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鱼香茄子、糖醋鲤鱼、糖醋带鱼、糖醋鱼块、鱼头豆腐汤的做法鱼香茄子、糖醋鲤鱼、糖醋带鱼、糖醋鱼块、鱼头豆腐汤的做法 启帆辅导机构 Module 6 Unit2 What is happiness to you Project : Making a happiness handbook Teaching aims: Ss will learn how to write an essay about their ideas of happiness. Ss will learn how to finish a project by working together. Teac...
鱼香茄子、糖醋鲤鱼、糖醋带鱼、糖醋鱼块、鱼头豆腐汤的做法 启帆辅导机构 Module 6 Unit2 What is happiness to you Project : Making a happiness handbook Teaching aims: Ss will learn how to write an essay about their ideas of happiness. Ss will learn how to finish a project by working together. Teaching focus and difficulties: .Cooperate with their group members to fulfill each part of the work. Language points: 1.It is nice to do sth. 句型: It is/ becomes +adj. + to do sth. (it 为形式主语,动词不定式为真正主 语) 精通一门外语,对我们来说是必要的。 ______________________________________ 2.look back on 回首;回忆;回顾 e.g. 1) 他过去常常坐在那里,回忆自己幸福的童年。 ___________________________________________________________ 2)当看到旧照片时,他情不自禁地想起跟爷爷一块儿度过的日子。 ______________________________________________________________ ____________ 相关短语:look on/ upon …as… 把……看作 look out 当心,小心;留 神 look forward to 盼望 look up 查阅;仰视;改善, 好转 3.encouragement n. [U] 鼓舞,激励;[C] sth. that encourages sb. 起激励作用 的事物 e.g.她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。 ________________________________________ 4.encourage v. 支持,鼓励,激励 encourage sb. to do sth._________a. 乐观 的;鼓励的 [反]_____________ v.阻止,阻拦 discourage sb. from doing sth.(汉语) ___________ 5.guidance n.指导,引导,咨询 under the guidance of 在……指导下 e.g. 所有的活动都在经验丰富的老师指导下进行 ___________________________________________. under the direction of 在……指导下 under the leadership of 在……的领导下 6.at that point 在那时,在那个阶段 那时,我不在乎你决定要做什么。 ______________________________________ 启帆辅导机构 at/ on the point of 将近……的时候;接近;靠近 e.g. 1) 当我到达时,她正准备出门。_____________________________ 2) 他们当时几乎要放弃了。 ____________________________________ 7.independent a. 独立的,自主的,自制的;自主的,有主见的 e.g. 1) That country became independent in the sixties. 那个国家在60年代独 立。 2) 离开家上大学使我独立多了。 __________________________________________ n. 独立;自主__________ a. 依赖的;依靠的_______________n. 依靠; 依赖___________ 8. imagine (v.) 想象;设想 a. imagine (sb./ sb’s) doing sth. b. imagine (sb. / sth.) to be c. imagine that e.g. imagine her running her own company imagine yourself (to be) rich and famous 9.fix many of the problems fix v. 把……固定于…… fix + n. + adv. The table was fixed to the floor. 那张桌子被固定在地上。 v. 确定,决定(有时与up连用)fix (up) a date/ a time/ a place for the meeting v. fix one’s attention / eyes/ mind on … 把某人的注意力/眼睛/ 思想集 中于…… v.解决. :一切预先解决了。Tr : ___________________________________ communicate v. 交流,沟通;传达,传送;传播,传染communication n. 交流,交际 communicate with sb./ sth. 与……交流/联系communicate sth. to sb./sth. 把 ……传递给 e.g. 1) 我们可以借助电话与世界上大多数地区的人互通信息。 ________________________________________________________ 2)English can help communicate with people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. 英语能帮助人们之间的交流,使 得他们在外国带得容易、舒服。 3). 他把那消息传达给了我。_________________________ I(Practice:单词拼写www.xkb1.com 1. Barbados was once a British colony,but now it’s ____________(独立的) 2. 2.Don’t be so i_______ as to believe everything the publications tell you. 3. Tax is payable on all i____ ovewr $2000. 启帆辅导机构 4. The incident left a v_______ impression on me. 5. 5.The police _________(交流)witheach other by radio. 6. We _________(保证) to deliver within a week. 7. You will be required to ________(帮助)Mrs Smithinpreparinga report. 8. I enjoy his _________(陪伴) 9. The class needs a m__________ of 6 pupils to continue. 10. It is an _______ (自动地) Washing –machine. II(1. The little girl ________ her heart out because she had lost her toy bear. A. had cried B. cried C. has cried D. cries 27. He has never forgotten the time they spent in his hometown. A. when B. in which C. that D. during which 28. She said she didn’t feel like and knew nothing about it. A. to be cheated B. being cheated C. to cheat D. cheating 29. His accent is so strong that I can hardly __________ what he is talking about. A. find out B. figure out C. look through D. get through 30. It is said that his grandfather was badly ________ in the leg in a battle. A. wounded B. injured C. destroyed D. damaged 31. The scenery in the West Lake is beautiful beyond . A. demonstration B. instruction C. description D. origination 32. What we used to think ______ impossible now does seem possible. A. is B. will be C. had been D. was 33. He went to the railway station early ______ missing the train. A. in case B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of 34. ______ it or not, his discovery has created a shock in scientific circles. A. Believe B. Believing C. To believe D. Believed 35. My suggestion is that you should ______ yourself to the new urban living style. A. adapt B. obey C. adopt D. assist 完形填空 A young and successful CEO was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and 36 when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children 37 . Instead, a brick was thrown 38 into the Jaguar’s side door! He 39 on the brakes and drove the Jaguar back to the 40 where the brick had been thrown. The 41 driver then jumped out of the car, 42 the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, 启帆辅导机构 43 , ―What was that all about and who are you? Just what in the world are you doing? That’s a new car and that 44 you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?‖ The young boy was 45 . ―Please, mister ... please. I’m sorry ... I didn’t know what else to do,‖ he begged. ―I threw the brick 46 no one else would stop ...‖ With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the boy 47 to a spot just near a parked car. ―It’s my brother,‖ he said. ―He rolled off the roadside and fell out of his 48 and I can’t lift him up.‖ 新课标第一网 Now crying, the boy 49 the surprised CEO, ―Would you please help me get him 50 into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too 51 for me.‖ Moved beyond words, he 52 lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out his clean and pretty 53 and brushed the fresh ) and cuts lightly. A quick look told him everything was going to scrapes (擦伤 be 54 . ―Thank you and may God bless you,‖ the grateful child told the 55 . 36. A. slowed down B. sped up C. paused D. stopped 37. A. disappeared B. appeared C. came D. ran 38. A. quickly B. fiercely C. slowly D. softly 39. A. pushed B. stood C. pulled D. slammed 40. A. spot B. case C. scene D. situation 41. A. excited B. puzzled C. angry D. happy 42. A. grabbed B. embraced C. beat D. attracted 43. A. saying B. speaking C. telling D. shouting 44. A. stone B. brick C. sand D. door 45. A. polite B. apologetic C. rude D. sympathetic 46. A. because B. so C. although D. but 47. A. looked B. glanced C. referred D. pointed 48. A. wheelchair B. Jaguar C. car D. bed 49. A. told B. asked C. ordered D. informed 50. A. out B. up C. over D. back 51. A. heavy B. light C. fat D. thin 52. A. properly B. calmly C. hurriedly D. safely D. handkerchief 53. A. clothing B. notebook C. towel 54. A. right B. wrong C. okay D. bad 55. A. stranger B. friend C. classmate D. relative 启帆辅导机构 阅读理解 , Albert Einstein, a goldfish, is not your ordinary pet goldfish. He has learned to take food from his owner’s hand, swim through hoops and tubes, and even put a miniature soccer ball into a goal! It all started when Kyle Pomerleau, 9, won two goldfish at a school fair. Soon he noticed that the fish would react to his movements whenever he came near the tank. He wondered if they were smarter than he’d realized. He and his dad decided to train Albert. They used techniques that work for other animals like dogs and killer whales. ―We wanted to show that fish could be interesting pets, not just decorations,‖ said Kyle’s father, Dean Pomerleau. The Pomerleaus bought a “finger soccer” kit (成套用具) from a store and put weights on the tiny net and ball so that they would sink to the bottom of the tank. First Albert earned a food reward every time he swam toward the net. This training technique is called positive reinforcement. The fish likes the treat, so it learns to repeat the action to get additional treats. Once Albert learned to go toward the net, Kyle and his dad added a new step — ball handling. Eventually Albert learned to push a ball into a goal. The trainer learns patience and persistence, the father-son team says. It may take five or six training sessions a day for three weeks to teach a fish to swim through a hoop. Just like kids, each individual fish learns at different speeds! The Pomerleaus set up a website so other people could see how much fun they were having with their fish project. They heard from so many people who wanted to train their pet fish that the Pomerleaus started Fish School, a small business that sells fish-training manuals (指南) and kits. 56. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Albert Einstein in this story is a great scientist. B. The Pomerleaus spent much money training the goldfish at first. C. All fish like swimming through a hoop or pushing a ball into a goal. D. The Pomerleaus benefited a lot from training pet goldfish. 57. The underlined word ―miniature‖ in Paragraph 1 probably means ―______‖. A. tiny B. giant C. popular D. beautiful 58. It can be inferred from the passage that ______. A. the Pomerleaus are not willing to help goldfish owners B. Albert earned a toy reward every time he learned what he was being taught C. many people are interested in training their pet goldfish D. all animals can be trained to learn new tricks 启帆辅导机构 59. What is the best title of the passage? A. Methods of training goldfish. B. Pet fish learn new tricks. C. A newly-started fish school. D. The Pomerleaus’ small business.
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