

2017-10-08 12页 doc 36KB 63阅读




颈椎变直怎么办颈椎变直怎么办 颈椎曲度变直到底是一种怎样的疾病, 主持人:节目开始我们先来回答一些网友问题。因为我们今天的访谈主要以解决实际问题为主,因为有很多体检报告中的问题我们需要您给我们解读,有的时候不单单是最后几行文字能让大家看懂的。比如说这位网友的问题,他说我的体检报告 X线检查结果为颈椎曲度变直,而什么叫做颈椎曲度变直,这是何种程度的颈椎病?我需要注意些什么 专家:这个问题是非常常见的问题,我们在实际工作中有很多人会提出类似的问题。因为我们知道现在比较普遍的关注健康问题,大家都会进行年度的体检,我们国家现在的体检机构也比较...
颈椎变直怎么办 颈椎曲度变直到底是一种怎样的疾病, 主持人:节目开始我们先来回答一些网友问题。因为我们今天的访谈主要以解决实际问题为主,因为有很多体检报告中的问题我们需要您给我们解读,有的时候不单单是最后几行文字能让大家看懂的。比如说这位网友的问题,他说我的体检报告 X线检查结果为颈椎曲度变直,而什么叫做颈椎曲度变直,这是何种程度的颈椎病?我需要注意些什么 专家:这个问题是非常常见的问题,我们在实际工作中有很多人会提出类似的问题。因为我们知道现在比较普遍的关注健康问题,大家都会进行年度的体检,我们国家现在的体检机构也比较多,但是我们的体检报告缺乏一个统一的格式,内容也是不尽相同,甚至有时候拿到一份体检报告,我们好多没有医疗背景,没有医学知识的人不知道从何看起,也不知道到底自己有什么问题。就像你刚刚说的这个问题,确实是在我们日常的体检工作中碰到的非常多的一个问题。大家都不知道颈椎生理曲度变直到底是不是病?我简单给大家介绍一下,咱们的颈椎是由多块的颈椎椎体所组成的,脊柱是由多块椎体组成的,颈椎只是其中一部分。我们大家见过人体的骨骼的话会有一个印象,咱们见到的人体的骨骼是一个骨性的结构,呈一个S形的,颈椎是向前面弯曲,胸椎向后,腰椎再向前,尾椎再向后这样一个S型的曲线。咱们看到的骨骼是暴露的骨性结构,实际上每一个骨性的椎体之间还有一个软组织叫做椎间盘,椎间盘大致就像咱们见过的硅胶片一样。它在椎体之间形成一个缓冲,能让咱们的椎体、脊柱保持在一定范围内,能够活动,能够前伸、后扬、左右的弯曲。这个软组织是()和骨性组织之间不像骨性组织那么的致密,那么的结实。()长期活动过程中就有可能由于椎体之间压力的变化,可以导致这个软组织向椎管内突出,它突出以后有可能压迫我们在椎管内的脊髓,或者靠近椎间孔那地方的神经根,一旦这个地方受到压迫就可以造成临床症状,这就是很多颈椎病发病的原因。 那么,颈椎曲度变直是一种X线的现,至于说这是不是一种病,完全要靠咱们的临床症状来决定,比如说这个人他检查了以后就是颈椎曲度变直,没有任何临床症状,不叫颈椎病,而是一个颈椎病前期的表现,有可能他要不注意就会让颈椎曲度变直继续发展,椎间盘突出的比较厉害,压迫到神经根,压迫到脊髓,产生临床症状以后就发展成了颈椎病。这要根据自己的情况,假如没有颈部的疼痛,肢体的麻木,包括严重的人可以有下肢的瘫痪,大小便失禁等等这些脊plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 髓受压迫的症状,我们可以不诊断颈椎病,我们可以把它当做一种颈椎病前期的信号。大家要注意平常要保护自己的颈椎,怎么保护自己的颈椎呢?平常养成良好习惯,不要长期低头工作,要定时活动自己的颈椎,尽量抬头、扬头。蛙泳就是一个非常好的运动。在蛙泳的时候抬头换气对颈椎锻炼非常好。还有一个比较适合老年人用的就是放风筝,放风筝我们抬头看。这样的话对颈椎比较好。另外一个值得大家关注的保护自己颈椎的方法,就是要选择用合适的枕头和对颈椎的护理。我们知道咱们一生有三分之一时间是在睡眠中度过,假如睡眠中你姿势不正确就会严重的损害你的颈椎健康。 颈椎生理曲度有多大 正常人的颈部活动范围如下:屈曲35?,45?,伸展35?,45?,左右侧屈均45?,左右旋转均6O?,8O?。 颈椎曲度的形成是由于颈4,5椎间盘前厚后薄造成的,这是人体生理的需要。它可以增强颈椎的弹性,起到—定的缓冲振荡的作用,防止大脑的损伤。同时,也是颈部脊髓、神经、血管等重要组织正常的解剖生理需要。每当外伤、退变姿势不良时,不仅可以造成颈椎生理曲度的改变,而且可以因此引起相应的病理改变,从而出现临床症状及X线改变等。 人体端坐或站立时,从侧方看人的脖子似乎是直的,但包绕其内的颈椎并不是直的,而是在其中段有一向前凸出的弧度。这一向前的弧形凸起,医学上称为颈椎的生理曲度,在X线片上,沿此曲度的走行,在各个颈椎推体后缘连续的一条光滑的弧形曲线,称之为颈椎生理曲线,正常值为12士5mm。其测量方法是从齿状突后上缘至第七颈椎椎体后下缘作一直线,上述弧线的最高点至这条直线的最大距离就是颈曲大小的数值。 教你如何恢复弯曲的颈椎 颈椎是由七块脊椎骨,通过椎间关节及韧带等连接而成,测量颈椎生理曲度的方法为沿齿状突后上缘开始向下,连每一椎体后缘成一弧线,再由齿状突后上缘至第七颈椎椎体后下缘作一直线,弧线的最高点至直线的最大距离为颈椎生理曲度的数值。正常范围大约在12(?5)mm范围内。关节之间的错位形成了曲度的变化,如果错位得以调整,那么变直的颈椎曲度就可以恢复原状. 自我治疗方法: plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 1,用手轻揉颈部肌肉,用大拇指点揉左右风池,天柱,穴位,用拇指对颈部痛点按揉。 2,起床后可自己按摩面部,用双手分别来回搓脸的正面,侧面和耳后各几次,再用五指梳头几次,无需太多,感觉舒服就可以了。 3,继续自我锻炼头颈部 ,前屈,后仰,左右转动,慢慢转动不可用力过猛,次数多少因人而宜。做完后会有些舒服。 4,如果不能坚持每天做操,每天晚上睡觉前治疗30分钟效果也蛮好的。 5,日常护理用颈肩松按摩膏这类中膏药一般可消炎、镇痛、活血化淤、通经走络、开窍透骨、祛风散寒等。 总的来说,要树立战胜颈椎病的信心,持之以恒的坚持锻炼,颈椎病很快就可以恢复的, 颈椎曲度变直的原因及危害有哪些 颈椎病是困扰很多患者的骨科疾病,造成颈椎病的原因一般是由于颈椎曲度的变化,造成骨骼畸形,从而导致神经或椎动脉出现病变现象,严重危害患者的健康生活。下面就让专家带我们了解一下颈椎曲度变直的原因与危害。 中医专家告诉我们:颈椎生理曲度变直多由姿势不当而造成,颈椎曲度变直又称颈椎生理曲度消失或颈椎生理曲度反弓。颈椎生理曲度的存在,能增加颈椎的弹性,减轻和缓冲重力的震荡,防止对脊髓和大脑的损伤。由于长期坐姿、睡姿不良和椎间盘髓核脱水退变时,颈椎的前凸可逐渐消失,甚至可变直或呈反张弯曲,即向后凸,成为颈椎病X线上较为重要的诊断依据之一。 颈椎曲度变直病人都有哪些症状?颈椎曲度变直病人主要症状是全身各部位皆有可能出现酸痛,同时颈脖子僵硬,活动受限。另外,头晕、天旋地转、严重者出现呕吐这些都是常见症状。 需要注意的是,由于个人体质不同,病情也有所差异。颈椎曲度变直治疗亦是因人而异的。有些颈椎曲度变直病人可能不会出现任何症状,有些病人可plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 能会因压迫神经根出现手麻木(神经根型颈椎病)颈部疼痛不适等等,更严重的时候会出现头晕,眼花,恶心,走路眩晕等等症状,颈椎病是一种严重危害伏案工作者健康的疾病,它的表现多种多样。主要有颈背疼痛、上肢无力、手指发麻、头晕、恶心甚至视物模糊、吞咽模糊。 颈椎曲度变直如何确诊?疾病的诊断工作是治疗疾病的前提,大家是不可马虎的。颈椎曲度变直病人往往具有头、肩、颈、臂的疼痛及相应的压痛点,X线片上没有椎间隙狭窄等明显的退行性改变,但可以有颈椎生理曲线的改变,椎体间不稳定及轻度骨质增生等变化。此型在临床上极为常见,是最早期的颈椎病。由于症状较轻,往往重视不够,以致反复发作使病情加重,不少反复落枕的病人即属于此种改变。从大量的临床观察证实,此型实际上是颈椎病的最初阶段,也是治疗最为有利的时机。 相信通过专家为我们讲解颈椎曲度变直的原因与危害,各位读者朋友应该意识到,即使没有明显的病症,颈椎曲度变直也属于颈椎病,需要及时的采取适当的诊断治疗,才能有助于控制病情。 10岁小孩“颈椎曲度”竟变直 10岁小姑娘颈椎曲度竟变直 王阿姨10岁的小孙女说自己的脖子有点疼,尤其是晚上写完作业后,于是王阿姨带小姑娘到医院检查,医生说小姑娘的颈椎生理曲度变直了。 “目前,颈椎生理曲度变直逐渐年轻化,急性颈部肌肉扭伤(肌肉疼痛、痉挛,肌肉牵拉骨骼,致使颈部生理曲度变直)、颈肩部肌纤维组织炎症(由于长期坐姿不良、着凉等原因引起的颈肩部肌纤维组织炎)、慢性劳损等都是造成颈椎生理曲度变直的原因。”郑州大学第一附属医院创伤骨科主任吴学健说,老年人和青少年发病的原因不一样,老年人年龄较大,往往还会出现小关节增生、老年退行性改变等,所以,一般不容易恢复,而青少年和一些成年人主要是由于工作和学习以及生活中的不良习惯引起的,通过治疗和改变生活习惯,往往可恢复。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 颈椎病日常生活活动的指导 颈椎生理曲度变直的患者,部分会感觉到疼痛、头晕、呕吐、手麻、失眠以及反射性疼痛等,影响了正常的工作和生活,而长时间颈椎生理曲度变直,还会引起颈椎很多其他变化(如松动、增生、肌肉紧张等),从而刺激周围神经或血管,导致颈椎病。 “颈椎生理曲度变直的患者,仅仅治疗是不能使颈椎彻底恢复正常的,日常的锻炼和护理也很重要。 1.不要躺在床上看书或看电视。 2.对于经常低头工作和长时间固定姿势的人群,要格外注意端正头、颈、肩、背的姿势,每隔1小时,起来活动活动,颈椎前后左右旋转,做个米字操。 3.睡觉前后用瑶金堂中药颈肩松按摩膏:使用时,取颈适量.涂于使用部位后,顺时针按摩使其吸收。按摩切勿过度用力。按摩3-5min,至皮肤微微泛红,油膏完全吸收即可。可消炎、镇痛、活血化淤、通经走络、开窍透骨、祛风散寒等。 4.根据身体情况,可选择打羽毛球、放风筝、游泳等体育锻炼。 治疗需当心误区需谨慎 “防治颈椎生理曲度变直,切记不可盲目按摩、牵拉。”张世卿提醒,不恰当的反复牵引可导致颈椎附着的韧带松弛,加快退行性病变,降低颈椎的稳定性,使颈部的肌肉韧带等长期处于非生理状态,会造成慢性损害,所以在治疗过程中应注意颈椎生理弯曲的恢复和保持。一些情况严重的患者,如果局部出现水肿、炎症等情况,也不能盲目进行牵引,否则只会加重病情。 “高枕无忧”大错特错 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with 教大家一个颈椎自我按摩保健操,日常生活中能养成锻炼颈椎和保护颈椎的好习惯,颈椎就不会出问题了: 1.双掌挤颈:双手十指交叉抱在后脑勺,两臂关节尽量外展,用双手掌掌根挤压后颈部若干次。然后双肘尽可能内收,用双掌用力挤压颈左右两侧。 2.拔颈:双手十指交叉抱在颈后用力向上拔颈若干次,然后双手掌托下颚处,轻轻地向上托推颈部若干次。 3.拿肩肌:头偏向左方,用左手捏拿右肩肌群,然后头偏向右方,用右手捏拿左肩肌群。 4.拿后颈:一手放在颈后,以拇指与四指分开夹住颈后部肌肉,拿揉颈后肌,从上向下揉拿,然后再从下向上揉拿。 5.点穴:点揉风府、风池穴(脖子后仰、找到颈部与脖子的连接处,正中位置就是风府穴,在风府穴点揉1~2分钟后,顺着风府穴向两边旁开2横指的凹陷处即为风池穴,再点揉1~2分钟)。 6.双手洗脸摩颈:以双掌放在脸上,自下向上按摩,经由头上后再推至颈部,做若干次。 7.旋肩:旋肩20下,前旋10下,后旋10下。 8.扩胸:扩胸15下。 plastic sheeting which covered with flame retardant straw Thickness of growth must be ? 0.8mm, after the pressure for 2.5 thickness deviation of growth <15% all samples for leakage no leakage is allowed. Aluminum alloy exterior window should be examined by national quality supervision and inspection departments to do product quality inspection. (Including: insulation not less than secondary; window air tightness is not lower than 4 levels; wall air tightness is not less than 3). Door and window manufacturer should provide the engineered door and window thermal test reports when the r value and calculation of the indicators meet the thermal requirements before construction on the book. 3 building roof insulation quality approval should reach roof insulation quality acceptance criteria and shall be consistent with the project quality approval standard (GB50207) regulations. Roofing energy saving the specification of the material used should be consistent with existing national product standards and design requirements. Should check the product certificate and inspection reports. Insulating layer thickness should be on-site sampling of its thickness should not exceed 5mm and there are no negative bias. (A) 15, installation engineering construction installation engineering construction must follow in sequence. (1) ground prior to Earth, installation and civil work closely with
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