

2017-10-14 28页 doc 76KB 105阅读




帮派基地答题答案帮派基地答题答案 -------------【帮派基地答题答案】 聚义厅1星、答题贡献100 聚义厅2星、答题贡献100 聚义厅3星、答题贡献120 聚义厅4星、答题贡献144 聚义厅5星、答题贡献173 聚义厅6星、答题贡献207 聚义厅7星、答题贡献248 聚义厅8星、答题贡献298 帮派总管每日任务、奖励10点帮派贡献度、10点帮派建设度、需要 材料1个幻仙或者2个筹码、任务时限1个小时。 战功任务(每日一次): 任务贡献和答题贡献相同。 ?、猎杀利爪沙怪15只。 ?、杀死混沌沙虫获得沙晶利齿...
帮派基地答答案 -------------【帮派基地答题答案】 聚义厅1星、答题贡献100 聚义厅2星、答题贡献100 聚义厅3星、答题贡献120 聚义厅4星、答题贡献144 聚义厅5星、答题贡献173 聚义厅6星、答题贡献207 聚义厅7星、答题贡献248 聚义厅8星、答题贡献298 帮派总管每日任务、奖励10点帮派贡献度、10点帮派建设度、需要 材料1个幻仙或者2个筹码、任务时限1个小时。 战功任务(每日一次): 任务贡献和答题贡献相同。 ?、猎杀利爪沙怪15只。 ?、杀死混沌沙虫获得沙晶利齿5个。 推荐杀怪坐标:风陵峡谷(164 393) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 1、若基地健康度降至0%、会发生什么情况, 任务照做、奖励照领、基地不会受到任何影响 基地自动关闭、需要再次开启、但不花费任何费用 基地自动关闭、需要再次开启并花费一定的费用 2、**那个建筑不是帮派的基础设施, 天元宝号 破魔堂 聚义厅 鸿利城 3、帮派基地建筑的建造、升级都需要花费建筑材料、下列哪项不是 所需材料? 剑仙钢 寻梦石 惊涛泉 万化沙 4、帮派基地建筑的建造、升级都需要花费建筑材料、下列哪项不是 所需材料? 惊涛泉 灵犀木 积羽石 埋骨沙 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 5、**那个建筑不是帮派的基本设施, 天元宝号 炼丹房 聚义厅 貔貅殿 6、**那个建筑不是帮派的基础设施, 江门藏 炼丹房 破魔堂 兵械库 7、每一次升级基地科技~都需要满足一定前提~否则不能升级~这 样的说法对吗, 对 不对 8、下列哪个条件三天内不满足一定的数值~则帮派基地会被强行拆 毁? 帮派人气值 帮派兴奋值 帮派健康度 9、下列哪种商品不会在“天元宝号”出售, 婚礼庆典道具 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 帮派战袍 妖精宠物技能书 城战专用卷轴 10、下列哪种物品不是通过炼丹房获得的, 强化BUFF 限时锦囊 限时丹药 独有天书 11、在《完美国际》里~帮众可以通过交纳材料来增加帮派经验值吗, 不可以 可以 12、“炼丹房”升到几星、帮派成员可以通过消耗贡献度在其中获得“纯体+15”的帮派独有天书? 1星 4星 7星 13、基地的建筑会在一定的情况下毁坏~下列哪种说法正确, 建筑会在帮战中被毁坏 如果长期得不到维护、建筑会自行毁坏(X) 帮派的任一成员都可以摧毁建筑 14、下列哪个建筑可以提升基地防御能力, office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 天元宝号 聚义厅 炼丹房 兵械库 15、开启更多设施的建造与升级需要消耗帮派基地的哪项点数, 彩券点数 星蕴点 健康点数 活跃点数 16、帮派基地的最大等级是, 等待补充 30 等待补充 17、帮派成员退会后其功勋值会, 等待补充 清零 等待补充 18、“炼丹房”升到几星、帮派成员可以通过消耗贡献度在其中获得 “纯体+30”的帮派独有天书? 等待补充 8星 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 等待补充 19、下列哪种商品不会在“炼丹房”中获得, 锦囊 天书 药品 20、下列哪种物品不是通过“兵械库”获得, 强化BUFF 限时锦囊 帮派军衔装 高级头盔 21、下列哪种商品不会在“天元宝号”出售? 装备武器强化石 法师专用仙丹 精炼奇石 羽芒强化弹矢 22、各种族在做完材料任务后获得种族相对应的材料~人族对应获得 的是**中的哪项材料, 剑仙钢 万化沙 积羽石 惊涛泉 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 灵犀木 23、完美历1000年、**西方闪电般崛起一个人族国家、这个国家因位于西方日落之地而得名、被称为日落之国、也叫黄昏国。这个短暂而辉煌的王朝、淹没在历史的滚滚尘沙中是在哪一年, 公元2012年 完美历2012年 完美历1044年 完美历1045年 24、开启基地后、下列哪项不是帮主职责, 宣战 升级基地设施 提升基地科技 让帮派所有成员人物等级每日提升一级 25、在短短三十年的时间内、黄昏国由一个原本默默无闻的小国一跃而成势力遍布西方疆土的强大王朝、是因为他们的君主苍力得到了那件神秘物品、他的军队借助其强大的力量才得以战无不胜、横行**。而后、又随着苍力的死亡一同埋葬, 苍力的宝珠 上古恶魔之魂 黄金面具 黄昏权杖 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 26、关于帮战的说法、下列哪种说法不正确, 帮战时间到达时限 守方成员全部撤离 27、浩浩祖龙城、皑皑覆霜城。覆霜古训:若生双子、必择一而戮之。覆霜城主之妻贺兰氏诞生双子:贺兰秋山、贺兰秋雪:在作出艰难的选择后、城主将哪位王子遗弃, 贺兰秋雪 贺兰秋山 都被遗弃了 28、下列哪项说法不正确, 若帮派已被宣战成功、则其它帮派将不能再向其宣战。 某帮派被多个帮派宣战、则由**为其选择攻方。 没有帮派基地的帮派也可以向其它帮派宣战。 29、万余年来、完美世界经历了巨大的变化~人族、羽族、妖族由最初的争斗对立发展至今日的联手抗敌、地下怨灵的复苏令世间笼罩上**的阴影。而创造这个世界的众神仍在神寂之地归息、是什么原因让自称自己是神之子的神秘人出现在世人面前、并打开了神月谷的连接通道, 神月谷的宝藏可以让完美世界的百姓过上幸福的生活 神月谷的秘密一直等待勇士们的探索。 因神秘力量的入侵、众神回归完美世界前景莫测。 30、根据世代流传的古**载、神之子们收到众神的祝福、具有长生不office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 老之力、他们隐居在完美**四个秘密的圣地、为众神重返世间做着各种努力。下列哪个地方是圣地其中之一, 覆霜城圣境 天界炼狱 神无谷 神月谷 31、各种族在做完材料任务后获得种族相对应的材料~灵族族对应获得的是**中的哪项材料, 剑仙钢 万化沙 积羽石 惊涛泉 灵犀木 32、帮派基地战打响后、攻方进入守方基地内、传至地方基地时、默认传送点为, 天堂 备战大厅 极乐世界 33、你可以在几号“破魔堂”内遭遇到BOSS冥府牛头〃狱, 孽镜森罗狱 子初之间 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 卯升之间 34、黄昏国君主之女明月姬、生得沉鱼落雁、闭月羞花令无数男子为之倾倒。苍力将她许配给右丞相任天风之子任冰。苍力死后三日、太子苍伯寒突然暴病而亡、朝中**成两派、一派自称为前朝左丞相的子纯、另一派是右丞相任天风。两派的暗斗逐渐**为内战、在一次战斗中、白龙将重云将任冰斩首、明月派全面投降。以明月姬凄美爱情故事为背景的而设定的资料片是, 精灵战歌 天 怒神罚 仙魔无界 2012 35、帮派健康度来源于帮派每天活得的经验值吗, 是的 不是 36、敌方进入守方基地后、需要与那位NPC对话能被传送至基地某一区域、开始战斗。 祖龙地产官员 圣城大贤者 攻城指挥使 37、基地的建筑会在一定的情况下毁坏、下列哪种说法不正确, 建筑会在帮战中被毁坏 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 建筑可以被帮主主动摧毁 帮派的任一成员都可以摧毁建筑。 38、建筑材料可以通过几种方式获得~下列哪种说法不对, 建筑材料可以通过专门的材料任务获得 做帮派任务无法获得材料 建筑材料可以通过做普通的帮派任务有一定几率获得 39、开启基地后~下列哪项不是帮主职责, 让帮派所有成员人物等级每日提升一级 40、帮派基地的等级通过积攒经验值而获得提升~经验值不受下列哪项因素影响, 帮众人物等级提升 41、建造基地设施需要花费一定的时间和一定的材料~使用更多的建筑材料可以结省时间这种说法对吗, 对 42、《完美世界国际版2012》恢弘的游戏背景源自玛雅人有关2012的末日预言。在完美历2012年~一场惊天动地的灾难降临完美世界。拥有神秘异能的哪一族人~预见了灾难过后的完美新世界~并带领完美**的生灵踏上寻找未知命运的旅程~重建心中的完美家园, 灵族 43、各种族在做完材料任务后会获得种族相对应的材料~灵族对应获office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 得的是**中的哪项材料, 灵犀木 44、帮派科技树的名称~取意二十八星宿。下列哪部古典名著中没有提及二十八星宿, 红楼梦 45、“破魔堂”是为玩家提供练级的场所~玩家可以在破魔堂里享受到哪种福利, 站着就涨经验 46、各种族在做完材料任务后会获得种族相对应的材料~汐族对应获得的是**中的哪项材料, 惊涛泉 47、关于帮战结束的条件哪项说法不正确。 帮主主动投降 48、帮派贡献度**成帮派经验值每天可**几次, 只能一次 49、在完美世界中~天劫分为成、住、坏、空、破五劫~分别由代金、木、水、火、土的紫貘、蕴象、牵脊、獬豸、饕餮五方神兽发动。只有天劫过了~功力才能更上一层楼~如果渡劫失败~轻则修为下降~重则魂飞魄散。正因为天劫在修真者心目中的特殊意义~越来越多的修行者怀揣着梦想来到了五方神兽所在的神秘幽谷中~直面自己人生office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 中的艰巨挑战。那神秘幽谷是哪里, 天劫谷 50、战歌之城~本为“元素精灵”聚居的五灵幻界与现实世界间的唯一接口~神秘无比~从来不曾为任何人所知~城内承接五灵幻界的五行变换~为完美世界稳定运行的重要基础。是什么原因让“五行地巡使”为了拯救破损的战歌之城出现在完美**, 战歌之城被血罗王英绝带领的怨灵大军入侵 51、陆上的人认为~寻梦港之外~行过龙宫~向东南方千里之后~就是“禁咒之海”。据说它环绕整个东南无妄海。没人知道那里面有些什么。传说当年一役~汐族带着“惊涛城”坠入海底~禁咒之海延缓了怨灵攻击~其它三族才得以喘息。多年间许多人类法师试图穿过禁咒之海~寻找汐族~但是却从没成功。直到谁的出现~汐族的历史才得以在完美世界延续, “控魂者”沙沁 52、轮回十二殿是汐族一个古老的监狱~传说他的前身是汐族的皇宫。当年四方大战的时候~怨灵大军攻占了这里。汐族古老的英雄们为了保全自己的族人~借助汐族圣物“能量晶核”的力量发动了禁忌法术“七界之浩劫”。七界之浩劫”不但抵挡住了怨灵大军的进攻~还将进犯的怨灵统帅困在了这里,这位统帅是谁, “**师”左丘卫 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 53、相传无尽虚空是连造物神盘古都未曾涉及的领域~那儿隐伏着巨大而危险的异时空怪兽。即便如此~仍然有一些“修行者”不顾一切跟随他们的主神~一同坠入无尽虚空。在什么带领下你可以跨越千年~来到千年前天泪城、伤麒森林~伤痕谷以及埋骨之地, 时空之轮 54、天泪危机中~天空老人说他沉睡的时候感到时空之轮的力量正在流失~但是目前还不知道是什么原因。经过调查一下~原来~在天泪城**的土地上正有“偷渡者”借取天泪城时空中转的力量来进行穿梭~他们的行为削弱了天泪的力量~令时空之轮更加不稳定了。这群偷渡者是哪族人, 羽族 55、黑白无常虽未侪身于“先天诸鬼”之列~但它们通常随伺在冥府判官左右~一旦现身则生死立判~实际战力足见一斑。人间生灵对它们的惊畏~甚至还在先天诸鬼之上。那黑白无常的私家乐园是何地, 鬼域幻境 56、帮派基地战打响后~下列哪项说法不正确, 同一帮派同一时间段内可以同多个帮派发生战斗 57、你可以在玄武堂〃破魔内的哪个房间内遭遇到BOSS大将〃神武罗〃狱, 血池森罗狱 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 58、帮众可以从下列哪个NPC处进入帮派基地, 帮派基地*** 59、各种族在做完材料任务后会获得种族相对应的材料~羽族对应获得的是**中的哪项材料, 积羽石 60、夜哭岛上的秘宝窟~曾经是完美世界中最奢华、最荒淫的销金窟之一。每到入夜~四面八方的海盗们~携带着一天抢夺而来、血迹未干的金银财宝~聚集在这儿大肆挥霍。在一次围剿海盗的战役中~海盗被全部杀死~尸体被遗弃在夜哭岛上。不知过了多久~有人在经过夜哭的时候~看到怎样令人惊竦的景像, 海盗的尸体在岛上盲目的行走 61、九子鬼母~虽为怨鬼~而母性博大~神通天赋~为诸神所拣选~感生有孕~吸天地精华~将成诸神之母。然而~为阻止诸神转生~各方恶灵蠢蠢欲动~元素邪毒~百兽嘶吼。是时~待产之鬼母~护卫之神子~**之军团~齐聚在哪里, 神无谷 62、天泪之城是众神对完美**额外的恩典。这座横亘在白云深处~四周用如天柱般巨大铁链锁住的神迹~充分显示众神对当年人世间毁天灭地大洪水的心怀余悸。 从下界向上仰望~天泪之城闲闲的挂在天际~晶莹如众神淌下的泪滴~由是而得名。 天泪之城又叫做什么, office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 不没之城 63、位于古老迷雾丛林深处~隐藏着完美**形成时某位主神的祭坛~传说中祭坛深处藏有代表神之眷顾的宝物~得到宝物的勇士将成为举世无双的强者~各族勇士从四面八方向此处聚集~他们志在踏破这古老的神之祭坛~夺取传说中遗迹最深处的宝藏。这处神秘的所在是哪里, 丛林遗迹 64、随着时间的流逝~紫曜聚集的英灵们实力逐渐变强~而怨灵的实力同样飞涨~如果再不扭转这种情况~如同血海之劫那样的大劫难将再次袭来。为了整个世界~紫曜用最后的力量在怨灵中引爆了自己的灵魂~惊天动地的能量震动对完美世界造成了巨大的伤害。紫曜破碎~黑曜失踪~灵族得以现身天下。灵族拥有怎样的神奇力量, 第三只眼睛 65、信仰的堕落~神格的**~那个被神选中身肩甄选灵魂重任的灵曜~他的身体中开始出现了两个灵魂~一个是忠实的信徒~另一个则是一个彻底的异端。光明的神之子灵魂自称紫曜~**的神之子灵魂自称什么, 黑曜 66、各种族在做完材料任务后会获得种族相对应的材料~妖族对应获得的是**中的哪项材料, office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 万化沙 67、下列哪一项不是帮派的基础设施, 铜雀台 68、帮派基地最大等级是几级, 30级 69、非帮战时间~可自由进出其它帮派的基地吗, 当然不行~我只能去自己的帮派基地 70、帮派基地的等级可通过累积什么获得提升, 帮派建设点 71、帮派基地的等级获得提升后~帮派还会额外获得一样点数~可以 用来提升基地的帮派星蕴图~这点数的名字是, 星蕴点 72、玩家可以通过何种行为获得贡献度, 帮派任务 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage
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