

2018-02-11 9页 doc 31KB 8阅读




关于当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议问题研关于当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议问题研 当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议问题研究 王子伟 田忠曼 高 翔 禁止重复起诉是民事诉讼的重要原则,当事人已就某一纠纷提起诉讼后,禁止该当事人或对方当事人再以同一诉讼标的向法院起诉。但司法实践中重复起诉行为却是屡见不鲜,并继而引发受案法院的管辖争议。 一、当事人重复起诉的主要类型 一是选择性管辖下的重复起诉。对案件具有管辖权的法院不唯一,一方当事人起诉后,对方当事人又以同一民事法律关系或同一法律事实,向另一法院起诉,多见的是当事人各自向其住所地法院起诉,从而使法院之间发生管辖权争议...
关于当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议问题研 当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议问题研究 王子伟 田忠曼 高 翔 禁止重复起诉是民事诉讼的重要原则,当事人已就某一纠纷提起诉讼后,禁止该当事人或对方当事人再以同一诉讼标的向法院起诉。但司法实践中重复起诉行为却是屡见不鲜,并继而引发受案法院的管辖争议。 一、当事人重复起诉的主要类型 一是选择性管辖下的重复起诉。对案件具有管辖权的法院不唯一,一方当事人起诉后,对方当事人又以同一民事法律关系或同一法律事实,向另一法院起诉,多见的是当事人各自向其住所地法院起诉,从而使法院之间发生管辖权争议。二是任意管辖下的重复起诉。当事人在以书面形式约定管辖法院时作出“由原告住所地法院管辖”、“由守约方住所地管辖”等看似明确、实则多元的任意性管辖约定,导致多头受理现象的出现。三是放弃反诉下的重复起诉。有的案件中,本诉被告本可以本诉的原告作为被告,直接向受理本诉的法院提起反诉。但本诉被告常暂不提起反诉,而在本诉审结后再向其他有管辖权的法院另行起诉,或者不切实际地扩大诉讼标的额,跨越级别管辖界限,向上级法院起诉,以规避本诉法院的管辖。四是违法受理下的重复起诉。个别情况下,有的法院明知外地法院已依法受案,仍以同一事实、理由重复立案,甚至更改立案时间,以对抗外地法院的受理。 二、探求重复起诉的根源:当事人和法院的双重视角 (一)寻求先诉案件之外的利益保护途径——当事人重复起诉的动因 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, 就理想状况而言,裁判过程应是统一无偏私的,然而,鉴于诉讼运行中的各种主客观因素,如地缘差异、人文传统、法官素质等,原告住所地法院与被告住所地法院可能就同一案件作出迥然不同的裁判,裁判结果出现了相当的不确定性。故而,部分当事人被起诉后却无心应诉,转而求助与己方关系密切的法院,企图通过本地法院的管辖权对抗外地法院对案件的受理。主要有以下三方面原因:一是传统人情世俗观念使当事人坚信人熟好办事。较之外地法院,本地法院与当事人往往有着千丝万缕的联系,自然是熟人好办事。反之,到外地法院应诉,则人生地疏,举步维艰。二是地方保护主义思想根深蒂固。部分当事人认为,人民法院虽都是国家审判机关,但在本地法院参加诉讼总能获得或多或少的照顾,因此总是欲求得本地法院的“特殊保护”。三是法官素质不平衡使部分当事人不信任相对落后地区的法院和法官。部分外地当事人对落后地区法官的司法能力存在疑问,不愿在该地应诉,而选择回原籍另行起诉。有的当事人则认为上级法院法官的司法能力要强于下级法院,为了求得可能更为公正的判决,常在对方当事人已向下级法院起诉后,又增加起诉金额,突破级别管辖的上限,转而向上级法院起诉。 (二)居中裁判功能的偏离——法院受理重复起诉之诉的批判 人民法院作为专司纠纷解决职能的裁判机关,公正居中裁判是其最重要的品质。法院受理重复起诉,甚至争取管辖权,是对法院居中裁判职能的最大背离。一方面,法院帮助本地当事人争取管辖权,既助长了地方保护主义的泛滥,又是对当事人违背诚实信用原则滥用诉权行为的一种变相赞同。受理重复起诉的法院可能就同一案件作出不同裁判,将会损害司法的统一性、严肃性和权威性。另一方面,无谓的管辖权争议是一场持久战,有的甚至需要最高人民法院和省高院协调解决,延长了诉讼期限,增加了诉讼成本,浪费了宝贵的司法资源。 三、治理重复起诉之方略:建立科学完善的民事管辖 (一)在立案和审判环节加强对重复起诉案件的管理工作 silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, 立案是诉讼程序的第一道关口,也是杜绝重复起诉的第一道防线。首先要加强立案审查工作。除审查基本的起诉证据外,立案法官还应注意审查重复起诉事项,在当事人填写的立案材料中设置“该案件是否已在其他法院起诉”的专栏,要求当事人如实填写,并告知重复起诉的法律后果。其次,应坚持禁止重复起诉原则。法官在向被告送达起诉状副本和应诉通知后,如果被告抗辩已先行在其他法院起诉并提出管辖权异议,法官应主动与先诉法院取得联系,确认案件是否已经受理的事实。在确定案件已被其他法院受理后,应立即裁定被告管辖权异议成立,驳回原告的起诉。三是上级法院在处理下级法院间因当事人重复起诉引起的管辖争议过程中,应查明事实,依法确认案件的管辖权,对恶意争取管辖权的法院要予以惩戒,对负领导责任和直接责任的人员要依法依纪予以处理。 (二)引入诚实信用原则作为排斥重复起诉的重要原则 诚实信用原则在民事诉讼中的主要机能在于防止滥用诉讼权利,保障诉讼程序平等进行。滥用诉讼权利是指当事人违反诚实信用原则,专门以损害对方当事人、第三人或社会公众信用利益为目的行使诉讼权利的行为,许多国家的立法、判例都禁止此类行为。以诚信原则和禁止诉讼权利滥用为衡量标准,重复起诉既损害了对方当事人的合法权益,又违背了社会公益,与公序良俗的社会秩序不符,显然是一种滥用诉讼权利的行为。作为纠纷裁决者,法院应负起判断诉讼当事人之间的行为是否合于诚信原则的责任。该原则对阻却当事人重复起诉具有独特功效,在民事诉讼法修订过程中确立诚信原则在民事诉讼中的法律地位。 当事人在诉讼中总是要追求诉讼效益的最大化,但诉讼效益的实现并不意味着当事人不受任何规制的随心所欲,必须兼顾诚实信用原则等基本规则,必须体现程序的正义性,否则当事人不但不能获得诉讼的正效益,甚至会出现零效益和负效益。为了使当事人违背诚信原则重复起诉的行为不获得诉讼正效益,一方面要使其产出为零,即重复起诉的诉讼结果不能具有法律效力,即便其胜诉在法律上也归于无效;另一方面要使其付出一定的成本和代价。当前的主要问题是对重复起诉者的惩戒手段弱化,即使重复起诉不被法律认可,恶意重复起诉的当事人也不会遭至额外的责难,即是说其诉讼效益最多为零,不可能为负,这silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, 也为重复起诉的此消彼长、周而复始提供了制度温床。加大对恶意重复起诉者的惩戒,使其付出更大的诉讼成本是当务之急。因此在明确诚信原则的法律地位后,还必须通过适当形式确定当事人重复起诉行为的法律责任,建议可表述为“当事人违背诚实信用原则,恶意滥用诉权重复起诉的,人民法院不予受理。已经受理未作出裁判的,驳回其起诉;已作出裁判的,以院长发现名义进入再审,撤销原判决后驳回起诉。恶意重复起诉的当事人应就重复起诉对对方当事人造成的损失承担赔偿责任”。 (三)完善协议管辖的适用 协议管辖的立法目的是在充分体现当事人意思自治原则基础上确定管辖法院,减少管辖争议,使纠纷及时得到处理,是避免重复起诉,减少管辖冲突的重要方法。针对我国协议管辖制度存在的案件范围狭窄、选择法院的范围不合理等弊端,提出如下建议:1.放宽明示协议管辖的形式要件。随着经济的发展和科技的进步,应将电报、电传、电子邮件等数据电文作为约定管辖法院的法定方式。2.扩大协议管辖的案件范围。将协议管辖范围拓展至和财产权益纠纷,同时明文规定婚姻、收养等涉及人身关系的案件不适用协议管辖。3.扩展协议管辖的法院范围。建议将当事人协议选择管辖法院的范围,确定为与争议有实际联系的被告住所地、被告代表机构所在地、被告注册登记地、原告住所地、原告代表机构所在地、诉讼标的物所在地、侵权行为实施地、侵权结果发生地,或者当事人双方信赖、方便的其他地点的人民法院。4.协议管辖的法院必须唯一确定。当事人不能作出“由原告住所地法院管辖”、“由守约方住所地管辖”等任意性管辖约定。 (四)通过司法改革的整体推进逐步确立司法管辖和裁判的公信 一是按照最高人民法院二五改革纲要的部署,探索适用重大疑难案件提级审理制度,改革单纯以标的额确定级别管辖的方式,建立符合现代司法规律的司法管辖体制和工作机制。二是通过政法专项经费补助、财政转移支付等手段加大经济欠发达地区法院的经费保障力度,解决贫困地区法院经费不足的燃眉之急,保障办公办案经费的足额拨付。三是致力于法院内部管理机制改革,强化教育培训工作,提升法官职业素silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position, 质和业务能力,保证相同案件在不同法院均能获得公正的裁判,使得当事人不再为了寻求相对公正的裁决 而去选择法院。 你好哦啊, silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread quality, sets silk times used automatically sets silk machine, sets silk processing times for 1~4 times ranging, DN15~DN32 sets 2 times, DN40~DN50 sets 3 times, DN70 above sets 4 times, Screen when you are finished using the standard gauges tested. Drainage pipe slope is not uniform, tape, wire and other tools to check that pipe slopes meet acceptance requirement. 2 valve installation installation without strength and tightness test with the brands, models, with the specifications of annex sampling valve 10% and not less than 1, strength and tightness test, main shut off valve on the pipe should be individually for strength and tightness test. Flange installation Shi flange ends surface parallel degrees enough, tight solid method not meet requirements two method blue end surface each other parallel, its deviation not is greater than method blue OD of 1.5 ‰; twist tight bolt Shi to symmetric cross for 3 health apparatus installation and ware connection of to drain road interface seepage check seepage parts, again replaced and ware connection of water accessories or drainage tied; check seepage parts, again replaced damaged pipeline annex. Health apparatus installed loose or horizontal, vertical deviation. Ware installed position,
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