

2017-09-17 9页 doc 28KB 296阅读




爱心幼儿园办园理念爱心幼儿园办园理念 爱心幼儿园办园理念、园风、培养目标、精神、职业道德准则、办园宗旨、办园方向 爱心幼儿园办园理念:让孩子拥有快乐的童年,让孩子获得有益的经验,为孩子的一生发展打好基础。我们将用爱心、诚心关注每个孩子的情感发展,给孩子一个温馨如家的环境,让孩子快乐的成长。我们将用精心、细心关注每个孩子的兴趣发展,为孩子提供丰富多彩的活动,让孩子获得广泛、有益的生活经验。我们将用恒心、耐心关注每个孩子的行为习惯的发展,为孩子的发展营造规范有序的一日生活,让孩子养成有益终身学习的良好品质。 爱心幼儿园园风:热忱、严谨、善诱、...
爱心幼儿园办园理念 爱心幼儿园办园理念、园风、培养目标、精神、职业道德准则、办园宗旨、办园方向 爱心幼儿园办园理念:让孩子拥有快乐的童年,让孩子获得有益的经验,为孩子的一生发展打好基础。我们将用爱心、诚心关注每个孩子的情感发展,给孩子一个温馨如家的环境,让孩子快乐的成长。我们将用精心、细心关注每个孩子的兴趣发展,为孩子提供丰富多彩的活动,让孩子获得广泛、有益的生活经验。我们将用恒心、耐心关注每个孩子的行为习惯的发展,为孩子的发展营造规范有序的一日生活,让孩子养成有益终身学习的良好品质。 爱心幼儿园园风:热忱、严谨、善诱、挚爱 爱心幼儿园培养目标:学会生存,乐于锻炼;学会做人,乐于尊重;学会做事,乐于探索;学会交流,乐于分享;学会审美,乐于创造。 爱心幼儿园精神:开拓奋斗 发展进取 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 爱心幼儿园职业道德准则:以爱动其心,以言导其行,爱而不纵,严而不凶,严在当严之处,爱在细微之中。 爱心幼儿园办园宗旨:树立服务意识,以“一直为了孩子,为了孩子的一切,为了一切孩子”为办园宗旨,努力做到把衷心献给事业,把放心留给家长;把爱心献给孩子,把专心留给自己。 爱心幼儿园办园方向:科学管理,突出特色,争创一流。坚持教养并重,保教结合,努力完成双重任务,全面提高素质。 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 2011年爱心幼儿园教学目标 1、身体的发展: 促进幼儿身体的正常发育,增强体质。 发展幼儿的感知和运动能力,促进身体运作的协调发展。 养成幼儿良好的生活习惯,培养自理、自我保护的基本能力。 2、认知的发展: 激发幼儿的认知兴趣,培养主动学习的态度和欲望。 培养幼儿观察、探索、思考和解决问的基本能力。 增进幼儿对环境,人与环境的认识,培养初步的环保意识。 发展幼儿的语言能力,培养听、说、读、写的兴趣和良好习惯。 3、情感的发展: 丰富幼儿对自己、他人、自然及社会的感受,培养其积极的态度。 培养幼儿关心他人、热爱生命、珍惜自然和环境资源的美好情感。 鼓励幼儿用多种方式大胆地达自己的感the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 受和体验,帮助其学会表达健康的情绪。萌发幼儿爱父母、爱同伴、爱幼儿园、爱祖国的情感。 4、社会性发展: 增进幼儿的自我价值感和自信心,培养主动性和自制力。 培养幼儿初步的责任感和待人处事的正确态度。 帮助幼儿学会与人友好相处,建立良好的人际关系。 帮助幼儿适应群体生活,接受群体的价值观和行为规范。 5、创造性发展: 引导幼儿大胆的用语言、非语言的手段表达与交流思想和情感。 激发幼儿创造的欲望,发展想象力和创造力。 增进幼儿感受美和表现美的情趣和能力。 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 2012年爱心幼儿园教学目标 1、身体的发展: 促进幼儿身体的正常发育,增强体质。 发展幼儿的感知和运动能力,促进身体运作的协调发展。 养成幼儿良好的生活习惯,培养自理、自我保护的基本能力。 2、认知的发展: 激发幼儿的认知兴趣,培养主动学习的态度和欲望。 培养幼儿观察、探索、思考和解决问题的基本能力。 增进幼儿对环境,人与环境的认识,培养初步的环保意识。 发展幼儿的语言能力,培养听、说、读、写的兴趣和良好习惯。 3、情感的发展: 丰富幼儿对自己、他人、自然及社会的感受,培养其积极的态度。 培养幼儿关心他人、热爱生命、珍惜自然和环境资源的美好情感。 鼓励幼儿用多种方式大胆地表达自己的感the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 受和体验,帮助其学会表达健康的情绪。萌发幼儿爱父母、爱同伴、爱幼儿园、爱祖国的情感。 4、社会性发展: 增进幼儿的自我价值感和自信心,培养主动性和自制力。 培养幼儿初步的责任感和待人处事的正确态度。 帮助幼儿学会与人友好相处,建立良好的人际关系。 帮助幼儿适应群体生活,接受群体的价值观和行为规范。 5、创造性发展: 引导幼儿大胆的用语言、非语言的手段表达与交流思想和情感。 激发幼儿创造的欲望,发展想象力和创造力。 增进幼儿感受美和表现美的情趣和能力。 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 2013年爱心幼儿园教学目标 1、身体的发展: 促进幼儿身体的正常发育,增强体质。 发展幼儿的感知和运动能力,促进身体运作的协调发展。 养成幼儿良好的生活习惯,培养自理、自我保护的基本能力。 2、认知的发展: 激发幼儿的认知兴趣,培养主动学习的态度和欲望。 培养幼儿观察、探索、思考和解决问题的基本能力。 增进幼儿对环境,人与环境的认识,培养初步的环保意识。 发展幼儿的语言能力,培养听、说、读、写的兴趣和良好习惯。 3、情感的发展: 丰富幼儿对自己、他人、自然及社会的感受,培养其积极的态度。 培养幼儿关心他人、热爱生命、珍惜自然和环境资源的美好情感。 鼓励幼儿用多种方式大胆地表达自己的感the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 受和体验,帮助其学会表达健康的情绪。萌发幼儿爱父母、爱同伴、爱幼儿园、爱祖国的情感。 4、社会性发展: 增进幼儿的自我价值感和自信心,培养主动性和自制力。 培养幼儿初步的责任感和待人处事的正确态度。 帮助幼儿学会与人友好相处,建立良好的人际关系。 帮助幼儿适应群体生活,接受群体的价值观和行为规范。 5、创造性发展: 引导幼儿大胆的用语言、非语言的手段表达与交流思想和情感。 激发幼儿创造的欲望,发展想象力和创造力。 增进幼儿感受美和表现美的情趣和能力。 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 2014年爱心幼儿园教学目标 1、身体的发展: 促进幼儿身体的正常发育,增强体质。 发展幼儿的感知和运动能力,促进身体运作的协调发展。 养成幼儿良好的生活习惯,培养自理、自我保护的基本能力。 2、认知的发展: 激发幼儿的认知兴趣,培养主动学习的态度和欲望。 培养幼儿观察、探索、思考和解决问题的基本能力。 增进幼儿对环境,人与环境的认识,培养初步的环保意识。 发展幼儿的语言能力,培养听、说、读、写的兴趣和良好习惯。 3、情感的发展: 丰富幼儿对自己、他人、自然及社会的感受,培养其积极的态度。 培养幼儿关心他人、热爱生命、珍惜自然和环境资源的美好情感。 鼓励幼儿用多种方式大胆地表达自己的感the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of 受和体验,帮助其学会表达健康的情绪。萌发幼儿爱父母、爱同伴、爱幼儿园、爱祖国的情感。 4、社会性发展: 增进幼儿的自我价值感和自信心,培养主动性和自制力。 培养幼儿初步的责任感和待人处事的正确态度。 帮助幼儿学会与人友好相处,建立良好的人际关系。 帮助幼儿适应群体生活,接受群体的价值观和行为规范。 5、创造性发展: 引导幼儿大胆的用语言、非语言的手段表达与交流思想和情感。 激发幼儿创造的欲望,发展想象力和创造力。 增进幼儿感受美和表现美的情趣和能力。 the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one to two a can do practical things for the masses, to help solve practical difficulties in production and life, the implementation of the policy, suggestion, clear the way to get rich; Department of households antithetical couplet questions, to solve their own, solved; on the spur of
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