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经典美国电影电视中口语美国电影电视中口语--习惯用语和俚语 I have a habit of collecting interesting sentences from TV shows and movies. Used to post this somewhere. But figure I can share this with ww. I can continue if you like this. - We saw a lot of billboards advertising local shops and restauran...
美国电影电视中口语--习惯用语和俚语 I have a habit of collecting interesting sentences from TV shows and movies. Used to post this somewhere. But figure I can share this with ww. I can continue if you like this. - We saw a lot of billboards advertising local shops and restaurants when we drove through the town. (名词)用来做室外广告的大牌子, 广告牌 - are you an item now? 你们现在是一对吗? - It takes a lot of grit to be a social worker. 做社工需要很大的勇气。 - As long as I can still draw my breath, as long as there is still one ounce of dignity in my blood, I will live by myself and take care of myself. (我很喜欢这句--摘自The king of Queens (注:QUEENS 是纽约市的一个区,自己领会噢) - Don't keep your feelings bottled up. (别把什么心事都藏在心里) - Y ou smell expens ive. (你看起来很高贵?) - Oh, good eye. (噢,好眼力) - She will take away your breath. (她会让你非常惊讶的(因她的才能或美貌)) - My life is at stake. 我的生命危在旦夕。 - I couldn't have asked for a better going away present. 我不能要求更好的离别礼物 (这是我收到的最好的离别礼物) - Would you like to grab a bite with me. 你愿意和我一起吃饭吗? -I can't stand a bunch of guys picking on one guy. 我看不惯很多人和起来欺负一个人 - He is big on family。他把家庭看的很重。 - I will not let so many things get to me. 我不会让这么多的事影响我的。 - Follow my lead. 跟我来。 - Sorry, that was my bad, I promise it won't happen again. my bad (片语)我的错, 用于承认错误的话,表示道歉 - That new Mercedes is a sweet car. sweet (形容词)好的,有趣的,可爱的 - This year, all my visits in China will be cold calls. cold call (名词)意外访问, 拜访以前从未见过的人,或给预期的客户打电话,希望能够卖些东西给他们 - This new music album is the bomb; it is too good to be true. the bomb (名词)非常好的,最好的, 好的没得说 - His parents are too tight-fisted! They never spend a cent. tight-fisted: (形容词) 过份节俭的。very frugal; unwilling to spend money unnecessarily. - I am not a tightwad. tightwad: (名词) 吝啬鬼someone who is very frugal and unwilling to spend money unnecessarily. - I have taken the raunchy pictures out. Rated PG-13 for content. 我已经去掉所有的淫秽相片。现在的内容是PG-13 (老少皆宜)。Rated PG-13的反义是Rated-R (有些画面少儿不宜)。 这两词通常用于电影业。每部电影EITHER Rated ”PG-13“OR “Rated-R”。 - Beautiful young girls are too high maintenance. high maintenance (形容词)难对付 - He has been divorced for two years, so he's desperate to get laid. get laid同别人睡觉,(片语)发生性关系 - I've got to go home to have some face time with my parents. face time(名词)与某人当面交谈的时间 - If you quote me, I will deny it. 如果你说那是我说的,我决不会承认的。 - Y ou've got spunk. Spunk = courage - Fall back! They are in front of us. Damn it! We are cut off. (我们被包围了) - Surrender now and you will be shown mercy. 现在投降吧,争取从轻发落. - I will take your word for it. 我相信你说的话。(不要求证据或去特意证实真实性) - Negotiate with my co-rulers. - The die is cast. A decision has been made or an action taken which cannot be changed or gone back on. - big time 1) (名词)the high level of success. (I reached the big time in my career when I was promoted to the VP position.) 2) big-time (形容词)outstanding, extravagant (We had a big-time party last weekend.) 3)big-time (形容词) (used in underworld) felonious. (The gang did a big-time job and got away with it.) - In a cold sweat in a state of fear. - ditch 1) (动词) to dispose or abandon someone or something. (I ditched my car on the road and walked home when it broke down. 2)(动词) to skip or evade (Y ou ditched class today.) - Y ou make me look bad. (你让我好没面子)。 通常用在这样的情形下:某人不断邀请你出去做某是,你不断拒绝人家,他/她会说Y ou make me look bad. - Don't let this job walk over your life. 别让这个工作控制了你的生活。(这里walk over有虐待,利用的,被控制的意思) - Even though we are not too crazy about white wine, we like to keep a bottle around to pull teeth sometimes. 我们并? --I am the boss of me.--to the best of my knowledgemeans as far as I know--Y ou are so nailed. 这下你逃不掉了吧。(做了某件坏事被发现了,带有幽默感) nailed = busted, arrested--He is taking an eternity. 取自例子:一个父亲写字在一块板上,然后叫他儿子认。小孩子认不出,支支晤晤说不出,在一旁的爷爷没奈性,就帮他说了。然后老人家就对这个父亲说了这句话。 所以我把这句话解释成“他永远也答不出来的。”--I will take it from here.--I am bored to tears. 我非常的无聊--I just don't click with her. (I don't like her, or She and I can't get along)--The model is very eye-catching.--He hired a bouncer for his new factory. bouncer=保安,保镖--Tough luck! =That is too bad.--The company made a killing last year. 这家公司去年赚了一大比钱。--We have a laundry list of things to discuss. laundry list = any long list of things.--If I were in the chips, I would buy a new car. in the chips = wealthy, with a lot of money--Gotcha!= I got you.--Y ou can quit school over my rotten corpse. 只要我活着,你要休想辍学。over my rotten corpse = over my dead body--He is really an odd bird (strange bird)odd bird (strange bird) = a strange and eccentric person--My schedule is completely screwed up. screwed up = messed up, or ruined.--Come on, if you have anything to say, just spit it out.spit it out =say it--Her report was nothing but smoke and mirrors. smoke and mirrors = a strategy of deception and cover up--My sister is one smart apple.one smart apple = a smart or clever person--Look, I am in a mega trouble.mega = large, big ,serious 1. My children may not recognize me after so much. 都这么久了,我的小孩可能不认识我了。? 2. I have to hide the food so it will be safe from my dog. 我要把食物藏起来,以免我的狗偷吃。3。This watch is really cheesy. Where did you buy it? 这个手表很次(质量不好的),你从哪买的。4. It will fill the hearts of my people to meet you. 认识你们,我的人民会感到很高兴。5. Don't do that weird laugh that you do. 别再笑的那么怪异啦。6. Do you need anything lifted? 你需要什么东西要搬动吗(我能帮你搬东西吗)7. Would you like to sample this new juice? 你要品尝一下这个新果汁吗8. Is it to your likings, Sir? 先生,这还合你的口味(品位,ETC) 吧。9. Jump the broom.10. Y ou guys have such great chemistry. 你们很来电。11.We will come back with some yummies for your tummy. 我们回来时会带给你一些好吃的东西。12. He is lame. 他很无能13. Seriously, you need to take a chill pill=you need to calm down (to relax)14. I don't think he is trying to put any moves on me. 我不觉得他想要勾引我。15. Shit happens. (use carefully, offensive)=bad things just happen.16. Nobody appreciates snide remarks. 没人会喜欢无理,污辱性的意见 1. I am steaming. = I am angry3. What a itty-bitty house!=What a tiny house!4. I am rich! 除了我很富有,还有“我要发财了”的意思。5. I am gonna show you what you are missing. 我要给你点厉害瞧瞧!?6. I managed to get on my feet again. 我设法让自己重新振作起来了(受到某些挫折后)7. I am such a stud.stud: a male viewed as very successful with women.8.She is the law. Just do whatever she says. 她说了算, 就照她说的办吧。9. I can see for myself. 10. Where is the soon-to-be-dead guy? 这个天杀的(自己创造出来的意思,呵呵) 这里要找这个人算帐,(他做了坏事,并不是快死 了的意思)。11. She is just a stopgap to ease the pain of losing you. 她只是你的替代品。。。。12. Y ou tapped us out. = Y ou made us broke。你使我们变穷了Other MEANINGS: 1) I am just about tapped. 我差不多快没钱了。2) I am tapped out. 我很累3) The car is completed tapped out after the accident. here tapped out = ruined13. Y ou have a thing for her. 你和她之间肯定有问题。(多指男女暧昧关系)14. Y our performance was so boss. Here boss =excellent, powerful, or superior.15. I have already flunked out of school. 我已经退学了。 1. Why don't we roll up our sleeves and get to the nitty-gritty. 那我们开始进入(谈)正题吧。nitty-gritty. noun, the essense, the essential point. 2. Y ou can't out-die me. 你可不能比我早死。3. What should I wear to dinner? (去)晚饭时,我要穿什去?4. I got your back. 我支持你。5. She came home bushed from work. bushed = exhausted.6. I will prepare a no-hassle lunch for you. 我会帮你做一份简单 (不难做,方便)的午餐。7.I was sleep-starved in my senior year. 大四那年,我睡的好少。8. 1) Jennifer is really on fire today. on fire = attractive and ***y2) I am on fire in my new job. on fire = very enthusiastic3) This music album is really on fire. Everybody is buying it. on fire = doing very well.9. Snap it up! = Hurry up!10. My boss always gets in my face. I hate him. 我老板老是跟我过不去,我很讨厌他。 1.Nobody else can rush your aid. 没有其他人能帮你。 2. That doesn't mean we shouldn't exercise caution. 那并不等于我们要放松警惕3. I will let you two get acquainted. 我让你们两个自己互相熟悉了解一下。4. Cheer! To a swift victory. 来,为胜利干杯! 5. How do you get picked with this assignment. 你是怎么被分配来做这件事的?6. I am a stand-up guy. 我是个正直的人。7. what? so you can't take the heat? 什么,你不能面对压力?8. Don't call me Mama. I did not birth you. 别叫我妈妈,你又不是我生的。9. Don't backtalk me. 不要顶撞我。10. Why the long face? 为什么不高兴(脸拉的那么长)11. Y ou are the one who stormed up here. 是你在这发神经。12. He is just corny. 他很粗鲁。13. Y ou will always have a place in my heart.。14. We have been selling ourselves short. 我们太小看(低估)自己了15.Y ou knocked him out.你把他打昏了。16. We make a great team. 17.Suddenly, these old feelings came rushing back. 突然之间,所有的旧感觉都回来了。18. Do whatever it takes to get over the impulse. 一定要克制一时的冲动。19. I am in town showcasing my acts. 我是来这表演的。20. Stay focused. 集中精神。21. Are you a lopsided lover? 你是个单相思吗?22. That he knew of. 他知道的23. Would you please get off my back? 你不要在烦我好吗?Get off my back or get off my case = to stop annoying someone.24. Nobody moves, nobody hurt. 不想死就别动。25.Go on with your fine self. 你继续你的。26.That is music to my ears. (对我来说)这都是好听的话。27. I am just trying to be neighborly. 我只是想表示友好。 1. He sacrificed himself for the greater good. 为了顾全大局,他牺牲了自己 2. I remember before I gave her to you, she was as sweet as pie. 我记得她在嫁给你之前是多么的温和。(一个岳父对他的女婿说) 3. I love you however you are. 不管怎样,我都爱你。 4. Cough it up. 快点(交房租) = to produce something (which someone has requested) 5. She is just a little backstabbing skank. 她只是个阴险的,能使手段陷害人的丑女生。a skank.= an ugly young woman 6. Emotion always clouds clear thinking. 7. I will do the right thing. 8. For me to help you, you gotta trust me. 9. I happen to know Mexico like the back of my hand. 我对墨西哥很熟悉。 10.Y ou know, they offer a US$100,000 cash reward for your whereabout.你知道吗,他们悬赏10万美元查询你的行踪(下落)。11. My mom is driving me up the wall. 我快被我妈给逼疯了。 12.Y ou are so hopeless. 13.This is really not a good time to raise hell. raise hell = to make a lot of trouble. 14.The fur coat is too pricey (pricy). Pricey = too expensive 15.The cop pounded his head in. the cop beat him. 1. I just don't cut the mustard. 我就是不知道要怎么做。Can't Cut The Mustard ( not good enough to participate) When you are not able to perform at the required level, you can't cut the mustard2.Y ou need to pull yourself together. 我觉得你有必要要清醒,冷静一下。Y ou need to compose yourself.3. We should plan on being done with things by noon, our flight out is at 4pm. 我们最好能在中午前把所有的事都搞定,下午四点,我们就要坐飞机离开了。4.On Friday, please come prepared to make new suggestions, and volunteer for your writing assignments. 你们星期五来时请准备好提一些好的建议,并且主动挑选自己要写的专题。5. He is so drunk that I am afraid he is gonna barf. buff = vomit 6. I always cram at nights when final exams near. cram (动词)在考试前突击学习 7. My mom always drive me up the wall. =my mom always annoys me...and make me crazy... 8. Y ou will not sell me down the river, will you? =Y ou will not betray me, right? 9. He got off on the wrong foot when he took over the project. got off on the wrong foot = make a bad start. 10. It is my treat, and I am going to foot the bill. foot the bill = pay the bill 11.I could go a glass of white wine. (I would like to have a glass of white wine) I could go something=I would like it 1. I am passing along the history. 我正在传授历史。I am a huge fan of Homer Simpsons. 我是一个HOMER SIMPSONS (一个猾嵇的卡通片) 的崇拜者。Y our uncle is off the hook. 你叔叔已经脱离险境了。(或者你叔叔已经逃脱责任了,别人不会追究他的过失了) off the hook = no longer in jeopardy or no longer obligated4. Y ou are really on a roll. = you are really lucky.5. Please give a big round of applause to Mr. Parker. 请给MR。PARKER 一个最热烈的掌声。6. Are you spooked out. 你很怕吗?7. Isn’t it a pickle? 这难道还不麻烦啊?Pickle = mess, bind, dilemma, quandary, or predicament8. Looks like it got over. 好象已经结束了。9. I’ve looked up you. 我一直都仰慕你。10. Pucked up. = extremely alert. 万万要小心啊。11. I am stunning. 我是多么的迷人。12. How is your project coming? 你的工作(指某件分配掌管的事,企划)进行的如何?13. Y our anger is turning me on. 你生气的样子真让我动心。14. I am pulling the same woman as you? 我们正在约会同一个女人吗?15. No woman can come between frat brothers. 没有任何女人能离间我们的兄弟之情。The sentences are extracted from the funny TV sitcom--The Parkers 1. He has other obligations he has to fulfill. 他还有其他事要做。 2. Y ou make my life a living hell. 你把我的生活弄得一团糟。 3. We could reason with him. 我们可以和他讲道理。 4. I will see you on front. 我们到时(某个重要场合)再见。 5. Y ou are as confused as you are lovely. 你虽然看来很困惑,可你也很可爱。 6. He is a go-go guy. 他是一个积极乐观的人。go-go adj. (精力旺盛的,积极乐观的) vigorous, energetic, and frantically moving. 7. This cocktail is thin and nasty. 这杯cocktail真不对胃口(口味淡,味道也不好) 8. May I have this dance. 能请你跳个舞吗? 9. Set, go。准备,开始。(用于比赛时) 10.Oh, my god. That is my song. 噢我的天,这是我最爱听的歌。 11.Explain women to me. 我真不懂女人。 12.This time, I am going to make a home run. 这次,我将会大功告成。 13.Zip it? 答应我,好吗?(Example: A guy is asking a lady for a date The guy: Would you go out with me tonight? The lady is still hesitating , the guy continues: zip it? 答应了?就这么决定了) 14.He looked dead in my eyes. 他呆呆的看着我 15.We are acting like a couple of chicken heads. 我们表现的象胆小鬼一样 16.Y ou want to slide out with me to the party. 你今晚愿意和我去参加这个舞会吗? 17.Y ou deserve belt. 你真欠揍。 18.Y ou like the broad. ?你喜欢这个女人? 19. Y ou want a low profile. 你要的是低调She hopes she gets the nod for class treasurer. 她希望能被选为班级财政部长。get the nod = to be chosen 1. Wait, I don't get the picture. Y ou are saying I am living in a wacko city? Population myself?等等,我不明白。你的意思是我正活在一个自己幻想创造的奇异世界里? (那里只有我一个人)。(指某人有精神错乱的倾向)2。We have to make sure you make it home safely. 我们有责任让你安全回到家里。3。I thought I had problems. 我以为只有我有问题 (原来那家活比我更有问题,说明自己不是最不对劲那个)4。Everything will be ok. Just chill-out.chill-out(动词)放松,别急5. We better make a move before it is too late.make a move(动词) 出发,走吧6. Many companies scaled down their operations last year.scaled down (动词)缩小体积,缩减7.Groovy! I like this outfit. 太好了!我喜欢这身行头。8。Who is that strange dude?dude家伙(名词) 指某人9.Y ou are about to be dead meat. 你就快完蛋了。10。Y ou two take a hike, I will handle him. 你们两先走,我来对付他。11。I am kinda married to my work. 我太专注于我的工作了。12。 I would like to have a word with you. 我想和你好好谈谈。13。Y ou will perish by your own sword. 你会被你自己的剑所毁灭。14. Back to square one back to the beginning 15. Bad hair day A bad hair day is one of those days when everything seems to go wrong. 16. Can you get me some grub? I am so hungry.grub (名词) 食物, 吃的17. This painting is really far out! far out(形容词) 出色;酷;帅呆了; 1. I am too old for you. Y ou need to find a girl on your age. 2. why are you yapping at me? 你干嘛对我这么大声囔囔。 3. I am not finished telling you my little problem. 我还没讲完我的问题。 4. I am gonna undo what you just did. 5. Y ou are a cousin stealer. 你抢走了我的表哥。 6. you are 2-minute away from a time-out. Y ou will be free (to rest, p lay, go…etc)after two minutes. 7. Peace out. 你要冷静。 8. Little Romeo is on his way to your house. 你的小情人已经过去找你了。 9. Hands off. This is my man. 别动!那是我的男人(丈夫,男朋友)。 10. It is only gonna get dirty again. 它反正又会变脏的。 11. I am a kid myself。I got school, I can’t work. 我还是个小孩。我得上学,不能工作。 12. Why are you so dressed up? 你干嘛穿得这么漂亮? 13. for real? 真的? 14. A:He will really be here? B: Pretty good chance。很有可能 15. State your purpose. 你到底有什么企图?你想干什么?16. This was some kind of emergency. 这是紧急事件。17. Is English your second language? 你听不懂我的话吗(这里有讽刺的意思) 18. Throw that out. 扔掉它 19. Y ou have exactly 48 hours, so you better start right now. 20. Y ou deal with it. 你自己处理这件事。21. That will double my estimate. 如果这样,我得收双倍的价钱(。22. The job is not done to my satisfaction. 你没有按我的要求完成这项工作 (我对这项工作的结果不满意)23. I am low on cash now. 我现在很缺钱。24. It is from the depths of my soul. 这是发自我内心的。。。25. Like hell!= This is not true. I don’t believe you. 1. Y ou are smarter than the rest of others put together. 他们全部加起来都没你聪明? 2. She is just another double-dealing lawyer. 她只是另一个狡猾可恶的律师。3.Let the chow-down begin.开饭吧。4. Any more words before I send you into oblivion? 就要送你上西天了,还有什么话说吗?5. V ictory is snatched from the jaws of defeat. 失败是成功之母??(大家看看这句这样翻对吗?俺不确定)6. Name your price. 你要什么尽管说。7. She would stab you in the back if she had a chance. 她会趁机会暗算你的。8. Are you through with this?你还用不用这个?(你还喝不喝?) 9. I ran into your mom. 我无意中碰到(撞到/见到)你妈了。10. Y our English really comes along lately. 最近你的英文好象进步很多了嘛。11, He is really a go-getter. 他可是一个能人。12. Y ou just can‘t make me. 你是不能强迫我的(强迫做某事)13. Loose the attitude. 请注意你的态度。14. I am a little cash strapped. 我现在没钱。15. It is murder on me. 这对我来说真是折磨。16. Y ou already took a shot. 你以经试过一次了。17. I beat my brains out to do what you want. 我一直在努力的按你的要求做事。beat one’s brains out----v. to work hard at a task 18. How is your better half doing? 你老婆最近还好吗?better half---n. one’s wife; and occasionally one’s husband19. She is between a rock and a hard place. She needs help.她最近有烦心事。她需要帮助。between a rock and a hard place---A very difficult position; facing a hard decision20. Mary is a famous big mouth in the company. 玛丽是公司出了名的大嘴巴(爱说闲话/说长道短)。big mouth-----n. a person who talks to much or too loudly; someone who tells the secrets. 21. Would you stop big mouthing me? 请你不要再说我闲话了,好吗?big mouth---v.动词to spread secrets around
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