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护理学自考本科考试科目护理学自考本科考试科目 100701护理学专业(专科)课程设置 主考学校:郑州大学 开考形式:委托考试(省卫生厅) 课程代码 课程名称 学分 备 注 序号 1 03706 思想道德修养与法律基础 2 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和‘三个代表’2 03707 4 重要思想概论 3 04729 大学语文 4 4 00488 健康教育学 3 5 02113 医学心理学 4 6 02864 微生物学与免疫学基础 4 7 02899 生理学 4 8 02900 生理学(实践) 1 9 02901 病理学 5 10 02902 病...
护理学自考本科考试科目 100701护理学专业(专科)课程设置 主考学校:郑州大学 开考形式:委托考试(省卫生厅) 课程代码 课程名称 学分 备 注 序号 1 03706 思想道德修养与法律基础 2 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和‘三个代表’2 03707 4 重要思想概论 3 04729 大学语文 4 4 00488 健康教育学 3 5 02113 医学心理学 4 6 02864 微生物学与免疫学基础 4 7 02899 生理学 4 8 02900 生理学(实践) 1 9 02901 病理学 5 10 02902 病理学(实践) 1 11 02903 药理学(一) 3 12 02996 护理伦理学 4 13 02997 护理学基础 8 14 02998 内科护理学(一) 8 15 03000 营养学 3 16 03001 外科护理学(一) 8 17 03179 生物化学(三) 3 18 03002 妇产科护理学(一) 4 二选一 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 19 03003 儿科护理学(一) 4 20 07277 临床考核(实践) 0 不记学分 说明: 1、“生理学(实践)”、“病理学(实践)”、“临床考核(实践)”为实践性环节考核课程。应考者依据培训与考核基本要求,在主考学校或主考学校认可的单位参加考核。 临床考核要求:护理学是一门实践性很强的应用性学科,临床能力的培养是此专业的重点,因此,临床实习和临床技能考核尤为重要。 (1)临床实习的医院应为省考委、卫生厅(局)、主考学校共同商议选定的三级以上医院。 (2)临床实习3个月。 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt (3)实习前进行护理技术操作考试,实习结束进行临床技能考试,每位考生选考一门临床专科。 2、报考条件:中等卫生(或护理)学校护理专业毕业(或具有护师职称、临床护理工作经验)目前在护理岗位上工作者可报考。 100702护理学专业(独立本科段)课程设置 主考学校:郑州大学 开考形式:委托考试(省卫生厅) 课程代码 课程名称 学分 备注 序号 1 03708 中国近现代史纲要 2 2 03709 马克思主义基本原理概论 4 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 3 00015 英语(二) 14 4 00018 计算机应用基础 2 5 00019 计算机应用基础(实践) 2 6 03200 预防医学(二) 6 7 03201 护理学导论 5 8 03202 内科护理学(二) 5 9 03203 外科护理学(二) 5 10 03004 社区护理学(一) 5 11 03007 急救护理学 5 12 03008 护理学研究 5 13 03009 精神障碍护理学 5 14 03010 妇产科护理学(二) 5 二选一 15 03011 儿科护理学(二) 5 16 03006 护理管理学 5 二选一 17 03005 护理教育导论 5 18 07277 临床考核(实践) 0 19 06999 毕业论文(实践) 0 不计学分 说明: 1、不考外语者须考本专业四门选考课程。 2、“计算机应用基础(实践)”、“毕业论文(实践)”为实践性环节考核课程,应考者依据培训与考核基本要求在主考学校或主考学校认可的单位进行考核。 临床实习: (1)实习的医院应为省卫生厅选定的三级医院; (2)按照实习大纲要求,临床实习三个月; (3)实习结束后,进行临床技能考试; d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 毕业论文题目由主考学校确定,也可结合应考者的工作实践自选,但必须经主考学校审批同意;毕业论文完成后由主考学校组织评阅和答辩。 3、报考条件 护理学、临床医学和中医护理学专业专科以上毕业且目前在岗的护理专业人员、护理教师及护理干部可以报考本专业。 河南省2012年自学考试常见问题解答 编者按:目前我省自学考试报名工作正在进行,很多考生,特别是第一次报考的新生,对如何网上报名、如何网上支付、如何购买书籍、如何选报专业及相关自考政策等细节方面尚有许多疑问。鉴于自学考试的长期性和规律性,为使广大考生更好的了解我省自学考试政策和工作安排,我们将日常工作中经常遇到的问题进行归纳、解析,希望能对自考生有所帮助。 分自学考试政策 1、自学考试报名及考试时间, 我省自学考试目前每年考试两次。上半年考试网上报名时间一般是2月21日—3月7日,下半年考试报名时间一般是8月21日—9月7日,具体网上报名时间以省自考办向社会公布的时间为准。自学考试每年考试时间分别在4月的倒数第一个周六、周日和10月的倒数第二个周六、周日。 考生在进行报名前登录河南省招生办公室网站或河南招生考试信息网查询当次开考专业,是否有自己需要报考的专业,并了解所考专业的课程设置情况,做到心里有数。 2、我省自学考试的学历层次和课程设置, 我省自学考试包括学历教育和非学历证书教育,其中学历教育分为专科和本科二个层次,与普通高等学校的学历层次水平的要求相一致。自学考试各专业课程一般分为政治理论课、公共基础课、专业基础课、专业课和选修课。 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 3、我省自学考试如何进行网上报名和网上支付, 我省高等教育自学考试实行网上报名,考生可登录河南省招生办公室网站或河南招生考试信息网的高等教育自学考试网上报名系统进行网上报名,新生网报成功后,需在选定的时间到选定的报名站进行报名信息图像采集,老生则无需进行图像采集。 网上支付是考生须提前准备好银行卡(含信用卡、借记卡等)并开通网上支付功能,在豫各大银行和各股份制银行的银行卡均可使用,按照快钱网上支付平台向导操作,缴纳报名费用。 网报考生要牢记准考证号和密码,考生凭准考证号和密码可永久登陆河南省高等教育自学考试考生服务平台,咨询政策、查询已考过课程、提交论文、提交毕业申请和报考课程。 4、如何领取座号单, 考生在网上报名、缴费后,可按时间从网上打印座号通知单。考生因条件等限制确实无法打印座号通知单的,可到各地招办指定的报名确认点免费打印。 5、如何购买自考教材、大纲及指导书, 考生在网上报名期间登陆河南省招生办公室网站或河南招生考试信息网,点击河南省高等教育自学考试考生服务平台,在自考教材栏目查询河南省高等教育自学考试教材使用表,选择自己所报专业需用的书籍,到书店自行购买。 6、自考考生如何选报专业, 一要了解专业考试的类型,二要了解专业考试课程设置的类别及选考考试课程原则。我省自学考试每年四月和十月各考一次,每次考试时间为两天,一次最多可报4门课程,因此,选报考试课程首先要根据课程之间的必然联系,循序渐进,先易后难。其次,公共基础课考试安排次数多、周期短;专业课一般一至一年半轮转考一次,机会少、周期长。考生在选报考试课程时应优先安排专业课。再次,考生应优先选考几门较易过关的课程,一则增强信心,二则集中时间攻克难点。 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt
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