
十大古装类电视剧排行榜 最好看的古装电视剧

2017-09-01 12页 doc 98KB 406阅读




十大古装类电视剧排行榜 最好看的古装电视剧十大古装类电视剧排行榜 最好看的古装电视剧 时下,古装剧盛行,《甄嬛传》《芈月传》《琅琊榜》等大型古装剧的热播吸引众多观众尤其是年轻女性的喜爱,下面知名网络推广机构怒蛙网络就为你介绍一些好看的古装电视剧。 NO.1 《武神赵子龙》 主演:林更新,林允儿,金桢勋,贾青,高以翔,郭冬冬,孟子义,古力娜扎,严屹宽,赵韩樱子,范雨林,邹兆龙,孙骁骁等 剧情介绍:赵子龙生逢乱世,自小深感民怨深重,立下大志,要成就一番宏图大业。他秉承一身正气,惩恶除强,又在机缘巧合之下练就了一套精妙枪法,披靡沙场,无往不利,这让他在赢得众多的仰...
十大古装类电视剧排行榜 最好看的古装电视剧
十大古装类电视剧排行榜 最好看的古装电视剧 时下,古装剧盛行,《甄嬛传》《芈月传》《琅琊榜》等大型古装剧的热播吸引众多观众尤其是年轻女性的喜爱,下面知名网络推广机构怒蛙网络就为你介绍一些好看的古装电视剧。 NO.1 《武神赵子龙》 主演:林更新,林允儿,金桢勋,贾青,高以翔,郭冬冬,孟子义,古力娜扎,严屹宽,赵韩樱子,范雨林,邹兆龙,孙骁骁等 剧情介绍:赵子龙生逢乱世,自小深感民怨深重,立下大志,要成就一番宏图大业。他秉承一身正气,惩恶除强,又在机缘巧合之下练就了一套精妙枪法,披靡沙场,无往不利,这让他在赢得众多的仰慕与赞许的同时,也为他招来了诸多的嫉恨。夏侯轻衣为东郡诸侯夏侯杰之女,投靠常山舅袁涣时结识了赵云。他们二人彼此钦慕,却招来了心胸狭隘的袁涣长子袁怀和轻衣大哥夏侯恩的嫉恨与迫害。赵子龙在他怀才不遇的处境中积极求索,意外从母亲口中获知了赵家与夏侯家在上一辈结下的生死仇怨。在家族仇恨和儿女情长的历练中,赵子龙终于参透了恩怨,找到了赏识他的明主刘备。自此,他手执长枪,驰骋沙场,抒写出一段可歌可泣的英雄礼赞。 No.2 《山海经之赤影传说》 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 主演:张翰,古力娜扎,关智斌,吴磊,蓝盈莹,高伟光,高钧贤,李超,李茂等 剧情介绍:上古时代,为了应对大旱,中国古老的两个部落东夷和九黎,按照祭司的预言派人前往桃花坳寻找天降玄女。一对好友苏茉(古力娜扎饰)和芙儿(蓝盈莹饰)从此背负不同命运,一个作为朱雀玄女要保护九黎百姓,另一个作为青龙玄女要带领东夷夺取上游九黎的水源。一位玄女加七位星宿使者,便能组成一个团队,唤醒相应的神兽。但朱雀团队的第一次唤醒仪式却被东夷大将军百里寒(李超饰)破坏。为了再次唤醒神兽,东夷和九黎开始争夺白虎和玄武神杵。百里寒利用苏茉与芙儿之间的感情纠葛,骗得神杵,成功唤醒青龙。为了阻止东夷奴役九黎百姓,苏茉带领朱雀团队再上昆仑山,寻找水源珠,并终于用水源珠的力量解救了干旱,开启了一个和平友好的新世界。 NO.3 《青丘狐传说》 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire www.angryfrog.cn 网络推广 事件营销 影视宣传 综艺植入 主演:古力娜扎,蒋劲夫,小彩旗,金晨,陈瑶,张若昀,乔欣,付辛博,王凯,Mike,姚奕辰,唐艺昕,陈若轩,张雪迎等 剧情介绍:本剧取材于《聊斋志异》中的六个故事。 《阿绣》:狐女花月(陈瑶饰)冒充人间女子阿绣(乔欣饰),与刘子固(张若昀饰)纠葛,她从贪婪人间爱情滋味,到明白人间真爱,最后牺牲自己,成全了真正的阿绣与刘子固。 《封三娘》:灵狐封飞月(江铠同饰)为百姓打抱不平进入孟家,却发现孟家的坏名声只是遭人陷害,于是帮助孟家脱险,收获了自己的爱情。 《婴宁》:天性爱笑的狐女婴宁(小彩旗饰)来到王子服(付辛博饰)家,为了弄清母亲(万妮恩饰)被王家残害的往事,到王家遇险时,婴宁以德报怨,赢得了所有人的尊重。 《胡四》:胡四(Mike饰)本是法力高强的男狐,因贪酒与富家公子张生(陈若轩饰)结为挚友,他帮助张生寻得一幢美好姻缘后潇洒离去。 《长亭》:收妖人石太璞(王凯饰)助狐族驱妖,狐族老父(傅隽饰)答应将长女长亭(金晨饰)许配给他,却一再反悔,石太璞不计前嫌拯救狐族,最终得以与长亭结成良缘。 《恒娘》:美丽狐仙恒娘(古力娜扎饰)助隔壁邻居朱氏(姜尘饰)夺回丈夫的心,智斗黄鼠狼小妾。 NO.4 《蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇》 主演:赵丽颖,陈伟霆,吴奇隆,叶祖新,刘思彤,樊少皇等 剧情介绍:蜀山派是江湖第一名门正派,一直领导武林多年。蜀山掌门诸葛驭我为保天下,与企图抢夺赤魂石的蜀山派弃徒绿袍尊者展开争斗。六星之子丁隐本是卧云村的普通猎 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 户,因魔宗屠村血案而被救上蜀山。却在机缘巧合下将赤魂石炼化入体,天赋秉异的丁隐由此拜入蜀山门下修习剑法。失忆的丁隐发现绿袍之女玉无心竟然与他逝去的爱妻长得一模一样,二人坠入情网。此时,蜀山派内部亦暗流涌动,与魔宗勾结的“山中人”暗中兴风作浪。封印天域妖魔的蜀山结界阵眼“南明离火”神剑被玉无心带走,为加固天域结界,掌门诸葛驭我派遣丁隐、丹辰子、诸葛紫英、周青云及张馅饼下山,寻找传说中的神木、青索、紫郢三把神剑。丁隐等人历经艰难险阻取得神剑,不想却陷入更大的阴谋,令众人分崩离析。同时,魔宗与蜀山派的争斗越来越惨烈,绿袍尊者带手下攻上蜀山。面对重重阴谋背叛和一触即发的终极大战,丁隐和玉无心爱恨两相难,正邪一念间。最终他们选择拯救天下苍生。 NO.5 《倚天剑屠龙刀》 主演:吴启华,黎姿,佘诗曼等 剧情介绍:屠龙刀与倚天剑的出现,引发了江湖上的争夺战,武林各派为之生死相斗,死伤无数。虽然正邪势不两立,然而这场刀剑之争却造就了几段正邪之间的姻缘和孽缘。武当五侠张翠山(刘松仁饰)与天鹰教妖女殷素素(米雪饰),因争夺屠龙刀而认识,并且情深爱切。但天意弄人,他们两人的结合,最后竟落得自尽赎罪、殉夫而亡的悲剧收场。何谓正,何谓邪,不在身份,而在人心。阴差阳错,身为正派后人张翠山之子张无忌(吴启华饰),被迫担任起邪教教主一职,并一生致力打破正邪的隔膜。无忌生性优柔寡断,感情丰富,因而纠缠于峨嵋派周芷若(佘诗曼饰)与蒙古郡主赵敏(黎姿饰)的三角感情中。周芷若出身正派,却因爱成恨,由正入邪;相反,被视为魔女并处处与武林做对的赵敏,竟受爱情的感化而弃邪从善,甘愿为张无忌放弃一生尊荣,相伴到天涯。 五鼠闹东京》 NO.6 《 主演:陈晓,严屹宽,郑爽,梁冠华,刘德凯,马良,谢宁,王茂蕾,何瑜,王大奇,张芷溪等 剧情介绍:北宋年间陷空岛住着五个结拜兄弟绰号“五鼠”,江湖南侠展昭(严屹宽饰)因保护包公(梁冠华饰)有功被宋仁宗(刘德凯饰)赐 “御猫”封号。奸贼太师庞吉(马书良饰)妒恨包公,遂故意派人挑拨,说包公让仁宗赐展昭“御猫”,目的就是要灭“五鼠”的威风。五位义士大为恼火,要立赴东京与展昭一决高低。在去往东京途中“五鼠”得知庞吉之子庞昱在陈州的种种恶行,决定先去陈州除掉庞昱。为彻底铲除奸臣庞吉、庞昱,包公另施一计,让展昭因好赌输掉好多钱,庞吉利用此事救下展昭并将其派往陈州助庞昱一臂之力。于是展昭以沈仲元的身份混进庞昱府中,暗中搜集庞昱的犯罪证据。“五鼠”等人与展昭里应外合,不仅为包公洗脱冤情,还将庞昱斩首,为陈州百姓铲除了这个无恶不作的恶霸。为报杀子之仇,庞吉又设下了惊天阴谋加害包公和“五鼠”等诸位英雄。 NO.7 《秦时明月》 主演:陆毅,陈妍希,蒋劲夫,胡冰卿,孙艺洲,金晨,秦俊杰,龚蓓苾,隋咏良,宋宁,尤靖茹,张雷等 剧情介绍:该剧以秦始皇兼并六国之初,各方势力并存、百家学术争鸣的时期为历史背景,讲述荆轲之子荆天明、墨家巨子之女高月与楚国少主项少羽三位少年的成长故事,兼容environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire www.angryfrog.cn 网络推广 事件营销 影视宣传 综艺植入 亲情、友情、爱情、历史使命与江湖侠义。 NO.8 《叶问》 主演:郑嘉颖,韩雪,刘小锋,周秀娜等 剧情介绍:《叶问》是由中央电视台、苏州福纳文化科技股份有限公司联合出品的电视剧。该剧由张子扬,卜宇,王少春,陈华,白芳芹,许东良,祝丽华,杨卓兴,张炭担任总监制,伟基担任执行监制,申积军担任策划,范小天担任总导演,张炭担任总编剧,杨佩佩担任艺术总监,叶准,叶正担任武术顾问,李达超担任武术指导,郑嘉颖、韩雪、刘小锋和周秀娜等主演。该剧讲述了一代宗师叶问的一生,并已于2013年2月24日登陆齐鲁台首播。 NO.9 《琅琊榜》 主演:胡歌,刘涛,王凯,黄维德,靳东,陈龙,吴磊,高鑫等 剧情介绍:该剧根据海宴同名网络小说改编,以平反冤案、扶持明君、振兴山河为主线,讲述了“麒麟才子”梅长苏才冠绝伦、以病弱之躯拨开重重迷雾、智博奸佞,为昭雪多年冤案、扶持新君所进行的一系列斗争。梅长苏在国仇家恨、兄弟情义的漩涡中见招拆招、游刃有余,奏出了“江左梅郎”赤子之心下的一曲慷慨悲歌。 NO.10 《女医明妃传》 主演:刘诗诗,霍建华,黄轩,李呈媛,袁文康,金晨等 剧情介绍:大明国体昌盛却礼教严苛,女子地位低下,不得从医,隐疾难治。谭家为医学世家,祖上几代均为御医,因被奸人所陷害而遭遇灭顶之灾,从此留下祖训,后世不得行医。但聪慧的谭允贤从小耳濡目染,偷偷随祖母学习中医知识,不仅悬壶济世、妙手仁心,得到了普通百姓的赞扬和支持,更渐起救天下女子之心。由此,允贤不仅在学医道路上面临重重的困难和阻碍,更要面对封建礼教和世俗观念的冲击。但允贤凭借着对于医学事业的痴迷和热爱,克服重重困难,不仅在医学上广收博采、兼收并蓄、自成一派,更突破严苛的礼教束缚,开创并建立了女医,从救人身体到救人灵魂,再由救人到救国,传播弘扬了祖国医学文化,最终成为了一代女国医,名扬天下。 怒蛙网络作为专业的娱乐营销公司,拥有丰富的综艺节目、影视剧网络推广,是《爸爸去哪儿》《我是歌手》《鲁豫有约》等众多热门综艺节目网络推广服务商,湖南卫视、央视及其他省级卫视综艺节目、电视剧等广告软植入业务皆可洽谈。如有节目宣传及广告植入意向,可通过怒蛙网络官网与我们联系。 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire
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