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化学锚栓施工工艺标准化学锚栓施工工艺标准 2010-08-01 21:43:32| 分类: 工程施工 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 1(范围 本工艺标准适用于一般工业及民用建筑物、构筑物的新增梁端部的生根。 2(施工准备 2(1主要机具:水钻(用于打水钻孔),电锤(用于打电锤孔),钢丝刷。 2(2辅助机具:手吹风、空压机、棉丝、毛刷、墨斗、墨水、线坠、水平尺、盒尺、红蓝铅笔等。 2(3主要材料:金草田结构胶、化学锚栓、丙酮。 2(4作业条件: 2(4(1 施工前先清理施工区域内的所有障碍物,清除施工面浮土及灰皮。 2(4(2 根据图...
化学锚栓施工工艺标准 2010-08-01 21:43:32| 分类: | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 1(范围 本工艺标准适用于一般工业及民用建筑物、构筑物的新增梁端部的生根。 2(施工准备 2(1主要机具:水钻(用于打水钻孔),电锤(用于打电锤孔),钢丝刷。 2(2辅助机具:手吹风、空压机、棉丝、毛刷、墨斗、墨水、线坠、水平尺、盒尺、红蓝铅笔等。 2(3主要材料:金草田结构胶、化学锚栓、丙酮。 2(4作业条件: 2(4(1 施工前先清理施工区域内的所有障碍物,清除施工面浮土及灰皮。 2(4(2 根据图纸标注尺寸,放出植筋现场位置点。 2(4(3 夜间施工时,应合理安排工序,防止错植,施工场地应根据需要安装照明设施,在危险地段应设置明显标志。 2(4(4 熟悉图纸,做好技术交底。 3(施工工艺 3(1 工艺流程: 现场清理——放线、验线——钻孔——清孔——钢筋除锈----注胶——植筋——报验 3(2现场清理 3(2(1根据各个工地的实际情况进行相应的处理,总的原则是清理到原结构层或受力层。 3(3放线、验线 (3(1 放出钢筋植筋的点位线 3 3(3(2 复核点位线位置无误后,采用电钻钻孔 3(4 钻孔 3(4(1 根据设计要求,确定植筋钻孔规格。 3(4(2 接好水钻(电锤)电源,进行钻孔施工。 3(4(3 钻孔施工完成,检查成孔直径及深度。 3(5 清孔 3(5(1 用空压机或其它设备吹出植筋孔内灰尘。 3(5(2 用毛刷或棉丝蘸丙酮将植筋孔擦拭干净。 3(5(3 用棉丝封堵植筋孔口待用。 3(5(4请甲方、监理、总包负责人,对成孔进行验收。 3(6钢筋除锈 3(6(1 角磨机配钢丝刷将钢筋锚入部分除去铁锈,氧化层,油污等,并用丙酮擦拭干净。 3(6(2 报请监理或总包验收,合格后,方可进行锚筋作业。 3(7注胶植筋 3(7(1用注胶器将胶注入孔内2/3,将除锈后的钢筋旋转缓慢插入洞内,直至达到洞底部为止。锚固胶体从洞口溢出,则锚固合格。 3(7(2锚固完钢筋后,在24小时内不得人为扰动,以保证锚筋质量。 3(7(3填写单项工程验收单,并报请监理或总包验收。 3(8报验 3(8(1待植筋完全固化后,按设计要求做钢筋拉拔试验。 3(8(2钢筋拉拔试验合格后,报请监理或总包验收。然后填写隐检资料,分项/分部工程质量报验认可单,请总包负责人、监理签字。 4、质量标准 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 4(1保证项目: 4(1(1植筋必须符合设计要求及加固行业施工。 4(2允许偏差项目,见表 序号 项目 允许偏差(mm) 检验 植筋深度 ,20,,5 用盒尺检查 1 植筋孔径 ,4, 用盒尺检查 2 5、成品保护 5(1清完孔后,将成孔用棉丝封堵,避免灰尘落入。 5(2钢筋除完锈后,妥善保存,防止钢筋再次生锈。 5(3植筋完成后,应做好临时固定,固化期内不得人为扰动,必要时派专人看护。 6、应注意的质量问 6(1植筋结构胶严格按照比例配制,必须搅拌均匀。 6(2植筋钻孔前必须放线,所钻植筋孔一定要保证与施工面垂直。 6(3植筋规格及孔深严格按照设计要求、行业规范施工。 6(4植筋孔必须清理干净并保持干燥。 6(5钢筋植筋前必须清除浮锈及氧化层。 7(质量记录 本施工工艺标准应具备以下质量记录: 7(1钢筋材质单 7(2胶的出厂合格证,检验报告。 7(3分项/分部工程质量报验认可单。 7(4隐检、预检记录。 7(5设计变更、洽商记录。 7(6其他技术文件。 附录:1 植筋施工主要技术措施 1(如植筋后钢筋需焊接施工时,应注意的问题及解决方法: 1.1应注意的问题: 1.1.1筋焊接时,应避免焊接产生的高温使结构胶碳化。 1(2解决方法: 1(2(1 仔细阅读各种结构胶的说明书,了解结构胶的使用方法、正常工作的温度。 1(2(2植筋时,如遇到钢筋需焊接时应尽量选用耐高温结构胶。 1(2(3如所选取的结构胶不耐高温,施工时用湿棉丝缠在钢筋植筋与焊接部位之间,用以防止高温传导,保证结构胶正常工作。 2(钢筋避让原则 在原结构植筋时,所植钢筋与原结在位置上冲突施工工时应遵守以下原则: 2(1水钻钻孔植筋时,尽量避免水钻钻伤原有结构内钢筋。 2(2电锤钻孔遇钢筋后,钢筋避让遵循钢筋混凝土结构。 针对具体构件、具体情况细则如下: 2(2(1 梁、柱植筋时,保证梁、柱的设计位置及梁、柱截面设计尺寸,保证柱的混凝土钢筋保护层不小于规范要求。 如在植筋时不能保证以上原则,应及时与设计、甲方、监理单位办理洽商,作为施工依据。 2(2(2 剪力墙植筋时,所植钢筋在原结构钢筋内侧,保证剪力墙的混凝土钢筋保护层不小于规范要求。 如在植筋时不能保证以上原则,应及时与设计、甲方、监理单位办理洽商,作为施工依据。 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 3(冬季施工 3(1为保证结构胶固化缩短施工工期,应采取必要保温措施。 附录:2 结构胶植筋深度 钢筋直径 钻孔直径 不同混凝土强度钢筋植入深度(mm) (mm) (mm) ?级钢 ?级钢 6 10 90 --- 8 12 120 --- 10 14 150 --- 12 16 180 180 14 18 210 210 16 22 240 240 18 25 --- 270 20 28 --- 300 22 30 --- 330 25 32 --- 375 28 36 --- 420 32 40 --- 480 化学锚栓 简介 化学锚栓是一种新型的紧固材料,由化学药剂与金属杆体组成的。可用于各种幕墙、大理石 干挂施工中的后加埋件安装,也可用于设备安装,公路、桥梁护栏安装;建筑物加固改造等 场合。由于其玻璃管内装着的化学试剂易燃易爆,所以厂家必须经过国家有关部门的批准才 能生产,整个生产过程需要有严密的安全措施,并使用和工作人员完全隔离的流水线生产。 如果通过手工作业不但违反了国家的有关规定,而且非常危险。 化学锚栓是继膨胀锚栓之后出现的一种新型锚栓,是通过特制的化学粘接剂,将 螺杆胶结 固定于砼基材钻孔中,以实现对固定件锚固的复合件。 特性 耐酸碱、耐低温、耐老化 耐热性能良好,常温下无蠕变 耐水渍,在潮湿环境中长期负荷稳定 抗焊性、阻燃性能良好 抗震性能良好 应用优点 锚固力强,形同预埋 无膨胀应力,边距间距小 安装快捷,凝固迅速,节省施工时间 玻璃管包装利于目测管剂质量 玻璃管粉碎后充当细骨料,粘接充分 应用领域 适用于重载在近边距和狭窄构件(柱、阳台等)上固定 可在混泥土(=>C25砼)里使用 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 可在耐压的天然石里锚固(未经检验) 适用于以下锚固:钢筋固、金属构件、拖架、机器基板、道路护栏、模板的固定、隔音墙墙脚的固定、路牌的固定、枕木的固定、楼板护边、重型支撑粱、屋面装饰构件、窗户、护网、重型电梯、楼板支撑、施工支架的固定、穿传输系统、轨枕的固定、支架和货架系统的固定、防撞设施、汽车拖架、支柱、烟囱、重型广告牌、重型隔音墙、重型门的固定、成套设备的固定、塔吊的固定、管道的固定安装、重型拖架、导轨的固定、钉板的连接、重型空间分割装置、货架、遮阳蓬固定 不锈钢A4锚拴可用于室外、潮湿空间、工业污染区、近海区 镀锌钢、不锈钢A4不适用于含氯的潮湿空间(如室内游泳池等) 适用于较小轴距和多个锚固点的基板的固定 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 三、产品规格及技术参数: 化学锚栓规格 钻孔直径(mm) 钻孔深度(mm) 锚固长度(mm) 破坏力(KN) M8 × 110mm Ф10 80 75 ?20.5 M10 × 130mm Ф12 95 90 ?30 M12 × 145mm Ф14 115 110 ?43 M12 × 160mm Ф14 115 110 ?41.8 M16 × 190mm Ф18 135 130 ?69.8 M20 × 260mm Ф24 165 160 ?110.5 M24 × 300mm Ф28 225 220 ?141 四、使用方法: 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit ?旋转安装 ?钻孔、清孔 ?置入、锚管 ?置入锚栓 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 8 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit 您可能也喜欢: 张拉碳纤维板施工工艺研究 2011.08.26 to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the "double" of human activities. 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Bangkun will implement "on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit
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