

2017-08-31 16页 doc 48KB 176阅读




带反义词的四字成语[1]兰瑛琪 2010年 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for m...
兰瑛琪 2010年 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 带反义词的四字成语 南辕北辙 九死一生 瞻前顾后 前呼后拥 大小做 空前绝后 左思右想 大同小异 前俯后仰 来龙去脉 前呼后拥 异曲同工 东倒西歪 眼高手低 口是心非 头重脚轻 有头无尾 柳暗花明 前倨后恭 东逃西散 南辕北辙 左顾右盼 积少成多 兴利除弊 同甘共苦 半信半疑 大材小用 先人后己 有口无心 天高地厚 天经地义 弄假成真 举足轻重 南腔北调 声东击西 好逸恶劳 转危为安 反败为胜 以少胜多 由此及彼 内忧外患 除旧布新 上天入地 天上人间 出生入死 哭笑不得 虽败犹荣 朝三暮四 宠辱不惊 人小鬼大 瞻前顾后 青红皂白 藏头露尾 东倒西歪 居安思危 大材小用 无中生有 弃旧图新 有头无尾 前仆后继 出生入死 无独有偶 瞻前顾后 前赴后继 七上八下 头重脚轻 四字成语大全 1(表示人物品质的: 拾金不昧、舍己为人、视死如归、坚贞不屈、不屈不挠 2(表示人物外貌的: 身材魁梧、亭亭玉立、老态龙钟、西装革履、婀娜多姿 3(表示人物动作的: 洗耳恭听、昂首阔步、拳打脚踢、交头接耳、左顾右盼 4(表示人物神态的: 扬眉吐气、怒目而视、火眼金睛、面红耳赤、热泪盈眶 5(表示“哭”的词语: 泪流满面、泪如雨下、泪眼汪汪、泪如泉涌、嚎啕大哭、 erground space and its supporting. To ensureof undapplication technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system e, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile ractictical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with pching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' pracclass tea-g of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teachin de: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-for masonry (JTG D61 2004) of the highway bridge design specifications-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 112 6(表示“笑”的词语: 喜笑颜开、眉开眼笑、哈哈大笑、嫣然一笑、微微一笑 7(表示“人物心情”的成语: 忐忑不安、惊慌失措、闷闷不乐、激动人心、焦急万分 8(表示喜悦的: 笑容可掬、微微一笑、开怀大笑、喜出望外、乐不可支 9(表示愤怒的: 火冒三丈、怒发冲冠、勃然大怒、怒气冲冲、咬牙切齿 10(表示憎恶的: 可憎可恶、十分可恶、深恶痛绝、疾恶如仇、恨之入骨 11(表示悲哀的: 伤心落泪、欲哭无泪、失声痛哭、泣不成声、潸然泪下 12(表示忧愁的: 无精打采、顾虑重重、忧愁不安、愁眉苦脸、闷闷不乐 13(表示激动的: 激动不已、激动人心、百感交集、激动万分、感慨万分 14(表示舒畅的: 舒舒服服、高枕无忧、无忧无虑、悠然自得、心旷神怡 15(表示着急的: 迫不及待、急急忙忙、急不可待、操之过急、焦急万分 16(表示愧疚的: 追悔莫及、悔恨交加、于心不安、深感内疚、羞愧难言 17(表示失望的: 心灰意冷、大失所望、灰心丧气、毫无希望、黯然神伤 18(表示害怕的: 惊弓之鸟、提心吊胆、惊惶失措、惊恐万状、惶惶不安 ers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureow reftioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering belce of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air condits ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenanclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering studen-njunction with training courses, smallin co nance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teachingnce and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintede: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintena2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D612-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 113 19(表示反义词: 上行下效、深入浅出、借尸还魂、买空卖空、内忧外患、前呼后拥、异口同声、声东击西:三长两短、凶多吉少、不进则退、大同小异、大公无私、承上启下 20(表示近反义词: 天崩地裂、天老地荒、理直气壮、云开日出、粗细各异、长短不同、黑白相间、表里如一、是非曲直:喜怒哀乐、安危冷暖、生死存亡 21(月光似水: 茫雾似轻、枫叶似火、骄阳似火、秋月似钩 日月如梭:雪花如席、 雪飘如絮、细雨如烟、星月如钩、碧空如洗、暴雨如注、 吉祥如意、视死如归、挥金如土、疾走如飞、一见如故、和好如初 22(山清水秀:早出晚归、眉清目秀、月圆花好、李白桃红、心直口快、水落石出、 月白风清、字正腔圆、口蜜腹剑、雨打风吹、虎啸龙吟、龙争虎斗、 23(载歌载舞:难舍难分、能屈能伸、蹑手蹑脚、有始有终、若即若离、古色古香、 24(摇摇摆摆:恍恍惚惚、清清楚楚、明明白白、干干净净、飘飘洒洒、顺顺利利、 25(整理整理:打扫打扫、清扫清扫、舒活舒活、清理清理、忽闪忽闪 雪白雪白、碧绿碧绿、金黄金黄、乌黑乌黑、瓦蓝瓦蓝 26(闪闪发光:窃窃私语、津津乐道、欣欣向荣、栩栩如生、滔滔不绝、翩翩起舞 神采奕奕:星光熠熠、小心翼翼、炊烟袅袅、白雪皑皑、 烈日灼灼、赤日炎炎 27(绿浪滚滚:波浪滚滚、云浪滚滚、麦浪滚滚、热浪滚滚、江水滚滚、车轮滚滚 果实累累:秋实累累、硕果累累、果实累累、尸骨累累、弹孔累累、 e, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile ractictical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with pching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' pracclass tea-g of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teachin de: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-for masonry (JTG D61 2004) of the highway bridge design specifications-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11erground space and its supporting. To ensureof undapplication technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system 4 白骨累累 生气勃勃:生机勃勃、生气勃勃、朝气勃勃、兴致勃勃、雄心勃勃、野心勃勃 28(无影无踪:无牵无挂、无边无际、无情无义、无忧无虑、无缘无故、无穷无尽 不干不净:不清不楚、不明不白、不闻不问、不伦不类、不吵不闹、不理不睬 自言自语:自说自话、自吹自擂、自私自利、自高自大、自暴自弃、自给自足 时隐时现:时高时低、时明时暗、时上时下 半信半疑:半明半昧、半梦半醒、半推半就 29(千辛万苦:千军万马、千言万语、千变万化、千山万水、千秋万代 千奇百怪:千锤百炼、千方百计、千疮百孔、千姿百态、千丝万缕 30(表示形势紧急的成语: 迫在眉睫、千钧一发、燃眉之急、十万火急 31(表示声音极响的词语: 震耳欲聋、惊天动地、震天动地、响彻云霄 32(表示“团结一致”的四字词: 众志成城、齐心协力、同心同德、万众一心 33(表示“钻研精神”的四字词: 废寝忘食、刻苦钻研、争分夺秒、精益求精 34(表示思想集中的四字词: 专心致志、全神贯注、聚精会神、一心一意 35(描写课堂上讨论场面的四字词: 议论纷纷、各抒己见、七嘴八舌、争论不休 36(描写场面热闹的成语: tioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering belce of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air condits ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenanclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering studen-njunction with training courses, smallin co nance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teachingnce and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintede: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintena2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D612-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11ers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureow ref5 车水马龙、人山人海、人声鼎沸、摩肩接踵、热闹非凡 37(描写体育运动比赛场面的四字词: 生龙活虎、人流如潮、振奋人心、异常激烈 38(描写洁白纯洁的成语: 洁白无瑕、白璧无瑕、冰清玉洁、洁白如玉 39(表示“诚信”的成语: 言而有信、一言九鼎、一诺千金、信守诺言 40(表示“做事果断”的四字词: 毅然决然、当机立断、雷厉风行、斩钉截铁 41、表示“从没有过的”词语: 前所未有、空前绝后、绝无仅有、史无前例、 42(表示“做事犹豫”的四字词: 犹豫不决、出尔反尔、优柔寡断、狐疑不决、 43(形容“气势雄伟”的四字词: 浩浩荡荡、气势磅礴、气势恢弘、气势非凡、 44(形容“植物长势很好”的四字词: 枝繁叶茂、绿树成阴、绿阴如盖、 45(表示“有名”的词语: 闻名于世、举世闻名、闻名天下、大名鼎鼎、人尽知、 46(表示与“足”有关的词语: 手足无措、手忙脚乱、手舞足蹈、足下生辉 47(表示“赞扬”的词语: 赞不绝口、赞叹不已、连连称赞、叹为观止、交口称赞 48(表示“豪言壮语”的词语: 慷慨激昂、壮志凌云、铿锵有力、语气坚定、 49(描写“日寇罪行”的词语: -g of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teachin de: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-for masonry (JTG D61 2004) of the highway bridge design specifications-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11erground space and its supporting. To ensureof undapplication technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system e, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile ractictical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with pching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' pracclass tea6 令人发指、丧失人性、灭绝人性、毛骨悚然 50(描写波浪巨大的词语: 汹涌澎湃、波涛汹涌、白浪滔天、惊涛骇浪、浪花飞溅 51(描写湖面平静的词语: 风平浪静、水平如镜、波光粼粼、微波粼粼、碧波荡漾 52(描写自然景物的词语: 旭日东升、绵绵细雨、桃红柳绿、艳阳高照 53(描写“山岳”的词语: 山河壮丽、高山峻岭、危峰兀立、连绵不断、高低起伏 54(描写“瀑布”的词语: 飞流直下、一泻千里、万丈瀑布、水帘悬挂 55(描写“晨”的词语: 雄鸡报晓、红日东升、朝霞辉映、金光万道 56(描写“午”的词语: 中午时分、丽日当空、艳阳高照、当午日明 57(描写“暮”的词语: 暮色苍茫、夕阳西下、天色模糊、晚风习习、华灯初上 58(描写“夜”的词语: 月明星稀、灯火通明、漫漫长夜、万家灯火、夜幕降临 59(描写“大雨”的词语: 狂风暴雨、倾盆大雨、瓢泼大雨、大雨淋漓、暴风骤雨 描写“雨”的词语: 秋雨绵绵、绵绵细雨、细雨如烟、淅淅沥沥、暴雨如注、 60(表示“天气晴朗”词语: 风和日丽、天高云淡、万里无云、秋高气爽、艳阳高照 61(描写“风”的词语: in co nance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teachingnce and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintede: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintena2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D612-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11ers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureow reftioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering belce of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air condits ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenanclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering studen-njunction with training courses, small7 和风拂面、风狂雨猛、秋风凉爽、北风呼啸、狂风暴雨 62. 描写“雪”的词语: 纷纷扬扬、粉妆玉砌、银妆素裹、白雪皑皑、冰雪消融 带有“雪”字的词语: 冰天雪地、白雪皑皑、雪花飞舞、大雪封门、雪中送炭 63.形容刻苦学习的: 专心致志 如饥似渴 孜孜不倦 全神贯注 锲而不舍 程门立雪 埋头苦干 夜以继日 手不释卷 废寝忘食 手不释卷 争分夺秒 夜以继日 凿壁借光(匡衡) 悬梁刺骨(苏秦) 囊萤映雪(车胤) 64.形容气势大的: 浩浩荡荡 万马奔腾 地动山摇 千军万马 风起云涌 65.形容人物外貌的: 一表人才 炯炯有神 仪表堂堂 白发苍苍 身材魁梧 眉清目秀 66.形容人物神态的: 愁容满面 眉开眼笑 破涕为笑 眉飞色舞 神采飞扬 笑容满面 67.形容有毅力的: 坚持不懈 锲而不舍 滴水穿石 持之以恒 坚韧不拔 68.描写人物语言的: 斩钉截铁 一诺千金 语重心长 吞吞吐吐 信口开河 夸夸其谈 69.表示处境危险的成语: 迫在眉睫 危在旦夕 四面楚歌 千钧一发 火烧眉毛 危急存亡 岌岌可危 危机四伏 兵临城下 70.表示人物高尚品格的成语: 一身正气 高风亮节 临危不惧 大公无私 光明磊落 铁面无私 见义勇为 拾金不昧 两袖清风 舍己为人 视死如归 71.表示人多场面热闹的成语: erground space and its supporting. To ensureof undapplication technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system e, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile ractictical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with pching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' pracclass tea-g of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teachin de: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-for masonry (JTG D61 2004) of the highway bridge design specifications-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 118 车水马龙 门庭若市 人山人海 座无虚席 摩肩接踵 济济一堂 万人空巷 熙熙攘攘 72.表示神话的成语 开天辟地 愚公移山 牛郎织女 夸父追日 八仙过海 精卫填海 73.寓言故事的成语 掩耳盗铃 滥竽充数 画蛇添足 画龙点睛 拔苗助长 惊弓之鸟 守株待兔 自相矛盾 刻舟求剑 南辕北辙 买椟还珠 坐井观天 叶公好龙 鱼目混珠 亡羊补牢 揠苗助长 杯弓蛇影 狐假虎威 郑人买履 74.表示历史故事的成语 负荆请罪(廉颇) 三顾茅庐(刘备) 纸上谈兵(赵括) 手不释卷(吕蒙) 完璧归赵(蔺相如) 望梅止渴(曹操) 卧薪尝胆(勾践) 闻鸡起舞(祖逖) 75.形容注意力(精神)集中的成语 目不转睛 全神贯注 目不窥园 聚精会神 专心致志 77.表示心情紧张的成语 心惊胆战 忐忑不安 心神不定 心烦意乱 心急如焚 惴惴不安 78.出自诗句的成语: 柳暗花明 万马齐喑 万紫千红 寸草春晖 79.形容海面起伏不定、风浪大的成语 汹涌澎湃 波浪滔天 波峰浪谷 波涛汹涌 惊涛骇浪 波涛滚滚 波涛起伏 风急浪高 80. 春天的成语 春风得意 春风化雨 春风满面 春花烂漫 春兰秋菊 春华秋实 春意盎然 春露秋霜 春寒料峭 春暖花开 春花秋月 春雨如油 阳春白雪 阳春三月 雨后春笋 满面春风 满园春风 如坐春风 ers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureow reftioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering belce of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air condits ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenanclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering studen-njunction with training courses, smallin co nance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teachingnce and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintede: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintena2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D612-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 119 81.夏天的成语: 夏日炎炎 骄阳如火 (骄阳似火) 烈日炎炎 炎炎夏日 炎阳炙人 烈日当空 火伞高张 82.秋天的成语 金风送爽、雁过留声、 一叶知秋、春种秋收、春兰秋菊、春花秋月、 秋色宜人、秋风过耳、秋雨绵绵、 一丛金黄、一丛火红、秋意深浓、 秋风萧瑟、秋雨绵绵 秋意深浓、 秋风过耳、枫林如火、 秋风习习、 83.冬天的成语: 冰天雪地 滴水成冰 冻手冻脚 寒气逼人 天寒地冻 寒风刺骨 84.形容天气炎热的成语: 汗流浃背 汗如雨下 汗出如浆 大汗淋漓 挥汗成雨 汗流如注 满头大汗 85.形容人多热闹的成语: 熙熙攘攘 人山人海 逐队成群 门庭若市 车水马龙 觥筹交错 摩肩接踵 宾客如云 花天锦地 挥汗如雨 erground space and its supporting. To ensureof undapplication technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system e, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile ractictical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with pching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' pracclass tea-g of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teachin de: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course co-for masonry (JTG D61 2004) of the highway bridge design specifications-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-design of urban bridge (CJJ 1110
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