

2018-07-20 23页 doc 64KB 99阅读




《如何正确使用网络》《如何正确使用网络》 《如何正确使用网络》开题课 一、活动主题的提出: 经常听到学生家长反映有的学生爱上网。在上周,我们班有两个学生上课传纸条,相约在周六周日去上网,而且打算从家里偷着拿钱,好在老师及时发现;六年级有两个学生上课睡觉,经老师调查知道,晚上没回家和家长撒谎说去同学家,这两位同学实际上去上网了。身边的这些现象提醒着我们,有的学生对网络认识不清,有甚者沉迷于网络。 为了提高学生对网络的正确认识,让学生养成合理利用网络的好习惯,在关注学生感兴趣的问题基础上,我设计这节以《如何预防网瘾》为主题的综合实践课。 参...
《如何正确使用网络》 《如何正确使用网络》开题课 一、活动主题的提出: 经常听到学生家长反映有的学生爱上网。在上周,我们班有两个学生上课传纸条,相约在周六周日去上网,而且打算从家里偷着拿钱,好在老师及时发现;六年级有两个学生上课睡觉,经老师调查知道,晚上没回家和家长撒谎说去同学家,这两位同学实际上去上网了。身边的这些现象提醒着我们,有的学生对网络认识不清,有甚者沉迷于网络。 为了提高学生对网络的正确认识,让学生养成合理利用网络的好习惯,在关注学生感兴趣的问题基础上,我设计这节以《如何预防网瘾》为主题的综合实践课。 参照新课程的三维目标,本次活动我预想达到以下目标。 二、活动的具体目标: 1、知识与技能:在学生亲身体验过程中,培养学生的实践能力、调查研究能力、语言表达能力、资料统计能力、运用信息能力、合作能力、创新能力。 2、过程与方法:通过学生小组内组员合作和各组间的合作,进行各种调查、采访等方式,搜集整理各种信息,并能通过多种形式展示本组的课题成果。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过这次综合实践活动,提高学生对网络用途的正确认识,规范网络使用道德,养成健康的信息伦理,养成科学使用网络的好习惯,并宣传给更多的人。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 三、活动实施过程: 这次活动分三个阶段: 第一,确定主题制定。以网络为话题,学生讨论提出感兴趣的问题,学生讨论确定活动主题,再把学生感兴趣的不同问题进行整理分类,生成几个小主题即子课题,每个小组讨论制定本组的活动计划。 第二,搜集资料整理信息。实施过程中主要采取问卷调查、搜集资料、现场采访、进行宣传等方式。 第三,成果阶段。每个小组以各种形式来展示他们的活动成果,针对每组的目标进行评价。 四、这节课的设计思路 阶段目标:能让学生围绕如何正确使用网络,预防网瘾问题生成活动主题,建立不同小组,确定人员分工,讨论制定小组。 五、小组成员 (1)、四年级全体同学 (2)、分组情况:每8人一组,分4组进行 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 《如何正确使用网络》开题课教案 活动目标: 1、明确综合实践活动的主题,确定子课题,并组成研究小组。 2、初步学会围绕主题选择合适的小课题开展研究活动并学会设计活动方案。 3、学会一些基本的科学研究方法,并培养学生发现问题的能力及创造力。 4、激发学生对与网络有关知识的兴趣,培养他们互相交流、相互合作的良好交往品质。 准备:课件,学生分组活动格 过程: 一、课前谈话: 同学们,有没有发现今天教室的跟往常不一样的地方,(座位不同)这样坐感觉是不是很新奇呀,喜欢这样坐吗,谁知道今天为什么要这样坐, 今天呀,咱们呀要来一节综合实践活动课,有没有信心上好这堂课,好,咱们就上课吧~ 二、谈话激趣引话题 由一个幻灯片引出学生感兴趣。 三、各抒己见表观点 1、都是网络惹得祸;(引导学生谈网络的负面影响) with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 师:有的家长谈网色变,有的学生一网情深,我们还是拒绝网络远离网络吧~ 2、网络的作用可不小;(引导谈学生网络的积极作用)(出示网络积极作用的幻灯片) 3、网络让我欢喜让我忧,网络是一把双刃剑。(出示网络是一把双刃剑的幻灯片) 师:的确在网上,我们可以看新闻、办商务、交朋友、查资料、求医问药、收发邮件利用网络上课、购物、休闲娱乐等,但是网络是一把双刃剑,过分沉迷于网络,会给我们的生活带来负面影响。那么老师就想,我们这节综合实践课能不能就针对“网络”(板书)来展开研究,让我们一起去认识网络,了解网络呢,你们有兴趣吗, 4、 好,我们就以《如何正确使用用网络》为课题。(补充完整) 四、七嘴八舌谈想法 师:同学们,网络社会已经悄然而至,我们既不能因为其强大的生命力和对中学生发展的巨大正面作用,而忽视它所带来的种种问题,也不能因为它的负面作用而敬而远之。我们应该加强对中学生上互联网的研究,探索新情况,创造新方法,解决新问题,增强中小学生上网的成效。只有正对确对待网络,才能让我们每一位同学身心茁壮的成长。同学们,在我们了解网络的过程中,有很多很多的问题是值得我们去了解,去研究,你觉得哪些问题需要我们去了解,去研究呢, 1、师板书一一写下来。提醒学生不要重复。适当引导学生说,看谁提得问题最有价值。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 师:同学们问题提得很好,你们真会思考,真会提问题。那同学们睁大眼睛再来看看,哪些问题不值得我们研究。(让学生自己说说想法) 师:是啊,老师发现这些问题有的范围很大,有的又范围很小,还有很多是可以放在一起研究的,那么我们能不能从这些问题中整理出一些值得研究的课题呢,请同学们进行小组讨论,从这些问题中提出你们认为有价值的问题。 2、以小组为单位进行讨论。 3、全班汇报并交流,教师给学生想要研究的课题打上星星。 4、课件展示教师预设的一些课题。(若学生提的问题不理想,或很少,则出示这一环节) 师:同学合作讨论得很好,经过大家共同的努力,我们筛选出了更有价值的问题。老师也在更大的范围内做了一些归纳,同学们在选择课题时也可以参考一下。(出示课件:参考主题) 课题预设: ,、了解小学生上网情况,规范上网行为; B、了解网络文化下的青少年犯罪行为; C、网络对中小学生的利与弊; D、在网络中学会保护自我; E、“告别网吧,健康成长”,帮助有网隐的同学; F、怎样上网才是健康的呢, with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure G、玩电子游戏的调查(我们学校的学生有玩网络游戏吗,玩什么游戏呢,同学们都在什么时候玩网络游戏,通常玩多长的时间,同学们的父母怎样看待孩子玩网络游戏呢,) 5、引导学生自主确定本小组研究的课题。 师:同学们,经过大家的筛选,我们提出了这么多有价值的问题,这些问题都值得我们去展开调查研究。现在请每个同学先择一个自己最感兴趣的小课题,选好之后马上举手。 五、群策群力定计划 1、指导分组。(相同兴趣的坐在一组。)坐好了,现在各个志同道合的同学都怀着对同一个研究课题的兴趣坐到了一起,为了更好地开展研究呀,我们还得给先填写一张《绿色上网,健康成长》的活动方案表。 2、出示活动计划表,布置活动要求。 (1)引言:看来同学们对研究活动充满了热情,但是为了让活动开展得更加顺利,我们还需要在活动前制定一份计划。 (2)展示活动的计划表并让学生观察(出示研究方案表格), (3)布置相关要求。 接下来请我们同一组的同学一起讨论并且填写表格的这么几项内容,老师这里还有几点小小的温馨提示。 ?在讨论时我积极动脑了吗, ?我能够清楚地表达自己的想法吗, ?同学在发言的时候我认真地倾听了吗, with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 3、以小组为单位,根据要求制订本小组研究计划(小组初步拟订方案,教师指导) (1)先好组长,负责填写表格。 (2)一起定小队的队名。让学生自己讨论定下来,若有困难,可提示以网络的名称来当队名。 (3)研究方法的指导。(有:调查法,访问法,搜集资料,问卷调查,考察„„一一简介下)引导学生针对自己的小课题选择合适的研究方法。 六、各显神通报方案 1、以小组为单位,向全班交流汇报本小组的活动计划。 (1)引言:哪个组先向大家介绍一下你们的研究计划,其他同学看看他们的方案对自己有什么启发或者你们有什么好的建议和补充。 (2)组织别的小组同学进行对该小组的活动计划提出建议和质疑。 (引导学生可以争论,发言同学留在上面应答同学的提问,重点对研究方法的指导,访问对象的指导。如访问专家也可以是询问老师,强调老师的作用等等。) 3、完善本小组活动计划。 引言:同学帮助大家提了这么多的好建议,请各个研究小组认真参考,课余时间可以互相交流一下,进一步完善自己小组的研究方案。老师这里有一个关于网络研究的调查表格(课件4)若是采用调查访问的同学,可以参考下。收集资料的同学,我们可以通过百度等各大搜索网站来进行查找。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 七、满怀信心去实践 1、经过这节课的讨论,我发现你们真了不起,完全有能力把我们关于《我与网络亲密接触》的研究活动开展的很好,今天我们只是确定了研究方向,请同学们下课后,小组间同学再继续完善研究计划,下节课我们还将对同学的研究计划进行指导和开展情况进行汇报。 2、布置下节课的要求, (1)进一步完善自己的活动计划。 (2)讨论有关活动开展时如何设计调查的问题。 (3)讨论实践活动应准备的有关事项。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure “如何正确使用网络”结题 随着网络产业的诞生和迅猛发展,孕育并产生了一种以计算机应用为主的“网络文化”。现在中小学普遍开设了《信息技术基础知识》课程,普及信息技术教育。通过学习,使学生基本理解计算机工作原理和了解网络基本知识,学会信息获取、传输、处理和应用的基本方法,为学生的全面发展提供了一个较为宽阔的技术平台和技术准备。 但是任何事物都具有两面性。 (一)青少年上网的好处: 第一,可以开阔视野。因特网信息量大,信息交流速度快,自由度强,实现了全球信息共享,青少年在网上可以随意获得自己的需求,在网上浏览世界,认识世界,了解世界最新的新闻信息,科技动态,青少年在网上交流、交友的自由化,使青少年交往的领域空前地宽广,极大地开阔了青少年的视野,给青少年学习、生活带来了巨大的便利和乐趣。 第二,可以加强对外交流。网络创造了一个虚拟的新世界,在这个新世界里,每一名成员可以超越时空的制约,十分方便地与相识或不相识的人进行联系和交流,讨论共同感兴趣的话题,由于网络交流的“虚拟”性,避免了人们直面交流时的摩擦与伤害,从而为人们情感需求的满足和信息获取提供了崭新的交流场所。青少年上网可以进一步扩展青少年对外交流的时空领域,实现交流、交友的自由化。 第三,可以促进青少年个性化发展。世界是丰富多彩的,人的发展也应该是丰富多彩的。因特网就是一个提供无限多样的发展机with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 会的环境。青少年可以在网上找到自己发展方向,也可以得到发展的资源和动力。他利用因特网就可以学习、研究乃至创新,这样的学习是最有效率的学习。 第四,可以促进青少年的学业。因特网上的资源可以帮助学生找到合适的学习材料,甚至是合适的学校和教师,这一点已经开始成为现实。这里值得提出的是,有许多学习困难的学生,学电脑和做网页却一点也不叫苦,可见,他们的落后主要是由于其个性类型和能力倾向不适从某种教学模式。可以说,因特网为这些“差生”提供了一个发挥聪明才智的广阔天地。 第五,拓展了当今青少年教育的空间。因特网的信息量大、交流速度快,随着时代的发展越来越吸引更多的青少年。也成为青少年寻求知识的主要手段,因此,加强网络对青少年的教育已成为当前的重要课题。 (二)青少年上网的弊端: 一是上瘾问题。众多青少年学生长期沉缅于网络之中,有的已出现了网络病症。导致青少年学生出现了精神和躯体的病症,影响了青少年的健康成长。 二是部分不健康网点问题。因特网上有一些宣传黄色、暴力等内容的网站,还有一些政治上反动的网站。家长最担心的就是孩子容易受到他们的影响。 三是荒废学业问题。青少年自控能力比较差,又不善于取舍,沉湎于网上浏览而荒废学业的可能性是很大的。对这个问题不可忽视。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 四是诱发青少年犯罪问题。网上的内容良莠不齐,尤其是一些反动迷信、黄色网站网页的不健康内容,使已处于人生观、价值观成形期的青少年,分不清真善、好恶,缺乏判断是非的能力,从而导致青少年误入歧途,走上犯罪的道路。 五是网上交友的问题。网上交友聊天是当前青少年上网的主要目的。通过问卷分析,青少年与网友见面的占11.5%,从不见面的占56.3%,偶尔联系的32.2%。网上交友都是在“背靠背”的情况下进行,易使青少年产生说谎、虚拟的心理反映,与网友见面潜在着极大的危险性。 事实上,网络为学生提供了大量信息,又给学生提供了一个接触社会的个性化和国际化的空间,给学生一个展示自身能力的大舞台。学生利用网络获取知识与信息的能力进一步提高,开阔了知识视野,激发了学习兴趣。但同时,基于网络应用而产生的“负面效应”日益凸现,它已成为一个不容忽视社会问题,愈来愈引起社会、学校和家长的高度关注。现在大多数学生喜欢上网,相当一部分学生迷恋于网络不能自拔。据我们不完全统计,有近64%的中小学生曾经上过网,有52%的人经常到网吧上网。可上网之后做什么呢,据调查,27%的人上网是为了学习与课程有关的内容。其他73%的学生依次为:找朋友聊天,玩游戏、看新闻,关注影视文艺、体坛动态,值得注意的是浏览过色情网站、观看过暴力内容的占3%。中小学生正处于学习知识和生理、心理发育的关键时期,如过度沉溺于网络之中,影响学业,又会受负面影响,会给他们的身心健康产生极大的损害。因此,with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 我们应针对问题产生的原因进行必要的研究、趋利避害,引导学生正确使用网络。 为了避免他们沉溺于网络娱乐而使其免受其害。教师和家长应该从以下几个方面入手,引导学生正确对待网络、使用网络: 首先、教师要通过言传身教,使学生更加意识到网络作为资源宝库的作用。“身教重于言教”,德高为师。老师是学生最好的榜样,应该在严格要求自身的同时,注重与学生的沟通与交流。例如,可以利用校园网,向学生演示在网上查阅学习资料,也可以在网上查看天气预报,还可以在网上查看学生较为关注的时政新闻。有时对于学生在课堂上提出的问题,可以不直接告诉答案,而是指导学生在Internet上搜索答案,结果学生会发现相关的解答方法很多,且内容详尽而且清楚。 其次、作为教师,应在现代信息技术和研究性学习的课程整合方面花大气力,创造出适合本学科的课程模式。在教学中尽量多设置研究性问题,引导学生利用网络这一信息工具去分析与解决问题。从而引导学生用必要的精力去关注网络上真正有价值的信息,通过网络接触社会,提高学生的辨识和思考能力。 再次、教师应具备较强的信息技术能力,拥有较高的信息素养,能从网络中发现更多积极的因素,因势利导,促进素质教育的发展。例如:网络游戏是学生很感兴趣的新生事物,可是由于它大量占用学生的时间、精力甚至金钱,加之某些游戏中具有暴力和色情成分,成为名副其实的“精神鸦片”。而一味地反对学生接触网络游戏是没有用with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 的,反而容易引发学生的逆反情绪,为教育带来更大的困难。其实,从辨证的观点来看,没有什么事物是真正一无是处的。游戏也是依据现实构造的虚拟世界,游戏世界是虚拟的,但正义战胜邪恶是同现实社会一样的,也是客观存在。在战争游戏中,参战各方的损失都很惨重,我们可以以此教育学生热爱和平。事实上,只要我们从不同角度去看问题,就会发现许多新的内容,而这些新的思想正是我们引导学生时所必需的。 最后,家长(教师)可以与学生一起上网。教师和家长应该意识到:作为主宰新世纪的下一代,学生终归是离不开网络的,尤其是在信息社会快速发展的今天。所以我建议有条件的家长不妨放下对网络的偏见,权且把它作为一种生活的工具来看待,和学生一起上网。毕竟成年人的社会经验和辨识抵制能力比学生强,如果家长和老师对学生上网持支持但不失适当引导的态度,相信会比盲目的抵制更对学生有利。 除了要有足够的耐心和爱心,还要求老师要提高自身信息能力,以适应信息社会对教育的要求。诚然,要完成这一转变还需要全社会共同参与,整合各方面教育资源,发挥优势,形成合力,对学生的网络行为进行正确引导、教育和规范,创设必要条件,为学生的健康成长尽到我们应有的责任。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure
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