修资料请访问 www.zx001.com.cn hs; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 行堆放、清运。对违章堆放、抛弃装修垃圾者~管理处有权责令其限期清理或由管理处代为清理~其费用由装修单位承担, 12、装修单位应加强消防安全意识~遵守消防安全规定~装修现场至少配备两个灭火器~并做好消防防范措施, 13、施工过程中~装修单位必须指派专人负责安全工作~严密巡视~防止案件发生~发现可疑情况应及时报告管理处, 14、装修时必须关闭门户~避免灰尘或噪音影响公共环境, 15、经管理处对公共设备设施验收后~如无违章装修或渗、漏、堵、损坏等情况~业主或装修单位凭收据于十个工作日内领取装修保证金。若违章装修或装修过程造成公共设备设施受损~则由装修单位负责修复或赔偿(将从装修保证金中予以扣除),业主对此承担连带责任。装修保证金不足赔偿的部分~另行支付, 16、在装修期间~若需搬运任何物品出大厦~须提前与管理处联系~填写《物品外出放行条》~经管理处确认后~方可搬出大厦, 17、如业主与装修单位因装修问题产生争议~双方依照《深圳市家庭居室装修管理规定》自行协调解决。管理处无权处理双方的纠纷~也无权代其中一方对他方履行约束或追缴行为~且也不承担因双方纠纷产生的任何后果。 三、处罚办法 1、 对违反本协议书的任何违章装修行为~管理处均有权制止、责令整改~并报请有关部门予以处罚, 2、 装修单位应遵守装修管理规定~服从管理处的管理。如施工人员ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 资料整理来源 成都装修网 违反管理规定又不服从管理处管理者~管理处有权要求业主更换施工队伍~否则管理处将强制停止施工~并拒绝其进入本小区, 3、 违反以上条款者~将按照《深圳市家庭居室装修管理规定》和其他有关规定予以处罚。 四、附则 本责任书一式三份~三方各执一份~自签名盖章之日起生效。 装修房号: 管理处,甲方, 负责人: 日 期: 业主,乙方, 日 期: 装修单位,丙方, 负责人: 日 期: ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 mont更多装修资料请访问 www.zx001.com.cn hs; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing
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