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电影《全民情敌》台词1Hitch Basic principles: 基本原则 No woman wakes up saying: "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today." 没有女人醒来,说:希望今天不会有帅哥追我 Now, she might say, "This is a really bad time for me." 她可能会说:现在时机可能不对 Or something like, "I just need some space." 或是这句,我需要一点空间 Or m...
Hitch Basic principles: 基本原则 No woman wakes up saying: "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today." 没有女人醒来,说:希望今天不会有帅哥追我 Now, she might say, "This is a really bad time for me." 她可能会说:现在时机可能不对 Or something like, "I just need some space." 或是这句,我需要一点空间 Or my personal favorite: 或我最喜欢的 "I'm really into my career right now." 我正在全心发展事业 You believe that? Neither does she. 你相信吗,她也不信 You know why? Because she's lying to you, that's why. 知道原因吗?她在骗你 You understand me? Lying. 听懂了吗,骗你的 It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. 时机并没有不对,她也不需要空间 She may be into her career... 她也许专业事业 but what she's really saying is, "Get away from me now." 但她其实是说|:给我滚开 Or possibly, "Try harder, stupid." 或者再努力点,笨蛋 Well, which one is it? 到底是什么意思呢 60% of all human communication is nonverbal. 人们勾通有六成不是靠说话 Body language. 身体语言 30% is your tone. 三成靠你说话的音调 So that means that 90% of what you're saying... 那示你传答的意思有九成 ain't coming out of your mouth. 不用嘴巴来说的 Toby! 托比 Shit! 糟了 Of course she'll lie to you. 当然会骗你 She's a nice person, she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings. 她是个好人,她不想伤害你 What else is she gonna say? She doesn't even know you. 她还能说什么,她跟你又不熟 Yet. 还不熟 Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us... 幸运地和我们一样even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it. 就算美女也不知道自己要做什么 And that's where I come in. 这就是我的工作 My job is to open her eyes. 我要让她看清楚 Oh, my God! 我的老天 Is this what you're looking for? 你在找它吗 Basic principles: No matter what, no matter when, no matter who... 基本原则:不论何事,不论何时,不论何人, any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. 任何男人都有机会迷倒任何女人 Just needs the right broom. 只要方法正确 You cannot use what you do not have. 你不能应用你没有的东西 So if you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing. 保持自我,害羞的不要装外向,外向的不要装害羞, - I'm not outgoing. - That's okay. 我并不外向,无所谓 She may not want the whole truth, but she does want the real you. 她不想知道细节,但她要真正的你 She may not want to see it all at once, but she does want to see it. 她也许不想一次搞定,但她想看真正的你 So tonight, when you're wondering what to say, how you look, or if she likes you... 所以今晚在你想讲什么,该穿什么或她到底喜不喜欢你时just remember, she is already out with you. 记住她已经和你约会了That means she said yes when she could have said no. 那表示她在能拒绝你时却答应了你 That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. 在她可以躲开你时却见了你 So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. 这表明你不用再设法让她喜欢你 It is your job not to mess it up. 而是设法不搞砸一切 The shoes are hot. You went to the place I told you? 真赞的鞋,你照我的去做吧 Yeah, but I don't think they're really me.对,但我不觉得我适合这样 "You" is a very fluid concept right now. 个人形像是很具可塑性的 You bought the shoes. You look great in the shoes. 你买了鞋,穿起来也帅呆了 That's the you I'm talking about. 那就是你的形像 The key tonight is hang back. 今晚的策略就是要放松 Give her plenty of space. 给她充分的空间 If she lingers at a photograph, move on. 她若留恋在照片之间,继续走 But maintain the visual. 记着,保持在视觉范围内 It's supposed to be 64 and clear tonight. So when you leave the club, walk a little. 今晚的天气晴朗又清爽,你们离开酒吧时,散个步Ask her what she thought about the show... 问她对今晚的展览有何感想 what was her favorite photograph, why that one. 她最喜欢哪一幅,为什么 And when she answers, don't be looking at her mouth. 她回答时别盯着她的嘴巴看 Don't be wondering what she looks like naked. 别幻想她光着身子的样子 Listen to what she is saying and respond. 倾听她说的话,有所反应 Listen and respond. 倾听,回应 That way, when it's your turn to talk...那样轮到你讲话时 you'll have something better to say than, "I like your mouth." 就不用说,我喜欢你的嘴, What was your favorite one? 你最喜欢哪个 The elephant, definitely. 那幅大象,当然 And all of a sudden, we're on date number two. 突然,你就进入第二次约会了 Ready. No way. 不会吧 We're going back in there. You have to smile. 我们重照一次,你要笑啦 In case you didn't go to high school, 没上过高中的可能不知道 hitting is a good thing. 来电的感觉很棒 So how does it happen, great love? 那是怎麽发生的?永恒的爱? Are you okay? - Nobody knows. -I'm good. Let me get a Bomb Pop and a Screwball for the lady. 我要火箭冰,小姐要果冻冰 But what I can tell you, 我只能告诉你 is that it happens in the blink of an eye. 爱总是发生在转眼之间 One moment, you're enjoying your life. 这一刻你还在享受人生 And the next, you're wondering how you ever lived without them. 下一刻却怀疑自己没有爱会死 Three dates is all I need. 我只需要三次约会 Three dates, and I'll get you here, 三次约会,保证成功 to the high-stakes medal round... 我会让你达到致胜的关键时刻… where eight out of women believe that the first kiss... 十个女人之中有八个相信初吻 will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship. 能传达出两人关系的一切 After that, you're on your own. 在那之后,一切就靠你自己了 But always remember... life is not the amount of breaths you take. 人生的本质不在于你活了多久It's the moments that take your breath away. 而是那些令你怦然心动的时刻Did I call it or did I call it? 我不是说过了吗? I mean, what did I say, six months? 我说多久?六个月? And when was her first date? So five-and-a-half? God, I hate it when I'm right. 那就是五个半月了?我还真准 What is it about guys that makes them want to screw anything that walks... 男人为什麽老爱搞七捻三? even when they're going out with someone as awesome as Allegra Cole? 交到艾莉桂这种美女还不满足? She's only the most fabulous thing walking around New York. 她是纽约最美的女人了 Thanks, Young. Are you kidding? 开什麽玩笑? Of course I'm gonna run it. 我当然要写 Why should she waste her heart on some Swedish aristo-brat? 她干嘛去爱一个瑞典劈腿猪? Even if he is gorgeous. 就算他是帅哥也一样 If he's stupid enough to cheat... the world should know该让全世界知道他干的蠢事 he's dumb enough to get caught. Exactly. I'm in the elevator. See you in a minute. 没错,我进电梯了,待会见 Good morning, how are you? Bitter, party of one. 不好,渡假的又不是我 You should try it sometime. 你该去渡假的 Barbados by myself? I wouldn't last five minutes. 自己去?我撑不到五分钟的 It was just what the doctor ordered. 我只不过是遵循医生的指示 I slept in, I did my yoga, I read a couple of books... 我睡大头觉、做瑜珈、看… flirted with my scuba instructor. 还跟潜水教练打情骂俏 - And apparently never left the office. 而且还不忘工作 - I know, isn't that great? 那不是很棒吗? You should've taken someone with you. 你该找个伴一起去的 Who am I gonna take with me? 找谁一起去? This is where a boyfriend comes in handy. 所以该交个男朋友啊 - I don't have time for a boyfriend. 我没时间交男朋友 - You said that two years ago. 这话你两年前就说过了 Yes, and it's as true today as it was then. 对,现在情况还是一样 I thought you were on vacation. 我以为你去渡假了 See if these are in focus and have them in my desk in an hour. 看这些照片清不清楚,我要用Besides, relationships are for people waiting for something better to come along. 感情是给企求美好人生的人谈的Spoken like a true cynic. 这麽说真酸葡萄 I'm not a cynic. I'm a realist. 不是酸葡萄,是务实 You are a realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist. 你是假装酸葡萄的务实份子 What are you doing here? What is she doing here? 你怎麽在这里?她怎麽在这里? She works here, remember? No, she doesn't. Not for another four days. 那要再过四天以后 - This couldn't wait. - It could. What are you doing? Go back to the beach. 你在这干嘛?回海滩去渡假 - I don't want you here. 我这里不需要你 - No, really, you do. 不,你需要的 You are becoming a sick, workaholic lunatic... 你成了一个超级工作狂 and this is exactly... 正是这种… the kind of nervous, overwrought behavior that leads to... 过度紧张的行为让你… Pictures of Sebby with a busty brunette. 拍到赛比跟波霸美女出游 A very big raise. 得到大幅度的加薪 Jesus. You could find dirt in a snowstorm. 天哪,你真有本事 Comes with the job. 这是我的工作 You know, kiddo, there is more to life than watching other people live it. 人生有很多比八卦还重要的事 Can I help he was cheating on my beach? 是他跑到我的沙滩上偷情的 I think it's great that you're so good at your job. 你这麽专业很好 I'm just a little worried as to why. 我只是有点担心你 Let me worry about that. 让我自己来担心吧 Okay. I want that column on my desk by lunch. 好,我中午就要那篇报导 So you'll pay for my hotel? 那你会帮我付渡假的费用吧? For you to sip mai tais? 请你喝鸡尾酒? I don't think so. Get out. 才怪,出去吧 - Come on. -不会吧! - What? - That's good, right? 那球算进吧? -- No. No, it was in and it freaked out. 它本来要进袋,却突然转向 You know what your problem is, Hitch? You're all about the short game. 泰圣,你的眼光就是不肯放远点 You pick your shots based on what you see first... 永远只看眼前… not what's necessarily best for you... 而不是就长远看来… in the long run. 最有利的选择 All of us are not married to the woman of our dreams and about to have a baby. 不是所有人都能娶到梦中情人,还即将生下宝宝You know, I'm very happy for you. Just not meant for everybody. 我为你高兴,但那不适合所有人 So please just leave me to my hot, sweaty... totally varied, wildly experimental short game. 打个短暂却高潮迭起的球局吧 - I was talking about pool, but whatever. 我说的就是打球啊 - Yeah, okay. 随便啦 Honestly, I just hope one day you're able to experience... 我只希望有天你能经历到…
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