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鱼刺卡喉咙十个管用小方法鱼刺卡喉咙十个管用小方法 鱼刺卡喉咙怎么办 先弄清楚鱼刺是怎样卡住喉咙的:鱼刺卡住的第一关在舌根和会厌交界处的“舌会厌谷”;第 二关是扁桃体隐窝;第三关比较深,在咽喉部两侧的“梨状隐窝”。被卡在“舌会厌谷”和“扁桃 体隐窝”部位的鱼刺,一般可以用肉眼看到和取出,而卡在“梨状隐窝”的鱼刺则要用喉镜、 食管镜或食管钡絮透视检查才能找到。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Ta...
鱼刺卡喉咙十个管用小方法 鱼刺卡喉咙怎么办 先弄清楚鱼刺是怎样卡住喉咙的:鱼刺卡住的第一关在舌根和会厌交界处的“舌会厌谷”;第 二关是扁桃体隐窝;第三关比较深,在咽喉部两侧的“梨状隐窝”。被卡在“舌会厌谷”和“扁桃 体隐窝”部位的鱼刺,一般可以用肉眼看到和取出,而卡在“梨状隐窝”的鱼刺则要用喉镜、 食管镜或食管钡絮透视检查才能找到。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 吃鱼时,常一时粗心把鱼刺卡在嗓子里,有人大口吞饭、饲养或吞食长条韭菜,打算把鱼刺冲咽下去这种不保险,还会使鱼刺刺破咽部、食道造成严重后果。 鱼刺卡喉咙,应该第一时间上医院解决(全国各大小医院五官科、耳鼻喉科均有各种仪器),若仪器检查不到,请参考以下方法。 1、按摩脚上喉咙反射区(脚面大拇指和二指之间,太冲边上),约一分钟即可。 2、饮橄榄核水。用橄榄核磨水服下,可以消除卡在嗓子的鱼刺。 3、用维生素C软化。细小鱼刺鲠喉,可取维生素C1片,含服,徐徐咽下,数分钟后,鱼刺就会软化消除。 4、大蒜一瓣,白糖适量。大蒜去皮、切断塞入双鼻孔,吞咽白糖一匙,不饮水。如不见效,再吞咽一匙白糖,此法用于鱼刺卡喉有效。 5、橙子皮化解鱼骨。鱼刺鲠喉时,可剥取橙皮,块窄一点,含着慢慢咽下,可化解鱼骨。 6、请人帮忙拔出鱼刺。即请人用汤匙或牙刷柄压住患舌头的前部,在亮光处仔佃察看舌根部、扁桃体、咽后壁等,尽可能发现鱼刺,再用镊子或筷子夹出。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 7、妙方软化鱼骨头。如果通过观察找不到骨刺,而患者仍有鱼刺卡喉的感觉,也可用简便的小验方将骨刺软化;威灵仙10克、乌梅3个、砂糖15克、食醋少许,加水煎汤,缓缓咽下。 8、饮井水,鱼刺卡喉,如果喝醋也不见效,可在次日清晨,喝1碗井水,即可消除鱼刺。 9、饮鸭涎水。取活鸭子1只,倒捉鸭脚让其鸣叫,流出口涎,用干净杯碗接盛,慢慢喝下滋润喉咙,细小鱼刺很快便会溶化。 10、呕吐法吐鱼刺。上法无效则尽可能想法使患者作呕,让鱼刺吐出。 有些民间偏方比较鱼刺本身更要 吞饭、喝醋、吃韭菜、抠喉催吐等,这类对付鱼刺卡喉的民间土方,在医生看来比鱼刺本身更要命。汉阳医院胸外科曾为一名32岁男子内镜下食管取鱼刺,这位章先生下班吃饭遭卡喉,他使尽办法,用手催吐,喝醋,大口吞吃烤韭菜,感觉似乎好些。但此后多日,一直感觉吞咽时疼痛,胸闷,连“心脏”都疼。检查显示,一开始卡在喉部的鱼刺已深入食管中段,这一部位已靠近心脏,取出的鱼刺长约1.5厘米。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 喝醋法并不能软化鱼刺,喝下的醋顺流直下,在伤处仅短暂停留,效果有限,还刺激肠胃。 吞饭、咽韭菜的方法更加危险,压力之下,将鱼刺由喉面“推”入气管再至食道,期间不但会造成划伤,还会使鱼刺越刺越深,若不幸刺破血管,非常危险。抠喉催吐可能加重消化道损伤,一旦用力过猛,肌肉收缩,也可能导致异物卡得更紧。 如果鱼刺侥幸顺利被压入胃内,是不是就安全了?消化内科主任医师说,一般来说,鱼刺入胃会被胃酸消融。但也有极个别的“刺坚强”,胃酸消化不尽,到了胃肠道依然作怪。 询医学文献及媒体新闻就能发现,鱼刺窜入肝脏、甚至卡在肛门处引发脓肿的情况并不罕见。 温馨提醒:嗓子扎鱼刺,别塞馒头,别喝醋 用吃馒头或喝醋的方法来应对,结果不但鱼刺没被带走,反而会由于吞咽动作带动鱼刺越扎越深,吃了馒头或喝了醋,还会给治疗带来更大的难度。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 其实试想一下,你把鱼刺放在碗里,倒些醋,放几天,看它会不会被软化?所以从咽部一咽而过的食醋怎么可能将鱼刺软化掉呢? 此外,慌乱中的一些错误处理方法非但不能解除痛苦,还会使人迅速产生急躁和恐惧等不良情绪。异物最容易刺入的部位是双侧扁桃体窝、舌根部和下咽部。被鱼刺卡在咽部会感到刺痛或有明显异物感,如果鱼刺刺激咽部黏膜会引起充血、水肿而引起剧烈咳嗽,或引起反射性喉痉挛及异物阻塞而出现呼吸困难,并可能伴有不同程度的喘鸣、声音嘶哑、喉痛等症状。如果异物较大嵌在声门上,严重时可以造成窒息死亡。 所以当咽部扎上鱼刺或发生异物时,在异物(如鱼刺)被取出前,应严格禁食,也不能以喝醋等不正确方法处理,尽量减少做吞咽动作,以免异物刺入深部组织。 正确方法是:如果是小毛刺,可保持平静状态,不要使劲吞咽,一般三天左右即可排出;若鱼刺较大,无法自行取出,则尽快去医院就诊,以免发生意外。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 鱼刺卡到喉咙!救了百万人的方法!,建议收藏, Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 很多人在吃鱼、鸡块等食物时,容易被鱼刺、鸡骨头卡住,很痛苦又不知道如何科学处理。 尤其是老人小孩,被卡到的时候可能还会用一些不恰当的方法。今天,就给大家介绍救了很 多人的“海姆立克急救法”。 一、浙江金华一个17月大的小贝边玩边吃花生,被噎住。10多分钟后,奶奶发现小贝大口 父母含泪同意喘气,以为他玩累了就抱他回家,等父母赶到送医已晚。小贝大脑受损严重… 放弃治疗,孩子走了…… Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 二、一位两岁男孩的母亲在微信上发了这样一个信息:“回想起昨晚的一幕还是心有余悸,儿子在商城柜台好心的阿姨给他颗水果糖吃,不久儿子大哭满脸通红,很快我意识到糖果被他囫囵吞下卡在喉咙里,当时我要吓死掉,使劲敲背,似乎没有任何作用,儿子的嘴巴已经有些发紫,慌忙中想起海姆立克急救法,照势背抱他抖晃了两下,一颗比枣核还大的硬糖果从他喉部伴着一些粘稠的液体喷出,儿子立刻脸色红润起来,大声哭出来,我的心总算落地。事后又认真学习了海姆立克急救法的标准动作,想起来当时真的是照葫芦画瓢。 三、1974 年,一位老人在进晚餐时被鸡块卡在了喉部,生命岌岌可危。因为此时她呼吸困难,不能发声,无法拨打电话呼救。正在这千钧一发之际,她的邻居一位70岁的老人,刚刚在报纸上读过一篇介绍亨利•海姆立克医生发明的气管异物急救的科普文章。老人马上将学到的技能用到老妇身上。他用双手从背后将她抱住,一手握拳,向上用力冲击其腹部,鸡块很快地被冲击出气管吐出,老妇憋得青紫的面孔顿显红润。 四、鱼刺卡喉之后,有些人首先是用喝醋来化骨,这个方法不科学。因为醋软化骨头需要一个过程,而喝醋时醋只是经过食道进入胃部,无法在骨头滞留的地方停留而达到软化效果;其次,急忙大口吞咽食物也不对,可能导致较大的鱼刺或骨头在食道里卡得更深,甚至进一步下滑划破食道或主动脉,造成大出血,危及受害者生命。 海姆立克教授是美国一位多年从事外科的医生。在临床实践中,他被大量的食物、异物窒息造成呼吸道梗阻致死的病例震惊了。在急救急诊中,医生常常采用拍打病人背部,或将手指伸进口腔咽喉去取的办法排除异物,其结果不仅无效反而使异物更深入呼吸道。 他经过反复研究和多次的动物实验,终于发明了利用肺部残留气体,形成气流冲出异物的急救方法。1974年,他作了关于腹部冲击法解除气管异物的首次报告。 “海姆立克急救法”具体应对 1、如果是3岁以下孩子 救护人应该马上把孩子抱起来,一只手捏住孩子颧骨两侧,手臂贴着孩子的前胸,另一只手托住孩子后颈部,让其脸朝下,趴在救护人膝盖上。在孩子背上拍1-5次,并观察孩子是否将异物吐出。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 2、如果上述操作异物没出来 可以采取另外一个姿势,把孩子翻过来,躺在坚硬的地面或床板上,抢救者跪下或立于其足侧,或取坐位,并使患儿骑在抢救者的大腿上,面朝前。抢救者以两手的中指或食指,放在患儿胸廓下和脐上的腹部,快速向上重击压迫,但要很轻柔。重复,直至异物排出。 3、应用于急救成人 抢救者站在病人背后,用两手臂环绕病人的腰部,然后一手握拳,将拳头的拇指一侧放在病人胸廓下河脐上的腹部。再用另一手抓住拳头、快速向上重击压迫病人的腹部。重复以上手法直到异物排出。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 4、用于自救 可采用上述用于成人4个的后3个步骤,或稍稍弯下腰去,靠在一固定的水平物体上,以物体边缘压迫上腹部,快速向上冲击。重复之,直到异物排出。 “海姆立克急救法”的原理 海姆立克急救法的原理:利用冲击腹部--膈肌下软组织,被突然的冲击,产生向上的压力,压迫两肺下部,从而驱使肺部残留空气形成一股气流。 这股带有冲击性、方向性的长驱直入于气管的气流,就能将堵住气管、喉部的食物硬块等异物驱除,使人获救。 易使老人小孩气管堵塞的食物 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 1.果冻 老人和小孩吞食果冻容易发生意外,不能轻忽大意!建议家长给老人和小孩吃果冻的时候,不要一整颗给,可以先弄碎后再给老人和小孩食用。 2.麻花、糖果 不好咬的食物,本来就容易噎住喉咙,不适合老人和小孩食用,如果真的要给老人和小孩食用,建议先切成丁状。 3.鱿鱼丝 纤维过长,咬感过硬的零食,包括鱿鱼丝、牛肉干都不适合给老人和小孩吃。 4.花生酱 黏稠度过高,不适合老人和小孩吞食。 5.坚果类 体积太小,有时老人和小孩可能来不及咀嚼就吞食下肚,容易噎到。 6.小巧水果 小巧圆形但里面带核的水果并不适合给老人和小孩食用,如龙眼、葡萄、樱桃等,可剥开去核后再给老人和小孩食用。 Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the 7.多纤维蔬菜 维纤多且不易咬烂的蔬菜不适合老人和小孩,如芹菜、豆芽。 8.大肉块 大块的肉块老人和小孩无法咬烂,若强吞下很容易噎到,应该切成薄肉片或肉丁。 9.长面 太长的面条老人和小孩不易吞食,若以吸食的方式食用也容易噎到,烹调时可先切成小段再烹煮。 10.多刺的鱼 建议选择鱼刺较少的鱼类烹煮,否则容易噎到并会刺伤老人和小孩食道与口腔。 再次提醒您,鱼刺卡喉,千万不要喝醋或大口进食,可以用海姆立克急救法让自己产生呕吐感,以求咳出异物;但鱼刺如果扎入肉中,这样做可能效果不明显了,需迅速送往就近医院处理~ Tomb, by then Shanghai Communist Party sent, led by party member Ding Bingcheng, working in Taihu area, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the East. Wu Jiang Shi Guang, with him more than 20 people, among Communist Party members, but mostly "the resistance" members (according to the provisions of the organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee on intelligence cadre party, participating in "anti-" date of intelligence work, is the
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