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关于腌制食品的加工关于腌制食品的加工 关于酱腌菜的加工、保藏技术的调查报告 姓名:封丽丹 学号:201012084005班级:10级产品质量 摘要:主要对食品的酱腌菜的加工工艺和其对保藏的影响进行一系列的讨论,并对酱腌菜的市场销售状况以及未来的发展趋势进行调查讨论。民间对于这项传统工艺的应用,我们该如何保护并推进这种工艺。并对腌制工艺的一些简单知识进行罗列。 关键词:酱腌菜工艺、保藏、发展、应用;腌制工艺 1. 酱腌菜工艺的发展 1.1 酱腌菜工艺的历史 早在南北朝时期的《齐民要术》一书中就记载了许多不同酱菜的制作方法,如甜酱、酱油...
关于腌制食品的加工 关于酱腌菜的加工、保藏技术的调查 姓名:封丽丹 学号:201012084005班级:10级产品质量 摘要:主要对食品的酱腌菜的加工工艺和其对保藏的影响进行一系列的讨论,并对酱腌菜的市场销售状况以及未来的发展趋势进行调查讨论。民间对于这项传统工艺的应用,我们该如何保护并推进这种工艺。并对腌制工艺的一些简单知识进行罗列。 关键词:酱腌菜工艺、保藏、发展、应用;腌制工艺 1. 酱腌菜工艺的发展 1.1 酱腌菜工艺的历史 早在南北朝时期的《齐民要术》一书中就记载了许多不同酱菜的制作方法,如甜酱、酱油等加工的酱菜、酒糟做的糟菜、糖蜜做的甜酱菜等。唐代我国酱菜技术不仅有了很大的发展,而且传到了日本,现今日本著名的奈良酱菜就是源于那时。 经过长期的生产实践,到明清时期,我国酱腌菜工艺和品种都有了很大的发展,很多书籍都有详尽记载,其中一些品种和工艺一直流传至 今。 1.2酱腌菜工艺的当代发展 我国已有统计的酱腌菜加工企业约有600多家,大多是有着悠久历史的加工厂,规模小。生产的产品多为散装、瓶装、罐装或简易包装,在当地有着一定的知名度。近年来新建立了许多具有一定规模的、现代化的加工企业,如联合利华食品公司(中国),威海市大洋酱菜公司,上海高蓉食品有限公司等,因生产的产品包装新颖、品种多样,深受消费者的欢迎,企业发展迅速。 目前国内知名的酱腌菜企业,多是通过对传统知名品牌的挖掘、发展,以现代化的技术、设备和管理运行的企业。如北京六必居、扬州三和四美、山东的玉堂酱菜、安徽的国有太和等,业已成为国内外的著名品牌。 1.3酱腌菜工艺的生产销售状况 酱腌菜产品在国内有着巨大的消费市场,不论是日常佐餐,还是旅游、野餐等,都是必不可少的佳品。 根据酱腌菜的包装和档次,在不同的市场销售。 1.3.1普通的酱腌菜的销售 普通的酱腌菜产品一般集中在农贸市场,中小商店,由于包装简易和产量较少,通常供应本地市场。如綦江赶水萝卜干。 1.3.2大型企业的产品的销售 大型企业的产品和一些知名品牌,包装精美、品质优良,保质期长,可以在全国范围销售,并有实力进入超市、大型商场等场所,日销售量大,影响面广,具有较大的经济效益。 1.4酱腌菜工艺的发展前景 我国人民有着悠久的食用酱菜的传统,在民间还有自行腌制、制作的习惯。 随着社会的发展,生活水平的不断提高和工作节奏的加快,使工业化食品的比重不断加大。 调查显示,经济发达地区酱腌菜企业的数量和规模,远远大于落后地区。由此表明,酱腌菜加工业的发展具有良好的前景。 2. 蔬菜腌制概念 蔬菜腌制是利用食盐(及其他添加物质)渗入到蔬菜组织内,高渗透压,抑制腐败菌的生长,从而防止蔬菜败坏的保藏方法。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 其制品称为蔬菜腌制品,又称酱腌菜或腌菜。 2.1蔬菜腌制品分类 2.1.1按是否发酵分类 发酵性蔬菜腌制品(泡菜、酸菜) 非发酵性蔬菜腌制品(咸菜类 、酱菜类、糖醋菜类) 3. 蔬菜腌制基本原理 食盐防腐保藏作用;微生物的发酵作用;蛋白质的分解作用;影响腌制的因素;蔬菜腌制与亚硝基化合物 4. 泡菜类加工工艺 泡菜经乳酸发酵,不仅咸酸适口,质地清脆,风味鲜美,香气浓郁,而且能增进食欲,帮助消化,具有保健疗效作用。 4.1中国泡菜 4.1.1工艺流程 原料=,选别=,修整=,清洗=,入坛泡制(泡菜盐水配制)=, 发酵成熟=,商品包装=,成品 4.1.2中国泡菜的腌制方法 腌泡菜,首先得买一个泡菜坛子。先将坛子洗净晾干,装入冷开水,加食盐(一碗水放一匙盐),可加花椒、大蒜、辣椒。将要泡的菜如萝卜、大白菜心、刀豆、豇豆、莴笋、辣椒、黄瓜、佛手瓜等,洗净、切块、晾干,放入坛中。盖好盖,倒水密封,放在阴凉的地方发酵。 大约一星期即可食用或者包装杀菌销售。泡菜吃完后,可再往里续新菜。味道嫌淡,可再加一些盐和盐水。若嫌酸、可加少许白酒。 4.1.3操作要点 容器:泡菜坛、发酵罐(搪瓷)(不能够有金属,不锈钢罐都不行)。 发酵期的管理。 商品包装 :切分整形、装袋(罐)、灌入汤汁、抽气密封、杀菌、冷却、保温检验,抽样进行理化指标、微生物指标检验及感官评定,合格者即为成品。 5. 酱菜类加工工艺 5.1传统酱制工艺 5.2酱汁酱菜工艺 咸菜坯=,切制加工=,水浸脱盐=,脱水=,渍制(制酱、压榨、酱汁)=,成品 5.3真空渗透酱菜工艺 5.4菜酱工艺:辣椒酱 是以辣椒为原料,经过处理后,经盐渍或不经盐渍,加入调味料、香辛料等辅料而制成的糊状制品。如:辣椒酱、蒜蓉辣酱、牛肉辣酱等。 6. 咸菜类加工工艺 白块榨菜=,开坛=,切丝=,脱盐=,脱水=,拌料调味【1】 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 重庆文理学院 7. 糖醋菜类加工工艺 8(食品腌制保藏的原理及理论 8(1腌渍类型 8(1(1根据腌渍的材料分为 盐渍、糖渍、糟渍 8(1(2根据腌渍的过程 非发酵性腌渍品、发酵性腌渍品 9(腌渍保藏的理论 扩散和渗透理论成为食品腌渍过程中重要的理论基础。 9(1扩散 溶质从高浓度到低浓度,浓度逐渐达到平衡。 9(2渗透 渗透现象实质上与扩散现象颇为相似,严格地说,渗透就是溶剂从低浓度经过半渗透膜向高浓度扩散的过程; 半渗透膜就是允许溶剂通过而不允许溶质通过的膜,比如细胞膜。实际上,半透膜对钠、氯、小分子(电解质)也能通过,只是对于细胞而言,由于原生质内电阻较高, electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty第3页 , in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 而阻止了电解质的渗透进入。 9(2(1影响渗透压的因素【2】 温度上升,渗透压上升;温度每增加1?,渗透压增加0.30%~0.35%; 溶质浓度上升,渗透压上升; 相同质量下,溶质分子量上升,则渗透压下降; 溶质解离系数大,渗透压大。如,NaCl分子量小,P0 很大。 9(2(1(1高渗溶液 细胞内水分就会向细胞外渗透,原生质紧缩,出现质壁分离,使微生物生长活动受到停止抑制,细胞外的这种溶液成为高渗溶液——腌制保藏原理。 食盐15% 10(腌制对食品品质的影响. 10(1腌制剂:现代腌制剂除了食盐外还加:【3】 硝酸盐(硝酸钠、亚硝酸钠)——发色; 磷酸盐——提高肉的持水性; 抗坏血酸(烟酸、烟酰胺)——帮助发色; 糖、香料——调节风味。 10(2食盐纯度对腌制的影响 金属离子 CaCl2和MgCl2等杂质含量高,腌制品有苦味,或者保脆。 10.3除了调味功能,主要起防腐作用:对微生物细胞的脱水作用,对微生物的生理毒害作用,对酶活力的影响,降低微生物环境的水分活性,使溶液中氧气浓度的下降. 11(食品腌制方法 11(1干腌法 干腌法是利用干盐(结晶盐)或混合盐,先在食品表面擦透,即有汁液外渗现象,然后层层堆叠在腌制架或腌制容器中,各层间均匀的撒上食盐,依次压实,在外加压力或不加压力的条件下,依靠外渗汁液形成盐液进行腌制的方法。 11(1(1干腌的优点 操作简单、制品较干,易保藏;无需特别当心;营养成分流失少。 11(1(2干腌的缺点 腌制不均匀、失重大,味太咸、色泽较差,若用硝酸盐,色泽可以好转。 11(2(湿腌法 湿腌法即用盐水对食品进行腌制的方法。盐溶液配制时一般是将腌制剂预先溶解,必要时煮沸杀菌,冷却后使用,然后将食品浸没在腌制液中,通过渗透作用,使食品组织内的盐浓度与腌制液浓度相同。腌制浓度一般为15,20%,有时饱和盐水。 11(2(1湿腌法的特点 腌制时间和干腌法一样,比较长;所需劳动量比干腌法大; 制品的色泽和风味 不及干腌制品; 蛋白质流失较大;因水分多不易保藏。 11 . 3肌肉(或动脉)注射腌制法 11 . 4混合腌制法 结语:我国人民有着悠久的食用酱菜的传统,在民间一直有自行腌制、制作的习惯。酱腌菜这一传统食品是我国人民历代智慧的结晶,是祖国宝贵文化财富的一部分。所以我们应该更加重视和发展腌制食品这一种传统食品工艺。 其实腌渍只是早期保存蔬菜的一种非常有效的方法。现今,蔬菜的腌渍已从简单的保存手段转变为独特风味蔬菜产品的加工技术。这表明这一传统工艺的良好发展 【1】《果品蔬菜加工工艺学》(第二版).叶兴乾主编. 北京:中国农业出版社,2002 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 重庆文理学院 【2】《食品加工与保藏原理》.曾庆孝主编.北京:化学工业出版社,2002. 【3】《食品加工与保藏原理》.曾庆孝主编.北京:化学工业出版社,2002. electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty第5页 , in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on
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