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罗伯特清崎—如何靠不动产起家罗伯特清崎—如何靠不动产起家 Yue-Sai’s World -- Chinese Script -- Robert Kiyosaki Show #2: REAL ESTATE Line-ups Interview with Robert & Kim Kiyosaki Revised 5-08-05 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration TEASE...
罗伯特清崎—如何靠不动产起家 Yue-Sai’s World -- Chinese Script -- Robert Kiyosaki Show #2: REAL ESTATE Line-ups Interview with Robert & Kim Kiyosaki Revised 5-08-05 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration TEASE VO: 今天《羽西看世界》的主角是 畅销书《富爸爸,穷爸爸》的作者罗伯特?清崎 这位有"百万富翁教练" 之称的投资顾问 曾经鼓励很多人通过投资房地产, 发家致富 罗伯特和夫人也是他的生意伙伴金 会把他们做房地产生意的秘诀和盘托出 SHOW OPEN OPEN Opening Comment 各位观众,我是靳羽西 投资房地产是很好的赚钱手段 不过,最重要的懂行才行 《富爸爸,穷爸爸》的作者罗伯特?清崎是著名的理财专家 他和夫人做房地产大赚特赚 今天,我请到了他们两个人,给我们上一堂课 教我们他们成功的秘诀 INT: Yue-Sai: …Tell me about your first real estate experience, you seem to love real estate? 谈谈第一次投资房地产的经历 你好象很喜欢这行 Robert: This is what you need to understand, there are three asset classes; there is business, like Microsoft made Bill Gates the richest guy in the world. Dell Computers made Michael Dell the richest guy in his 30s -- richest guy in the world. The cash then flows into real estate. There reason it flows into real estate is that every dollar I put in real estate, my banker will give me nine bucks, so I get leverage. 要知道的是投资有3个层次 第一是做生意, 微软使比尔?盖茨成为世界首富 戴尔电脑使麦克尔?戴尔在三十多 就成为世界级富豪 2 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 现金流入房地产 原因是我每投入房地产1块钱 银行就会付我9块钱 这就有事半功倍的效果 Ask your banker this; will your banker lend you $10 million to buy stocks? No, too risky. But what was every punter do, they put in stocks. So I moved in to real estate, so I get leverage from my bank, I get cash flow, I get capital gains, I get appreciation, I get depreciation, that is why it is there. At home and keep my wealth there. If we don't do that, you have to put it in the stock market. That’s dangerous. You see it is really safe in real estate. Every month, we get hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and it appreciates, and we don't pay tax, and the bankers want to give more money, I like that and then we go on to the stock market. But she really likes real estate. They are three different asset classes and I am in all three. I am the entrepreneur. I like starting companies. 你可以去问银行 是否会借给你1千万美金买股票 不会,太冒险 但每个赌徒都把钱投进股市 我就去投资房地产 银行借给我钱, 我会有现金流 资本增值,增值和贬值 若不投资房地产, 把钱投进股市, 那太危险了 而投资房地产就很安全 我们每个月会赚上万元现金 还在不停增值,不用交税 银行还想借给你更多钱, 我喜欢这样 然后我们开始炒股 但她喜欢做房地产 这3种不同的投资方式, 我都做过 我是个创业者, 我喜欢创办公司 3 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration INT: Yue-Sai: Tell me your first real estate experience you had. 告诉我你首次投资房地产的经历 Kim: Yeah, he talks about all the money that we have now from our properties coming in, but I started in 1989. Robert came to me and said it is time you start investing and I didn't even know what it meant. I didn't know anything about real estate. I don't know anything about investing. I didn't know anything about finance. And my very first property I bought was a little two-bed room, one bath house in a city called Portland, Oregon. And to tell you the truth, I was scared to death. 他谈的是我们现在的房产 但我在1989年就开始了 罗伯特告诉我应该投资 我不明白这指什么 我对房地产, 金融和投资一无所知 我买的第一处房产是 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市两卧一卫的房子 说实话,我紧张极了 We always say start small, you know, I put a little money down because I am going to make a lot of mistakes and I did, and that little property threw off $25 a month cash flow. That is all I made, but because of that little two bedroom, one bath house, I learned so much of the fundamentals about rental property. So, I made a lot of mistakes and then I took that learning to the next property and to the next property 我们说, 从小投资开始 我只投入一小笔钱 因为我知道会犯很多错误 这个投资每月为我挣25美金的现金流 但通过这个二居室 我学到了很多出租房产的基本知识 我先犯很多错误 再用学到的经验再次投资 如此继续下去 4 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration INT. INT: Robert: She bought, the plan was you buy one small one, then you buy 10 more small ones. Because what she is getting here is education. What everybody is so afraid is making mistakes, well, you are going to make mistakes. 她的计划是 先买一处小房产 再买十处小的 她从中得到的是经验 开始阶段 不管买进或卖出都会犯错误 Kim: You are going to make mistakes, know you are going to make mistakes. So, our rule is number one start small whatever type of investment, start small because number two you are going to make mistakes. 我们会犯错误,你也会 所以我们的原则 第一是不管什么投资 从小规模开始 只是因为第二你会犯错误 但以后就不会了 Robert: So, in two years, she made a lot of mistakes, but she was getting smarter and smarter and smarter, versus somebody who goes, oh real estate’s too risky, too expensive, I am not going to do it, real loser mentality. 因此在两年里 她犯了好多错误 但也越来越聪明 而不像有些人想 房地产风险太大,太花钱 我可不想做 精神上就是个失败者 Kim: I don’t want to fix toilets at midnight. No, no, no. 5 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 我可不想半夜起来修马桶. 不,不 Robert: Yeah. You know 是的,你知道 Kim: I cannot do it here. 我不能在这做这个 Robert: Real poor person, working class attitude, you know like I will not do that. Well, today, you know she is making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month income, bigger properties, but it is the same process. 真正的穷人 工薪阶层的想法是 我可不会这么做 但现在,每个月 金收入几十万美金 是笔很大的财产 走的是同样的过程 Kim: Same process, same fundamentals. 过程相同 基本原则也一样 Robert: See, a multimillion property is no different than a $45,000 property. So she did 10 of these $45,000 properties and then in less than five years, she was financially free. 一处几百万元的房产 和4万5千美元的房产区别不大 她投资了10处 4万5千元的房产 不到5年 她就财务自由了 Robert: My rich dad began to teach me by drawing this simple diagram here. 我的富爸爸教我时,先画了这个图 VO: 6 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 教普通人如何通过投资达到财务自由 是罗伯特的重要使命之一 除了写书,他还四处演讲 把自己的富爸爸理论带给更多人 这个在纽约麦迪逊花园广场 举行的研讨会就是其中之一 Robert: (Sound-up) RK: What's the word? Cash flow, it's the single most important word you can know. 这是什么,现金流 这是你最需要知道的一个字 VO: 在最近一次纽约举行的 房地产博览会上 罗伯特的书和磁带都有展出 他和同事发明的现金流游戏 更是大受欢迎 游戏用寓教于乐的方式 教人赚取被动收入的各种方法\ Sound-up about Cashflow. VO: 罗伯特在向往财务自由的人当中 有着巨大的影响力和号召力 INT: JEANETTE GARIMONI (no title): I came to this convention because I would like to invest in real estate and give my child a better future. I saw one of his books the Rich 7 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration Dad Poor Dad and I read it, I loved it, I bought all the others and the …. We just purchased the games, we would like to try learn more and give our baby a better future. 我参加这个讲座 因为我想投资房地产 给我的孩子更好的前途 我读过《富爸爸,穷爸爸》的书 我很喜欢,把那一系列的都买了 我们刚买了这个游戏,想多学些 给孩子更好的未来 DANNY SLAYMAN (no title): I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book about three years ago when I was in Sydney Australia. From that I said, ‘I like his philosphy I really want to do something. So I went to the seminars and since then I’ve been actually doing it, so I’ve acquired a couple of houses, apartment buildings, and trying to get this passive income. 我读清崎的书 是三年前在澳大利亚悉尼时 我很喜欢他的投资哲学 想付诸实践 于是我参加讲座开始投资 我已经买了两套房子和公寓楼 试图去赚得被动收入 CHRISTOPHER KAVANAUGH (no title): I’ve read Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cash Flow Quadrant and I’m currently reading Rich Dad’s Prophecy. 我已经读了《富爸爸,穷爸爸》 《现金流游戏》 现在正在读《富爸爸预言》 WILLIAM OVERHILL (no title):: I bought the Cashflow 101 game cause my mom said she’d be interested in it, and I just had a son a few weeks ago so I don’t want to be 8 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration the poor dad. 我买了《现金流游戏》 因为我妈妈很感兴趣 几周前我刚有了儿子 我可不想当个穷爸爸 CHRISTOPHER KAVANAUGH (no title): I think differently now than I did before reading the books. 读了这本书, 我的想法改变了很多 JEANETTE GARIMONI (no title): …Thank you very much Mr. Kiyosaki. 非常感谢你, 清崎先生 INT: Yue-Sai: You are from Hawaii, but why did you move to Phoenix, Arizona. 你从夏威夷来 为什么要搬到亚利桑那的凤凰城? Robert: I can answer that one. 这我能回答 Yue-Sai: Okay. Robert: 1987, the stock market crashed, the real estate market crashed. Phoenix is the fastest growing major city in America. People say it is Las Vegas; that is not true. Las Vegas is the fastest growing small city. Phoenix is the number fifth largest city in America, so we knew that people would come in here. The prices in Phoenix are very low. Land is cheap. 1987年,美国股市崩盘, 房地产市场也崩溃了 凤凰城是美国发展最快的城市 人们认为是拉斯维加斯, 但不是 拉斯维加斯是发展最快的小城市 凤凰城是全美第五大城市 所以我们知道人们会大量涌入 当时凤凰城的物价很低 9 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 地产很便宜 Yue-Sai: Still? 现在还是吗, Robert: Oh, yeah. 是的 Kim: I mean it is high for a Phoenix, but relatively to other cities in world, it is relatively inexpensive. 对凤凰城来说很高 但相对世界其他大城市 价钱不贵 Robert: But the thing is the trend was already coming here, so with the fastest growing city, prices dropped when the market crashed, so some people said, what do you think about market crashes. I like market crashes because they give it away. The Federal Government was giving away real estate here for free. I couldn't believe it. As I sat here, all those property was coming in for free, I said, thank you very much. It was only for the two years, this little window. 当时趋势已经出现了 作为发展最快的城市 市场崩溃,物价降低 有人问,你怎么看市场崩溃 我说很喜欢因为优惠很多 联邦政府无偿出让地产 我不敢相信, 我只坐着 就得到很多白给的资产 我说,实在感谢 这段窗口期仅持续了两年 Kim: We had people calling us saying, I will give you 25,000 if you take over my house. 有人打电话给我们, 说给我们2万5千美元 来接手他的房子 Robert: And today the thing is worth you know 5-10 times more money. 10 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 现在这房子增值了5到10倍 Yue-Sai: But that does not happen often. 但这种事不常有 Robert: That is why we have moved here. So we can't wait for another one. So, the market crashed, fastest growing major city in America, number five in the US, and it is still the fastest growing. Also, there is a thing called the baby boom generations, the old guys, my age, the number one retirement city in America is Phoenix, Arizona. 这就是我为什么搬到这 我们等不及下个机会了这样,市场崩溃 全美第5位发展最快的城市 还在快速发展 现在又有婴儿潮这一代的人 和我一般年纪的 凤凰城是全美第一的退休地 So in the next five years, even more are going to move here. So we have been buying here, buying and buying and buying, to make our cash flow on all these stuff. Meanwhile because the US dollar has gone down, replacement costs have gone up. So we have a trend coming in, we have prices going up and we are in position. So that is why we sit in Phoenix, Arizona. 所以在今后五年 更多的人会搬来 所以我们一直在投资地产 不停买入,投入现金 同时因为美元贬值 装修费用上涨 看到这个趋势, 房价在上涨 我们处于有利位置, 这就是搬来的原因 And every time I talk to people in LA and New York, they go, well why are you in Arizona. I said, you know, grasshopper, that is the not question, the question is why aren't you here? Well you know I meant New York is this, LA is this, I said this is where you make the most money with your dollars here. 11 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 每次我跟洛杉矶和纽约的人聊天 他们总问我为何来凤凰城 我说,只是逐利而走 问题不是这个, 而是你们为何不来? 他们说,纽约和洛杉矶这样, 那样 而我说, 这里是投资最赚钱的地方 Coming VO: Up 1 接下来,罗伯特和夫人会带我们到 他们的几处房产做实地考察 看看钱是怎么为他们工作的 INT: Robert: It’s really so simple, its just so common sense. 其实很简单, 都是常识 VO: 耳听为虚,眼见为实 罗伯特和夫人特意 带了羽西到他们的几处房产看看 这个大型商用设施坐落在凤凰城里 最繁华的一个道路交叉口 INT: Robert: We control 5.6 acres right here and every month, whether we work or not, this piece of property pays us about $30000 a month income without working, most of it tax- free. So that's one of the beautiful aspects of passive income. 在这儿我们有5.6英亩地 每个月,不管我们工作与否 这块地都给我们赚3万美元 不用工作,收入免税 这就是被动收入的好处 Kim: So when I mentioned before about the first property I had that was $25 a month, 12 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration using the same fundamentals, using the same principles, we buy this, and now it is $30000 a month. 刚才提到的我的第一笔投资 每月赚25美元 用同样的道理, 我们买的这块地 每月挣3万美元 Yue-Sai: Ah hmm, hmmn. And you don't do anything for it, right? You don't have to worry about a repair, or any kind of – 羽西:你们什么也不用做 不用担心维修,或任何...... Robert: Or taxes. 或税收 Kim: It's called a triple net lease. So the tenants – one tenant, they pay taxes, insurance, all repairs, structural, roof, everything. 这叫三方净租赁 每个租户自己交税,付保险 所有的维修和一切的事 Yue-Sai: And for how long? 租期多长, Kim: For the term of the contract, which happens to be about 20 years. 说到租期,大约20年 Yue-Sai: Laughs. Kim: With increases each year in rent. 房租每年要涨 Yue-Sai: Oh my god. Now how much did you spend for this property? 我的天 你们花多少钱买的这房产, Robert: Well the bank gave us most of the money. That's the beauty of real estate. You know, when somebody says I don't have any money, well the beauty of real estate is your banker gives you the money ifit's a good investment, and this is such a good investment that the banker gave us most of the money. So we put up about $1 million US, which we 13 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration already got back. The money has already come back to us in more ways than one. So we own the property, the tenant then pays the ongoing fees, and we get richer and richer. So when people say to me I don't have the money, or I can’t afford something, that's not really accurate because the banker is supposed to give you the money anyway. And your tenant's going to pay for the property for you. 银行提供了大部分钱 这就是房地产的妙处 房地产的好处是若你没钱 银行会借你钱, 若你有好投资 这个投资, 银行给我们大部分的钱 我们投入约1百万美元 现在已经收回来了 我们拥有房产 租户负责运营费用 我们越来越富 所以当人们说他们没钱 或买不起什么东西, 这不全对 因为银行会提供贷款 而租户会替你为房产付钱 Yue-Sai: (inaudible). Well, the conclusion is passive income is king. 结论是被动收入最重要 Robert: Yeah, it beats capital gains. You know, most people are in the stock market, they want to buy a stock for let's say $5, have it go to $12. So they get $7 capital gains. Capital gains is not passive income. Passive income is far better simply because you know, my banker lends me most of the money, it's leverage, so its leveragable, you get tax breaks for it, it appreciates, and the government gives me tax breaks for depreciation. So I'm making money hand over fist through real estate, which is what you cannot do in stocks. 这比资本增值强多了 大部分人喜欢炒股 14 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 他们希望5块买进, 12块卖出 挣7块钱的资本增值 资本增值不是被动收入 被动收入更简单 我的银行借给我大部分钱是周转资金 你不用交税,这钱会增值 如果贬值,政府会免我的税 投资房地产很轻易, 就能赚钱 炒股就做不到 One last thing about stocks, if you lose money in the stock market, lets say I lost a million dollars on the stock market, the most the government will allow me to write off is $3000 a year. That will take you 300 years – or a 100 years to write off that much of a loss in stocks. If I lost a million dollars in this property I can write it off this year. So there are differences between stock, businesses and real estate. 还有一件事, 如果你在股市丢了钱 比如我损失了100万 政府最多允许我每年销帐3千美金 这要花300年或100年 来注销在股市的损失 但若我在房地产上损失100万 我当年就能销账 所以投资房地产和炒股, 是有区别的 VO: 最近,罗伯特和夫人在同一社区 又买下了这片民用住宅楼 这笔投资已经开始有回报了 Yue-Sai: Kim, tell me how you got this property. 金,你怎么得到这处房产的 15 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration Kim: Sure, this property is 68 units, we bought it maybe about three months ago, and the reason we purchased it was because one of our rules is, we like to find properties with problems because if you can find a property with a problem, we can usually get it for less money. If we can fix the problem then we increase the value of the property. So when we saw this property it was being very, very poorly managed, lot of vacancies, and a lot of what we call deferred maintenance, repairs that weren't being done. So we bought the property, got it at a very good price, we've since fixed it up, painted it, repaired it, cut the bad tenants out, got good tenants in, so now the property is running at a phenomenal level. 可以啊,这处房产有68套房 我们3个月前买的 原因是我们的一个原则是 我们喜欢买有问题的房产 找到有问题的房产 我们会便宜的买下来 如果能修好, 房产就会增值 这房产, 原来的管理十分糟糕 很多空屋,很多维修没跟上 我们用很合适的价钱买下它 做了维修, 重新粉刷 终止不良租户的租约 慢慢变的井井有条 VO: GRAPHIC: 让我们一下他们的成功秘诀 首先,找到有问题的房地产 • BUY PROPERTY AT A GOOD PRICE 这样可以低价买入,解决问题后 做必要的维修,粉刷 • FIX THE 赶走问题房客,把好房客招进来 PROBLEMS: REPAIR 一旦被动收入形成并且稳定下来 AND PAINT IT 16 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 你得到财务自由的日子就不远了 • GET BAD TENANTS OUT INT: Yue-Sai: So have you doubled your investment yet? • GET GOOD TENANTS 你们的投资是否已翻了, IN Kim: We definitely have. Actually there are – 绝对的,事实上有...... • STRIVE FOR A Yue-Sai: So for three months, how much did you buy a unit for? POSITIVE CASHFLOW 3个月前, 每套公寓你们花了多少钱 Kim: We paid $65000 a unit. 每套6万5千美元 Yue-Sai: And now? 现在呢, Kim: And now, right now the property right around the corner is being is on the market for $135,000 a unit. And we've only had this for three months. 目前,这个拐角处的房产 市价每套13万5千美元 我们才买下3个月 Yue-Sai: Oh wow. Now it is more important for me to find out how you got this property. How did you get it? 我更想知道, 你们怎么买到这处房产的, 通过什么途径呢, Robert: Well again, this is very close to our house. This is one of the most desirable neighborhoods to live in. And everybody kept saying you can't find a good deal in the Biltmore area. Well the reason this one came on the market – it never made the market – again, it was an inside deal where the owner actually lived in Mexico and was being robbed blind by the manager he had here. So he was desperate to sell, poor guy! So he called a friend of ours and he said I know, I can sell it tonight. He sold it that night for half of the price what he should have gone for. We are not stealing, the owner was so happy, he was near crying and saying, "thank you for buying, this is cost me a fortunate." 这离我家很近是最好的社区之一 17 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 大家都说在比尔特摩地区便宜交易 这处房产卖掉的原因 这个交易没进房市, 是个内部交易 屋主其实住在墨西哥 他这里的经理骗了他 所以他急于脱手,倒霉的家伙 他打电话给我们的朋友, 我们认识这些人 这些房产经纪 所以一旦有好交易或当我们听到什么风声 我们能很快行动 RK: So he called a friend of ours and he said I can sell it tonight. He sold it that night for half of the price what he should have gone for. We are not stealing, the owner was so happy, he was crying and saying, "thank you for buying, this is cost me a fortune." 他请我们的朋友帮他卖屋 当天晚上我们就买了, 是市价的一半 我们没有占他便宜 卖后他高兴的哭了 直谢我们, 说这里花他太多钱了 Kim: It was, every month it was costing him 10 or 20 thousands out of his pocket 他每个月都从自己口袋拿出1, 2万美金 YS: Oh...... Kim: So he was happy to get ride of it and we were happy to buy it and we were happy to take it. 他很高兴脱手, 而我们很高兴接收 RK: He just didn't understand the business of real-estate and he got into it because the friend said was a good thing. You know, real-estate is a business also. 他不了解房产 只是听从朋友买下这个地方 房地产也是一项事业 Kim: And other thing we did is, we hired a broker. One of the top real-estate investment companies and every Monday he will meet us and our partner. And we look all the different properties around Phoenix and we will call calling on them. And we keep call 18 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration calling on them until someone says that we are interested. But again, nothing was listed, it was just taking that extra effort. Unfortunately, I love to have someone just hand it to me on a sliver platter with a cash-flow and running well. But it doesn't happen that way. 我们还请了个专业的仲介商 顶尖的仲介公司之一 每星期一, 我们会聚在一起 阅读所有凤凰城的房产,逐户打电话 直到找到想要卖房的人 都是额外的工作 我也想毫不费力的有好交易, 好现金流 但是不可能的 RK: Not with the market that hot like it is in China, you know, real-estate market is so hot there. So, again, it's inside deal, it's who you know. And generally, you are buying from somebody who is amateur in the business, so they are making a lot of mistakes. You are actually helping them out, they just want out of the business. 现在, 中国的房产抄的这么火 但买卖的诀窍还是内部交易 新手买房产, 会犯很多错误 接手他们的房产, 其实是在帮他们忙 Kim: It's also another reason we said, stay close to home. Cause we know this neighborhood so well, we know the people, we know the players, we know the brokers. So when the property does come available, when we start to hear rumors, we can move very quickly on it. 我们说, 买离你近的房产 我们了解这个区域的人情 认识大部分的房产经纪 当我们听到什么风声 我们能很快行动 Robert: The last thing is an extra strategy on this. If you want to make it a condominium – 罗伯特: 19 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 最后一个策略 若你想把它建分户公寓 Yue-Sai: Oh yes. Robert: Already the condominiums in this area are selling for like $225000. So we would make at least $150000 a unit times 65 units, that's another six and a half million dollars. So that's the way the game of real estate is played. It's – you have to be professional – it's been now what, 10 years now? 这一户公寓市价2万2千5百美元 卖一户可赚15万美元, 再乘以65套 我们赚了650万美元 房地产就是这么投资操作的 你得很专业, 我们这样做有10年了, Kim: 15. 15年 Robert: 15 years, and it's who you know, it is all inside information. 15年了 内部信息和人际关系很重要 Robert: …The main reason people – a property has problems is because the owner is cheating, and they don't want to do the regular repairs or regular work. So you call in a handyman and the handyman will come in and he or she will tell you exactly how much it will cost to fix the toilet, the roof, and all this. Another mistake that people really make is to think they are interior decorators. 房地产出问题的主要原因是 房主欺诈,他们拒绝日常维护 你请个维修工人来 他会告诉你维修会花多少钱 另一个常犯的错误是 人们觉得自己是室内装修师 (Laughter) Robert: And you know, they paint the inside a horrible color, or they use lousy wallpaper or they use bad toilets, and those things don't cost much money. You know, a 20 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration gallon of white paint and a gallon of orange paint is the same price. But I've seen so many people think that they are interior decorators, and they actually go and do the interior work and it comes out so ugly, nobody will buy the place. So I just go buy a different color paint, somebody else paints it, and that's it. And it really simple, it's just so common sense, but when it comes to property I think people think there is something magical about it. You know, it is a place where people live, they want to feel safe, they want to be clean they want it to be comfortable, like all of these trees we cut back, that cost like $5000. But the owner thought that it was cheap to just let the trees grow and grow and grow. 他们用难看的颜色刷墙 或用劣质墙纸,劣质马桶 那些便宜的东西 1加仑白色和橙色油漆的价钱一样 我见过很多自诩装潢专家的人 装修后非常难看, 没人愿意买 所以我就换换油漆的颜色 让人刷刷,就这样 其实很简单, 都是常识 但说到房地产 大家就以为有什么秘诀 人们希望居住的地方有安全感 觉得干净舒服 所以我们砍掉了些树, 花了5千美元 原来的屋主为了省钱,只是任其生长 Yue-Sai: Umm. Robert: And so because there were many branches hanging down, it looked spooky when you walked in here. 这些树枝垂下来. 走起来阴森森的 Yue-Sai: Yeah. Robert: You know, you would feel somebody is going to jump on them and choke them, you know, so --. 21 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 觉得有人会跳出来掐住你脖子 你知道,因此...... Yue-Sai: (Laughter) Robert: In all this we come in and these guys come in and say yeah, I want to cut the trees, and pschh – that was it. 维修工来看了之后 决定砍掉这些树,这就成了 Yue-Sai: Hmm. Robert: And now it looks neat and clean and we repainted it. So for a little paint, a little trimming of trees, we solved the problem and we changed the management completely. 现在这里干净整齐, 还被重新粉刷过 所以不过是刷刷漆, 砍砍树 找到问题所在后, 改变管理方式 Yue-Sai: Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. Management. 对, 这是我想说的, 管理 Kim: Management is the key. Management, finding good property managers is the key. And Robert says a lot. All the time he talks about investing as a team sport, your property managers are part of your -- the key players on your team. 管理最重要 雇佣出色的管理人员也很重要 罗伯特总说, 投资是项团队合作 你的物业经理是团队的重要角色 Yue-Sai: Um hmm. Kim: so we have excellent property managers that will come in even before we buy the property, they will go through the entire property with us, tell us what they see, what's wrong with it, what needs to be fixed, but as Robert said, it’s not rocket science. A lot of it is so simple. 管理人员在我们买这处房产之前 和我们一同清点接收 告诉我们他们的看法, 和这地方的优缺点 22 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 象罗伯特说的, 这不是火箭科学很简单的 Robert: Common sense. 都是常识 Kim: It's common sense. 是常识 Robert: And we don't fix toilets. They don't call us at midnight. We have property managers coming in. It's part of the expense of running a property. Its called property management. Now if the building doesn't make enough money to cover property management, don't buy it, because then you have property problems. You know, so it is really common sense. 我们不修马桶 也不会有人半夜打给我们 我们有管理人员 这是管理房产的部分花费 叫做物业管理 如果房产的收入不够管理花费 那就不要买 不然就会有房产的麻烦 真的只是常识 Yue-Sai: But it – finding a good property manager is also – 但找一个好的物业经理也是 Kim: It's also – 那也是。。。。 Yue-Sai: You have to be good at finding good property managers. 你要有好眼光才行 Kim: Now that brings up a really good point because we also talk about if you can, in the first one or two years, manage a property yourself. That's why you want to start small. I mean if I started with a property of 68 units it would have been a disaster, because I didn't know what I was doing. So you take a small property, you manage it yourself for a year or two, then you learn what is needed in property management. So then you can go talk to a property manager intelligently. You know I didn't know what 23 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration questions to ask when I first started out. So you learn that over time, and then you become a better investor. 这是个很好的问题 如果可能, 在头一两年尽量自己管理 得从小投资做起 如果我开始就买68套房的公寓 一定是个灾难, 因为我不了解情况 先做小投资, 自己管理一两年后 就会学到房产管理的一切 你就能老练的和物业管理者谈话 最开始, 我连该问什么都不知道 慢慢的越学越多 就会成为好的投资者 VO: GRAPHIC: 罗伯特和夫人都承认学无止境 怎么学习呢? 过程大概是这样的 • INVEST SMALL 少量投资,亲自管理物业 从自己的错误当中总结经验教训 • MANAGE THE PROPERTY 到真正大量投资后 YOURSELF AT FIRST 要雇得力的物业管理人员 • HIRE A GOOD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TEAM TO KEEP IT RUNNING SMOOTHLY Coming VO: Up 2 接下来, 是富爸爸的育儿之道 INT 24 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration Robert: I wouldn't give him any money. 我不会给他任何钱 Yue-Sai: You wouldn't give him any money, you mean, no spending money? 你一点钱都不给, Robert: Nothing! 一点也不 INT: Yue-Sai: Now, when you buy real estate, what do you look at? Give me some of the basic rules when you look at a piece of real estate? 当你买房地产时, 你都注意什么, 告诉我你的基本原则 Kim: Actually, I mean the number one thing we look at is the cash flow. Cash flow is the number one thing for us. 首先我们会看现金流 现金流对我们是最重要的 Yue-Sai: But they say location, location, location. 但大家都认为地点最重要 Kim: No. Forget about that. 不 Robert: That is the real loser's -- location means nothing. 失败者才...... 不, 地点并不重要 Kim: We look at the trend of the area, but the number one thing for us is cash flow and if it isn't cash flowing the day we buy, what can we do quickly to get it to cash flow. If we can do something, then we might pursue it. We look for properties that have a problem. If there is a problem, you can typically buy the property for less money, fix the problem, and increase the value as well as the cash flow of the property. 我们分析地区发展趋势 但最重要的是现金流 没有价值的房产 我们会计划让它变的有现金流 如果计划可行,我们会争取 25 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 我们寻找有问题的地产 若有问题, 你可以便宜买下 解决问题后, 地产和现金流都会增值 Robert: It has a to have a good location, but that is not what we are looking for. We are looking for something that makes us money, period. We bought some really good property in the hottest neighborhood in Phoenix, but we get 25% cash returns, so we have a million dollars into it, that means every year, we get $250,000 income or approximately $20,000 a month. 地点要好, 但这不是主要的 我们找的是能赚钱的 我们买了凤凰城一些最好地产 能赚地产价值四分之一的钱 我们投入1百万美元 每年,我们能赚25万美元 或是每月2万美元 Again that is not a lot of money, but it is pretty tax free and 20,000 a month is -- you can still live on it, you know, get around, but you do two or three of those deals, that is not rocket science, and it is in the hottest area where all the retirees are moving in to. So that is what we like about the area. Another thing we like about the area is that the State of Arizona has run out of land out there, so what you see there is all that is going to be built, so it's got a what we a girdle constraint on it. It is -- price was right, we have already almost 40% our money, so that is the kind of stuff you know it because of the demographics pushing it on the thing. 这并非很多钱 但每月2万元免税收入 你能靠此为生 还能做两三个此类投资 这不是火箭科学 退休的人都想搬来这抢手社区 这是我们喜欢这的原因 另一个原因是 26 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 亚利桑那州已经没有别的地产了 你见到的地都是要开发的 这就是我们所谓的开发地限制 我们搭这潮流的车 这种有利益的投资是地理环境促成的 Kim: One another thing is you know, people say, oh you live in such a nice house, you drive such a nice cars, well all of our properties, all of the cash flow from our properties pay for this. We didn't have this big house 10 years ago, because we didn't have the cash flow to pay for it, but all of our luxuries are paid for by all of our cash flow properties. 人们说,你住好房子开好车 这些都是用我们房产赚的现金流买的 10年前我们没足够的现金流住大房子 现在我们享受的现金流都来自房产 Robert: So, if we stop working, and we are just only going to sit here for the rest of our lives, the money still comes in…But the reason most people are not successful, they think I don't want to lose, I don't want to lose, I don't want lose – and that makes them losers. 就算后半辈子不工作, 我们还是会有收入 但大多数人成功不了的原因是 他们总想, 我不想失败不想失败 Yue-Sai: Kim and Robert, I wanted to know, now you have all these money, you have no children to leave this money to, so what you are going to do with it? 金, 罗伯特, 我想知道 你们这么有钱却没有孩子来继承 你们怎么处理这些钱, Robert: Spend it 都花掉 Yue-Sai: But you told me that consumers are losers? www.richdad.com 但你说花钱的人是失败者 Robert: Yeah, but I can consume, I have enough money. Now, we are just going to give it away, we have set up a foundation. She likes animals and I like animals so that is 27 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration where the money will go. 但我有能力消费, 我有足够的钱 我们会捐出去 我们已经成立了个基金会 我们俩都喜欢动物 所以钱会花在动物上 Kim: In the environment. - 还有保护环境 Robert: We are actually hard-core environmentalists. I am every concerned about the green house effect, damage of the oceans, loss of forestation, so that is where our money goes.… and then we have Rich Kid Smart Kid -- that's our electronic web game with a million dollars' worth of curriculum -- and we give that back to the world, to any school for free throughout the world, so our real mission is to educate young people on just the fundamentals of money, money management, and investing….but we're giving back to education, and we're not waiting for the future we're doing it right now. 我们是坚定的环保主义者 我很关心温室效应 海洋污染,森林减少 我们的钱会花在那 我们有个《富孩子聪明孩子》的 网络电子游戏 包括价值100万美金的课程 我们无偿捐给世界上所有的学校 我们的真正使命是教育年轻人 有关金钱的基本知识 财务管理,投资 我们回馈教育 不会等到未来, 而从现在开始 Yue-Sai: But if you had a kid, what advice would you give the kid? 若你有孩子, 你会给他什么建议 28 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration Robert: Get a job. Probably the same thing my rich dad taught me. I wouldn't give him any money. 找个工作 教他象我富爸爸教我的一样 我不会给他任何钱 Yue-Sai: You wouldn't give him any money; you mean no spending money? 你不给他任何钱, 连零花钱也不给, Robert: Nothing. He will pay for his own school. If he turned out to be a bum or she turned out to be a bum, it was in the cards, nothing. I think you spoil the child. Her parents gave her everything. My parents gave me nothing ever. 不给, 他得自己挣学费 如果他或她以后没出息 那都是老天注定的 不能宠坏小孩 她父母对她有求必应 而我父母让我自力更生 Yue-Sai: Which is pretty okay. She turned out okay. 没有关系, 她发展的很好 Kim: I turned out okay. I think one of the things that we would teach that you talk about a lot is the beauty of making mistakes. People, especially in school, kids are told not to make mistakes, you know to give the right answer, and they take away the child's ability to think. So one thing that we talk about in our courses a lot is you have got to get back that ability to think, to think for yourself and make a lot of mistakes because that is how you learn. 我还可以, 我们希望教给大家的是 犯错误的好处 人们,尤其在学校里 总是告诉孩子们不要犯错 孩子们被剥夺了思考的能力 所以我们在课上谈论很多的是 你得锻炼独立思考的能力 29 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 犯很多错误, 这样才能学习 Yue-Sai: Thank you so much Kim and Robert for having me in your Phoenix home. I really learn so much, I am sure my audience will learn a lot too from you. 谢谢你请我来你们凤凰城的家 我真的学到了很多 相信观众们也学到了很多 Kim: Thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming. 非常感谢你能来 Robert: Thanks for allowing us to share information through your network. I greatly appreciate it. 感谢你让我们和大家分享成功经验 非常感谢 CLOSE Yue-Sai On-Camera ENDING COMMENT Closing Stand-up 罗伯特同夫人在房地产上的投资, 每一年都会带来可观的被动收入。 那就是说,不工作都可以衣食无忧了。 怎么样,你也可以学学吧, 今天的节目到此为止, 再见~ Credit 总制片 Roll 靳羽西 高级制片 Angelou Deign 策划/剪辑 Michael Drucker 场地导演 Hiromi Yanagisawa 制片主任 Haruka Hiroishi 范敏 30 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 助理 刘心怡 Molly Fink 嘉宾协调 Erica Tannenbaum 后期制作 Shigemitsu Higuchi 摄像/器材 Go Media Company Duane Oldham Roger Denman Bill Kohler Diana Cleland Emily Bernard Cube Communications 配音 万青 字幕 王云飞 中方协调 陈涓玲 黄江燕 中方技术 31 Yue-Sai’s World: Robert Kiyosaki 2---On REAL ESTATE Shot item Superimpose/Titles Voiceover/Narration 上海幻维数码影视有限公司 特别鸣谢 Cashflow Technologies The Rich Dad Company Warner Business Books The Learning Annex 本节目由 靳羽西文化传媒咨询(上海)有限公司 上海电视台生活时尚频道 联合出品 预留网站 32
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