

2017-09-01 25页 doc 66KB 15阅读




上海到苏州一日游攻略上海到苏州一日游攻略 上海到苏州自助一日游全攻略 上有苏杭,下有天堂,苏州号称是世界园林之首。小桥流水,亭台楼阁。吴侬软语说的就是苏州啦~下面就让我们带您去苏州走一圈吧~~ 行程安排 6:00—8:10 乘虹桥枢纽4路从东川路闵行交大站到上海虹桥火车站 8:30 乘坐D3018列车上海虹桥开往苏州。 9:17 转乘202号线(平门东站)上车坐3站至(苏州博物站)下车,全程约30分钟,总车程2.4公里。 游玩景点: 拙政园、狮子林、苏州博物馆等约2个小时。 12:20午餐美味斋或朱鸿兴面馆(拙政园) 13:20...
上海到苏州一日游攻略 上海到苏州自助一日游全攻略 上有苏杭,下有天堂,苏州号称是世界园林之首。小桥流水,亭台楼阁。吴侬软语说的就是苏州啦~下面就让我们带您去苏州走一圈吧~~ 行程安排 6:00—8:10 乘虹桥枢纽4路从东川路闵行交大站到上海虹桥火车站 8:30 乘坐D3018列车上海虹桥开往苏州。 9:17 转乘202号线(平门东站)上车坐3站至(苏州博物站)下车,全程约30分钟,总车程2.4公里。 游玩景点: 拙政园、狮子林、苏州博物馆等约2个小时。 12:20午餐美味斋或朱鸿兴面馆(拙政园) 13:20 乘坐923路(或 202529, 178, 518, 游5北环, 游5南环, 55, 游2), 在 下车, 从(苏州博物馆首末站)上车坐2站至(醋坊桥观前街东站站)下车,全程约10分钟,总车程2公里。 13:30 游观前街大约1个小时 14:30 乘坐 301路(或 313路, 33路), 从(察院场站)上车坐9站至(何山桥站)下车,全程约20分钟,总车程5.7公里。 15:30 游寒山寺大约1个小时 15:40 寒山寺步行至何山桥站,乘坐816路, 在虎阜大桥站下车,600米步行至虎丘风景区,全程约30分钟,总车程4.8公里。 16:20 游玩虎丘大约1.5小时 17:30 虎丘风景区220米步行至虎丘北门站乘坐36路, 在留园路站下车,500米步行至山塘街或者乘坐816路,从虎阜大桥站到留园站,全程约15分钟,总车程3.2公里。 19:20 游留园、山塘街等大约2个小时 19:30 步行至市立医院北区站乘坐64路, 在火车站下车, 20:27 返程D3036列车苏州开往上海。 苏州小吃 1. 美味斋别名: 苏州一碗面,拙政园, 人均?10口味:25环境:12服务:12地址:平江区北寺塔西北街公管弄对面 分类:小吃快餐(面馆)商户描述:值得跋山涉水“前来一试”的面店。面条就是“你心目中的味道”~汤头也“甜滋滋的”~“很鲜美”~浇头常要焖肉、焖蹄的~“好吃是好吃”~就是分量“少”。价格“比较实惠”~老板娘又“非常客气”。即使环境“不怎样”~生意依然“红火”~“慕名前来”的食客“蛮多”。推荐菜:焖肉面焖蹄面虾仁面爆鳝面爆鱼面。营业时间:5:30,13:00 2. 朱鸿兴面馆(齐门路店),拙政园, 人均?12口味:17环境:11服务:12地址:平江区齐门路1号分类:小吃快餐(面馆)商户描述:“老字号”面馆~招牌自然是苏式面。面身虽“细”~却“很筋道”,汤头“蛮鲜的”~带着“丝丝甜”。还兼买“各种盖浇饭和小吃”。宫巷店重新装修后~环境“鲜亮了”~价格也“上升不少”。推荐菜:焖肉面爆鳝面小笼爆鱼面素交面 3.哑巴生煎吃哑巴生煎推荐去苏安小区,绝对比临顿路的分店正宗很多。老店地理位置很难找,所以人气没有分店旺,这让生煎的制作过程更细致啦,这里的生煎皮包底脆,肉多汁鲜,expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 色泽金黄,葱香四溢。一小口咬下去,浓郁的汤汁占据整个味蕾,慢慢品味完后发现仍然口有余香~~PS:里面的汤超烫,当心被烫到哦。。 4.祥鑫(鸡爪小店) 地址:锦帆路某角落(地址很偏僻,不过到了锦帆路逮个人问,米人不知滴) 鸡爪小店地理位置偏僻,但俗话说“酒香不怕巷子深”。这里的鸡爪超好吃,和哑巴生煎一样,登过苏州旅游杂志,是推荐来苏必吃的小吃之一。点上10个鸡爪,套上老板娘附送的手套,顾不得淑女形象了,锃亮的外表伴随着一股茴香的香味,一口咬下去,十分软糯却不又不失劲道,浓郁的脂膏黏黏得粘满双唇。接着第二只、第三只……一晃眼的功夫,眼前的一盆鸡爪已被干光,这下胶原蛋白是补够了,却还是意犹未尽。 但是如果以为这里只有鸡爪,那就错了哦~~赤豆圆子,皮蛋瘦肉粥,水果粥,薏仁粥,土豆鸡肉卷,肉粽子都是人气超火爆~~ 5.蟹壳黄 蟹壳黄因其形圆色黄似蟹壳而得名。其实苏州很多地方蟹壳黄很有名:雅都啦,山塘街啦。。但是最好吃的永远不是最大众的,苏州最王牌的蟹壳黄是在景德路黄鹂坊桥菜场附近,一家小小的饼店,永远是门庭若市。发酵面加油酥制成皮加馅的酥饼,精心烘焙而出,呈褐金黄色,吃口酥、松、香,饼色与形状酷似煮熟的蟹壳。 6.徳仔煲仔饭 地址:十全街与人民路交接处,雨果店对面 隆重推荐啊推荐~~~~虽说煲仔饭不是苏州的特色,但俗话说美味没有地域限制。高中几乎就是靠此店维生,至今没有吃厌迹象,每周必定光顾N次。。这里的叉烧是秘制的,而且每次做的不多,去的不巧得等很久,但是一点也不影响这里的人气。外鲜内嫩的叉烧,烤得吱吱做声的锅巴,香脆鲜美。招牌:叉烧煲仔,金针牛肉盖浇饭,叉烧炒饭,炒细粉等。ps:这里的辣椒酱和酱油也都是秘制的,吃的时候一定要记得放些。 7.同德兴面馆 地址:嘉馀坊 同德兴的发家具有着很强的传奇色彩。十年前同德兴,只是一家在众多老字号阴影下的默默小店,对朱鸿兴、陆振兴这样的百年老店只能望其项背。那年,日本美食专家组团赴华,寻找世上最美味的面食,走遍了中国大江南北、五湖四海也没有寻到符合“第一位”之名的面食。回国的时间快到了,他们抱着最后的一丝希望来到苏州。他们首先也是前往了一些知名老店,但还是不得不面对再一次的失望。临走前,他们经过小巷中,一家门面小的可怜的面馆,心灰意冷的他们决定踏入这家面馆的瞬间,便注定了要扭转命运、见证奇迹的出现。同德兴给日本美食家们带来了他们心中最美味的面食,在苏州面食行业的影响力也与之前不能同日而语。。 同德兴的面汤有红白之分,红汤是由红烧排骨的汤勾兑而成,白汤是排骨汤、鸡汤、和鸭汤。推荐:清熘鱼片白汤面,现炒三丝红汤面,卤鸭面,野生菌面。 8.姑苏风味豆腐花 or main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor n flound two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitatiofive layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, undergro tegrated floor groundstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-story medical building design for the ground, two-East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor,-center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work tion technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitationbilitaices of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehaofessionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health serving prion, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nurselated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitatr-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work2experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project achingthis times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Te 地址:范庄前 这只是一个豆腐花小摊。小小的摊位已经走过了10多年的风风雨雨,俨然成了一道风景。自家发酵的豆腐花,比外面买的的嫩了很多,很滑很好吃,有淡淡的豆香。酱汁也是自己酿造的,味道很温和鲜美,撒上一小勺的开洋、榨菜末和紫菜,每天摆出来的桌椅都不够坐 9.糖粥 地址:皮市街花鸟市场中段有个小十字路口,东南角一个水果行旁边的小摊, 一对老夫妻做的。很灵很灵的糖粥和赤豆小园子.,赤豆糊和粥全是他们老两口自己熬的,口味一流,就是小时候常吃的那个味道!不过除了周六周日上班族基本没有口福的,每天下午2点出摊,3点半就卖光收摊了,想吃还得凑时间去的.粥可以打包回家,但小园子只能现吃,冷了糯米的东西硬了就没那种糯软的口感了!推荐菜: 鸳鸯桂花糖粥 赤豆小园子 友情提示:建议不要穿高跟鞋和拖鞋之类。建议穿旅游线,如果有老人和孩子,记得带上必备药品以及生活用品。 苏州经典一日游线路 上午,游览苏州“四大园林”之狮子林(门票),园内假山遍布,长廊环绕,楼台隐现,曲径通幽,有迷阵一般的感觉。一边欣赏宋代四大名家苏轼、米芾、黄庭坚、蔡襄的书法碑及南宋文天祥《梅花诗》的碑刻作品,一边坐在庭院,观看飞瀑流泉隐没于花木扶疏之中,令人叫绝的古树名木。 9:35左右,前去游览吴中第一名胜虎丘(门票),相传春秋时吴王夫差就葬其父于此,葬后 3 日,便有白虎踞于其上,故名虎丘。虎丘山小景多,是虎丘的一大特色,特别是千年虎丘塔矗立山。虎丘依托着秀美的景色,悠久的历史文化景观,享有“吴中第一名胜”的美誉。 下午参加姑苏水上游,游览北寺塔,珍珠工艺展览。如果有时间的话,可去游览最著名的桥枫桥和“姑苏城外寒山寺(门票),夜伴钟声到客船”的寒山寺,当然还可前去参观丝绸表演。 苏州园林(门票)经典一日游 上午,起床后游览中国四大园林之一的拙政园(门票),这是苏中园林的代表作。参观完拙政园步行5分钟到达苏州另外一处注明园林“狮子林”,这里以假山闻名。有时间的话可以去看看这条街上的苏州博物馆。 下午,坐公车40路或者旅游专线车前往留园(门票)进行参观。 晚上,坐船夜游杭州。 虎丘、寒山寺、枫桥一日游 上午,在宾馆吃过早餐后乘坐游1、游2路、8路、32路、146路、949路公交车前往枫桥旅游景区,在这里我们可以参观游览到苏州最著名的桥枫桥和因为唐代诗人张继在此“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜伴钟声到客船”的名句,而闻名于天下的“寒山寺” 下午,打辆出租车前往苏州标志性景区虎丘参观,参观后可步行在七里山塘街区,这里不时有民间艺人表演而且还有苏式小吃。 pment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy,U, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equitegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-round, twostory medical building design for the g-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-ry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, workindustdical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in meement ices, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation managardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health servrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, c-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work3habilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in projectfloor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future re1th, 晚上,夜游金鸡湖 虎丘 “到苏州而不游虎丘,乃是憾事”。 1.到达景区南大门的公交线路:游1路、游2路、游3路、949路、146路、316路; 2.到达景区北大门的公交线路:32路、36路; 3.景区距苏州火车站约3公里,下火车后可直接乘游1、游2线、32路、146路、949路到达。 自驾:沪宁高速苏州新区出口下,随景点道路指示牌,经312国道可直达景区北大门;苏嘉杭高速苏州园区出口下,随景点道路指示牌,经苏州市区,走桐泾路,玻纤路可到景区南大门 。 拙政园 游1、游2、游5线,202路(原2路)、313路(原3路)、923路(原23路)、529路(原29路)、40路、78路拙政园站下,往东行100米即到。 下火车之后直接坐游1来到苏州博物馆(拙政园,狮子林),因为这个站名字特别长,而且景点又多,哈哈~三个景点距离很近,外面是步行街。一路走进去,看见苏博门口排队很长,抬头看看,感觉又要变天,就果断先去了拙政园。淡季门票50,我用了自己DIY的学生证,25元,哇~省了好多~刚进去就碰到整点的免费导游讲解,赶紧跟上。东看看,西瞧瞧,不听讲解还真看不出什么特别的地方。就是感觉老底子,有一个人,他有一个这么大的院子住,想想都觉得霸气侧漏~风景特别好,房屋与水的倒影特别有江南的味道,特别舒服~但不知为什么,看完之后竟有一种压抑的感觉。 狮子林 狮子林是苏州市内著名的江南园林,它与拙政园仅百米之隔,与拙政园、留园、沧浪亭合称为“苏州四大名园”。狮子林虽然小,但园内假山嶙峋、曲径通幽,巧妙的布局反倒令人有走进迷阵的感觉。园内庞大复杂的假山群最为出名,这些怪石形似起舞的群狮,你可以数着石狮子、在这石头迷宫中体验捉迷藏的乐趣。园林中央为池塘和假山,有“狮子峰”、“含晖”、“吐月”等怪石名峰,还有真趣亭、修竹阁、见山楼等建筑环绕池塘,登上见山楼可尽览园内山水。可乘公交50、55、112、202、262、309、518、529、811路,或游1北线、游1南线、游2 、游5南线、游5北线等车至苏州博物馆站下,步行三百多米即到。 我喜欢那种呆在一个城市或乡镇一段时光,这样总能领略该地土壤的各种气息、文化和生活习俗。另外,我还可以在自由行中享受编排行程的乐趣,自虐的节奏啊,我就喜欢。总之,自由行的方式,休闲自在、无拘无束,带上背包、穿上跑鞋,想留便留、说走就走,大地任我行,I like~ 顺便一提,在做行程的时候,上网查了一下苏州景点的分布和交通情况,的确赞~ 首先,景点分布很集中。 1、苏州博物馆、拙政园、狮子林和平江路在苏州古城姑苏区北部,靠近苏州北站,且几个景点串联在几百米范围内,步行即可解决。 2、虎丘、留园、山塘街和寒山寺在城区的西中部,虽然不能步行解决,但坐人力三轮车只需5元左右就可在几个景区内游走,当然也可以坐公交,方便得很。 n flound two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitatiofive layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, undergro tegrated floor groundstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-story medical building design for the ground, two-East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor,-center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work tion technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitationbilitaices of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehaofessionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health serving prion, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nurselated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitatr-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work4experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project achingthis times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor 3、网师园、沧浪亭、盘门景区、观前街和十全街等在姑苏区中南部,坐公交可以轻松解决。 4、金鸡湖在姑苏区的东部,坐地铁1号线到达东方之门即可,这里是“苏州园区”,政府大力发展的对象,消费很高,景色也优美,是一个国家级商业旅游示范区。 5、周庄在苏州昆山市,5A景区当然交通方便,在周庄客运站有大巴直达苏州北站(火车站),耗时不到1小时。 6、同里在苏州吴江区(记不清是不是这个区,可能是吴中区),交通也一样便利,苏州北站有大巴直达同里古镇,耗时半小时。 7、周庄与同里相距不远,水陆路都可互通直达,但我没有连续把两古镇水乡编在一起是不想审美疲劳。 8、太湖景区就相对较偏,可坐地铁1号线到木渎,从木渎坐车至太湖三山景区可能比较方便(由于变故没有过去,不知到交通状况如何,请熟悉的驴友指点)。 苏州市旅游景点公交线路 一,平江区 平江路 301、305路平江路站下,游2、游5、50、55、178、202、309、 、811路观前街东下从大儒巷进入,2、9、32、68、146、518、529 200、261、800、900路相门站下,中张家巷内有评弹博物馆、昆 曲博物馆 、游2、游5、50、55、178、202、262、309、518、529、811 拙政园、狮子林 游1 (苏州博物馆) 923路博物馆站下有博物馆(忠王府)、拙政园、狮子林(民俗博物馆) 东园、耦园 301、305路东园下;40、313路娄门下。 怡园 1、8、101、102路乐桥北下 曲园 游1、69、262、301、305、933路察院场下走到马医科 鹤园 同上线路察院场下走到韩家巷4号 玄妙观、观前街 游1路玄妙观下 城隍庙 游1、69、262、301、305、933路察院场下 言子祠 9、32、60、146、200、800、900路乐桥下 宫巷教堂 同上线路市一中下 苏州美术馆 1、游1、5、8、101、102、112路平门下 北塔报恩寺 同上北寺塔下 丝绸博物馆 同上北寺塔下 工艺美术博物馆 同上北寺塔下至西北街88号,游1、313路皮市街北下 二,沧浪区 沧浪亭 1、游2、游4、5、101、102、308、309、933路工人文化宫下 雨村美术馆 同上线路工人文化宫下新市路2号5楼 网师园 55、89、202、811、931路网师园西下,47、204、501、511路网 师园北下 盘门景区 游2、游5、39、305、935、949路盘门景区北下,景区内有水陆 城门、瑞光塔、丽景楼、伍相祠 觅渡桥景区 42、 202、900路至觅渡桥北下,70、513路觅渡桥西下 pment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy,U, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equitegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-round, twostory medical building design for the g-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-ry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, workindustdical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in meement ices, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation managardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health servrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, c-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work5habilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in projectfloor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future re1th, 百花洲景区 602、949路吉庆街下,景区内有古胥门 苏州(大)公园 261路大公园站下 桂花公园 28、42、 53、60、202、900路 桐泾公园 54、305、319、321路 碑刻博物馆(文庙) 1、游2、5、101、102、308、309、933路文化宫下 姜昆艺术收藏馆 54、325、900路至友新路南环西路南下,10、42、47、路至友新 新村南下 双塔、定慧寺 游2、40、50、55、60、89、202、204、309、501、529、811路下 况钟祠 38、40、50、89、200、502、511、931路市立医院本部下西美巷 曹沧洲祠 38、40、50、89、200、502、511、931路吉利桥下至瓣莲巷 圣约翰堂 8终点苏州大学本部下,(十梓街18号) 三香路教堂 38、60、89、321、502、511路附二院下 使徒堂 305、602路至干将路站下(养育巷130号) 唐寅墓 游2、游4、43、60、63、108、300、305、315、504路唐寅园下 三,金阊区 1 虎丘、定园 游1、游2、146、路终点下向北是虎丘,向南到普福路是定园 山塘街 204、501路至上塘街下,7、50、70、318路留园路下到新民桥下 寒山寺、江枫洲 游3、31、33、73、300、301、307、315、324、路何山桥下 9、10、45、931路来凤桥下 西园 400路西园东下、 留园 游1、85、933路留园站下 艺圃 游1、88、262、301、313、522路儿童医院下到吴趋坊文衙弄。 桃花坞木刻博物馆 游1、1、5、8、101、102、112路平门下走校场路进入 唐寅故居 同上,双荷花池 泰伯庙 501路皋桥下,庙旁有五峰园 春申君祠 204路宋仙洲巷下到王洗马巷10号 文山寺 32、88、146路中市桥下到文丞相弄 四,工业园区 金鸡湖 47、68、100、307路可到 李公堤 9路中新路西下或60路徐家浜下转100路直达李公堤 圆融广场 28、108、168路 摩天轮乐园 28、108、168路 月光码头 2、28、47、100、106、129路至国际博览中心下 中央公园 146路中央公园下,178路中央公园北下,200路中央公园西下 重元寺 欧尚首末站乘109路到重元寺东下,东南环立交桥126路重元寺下 玉皇宫 18、52、518路雅士利涂料站下金堰路向北,宫内有张士诚纪念馆 白塘生态园 28、206、快线1号至南施街下, 126路到白塘公园下 沙湖生态园 欧尚超市西乘106路可到或乘205、148路到星华街下 翡翠湖生态园 169路到中新科技城下,129路到中新科技城下 莲池湖公园 129路到重元寺北下 唯亭公园 106、126路到东亭家园下,园内有朱慧珍(评弹演员)纪念馆 青剑湖公园 87路青剑湖景观下 方洲公园 110、219路到方洲邻里中心下 独墅湖白鹭园 快2、110、178路独墅湖图书馆下向南,146路到体育馆下向西 experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project achingthis times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor n flound two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitatiofive layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, undergro tegrated floor groundstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-story medical building design for the ground, two-East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor,-center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work tion technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitationbilitaices of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehaofessionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health serving prion, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nurselated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitatr-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work6 北疆枫叶园 87路阳澄湖大桥南下向东走 摩天轮乐园 108路可到, 阳澄农庄 126、129、169路可到 浅水湾商业街 126、129、169路可到 五,高新区 太湖湿地公园 43、441路终点 万佛寺 湿地公园首末站转320路到万佛寺下 刺绣博物馆 43、441路绣品街下 翼龙生态园 441路到东渚宾馆下转330路到上黄岖下 大白荡公园 319路到云锦城下向西走即到,景区内有东吴博物馆 文昌公园 321路到文昌桥下从旭辉上河郡小区进入 白马涧龙池景区 333路到马涧路下步行到龙池风景区 树山村生态园 316、 321路可到, 何山公园 300、308、321路何山公园东下 高景山、白鹤寺 44、308路到高景山下 2 花山 从龙池风景区步行可到花山 ,亦可从天池山翻入 石湖(上方山) 415路到行春桥下石湖景区、上方山森林公园、余庄东石湖景区 申时行墓 在上方山公园内 苏州乐园 2、68路到福记好世界下,33、322、327路可到 凤凰寺 苏州乐园首末站乘322路终点 兰风寺 爱河桥乘332路到终点 莲华寺 441、443路到金墅(市)下 水上乐园 游3、38、39、89、317、511路水上乐园下 玉山路教堂 同上 六,相城区 荷塘月色公园 采莲换乘中心乘805路可到 花卉植物园 805路可到 月季园 86路莲港桥下,821路至阳澄湖投资公司下, 三角嘴湿地公园 76、79、82、805路到御苑家园下向西走到相城区公路管理处对面 葫芦岛 86路到太平镇(金澄大酒店)下沿济民路向东走20分钟 莲花岛 87路阳澄湖镇旅游服务中心(莲花岛大码头)乘渡轮直达 北桥风情苑 832路到庄基村服务中心下 春申湖公园(黄埭) 82路到黄埭 元和公园 84、712路到蠡口下 珍珠宝石城 84、712路珠宝城下 活力岛 5路到陆慕桥西下沿人民路向北到底华元路 悟真道院 5路到陆慕桥西下沿人民路向北走就在东侧 皇罗禅寺 87路到终点阳澄湖镇(田泾)转861路到皇罗禅寺下 文征明墓 76、79、82、805路到文陵下 沈周墓 84路到沈周路下 七,吴中区 1, 灵岩山 2、游4、511、512、621、64、663路都可到,旁有牡丹园 2, 木渎古镇 2、游4、38、64、511、512、路可到,镇内有严家花园、古松园、 榜眼府地、虹饮山房、明月寺、姑苏十二娘园。 U, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equitegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-round, twostory medical building design for the g-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-ry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, workindustdical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in meement ices, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation managardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health servrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, c-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work7habilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in projectfloor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future re1th, pment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 3, 光福香雪海(司徒庙) 64、65、651路可到 石嵝 65、651路到潭东村下,进村走15分钟 石壁永慧禅寺 63、64、65路至光福镇政府转652路到南山公园下 圣恩禅寺 652路到陈家湾下,从陈家坞村进入绕过兵营即到 铜观音寺 64、65、651、652、路可到 冲山 63、64、65路到光福转651路到终点新四军太湖游击队纪念馆 漫山岛 65路到太湖二号桥下步行到太湖三号桥上船可至漫山岛 4, 天平山 4、游4、315、662路终点 5, 穹窿山 43、64路到穹窿山景区下,内有宁邦寺、上真观、孙武苑 小王山 43、64路到上泾村转667路到小王山景区下 6, 天池山 312路(体育场中心首末站起点)直达 7,菱湖渚公园 502路到石马下或622路临湖镇政府下转628路到终点 人民公社主题公园 吴中汽车站乘 628路到灵湖村委会下 8,旺山生态园 62、503路可到,景区内有九龙潭、宝华寺 农林大世界 503路终点 3 9, 胥口胥王庙 58、69路胥口镇政府下,胥市街向南到底即是 城隍山 55、503、505路蓝缨学校下 还带寺 58、69路到三洋站下,向北走在花墩公墓旁 10,东山 502、62路到东山换乘站 雕花楼 627路可到 启园 629路可到 雨花胜境 从启园向西步行10分钟 轩辕宫 627路可到 紫金庵 627路可到 江南茶文化博物馆 627路到紫金庵站下 陆巷古村 627路可到 三山岛 陆巷沙滩山码头乘渡轮 11,西山 58路到西山换乘站 石公山 69、694路直达, 明月湾 石公山首末站转694路可到 林屋洞 西山换乘站转694、695路可到 包山寺 西山换乘站转694、695路可到 古樟园 694、695路可到 绿光休闲农场 58、69、691路农业园区站下 缥缈峰 691、697路可到 东村 699路可到 堂里雕花楼 693、697路到堂里下, 水月禅寺 同上线路堂里下,从水月坞入口可往 地质博物馆 同上,水月禅寺向前走 禹王庙 697路终点 12,太湖度假区 58、69路可到 渔洋山公园 58、69路渔洋山公园下,附近有苏州海洋馆 蒯祥墓 58路可到 太湖文化论坛 58路水星俱乐部下 -story medical building design for the ground, two-East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor,-center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work tion technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitationbilitaices of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehaofessionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health serving prion, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nurselated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitatr-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work8experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project achingthis times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor n flound two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitatiofive layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, undergro tegrated floor groundstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in 太湖公园 58、69路可到 13,角直古镇 18、52、518路可到,镇旁有江南文化园,转521路淞南集贸市场 下向东走可到淞南生态农庄内有小桥博物馆 14,尹山湖 501、550、67路到国泰三村东下沿郭巷北路向南到底 本色美术馆 501路到郭巷转138、67路到郭巷大桥南下向西走 15,范蠡公园 5、7、51、53路到苏蠡路跃进桥下 529、900、933、快线6号到吴中房产中心下 16,嘉宝莲风园 101、308、 17,宝带桥景区 快线6号到石湖东路站下,向东走刭运河边向北走即到 18,韩世忠墓 312、6 63路到韩世忠墓下 拙政园、狮子林、苏州博物馆、观前街在你住的地方附近,观前街离博物馆好像是2站路还是一站路的,在他的南边,拙政园在博物馆东隔壁,狮子林在他们的南边不远的地方。 山塘街在石路附近,石路是苏州市区另一条步行街,沿着山塘街可以一直走到虎丘的,寒山寺离虎丘也不算远。 所以,建议中午吃完先去博物馆、拙政园,来得及就去一下狮子林,去过苏州园林的都说,大同小异的,去个代表性的就可以了,一般人都会选择拙政园。晚上在观前街吃饭,如果早的话就去山塘街看看夜景,很多公交都到的,山塘街适合晚上去,那边几乎走两步就有一对新人在拍婚纱照。 第二天去寒山寺、枫桥、虎丘,这几个地方都靠的近的,建议虎丘最后去,这样如果前一天没来得及去山塘街还可以去看看,不知道你是第二天晚上走还是第三天早上走,如果是第三天早上走的话就把山塘街留到第二天晚上去。 总的来说,你的时间还蛮紧的,夏天又热。建议你玩这些就差不多了,会很累的,而且毕竟也不能走马观花吧,既然来了就仔细看看。 博物馆、观前街、山塘街免费,虎丘好像是60,拙政园70(听说这两天变80了),狮子林不知道,寒山寺好像20吧,枫桥不知道,没去过,可能不要钱 中了旅行的毒,总期待在路上…… habilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in projectfloor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future re1th, pment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy,U, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equitegrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICstory underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical in-round, twostory medical building design for the g-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-ry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, workindustdical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in meement ices, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation managardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health servrelated injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, c-expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work9
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