

2018-04-12 11页 doc 37KB 14阅读




买二手房与买新房的性价比比较买二手房与买新房的性价比比较 买二手房比买新房划算吗 近期上海楼市交易量回升,新盘价格略有上涨,而二手房价格仍“原地踏步”,原本普遍存在的一、二手房价格倒挂现象大面积减少。买二手房是否更划算呢? 不知不觉家,一、二手房价格倒挂现象开始大面积减少。当房价处于上涨阶段,二手房卖家信心爆棚,致使普遍出现一、二手房价格“倒挂”现象,二手房价格被严重高估。不过近期新房市场交易回暖,加之价格的小幅回升,导致二手房价普通低于新房,价格关系出现新的变化。专家表示,楼市调控仍将持续,如果新房出现大面积降价促销现象,不排除出现因为新房价格下降...
买二手房与买新房的性价比比较 买二手房比买新房划算吗 近期上海楼市交易量回升,新盘价格略有上涨,而二手房价格仍“原地踏步”,原本普遍存在的一、二手房价格倒挂现象大面积减少。买二手房是否更划算呢? 不知不觉家,一、二手房价格倒挂现象开始大面积减少。当房价处于上涨阶段,二手房卖家信心爆棚,致使普遍出现一、二手房价格“倒挂”现象,二手房价格被严重高估。不过近期新房市场交易回暖,加之价格的小幅回升,导致二手房价普通低于新房,价格关系出现新的变化。专家表示,楼市调控仍将持续,如果新房出现大面积降价促销现象,不排除出现因为新房价格下降而产生新的“倒挂”现象。 就目前而言,二手房报价普遍低于新房,这是否意味着购买二手房更为合算呢?专家表示。这需要综合考虑各种购房成本的情况下,才能找到答案。 房价倒挂现象减少 在观望了近半年之后,小陈决定买房。小陈是上海人,也是刚性需求中的坚定分子。与女友相恋三年之后,准备明年结婚。目前他跟父母居住在位于徐家汇附近的一套两居室内,三口之家尚且应付得过去,但如果结婚之后再添丁增加人口,现在的住房显然无法满足,买房成为必然选择。 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 小陈跟父母商量过,打算卖掉老房子,再加一些钱在中环线附近购买一套三房。在他的印象里,二手房价格往往要高于新房价格,因此他决定从新房下手,但通过近半个月来的考察,却发现市场行情并非如此。 古美社区的新盘万源城是他考察的第一个项目,售楼人员告诉他目前均价达到31000 元/平方米,但路过附近的中介门店时,却发现周边有部分品质不错的二手房,如望族新城、望族新苑、蔚蓝城市花园等,报价主要集中在23000,25000元,平方米不等,每平方米要比新房便宜了近6000,8000元。即使是靠近南方商城旁的同档位楼盘南方城,其二手房报价为26000,29000元,平方米,为板块内最高,但跟万源城新房相比,还是有些差距。 记者同时了解到,新房高于二手房价格的现象比比皆是。比如近期开盘的金地格林风范城,均价达到18200 元/平方米,该项目为总建筑面积超过百万平方米的超级大盘,其前期售出的公寓房中有大量房源流人二手房市场,报价从16000,180110 元/平方米不等,据中介经纪人黄先生介绍,仅有极个别房源报价高于新房的售价水平。 按照正常的价格秩序,新房价格会因为土地成本、建筑、人工等费用的上涨,高于板块内房型相同、品质相似的二手房。但如果二手房价格普遍高估、新盘降价促销,会导致倒挂现象产生。 新盘价格出现反弹 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 新开楼盘价格出现反弹,并小幅上涨,这是新房价格超过二手房的主要原因。早在两个月前,赵先生就开始关注位于金地格林风范城,但当他在开盘当天得知均价为18500元砰方米时,还是吃了一惊,因为最初工作人员给出的报价只有17500元,平方米,相比之前的报价,提高了1000 元/平方米。 不仅仅是在售的楼盘价格出现上涨情形,那些连续推出房源的大盘,也小幅调高售价。如位于宝山南部靠近中环线的某超级大盘,在8月份推出的一批房源,成交均价为19334元,平方米,而其9月底即将再次推出一批房源,均价为21000元,平方米。 新盘价格的回升,这跟需求释放有着密切的关系。根据汉字市场研究部最新一手房数据显示,9月份上半月,全市商品住宅成交量达到54,93万平米,与8月份同期相比。增长近七成。按此推算,如继续保持当前的活跃势头,9月份,全市商品住宅成交量有望创出年内单月新高,轻松超越百万平方米。 美联物业近期特别针对200位近期前来门店的年龄在25-65岁的客户进行心态调查,发现买方市场逐渐活跃起来。此次调查显示,有9,的客户对未来购房的安排在一两个月内,基本愿意在“金九银十”内出手,而选择在半年内购房的则占了总数的19,,计划在一年至三年内购房的则占总数的26,。虽然还有将近46,的受访者表示还会继续观望,但调查结果显示,与先前两个月相比,考虑购房的人数比例已经有了很大的提高。 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 多做比较再作选择 二手房价比新房的价格低,那是不是买二手房就划算呢? 其实,决定房价的因素很多,单纯的价位高低,无法反映出房价的真实水平。比如有些二手房报价确实要比同类型新房低一些,但房价中还包含其他成本,如税费等,这样反而比新房高。所以专家表示,不管是选择哪种类型的房子,一定要综合考虑到各种因素,从而计算出最终的“买家到手价”,这样才能做出合理判断。 为了增加各楼盘之间的可比性。应尽量选择品质相同的楼盘进行比较。决定楼盘品质的因素有很多种。比较常见的如所处地段、周边配套、人文环境、建筑质量等,甚至包括物业管理等,都会影响到其品质。 税费成本综合考虑 买新房与买二手房,其税费成本各不相同。这种情形主要是针对同一个楼盘而言。有些开发面积较大的超级大盘,虽然其开发年限较长,但各个时期开发的住宅品质基本能够保持一致。 从表面上看。不管是买新房还是二手房,买家承担的税费只是契税以及少量的交易手续费。但在二手房买卖过程中,卖家会将包括二手房个税、营业税,甚至包括中介佣金等费用全部计入房价中。因此买家除了自己所应承担的契税、交易手续费、中介佣金等费用外,还reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 要承担卖家转嫁过来的成本,最终的结果是导致购房成本大增。 所以专家建议,在选择房源时,得到对方报价之后,综合计算各项开支,新房主要包括契税等,计算出买方的“到手价”。而二手房计算过程则稍微复杂一些,这还要根据对方的报价形式,如果对方报出的是“到手价”,那么要考虑对方的税费如个税、营业税、中介佣金等,以及自身需要承担的契税及交易费用等。 当然,具体计算过程中还会涉及到不同的报价方式。目前比较常见的是卖家“净到手价”,即卖家具体收到的房款,税费等由买家承担,这需要根据上述方式来估算购房总成本。但如果卖方报的成交价,税费自理,则其计算过程跟新房类似,只需考虑自身的所应承担的税费以及中介佣金等。 土地使用年限勿忽视 针对不同楼盘之间比较。除了税费因紊之外,还需考虑土地使用成本。 这是目前购房者最为容易忽视的一个成本。通过综合成本的计算,如果二手房仍然实惠一些,则可初步选定二手房。不过专家提醒说,土地使用成本也是购房者必须考虑的一个重要考察因素。 土地成本包含在房价中,而且是一次性付清,加之购房者对土地使用期限并不是很敏感,所以很多人不大在意这方面的因紊。一般情况下,一手房的土地使用权期限通常为70年,如果开发及时,除去reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 开发年限,基本上有67年左右的使用时间。但目前市场上二手房的 剩余土地使用权期限平均在60年左右,甚至更少。 虽然在短期内二手房土地使用年限较短的弱点表现得并不是很 明显,但在若干年后影响就不一样了。当然,在这里需要提醒的是, 对于分多期开发的超级大盘,其土地使用年限完全相同,因此购房者 只需比较其包括税费在内的综合成本。 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static
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